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  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Yay!!!!  That is wonderful news!

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited January 2008

    I'm so happy for you and I'll bet they're glad to be back

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2008

    Hello Everyone,

    Odalys, I'm so happy your puppies are safe and sound !!

  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited January 2008

    ODALYS>yeeeeeeeeah! Glad your puppies are back home!

    Sorry I don't write much over here lately, have a hard time keeping up with both boards.  

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2008

    Odalys so happy for you mate,  Jess is waving a  paw at them and telling your pups not to stray again. Smile


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008

    Thanks everyone.  I really appreciate the love and support you have also shown for our doggies. 

    We received a voice mail today from a lady who picked them up last night.  They were wondering the streets just a couple blocks away from our home.  She claims they were walking side by side and suddenly ran in front of her car.  She almost ran over Marcy.  Afterwards, she felt so sorry for them she opened the car door and they both ran in.  She tried to keep them in her yard but they tried digging their way out so she took them to her mother's house so they could watch them today while she contacted the animal shelter.  Her mom kept them indoors so they wouldn't escape.  Can you believe that?  She called the county's animal services and gave them the rabies tag number and they gave her my contact information.  We picked them up after work today.  We were so excited, the three of us showed up at the house to pick them up.  The dogs were so happy they kept jumping up and down and running around us.  Almost like saying....yeah, you found us!  What a sight.  What a good deed they did for these animals.  I know God will reward them two-fold. 

     Sheri - wow your blood work was so close.  Glad you didn't need the shot. 

    Joyce - very sad story.  It must be hard for you too.  Please do take care of yourself during this difficult time.

    Wild/Jan - I also have a hard time keeping up with both threads. Lately, I've been mainly posting here.

    Peter - thanks Mate.  These dogs need to listen to some reason.  Maggie has run away four times already and she always manages to make it back home.  I've been told this is typical Beagle behavior.   She is Steven's dog so I always end up looking for her.  I think from now on she will stay in the crate and only come out when we can watch her.  I'm not sure this is the best thing for a Beagle either.

    Barb - I like your avatar. 

    Nicki - I see your avatar and name got a make over for the new year.  Glad to see you changed your signature line too.  Steven saw it one day and asked me why you didn't like boys.  He was not happy that you wanted to throw rocks at them.

    Jasmine and Denise - thanks for your support too. 

    I hope everyone is staying warm tonight.  We are bundling up for a cold and windy night.  There are freeze warnings throughout the state and grocers are already saying we should expect to pay more for oranges this year.  Geez, the temps haven't dropped that much yet. 

    Okay, time for bed.  I have a long day tomorrow.  Thanks again for all our support.  Good night and pleasant dreams.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning Everyone:  Just stopped by for a quick hello.  Its still very cold this end of the circle - right now its 3 degrees and even the trees are shivering.

    Odalys:  My gosh Im so happy your dogs are home.   What nice people to go out of their way to help the two dogs who were merrily walking down the street together.  There is a story behind my old signature.  I think one day I got frustrated with my DH and did it as a spur of the moment thing.  Never even though about it after that until I decided to change my look.

    Wild/Jan:   Good to see you here.  You must share those beautiful pictures with all of us.

    OK - waving hello to everyone else.  Its a work day - no computer time. 


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008

    Just a quick drop by to say good morning. It's freezing in Fl. The windshield factor is making it feel like in the 20's! BRRRRRRRRR...too bad I can't stay home under the covers today. I know, this is probably nothing for you all but for us it feels like the north pole.

    Pam - You sure vacationed at the right time. Are you sure you didn't bring in the cold weather??? Just kidding of course.

    Got to run, traffic is going to be a bear today. Stay warm and have a good day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2008

    I'm running late for work but wanted to say hello

    Odalys, so glad you have the doggies back home.  My sister lives outside of Orlando (Winter Park) and she said it is COLD, COLD....stay warm

    Joyce, how very sad.  There are times when no words can express sorry and I think this is one of those times


    Nicki...Good morning

    Sheri.......good onc checkup......I go tomorrow and DON'T want to get on the scales......It should be a crime to have a doctor appointment so close after the holidaysFrown

    I really, really have to get ready for work

    Hugs All, Madison

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Odalys...please forgive me ...but I just had to giggle at 'windshield' factor.

  • DFW
    DFW Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2008

    Sheri, You were just given a new TV. That says something about you. One isn't given a gift like that unless they are deserving. I'm thinking you are one nice lady.

    Pam, I think you are as excited as Miles is. That is precious. Yes, it will be a new daughter for you. I still talk to my daughter's ex. I feel as though he is my son. She is the only one in the family that wanted to get rid of him. But then again, she has relationship issues with everyone, including family.

    Vickie, I am so envious of you. I love, love, love babies.

    The two Brenda's got to meet and also the DH's. Isn't it weird how we can meet for the first time and just take off in conversation like we have always known each other? That is one thing cancer gave to us, friends we would never have had otherwise.

    Odaly's, so glad your fur baby's are home. I know you were terribly worried. My 9-year-old niece called me last night sobbing so hard. Her cat had died. They had found this cat in the dumpster shortly after it was born. Had to feet it with a dropper and massage it for bm's. They have had it for 5 years. It hasn't been feeling well, they took it to a vet and unless her mother could pay in full at time of service he wouldn't do labs to help determine what was wrong with it. She paid him $170.00 and asked if she could make payments on the rest, he wouldn't do that, so now Autumn is broken hearted. That is a vet that is money focused only.

    Nicki, Shhhhhhh don't mention bedbugs. I have never seen one but hear they are making a comeback. When I have been in a motel, I never bring my luggage into the house until I have cleaned and disinfected it. Wash all my clothes too, both clean and dirty.

    DebC, I think it must be almost as cold in Indiana this morning as it is in Alaska.

    Cherryl, I like catching up on that important stuff myself, why are we unable to do that when the men are around? Oh, it might be because we are mud slinging them sometimes. Lol

    Peter such a nice post. You should be a writer, you speak so well.

    And the rest of you, stay warm....seems the cold weather is all over.


  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited January 2008

    NIKI> you want some photos here? Here's the colorful sunrise this morning...I can't choose one to be the best of these three...I"ll let you choose! It was wind chill of 8 degrees, my bare hands were hurting taking the pics!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Jan -- those pictures are gorgeous!!!!

  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited January 2008

    Thanks ALWAYSHOPE! I have more great pics here at this link...I got a new digital camera for xmas from my Mom.

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2008

    Jan those pictures are beautiful. I'm NEVER up early enough to se the sunrise. Guess I better start getting up earlier, to enjoy what I've been missing !!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    I love the full moon picture and I loved that song 'There's a Full Moon Over Tulsa.' 

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2008

    Wow, I just checked out your photo gallery-you really have some beautiful pictures. I got a digital camera last year, I know how to put the pictures into my computer, but I still don't know how to post them--I'm not very computer literate--I've got alot of learning to do. Thank-you for sharing your talent with us.

  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited January 2008

    I just had a little scare...I kept feeling cold air even though the heat was blowing from the vents. So got up from my computer and saw in the living room all kinds of dead leaves on the floor! The cold wind had pushed open my front door and was blowing leaves and cold air into the house. I then noticed my dog was missing! I went out looking for her but luckly she came running from way down the street when she heard me calling her! Last time she got out she went the same direction but in the pitch black dark and we had a heck of a time finding her as she didn't come when called. I have one horse that will chase after and try to stomp dogs, he just hates dogs for some reason. I was so glad that she didn't go into the pasture! ODALYS? is this dog runaway month???

    Thanks, I had a point and shoot Kodak but got this new digital Canon for xmas that is more complicated to use. I think I am seeing more of the beauty in the day after having bc...

  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited January 2008

    AccuWeather picked this one out of the sunrise ones I uploaded this morning...for pic of the day

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2008

    things have settled down here a bit. 

    Wild Jan, nice photographs.

    Nicki what is that on your avitar.  Looks a bit risque!

    Odalys, so glad you got your doggies back. 

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2008

    Jan, I love going on their website and seeing your cool is this

    HELLO SUSAN.....................I miss you

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited January 2008


    I stopped smoking(well, for 3 days now) I miss You too!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Hello Everyone.  Just popping in.  Home from work late and I still have to do paperwork.  Love ya all and will see ya in the morning.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 471
    edited January 2008



    Madison, Good luck at your appt. tomorrow.  At least you can blame any extra pounds on the holidays!  LOL

    Jasmine, LOL

    Doris, nice to see you

    Wild/Jan, your pictures are postcard perfect .. just gorgeous!

    CY, Thinking of you

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited January 2008

    Hi...Happy New Year!! I know I am a lil took me so long to read back. I have a 9-9 day today...gotta get that overtime when I can get it.

    Here goes...

    Slonedeb, hope your throat is feeling better.

    Barb,welcome..ignore all the bad stuff, like I do

    Brenda/BMD..hope you are feeling ok

    Doris..OMG, hugs..your post about your grandson surely can put one's life in perspective..hugs glad to see you posting

    Nicki...LOL, as I was reading your post I didn't know that "sleigh ride " was a drink...what is in it?

    Joyce..prayers for your friend. My gosh, how awful

    Pam..hugs to you too. I would love to lose weight and get healthy. I need some motivation...I lost it and can't find it. happy...NED!!! I had been praying for good news.

    Doris...I am trying to save my pennies to get to Pink' hope I can...glad you had a nice New Year's Eve

    Odalys...did u find the dogs...oops, read further, so glad you found them

    MB...I am going to exercise thread..I need to get healthy. I feel like crap all the time

    Gina...I watched the Fred and Ginger movies too. I so love those.

    Jan...beautiful pics

    Puppy,congrats on the no smoking..I need to do that too.

    Well, to all from A to Z, I wish you the happiest and healthiest New Year. Thanks for all your support in the past year....

    Hugs and prayers,


    We must remember to keep CTG in the middle of our circle..she needs our prayers...

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited January 2008


    Do you have CTG's address?  If so, can you send it to me in a PM.

    Thanks, Madison

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    I have CTG's address.  I can pm you if you like.  The chatroom ladies are sending her an afgan.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2008

    Hello everyone.  I'm bundled up on the recliner with my laptop, heater on, and cute little fluffy doggie (Marcy) on my lap.  What an amazingly cold day today.  This morning was so cold and the wind felt so sharp and cold on my face.  Geez, I don't have clothes for this kind of weather.  The air goes right through me.  I tried wearing several layers but what do we do with the face?  I love this weather for a change.  It's warming up tomorrow. 

    Nicki - Yes, I am amazed at the kindness shown to these two doggies.  BTW- you are home late and brought work home?  It must be so hard having to drive around all day in so much snow.  I hope the weather behaves.

    Madison - your sister is right.  It's freezing here today. Everyone was walking around with coats, gloves, and scarves.  We had record braking low temps.  It will warm up tomorrow.  I really enjoy this weather for a change. 

    Jasmine -  bahahahaha....see what happens when you're not used to having a "wind chill" factor....LOL

    Doris - so sad about your niece's cat.  How traumatic for her.  Wow, vet did not provide any care?  How cruel.  Poor fur baby. 

    Wild/Jan - beautiful pics.  I love taking photographs, haven't done so in a few years but after seeing your pics I'm getting motivated to start again.  The problem is DH gave me a small credit size digital cannon but I don't really like how the pictures come out.  I think I'm going to purchase another digital camera with better resolution.  Thanks for posting such beautiful pictures.  OMG, my heart started beating thinking your dog ran away and your front door was wide open?  Is there a high crime rate in your neighborhood?  Anyway, glad your dog is home and you are both safe.

    Puppy - yeah!!!!!  Congrats on being smoke free for three days.  You can do it and we are here to cheer you on.  Think of us as your personal cheering squad. 

    Susan - glad to hear things have settled down. 

    Madison - glad to see your post.  Happy new year!  Who is CTG?  Did I miss something? 

    Love and hugs,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008


    Hello Everyone:  Its Friday and Im ready for the week-end. 

    Got a big meeting with our corporate office today, so Im just popping in to say hello.

    Candie:  Good to see you, you just brightened my morning.  A sleigh ride is hot chocolate with some cocoa liquor in it.  Of course if it were me I would be adding some butterscotch schnaupps.

    Jasmine:  Is the afghan for CTG done or are you still working on it.  Im very sad to hear ctg isnt doing well.

    Odalys:  Usually dont have to bring work home.  But the administrator called and wants a report for corporate first thing in the morning.  Sooooooo ya never say no to corporate. Typed up the report last night and emailed it to myself at work.  CTG is someone that many of us long time chatters know.

    Madision:  Sending you a great big hug and smooches too.

    OK - gotta run.  Hope I can catch up with many  when I get home.  Gotta love the week-ends for computer time.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good morning Circle.  Rise and Shine!

    Odalys -- is it warming up for you yet?  Its a bit warmer here this morning, thank goodness.  I'm just not a winter person.  Spring can't come too soon for me.

    Susan -- hi, its nice to see you posting.

    Puppy -- keep up the good work on the not smoking end.  We are all supporting you.  Be as cranky as you need to be.

    Well, out of time.  Gentle hugs to all.