Just wanted to let my friends know that I got a call from Tammy on her ultra sound this afternoon. Mixed news. The doctor told her that her baby girl is OK,not in any distress. Estimated weight 4 lb. 8 oz. which is small for 35 weeks. The bad news is that the circumference of her abdomen is only in the 7th percentile - very small. With it being that small then the big concern is how well her lungs are developed. Tammy said she started to cry and ask how long they will let this go on - not beyond 38 weeks. She will be seen every week and monitored closely. She can't feel her move but says she is moving on the ultra sound. The doctor said the small abdomen comes from her not getting enough nourishment from the placenta - not anything that Tammy is not doing in eating (which she knew but just needed reassurance it wasn't her)
I'll catch up with everyone later. Brenda
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Ah gentle hugs, Brenda. I'm sure everything will turn out okay.
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Well just gotta say I would and do trust Nicki because I for one knows that she keeps her word which is a true friend.
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Hi and Happy Halloween,
I am way behind but wanted to just say a special hello to all of the Wagon Circle Friends. I will write here and at Gina's as there are friends at both sites and wanted to say hi! Rushed for time...just had to drop by tonight as this is a wild evening in my city! Bootiful ghosts everywhere!!!
Vickie...cool costume and have a great Halloween celebration! Thanks for asking abt me while I have bn gone for a few wks to help my parents.
Cy...great to see you posting and I am glad you were asking abt Circle Friends like Cheri. Once a Circle Friend,always one in my opinion as this is where I met all of you! I was reading the intro by Gina and felt so good as I do each time I see that...abt a rough few days and circling our wagons around those who need us. A mammogram for a lump sure would be needing others....JMO
angel-charlene...so great to hear that your surgery is over and you are doing better. I have thought of you and read for the up-dates. Take care of yourself! Miss you so much and the supportive angel pics!!!
Nicki...love all the pics and your posts! I think because we are the same age maybe we have always been on the same wavelength! Thanks for the kind things you have said abt me;you have been a friend when I really was needing one. I met you at bco as you were one of the first friends that summer. Thanks for being there for others!
Deb...thanks for asking abt me and rhyming my name as I am Lola G to my good friend,NancyLee. This is a bco thing we both did here as many others did as well. Glad your visit went well.
Liz...I think that you are the one to thank for the great Pinkstock Photo. I was so glad that you listed the names as I want to remember each person and hope to meet each person at the next Pinkstock!
Gina...interesting story abt the Halloween party and guess some people don't realize what a fun moment that is being lost. I once told a boss that abt people being on the yellow brick road and not even realizing they were already in Oz! Sad,she was not Glinda,the Good Witch...enough said and she did not get it either. Finally,she has retired and maybe....who knows? Hope you are feeling better!
Brenda,thinking of your daughter,the new baby and you.
Hey to Amy,Marsha,Jan,Wild/Jan,Jasmine,Nicki and there are so many names that I know I am leaving out...just wanted to say hello and thank bco for the great, supportive atmosphere of caring friends!
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I just wanted to share something interesting that happened to me tonight. I was driving to Lexington for the teacher's convention and listening to a Christian radio station that I like. The dj was talking about today being the last day of breast cancer awareness month and how we should get our mammograms. Then she played a conversation with a girl whose mother just found out she had bc and wasn't wanting to fight it because it was in her lymph nodes and she was going to have to have a mastectomy. It touched something inside of me so I called the radio station and told the dj that I wanted to encourage this lady that she could fight it, that there are many women with similar diagnosis who have fought and are still fighting and doing well. I shared my story very briefly and the dj played our conversation on the air! I don't know if it meant anything to anyone, but it made me feel good.
I was hoping the Marriot would have free internet access, but alas, no such luck! I decided to bite the bullet and pay for it since I was planning to spend the evening playing around tonight before the convention starts tomorrow. It also includes all over the hotel, so I can use my computer anywhere I want. Right now I am enjoying snuggled up in my room ALONE! I never get that so this is a treat!
Happy Halloween.
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hmm...really sick once again...wanted to come back and post but I guess I am completely lost here still. Dead horses, witches brooms, pm's, harrassment...just park my butt on the confused couch.
I want our circle back...
Seems that we have to all be of the same opinion for everyone to be happy...why is that? Come on ladies...don't we care more for each other than that? I sincerely hope so.
BCO seems to have become the "bad guys"...when did that happen?
Truly confused.
Too sick and too tired to care.
I just love ya's.
Thought I would do my nightly tuck in but I don't think we all want to be under the same blanket anymore
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Hi. I have been lurking here as you all put it then decided to write. i have been reading on this part of the board because I am over treatment 1 year now but my life is all wrong. My marriage has suffered and I cannot make myself feel better. You gals used to seem so close like a family and talked openly. I am shy but I need help with my life. I don't want to take any more medicines but may have to. I don't know what else to say except I need a kind heart to talk to. I am taking a big step doing this and I am nervous.
Thank You,
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oh P...we are a kind group...we really are. Come sit on the comfy couch and share a blanket with me. Wear a mask cuz I've got the creeping crud once again LOL. We have all suffered in one way or another, I don't want to take my meds either but I will as they not only improve my quality of life but may extend my life. Sending you a gentle hug and a welcome.
And sweet ladies...I want no one upset about my earlier post...we have to return to the circle that we were. We can and we will.
Iris angel...love ya!
Sheri...what a wonderful story. You may have changed someones life!
Really have to go to bed...totally exhausted...
Love and hugs all the way around
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BCO seems to have become the "bad guys"...when did that happen?
I'm not trying to stir the pot either but I, also, think that is a good question. When I was diagnosed there was nowhere else to go for me. Working full time, local support groups were not an option. The BCO chatroom became my lifeline through treatment and I've met some amazing women and men there. Some have passed on like KarenFL, Marie605, Flo, Ravencaine....but I still have their memories.
We didn't just sit in the room and whine and moan either. We had alot of fun.
I will always be grateful to BCO for providing this place. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but it still provides love and support for many who are in need.
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You gals are angry over something I know nothing about. I can feel it. Maybe I picked a bad time to talk. I feel anger alot too now and my husband wants me to get help. I don't want to because I am not crazy. That last gal seems like she is mad alot. Do you mind if I ask if you see a therapist and if you do, who made you go and why ain't it helping? Thank you.
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OK....I am tired but thankful tonight. Some good friends have gotten good news here at home and it has reminded me that under all the crap...life is good.
Today I am going to choose to think the best of everyone. I am going to assume that if someone said something that sounds mean I must be reading the wrong tone into things. I am going to assume that we are all here for good intentions. I am going to look for the good in every single person here.
Want to know why?? Because I think at the heart of it all the bad things that pop up are caused by misunderstandings, fear, or hurt.
Today I choose to send ALL of you a hug and wishes for a calm restful night.
Vickie - I LOVE your costume...you look like a snow leopard crossed with Jerry Garcia! LOL...I Love it. I am sorry you are sick. I am sending you a warm blanket big enough for all of us. I still want to be tucked in.
Jaz - I hope you had a nice Halloween. I still want to learn how to do that fancy kind of crochet you were doing at Pinkstock....maybe I will slow down enough to try soon.
Nicki- I loved all your stories today. Some day when I have more energy remind me to tell you about the haunted house I lived in in Michigan...TOO weird...
Wild Jan - I never knew that about the day of the dead. I had a little girl at school today that is from Mexico bring me a candy skull! I bet that is where that came from...
Brenda - Your daughter and baby are in my prayers. I want you to know that my second daughter was born 6.5 weeks early at only 5 pounds. She was 100% fine from day one. She needed no special nursery or anything. I too was told she would have problems, but she never did. She is now a brilliant 13 year old. I will pray for the same kind of blessing for you daughter.
Amy - Happy Halloween! Did Mazer wear a mask? I want to see more baby goat pictures J
Iris AKA Lolla G...NOW I get it J Good to see you posting.
Sheri- Glad you got hooked up so you could check in. Enjoy your alone time.
PurrfectPet - Sending you a big hug. We really are a nice group. Pull up a chair and stay a while
OK...only went back one page. I have to go set up for a Trunk-or-Treat event at the school
Big hugs to everyone
Deb C
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Vicki, this isn't a good day for me either but I feel I have to respond.
Nothing here has been over a website where some felt excluded or one that people have been invited to visit !! Nasty things get said and get back to all of us that are said HERE too and oh, yeah, rest assured I have had some gotten wind of some very mean spirited stuff about me and it came from here and PM's. It simply isn't true to suggest that the discord here is because of a private website - I think when you feel better and read back, you will understand that just wasn't fair or accurate. I also strongly feel that these type post do nothing but add to people just walking away saying enough and I don't think that is what you are trying to accomplish.
BCO is responsible for much that has happened. All of us that work or have worked with computer software understand that to upgrade and expand is necessary and comes with problems. However, you were hardpressed to find anyone who liked the changes; felt it was user friendly. Much has been improved but it still isn't easy. They lost many folks and I do not believe folks are posting as much all over the board as they once were. I had some long time BCO sisters, not posters in the circle, say to me in e-mails they were having a hard time and weren't posting as much. To me, that is when BCO became the "bad guy". Others are being blammed for stuff that just isn't correct. Most everyone comes back and checks in but this site did and still does hurt my eyes and I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Sheri, proud that you called in and encouraged the woman who just felt defeated. If we all did that, well, we wouldn't be here talking to eachother.
Iris, good to see you home and posting. Hoping the evening doesn't get to wild there.
P - Sorry you had to show up on Halloween - many will be to busy to respond. Sorry too that you feel we used to be close - to me we still are. We have all felt lost as we come out of treatment; friendships have been lost and gained; marriages have come out intact and some have had problems. Life isn't normal; we are all learning a new normal. Pull up a chair and join in the journey. Many are facing new challenges and most are taking medicines that we don't especially like.
I'm feel like I have just been whipped today; not a good day; it has truly been Halloween and I feel like I've gotten tricks but the treats never arrived.
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Hmmm...purrfectpet...thats an interesting question. I personally am not angry...disappointed...yes...but not angry. Sad...yes...but things here can and will get back to normal. Asking someone if they see a therapist and why isn't it helping seems a bit harsh...
You aren't crazy. A breast cancer diagnosis changes your life...in more ways than you or anyone else can imagine. It takes away your sense of security and you are scared with no one who understands. WE understand. Personally...this site is my therapy...I come here to realize that I am not alone and that I feel no different than the next girl.
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What a wonderful thing for you to do! Even if it didn't help that particular lady, I know it helped someone else who was also listening. Maybe you just found a new calling in public speaking about bc awareness and hope!
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Deb, thank you for your very kind and encouraging words - you brought the tears that were just so close. I'm having a Mom moment - my child is hurting and I'm far away. I pray my granddaughters heart and lungs will be just fine. I've prayed that God would allow her to be a part of a family that truly wants her and would be loving and nurturing to her. So many babies/children aren't so blessed to arrive in those type families.
Again, thank you.
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I'll be happy to teach you the crochet anytime you like.
Vickie -- I liked your costume too. I hope you start to feel better soon.
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NewVickie I am sorry. Thats why I read and don't write. I say things all wrong but I really did want to know. Then I could show my husband and he would see that therapy don't work. I used to read here some last summer and when you gals laughed. I may not be educated much but even I can see why you gals having those problems. Everybody has been real nice and I didn't see anything bad until you said what you did and that other gal sided with you. I hope that didn't make you sad again. I should read and not write.
Thank you
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Ok let me just say I don't know why trolls love to come in here and start trouble.................Vicki I don't know who this is but please don't let someone that is out to start trouble get to you............Petnotsopurrfect maybe someone needs to MAKE you get therapy or maybe you need to stop hitting the bottle so much.................Just MO............Shokk
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Soup and Sandwich Brenda your baby and grandbaby are going to be alright..............I love what you had to say.................Shokk
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Vicki's custome looks like a cross between a snow leopard and Jerry
Garcia......................too cute..........
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Hi to you,Deb...what a kind post and like Brenda said,it really did feel so encouraging and needed. I came here and posted and like you said,Deb, do feel thankful. Also,I have finally found peace,again, after so many med visits. I just felt run down and I think other people worry and some things feel larger than perhaps they are...JMO. I think fear is a large part of this whole mess as everything always comes back to when I first was diagnosed,when I first....and always every new scan,test or pain is tinged by fear. JMO
Hi to purrfectpet...you came on a day with lots of activity and perhaps it was due to the witches and goblins that were flying around the dept stores? Anyway,I hope that you will return as this circle began on Aug. 22,2006,and there are some really neat people here. Tell us abt yourself and do you have pets,by chance? I was wondering with your name...like cats or dogs?Thinking of the black cats or other kinds...just me and the Halloween thing as I am a retired teacher and still get out the stuff each yr and go batty!I would like to hear more abt you and pull yourself up a wagon and sit by the fire as it is chilly tonight...here in NC,anyway.
Hi to you,Vickie...hope tomorrow goes a little better and hope Nate had a cool costume. I know he had fun! Take care!
Hi Brenda,thinking all good thoughts for Tammy,the baby and you. There are so many good wishes being sent your way. So sorry for such stress.
Hey to angel-charlene! I heard that you were home! Yeah!
Lots more of the Circle Friends...hi to all! Stay safe and don't eat too much of the good stuff tonight! I know I will...oh,well...once a year!
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Hi everyone just checking in today has been awful i started puttting blood through my bowels this moring and it has really got me scared the avastin i take can do that and they say itcan be serious i hope not onc cant see me till next week ive stopped bleeding for now please pray i was just my hemmorids and nothing else Sherri H that was agood and wonderful thing you done hope your stay in ;exington is nice i hate that place myself girls thanks for all your good advice i need it i will post again when i find out what is going on please keep the prayers going for me i truly think the are working god bless all of you love deb from ky
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Brenda, I'm thinking and praying for you and Tammy every day.
Love, Bren
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Slonedeb I don't know you but I have been saying prayers for you as I read here sometimes.
Thank you Alaskadeb and Iris-Angel for being so kind. I got off wrong. I never say the right thing it's always wrong. I won't talk anymore tonight.
I did have a glass of wine tonight and it makes my knees tingle but I thought it would give me courage to talk. So sorry. I just cannot do anything right anymore. Thank you
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You know what guys, after reading slonedeb's post and having have known her from chat I just can't do this anymore. Here she is encouraging everyone else when she is so ill and fighting with all her might. Deb hon, my prayers are with you daily.
I just don't understand with the way the world wide web operates and so many people go to so many various sites why there seems to be a type of competition about what site did what or who did what. I'm done for now. I'm going to live life to the fullest without pettiness and nastiness.
Each of you guys mean the world to me. Yes, I'm too pickin nice. I care about what each of you think of me. It's just not worth it right now to me. I'll read and keep up with you guys but for now, I'm taking a break.
Try to remember where we started, why we started and where we're gonig to end up. Take care of yourselves.
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Slonedeb -- gentle hugs and lots of prayers on this side of the circle for you.
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((((Slonedeb))))).......Liz if you need to take a break that's ok we all do now and then but don't let the trolls win........someone is trying to hurt Vicki's feelings and I simply won't tolerate that.............what's going on with other chica's here is their business.......I pretty much stay out of the loop but when someone says that they are a lurker and the first time they post is right when then first register is a huge red flag......I was dx on Jan. 30 06 and I registered on June 06 and "lurked" for quite a while before I ever posted........but when someone comes in here typing "country" and talking about their "husband" and talking about they don't have good sense etc....come on it's just bs.........first of all they are computer literate.......they can spell therapy..........but can't use proper english......this doesn't sound just a little fishy......Liz take your break if that's what you need just don't forget how much all of us love you here and we will always be here for you.........Shokk
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Shokk2000 I didn't know that I hurt Newvickies feelings. I didn't say anything bad. Well that's not true I did but I always do I just didn't mean it in a bad way. I see she edited what she said before so should I? That Always gal I guess is her friend because she edited too. That kinda hurt my feelings when you said I didn't use proper English and that I talked country. None of that means I can't spell. I didn't know I sounded Country and is that so bad? Thank you,
pet (that's really my cats name)
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I don't want to be part of any controversy, I'm trying to stay out of it, but Pet, I would suggest that you might want to fill out your profile. It helps to see some real info on people so we don't think they are just popping in to stir things up. If you are being misread, then I apologize. There are some dishonest people on the internet and it doesn't hurt to be cautious.
I have really enjoyed my evening. I guess I had better get some sleep so I don't fall asleep during the sessions tomorrow.
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Slonedeb, I kind of enjoy visiting Lexington on occasion since I grew up as a city girl before moving out here. After a couple of days I'll be ready to go home! I'm glad you are checking in on a regular basis. Keep it up.
Vickie, I loved your costume. I hope you feel better soon.
Jasmine, thanks for the encouragement. I would love to do a radio show, that's always been a dream of mine. The station is nationally broadcast, so hopefully someone will be encouraged.
I love the circle and the support we get here. It means a lot to me.