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  • DFW
    DFW Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2008

    Just have a sec.

    Cherryl, Fishers is on north side of Indy, I am on south side. 

    DebC, I would travel to Alaska for Pinkstock too.


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2008

    Geez, why can't I copy and paste or do pictures on here anymore????


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    The lasagna is in.  Its gonna be the best I have ever made.  DH went shopping and got me everything I asked for including fresh parsley  3 layers of ricotta cheese are 4 other cheese sprinkled on top.  All fresh from an Italian deli.  I dont know if eating lasagna is good luck on New Years, but from now on it will be tradition in this household.

    I have been trying to clean out my photobucket.  Have over 100 pages of pictures.  There were some I sure liked cause I have copied them 2 or 3 times.  Then there are those that I still like that I just couldnt get myself to delete.  So right now Im as far back as July 4th!  Probably have pictures of last Christmas hahahaha.

    Sheri:  I remember when the 3 of you met.  Werent there pictures that you all took.  I sure would like to see a picture of that again.

    Neese:  I just knew it.  Final total here is 4 inches, but we are still getting lake effect snow.  They are also calling for misting ice from the Lake on Lake Shore Drive.  The waves are huge on Lake Michigan and as they hit the ground the mist is freezing.  I cant imagine being stuck in the house with a 3 y/o and a husband that has been home for 12 days.  I would be going bonkers.  I saw these people who belong to the "Polar Bear Club" take a dip into the Lake today.  Now thats crazy if I ever heard of craziness.  17 degrees here and the windchill is below zero.

    DEbC:  I just wanna know.  Did you send this weather our way?  Last Winter I could always count on what was happening in Alaska to happen here in Chicago a week later.

    Karen:  I heard you all got a foot of snow in Denver too.  Three more months of Winter will make this girl go crazy.

    Gina:  I think your hair sounds really cute.  Stylish ya know.  I wish I would have colored my hair when it was just growing in.  I had alot of salt and pepper and didnt get the nerve to color it until I was given a senior discount as Kohls one day.  I would be scared to death to color my hair myself though.  Happy New Year dear friend.

    Doris:  I just realized you must be proud of the Colts.  And if you dont like football then Im proud of the Colts.  I also remember your trip with Helen1, Rhymme and the others.  And I remember there were pictures.  Gnumonia was a character I recall.  See if you can round up some of those pictures.  It would be great to see.  Thanks my friend - always.

    Snowmen in Thongs:  As I was cleaning my pics out, I found one that I remember you really liked.  So of course it immediately made me think of you.  If your reading - please stop in and say hello.

    Wild/Jan:  You must come here to bco and post your pics from your new camera also.  They are great.

    Vickie:  I had so many sunshines saved in photobucket I needed sunglasses to delete them.  You would have laughed.  I dont know how I found so many different characters, but Im starting the New Year out with new sunshine pictures.  Hope your day is going good.

    PurpleMB: Hope your enjoying your day.  Many of us are just starting an exercise program and will probably need your help.  I figure between you and Margo for motivation I cant go wrong.

    OK - gotta go.  Have a good one.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    OK here is one of Annie Lennox at her best.\

    And it happens to be one of my favorite songs.


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2008

    As I just posted on the Dreamers Thread..................the roads are terrible..Took me 1 1/2 hours to drive about 42 miles.............the roads were supposed to be okay once I got off our dirt roads..........NOT............I swear they were worse.  Should have just taken an extra couple of Xanax and kept my GD another night!!

    Yup Nicki, we got blasted.  A good foot around here......a bit less in the city. All the schools are closed for tomorrow I asked on the Dreamers Thread.....................PLEASE repeat after me:  Husband MUST go to work tomorrow...............Husband MUST go to work tomorrow...........Husband MUST go to work tomorrow!!!!

    Going to do some reading..........hope all are enjoying the first day of 08!!



  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2008

    Deb:  Be careful what you volunteer for!

    Shokk should be writing this commercial.........but.................

    Airline Tickets to Alaska...............$831

    Divorce for Buying tickets..............$1000

    Memories for a lifetime..................Priceless!



  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited January 2008

    Awww heck Denise...tell him you turned in a secret stash of frequent flyer miles...he will never know the difference :)


    Deb C

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008

    Denise - I'm repeating after you  I hope you have a better day tomorrow.  All that snow sounds dangerous.  Please be careful driving on those roads.  

    Gina - I'm sure your hair looks great.  Will this be your first time receiving RADS?  I had a good experience with rads but felt very tired.   

    Puppy - great picture.  Any secrets to staying thin?

    Nicki - lasagna...yummy.  It sounds like a good dish for new years.

    MB - it's exercise time.  I absolutely need to loose weight this year.  I'm dusting off the treadmill and elyptical machine.  I stocked up the fridge so no more take out during the week.

     I plan to walk/exercise more and eat less sweets.   I hope that does the trick.  If not, I may call Jenny Craig. 

    Well, our two dogs decided to run away this morning.  We are heartbroken.  They both have micro chips so we are hoping someone calls us tomorrow with good news.  If not, we will have to adopt again.    They are a lot of work but we love them so much.

    Oops, Steven needs me.  brb.... 

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2008

    Odalys! I am so sorry about your dogs running away! THat is such a cute picture.

    This is the second time I will be getting rads. It was a bloody disaster last time, but this time I am getting IMRT, a more targetted rad. But they will not be able to avoid getting a pretty large portion of my lung and my esophagus so I am a bit apprehensive.

    Nicki- that is pretty close to what the hair looks like! I love that video! But my hair is no where near that long.

    Neese, be careful in that snow!

    Hey Deb, are the midwest girls getting more snow than alaska these days? 

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2008

    Odalys sorry about your two dogs - lets just hope they decided to go on an adventure and will be home soon.

    Nicki haven't had dinner yet - to late  now- that sure sounded good.

    Neesie,have you been stuck in the house with hubby for 12 days due to bad weather? Girl, I sure hope you could get out and go some during that time.

    I think what you got arrived in our mountains - we are getting the cold wind from it.  Yesterday in the mid 60's and today lucky if it got mid-40's and then there was the cold wind.

    I made no resolutions - I never keep them.  I'm trying to loose weight now and that was a loosing battle over the holidays!!!!!!!

    Vickie hope you and Nate had a good day.  How long did Nate make it last night?

    I'm gonna close - got a really bad headache from being really stupid today; I'm thinking not the best way to start the new year.

    I'll drop by tomorrow.   Hugs everyone,  Brenda 

    Puppy how do you stay so thin?  Share your secret please.  You are an attractive lady.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008 sorry about your dogs.  Have you checked with the local animal shelter to see if they were picked up or turned in?

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008
    Jasmine - I will check with the animal shelter tomorrow.  They were closed today.  Both dogs are rescue dogs from the animal shelter so they are already registered with my contact information.  I am hoping someone turns them in.  Cry 
  • Unknown
    edited May 2008


  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2008


    How sorry I am for You, and Your babies! hope they come home soon!

    Thank You All so very much! I stay thin,(I think) because I love

    Veggies! frozen carrots are one of my favorite snacks!! I dont really know, have always been tall, and thin! love to climb rocks at camp

    one of my favorite things to do!

    xoxoxo Puppy

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008

    Good morning everyone.  We are finally having a cold morning. It's in the 50's but feel in the 40's with windshild factor.  Okay, don't laugh... we are breaking the old time record today.  It hasn't been this cold here on Jan 2nd in years.  I guess I better pull out my one heavy coat.  Smile

    Thanks for the well wishes about our dogs.  They haven't come home yet.  It's odd because they got out into our neighbors yard (as they normally do) but this time they are no where to be found.  We asked around and no one has seen them.  Where can they be?  We are all heartbroken.  But, to put things in perspective, yesterday the medical helicopter airlifted another person from the park next to our home.  This time it looked like a teenager and the mother was so upset.  It made my sadness over loosing the dogs insignificant.  Then I realized God has a way of speaking to us and I think He was sending me a message about what is really precious in life.  Okay, enough babbling now.

    Puppy - I can understand how you stay thin.  I have never really liked geggies but do try to force myself to eat them every now and then.  I guess I should eat them more often. 

    Gina - I hope you have better luck with RADS this time around.  Aloe helps a lot.  I started to use it a few days before treatment and then several times a day thereafter.   I can understand your apprehension about exposing your lung and esophagus.  There are no easy decisions on this journey...are there?  (((((hugs)))))

    DebC - any more snow in Alaska?  I can't believe the weather we are having lately.  Glad to see you had a good new years eve.

    Denise - love your commercial.  It brought a smile to my face.

    CY - you are still in my thoughts and prayers.

    I need to run now, work awaits.  Wishing everyone a pain free, good day. 

    Love and hugs,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning Everyone:  Back to work so not much computer time, but I did want to stop by and bring some sunshine your way.  Hope you all have a wonderful day and maybe I can catch up with you all after work.

    Odalys:  Im just crying for you.  Hoping your puppies come home.  As soon as you wrote they ran away, I had a visual in my mind of that picture you posted.  Just sending big hugs your way and dont be on too much overload your first day back to work.

    To everyone else - I just sending a big hello.  Time to hit the showers.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Oh so sorry, Odalys.  Hopefully someone took them into the animal shelter.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008

    Thanks ladies.  I placed a call to the animal shelter and will keep trying to locate them.  If they are ment to be with us, we will find them.  It's all in God's hands now. 

    On a seperate note:  Could we do round up call to see who is scheduled for tests or procedures this week. I'm sure there are several sisters in need of our love and support and I want to make sure I (we) send out special prayers for them today and throughout the week.    Thanks. 

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited January 2008


    Didn't mean to sound flip over the puppies yesterday - sometimes they are just so full of energy and they explore different things.   Then again sometimes my mind goes off in a direction I can't explain - that time it went to books/stories about dogs (or other animals) going on adventures.   Hopefully someone will be kind and give you a call; certainly will be wishing that for you and family.

    Well, unfortunately the holidays are over and it is time to get back on a normal schedule.  Guess we don't have another true holiday until Easter - not sure if that is in March or April this year.

    Sending wishes that we all have a good day at work; those having test will get negative reports, those having surgery will have minimal discomfort, and those not feeling well will have lots of warm sunshine today.

    Cy big hello and hugs!!   Check in when you can  We miss you.  


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2008

    good day all... A to Z, happy new year... not much doing at work but lots of end of the year stuff to finish,... some reason we do it

    Exercises... well good thing we are all going to do it together...

    Ok going to try read for a while and get to the exercise thread...

    hugs MB

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2008

    Good morning... or almost noon.

    We have cold temps here and the wind is blowing around a lot... looks like my leaves will get to wait another day. I wish they would blow onto someone else's yard.

    Peter, thanks for asking, I had a quiet new years which was fine with me. I watched a Fred and Ginger marathon on Turner Classic Movies and then yesterday there was The Honeymooners marathon  followed by an Iron Chef marathon so I was happy. Do you get TCM or The Food Network in Australia?

    Nicki, I think I am getting all your weather, is there any chance you could have 70 degress and sunny today so I get that tomorrow?

    Odalys, can your vet activate the chips and trace where your dogs are? Or does it work in reverse, someone scans your dog and it tells them who they belong to? I keep thinking it is like GPS. I would be frantic right  now- sending you big hugs.

    Sheri, what does a hemoglobin shot entail?

    naniam, you have done enough cleaning for a while I think!! How is Richard's back?

    Bren, how is Mr. Tim's back?

    That is so funny - two brendas both with husbands with back problems at the same hospital and both from here!

    Vickie, I heard there was more snow coming your way. I hope you don't have a long commute. When does Nate go back to school?

    MB last year I tried to start the new exercise program and hit a major detour... but THIS YEAR- I am on board my friend!

    CY I am hoping today is better for you.

    Slonedeb, I pray you are feeling better too.

    Good luck today Puppy! You can do it one day at a time. Remember the less you smoke the prettier you stay!

    Got to get my maniac cat in- he is chasing the squirells again and when he catches them it isn't pretty!


  • Mizsissy
    Mizsissy Member Posts: 72
    edited January 2008

    {{{Puppy}}} Hang in there!!!  Just think how much easier it will be for you to climb once your lungs are cleaned OUT!!!

    Nickie....I like your new name...your old one was pretty cool too!!! 

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Puppy...stay strong.  You can do this.  Like Miz said...think how high you will be able to climb once your lungs are clear.  The sky's the limit...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Now I have to go home and find a new avatar.  Cant do that from work - but here I am, starting the new year - as myself again.

  • Mizsissy
    Mizsissy Member Posts: 72
    edited January 2008

    How about this one?

    Or this?

    Or this..?

    Sorry, could't resist!!! 

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2008

    Thank you girls and Peter for all your kind words. Pam,Doris and Neesie,so sorry you had to experience this too.(((hugs))). The funeral was today.I can't even talk about the heartache,so young. I have nothing more to say but thank you for keeping them in your prayers.

    Here's hoping 2008 is better for all of us.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Gentle hugs, Joyce. 

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2008

    The shot for my hemoglobin is aranesp and I didn't have to have it today, woohoo!  I was at 11.1 and he gives it if I'm under 11.0.  Good appt., next office visit is in May, but blood work still every 4 weeks.

    New year is getting off to a good start!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Joyce:  A sad day.  Just sending you big hugs and putting you and your friend in the middle of the circle.  Also sending you big hugs.

    PS:  This is chemosabi 


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008

    The doggies are back!!!!!!!!! I'm in the middle of cooking dinner so I'll have to fill you in later.  Just thought you might like to know they are safe and at home.  bblSmile