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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited January 2008

    Jeez Deb it is so cold here right now that is a very tempting idea............providing me with some warmth while I watch the sucker burn..........ha..........and Deb your doc knew that you had probably done something horrible to it...........I'm sure that they have to provide second copies of lots of path reports because we "misplace" reminds me of that "Friends" where the girls have the burn party of their ex-boyfriends pics on Valentine's Day and set their apartment on fire...........ha.........worth it...........Shokk

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2008

    Oh excellent idea Deb on the burning.  I'm actually surprised I didnt think of that since I love to burn stuff.  If mine is bad tomorrow I know exactly what i will be doing with it.  You know I can see myself saying "to Wandaaaaaa" as in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes.


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2008

    Madison, I've been out of touch.  Where is your daughter going? Crummy Buttons, is it Iraq?

    If we burn our path reports, does that mean we never had cancer????Embarassed

    Amy, me and bad ass buffy will be with you tomorrow.  for those of you who were at pinkstock, you remember my 10lb fluffy puppy.

  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2008

    Yes Susan make sure you bring big bad fluffy tomorrow. 


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2008

    lol.. big bad buffy.... well we could hook her up with one of those muscle costumes like the hulk... missed you susan... hugs

    Sahalie we wil be with you tomorrow...

    And Amy... it won't be bad, we won't let it

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2008

    BMD:  You flew by but that's better than nothing!  Hope your day was good and you can share some of what you've been up to with us all soon.

    Madison:  Blessings to your daughter and hugs for both of you.  My brother did two tours in Iraq and more in other places "over there" that he'd tell us where he was only after he left.  He actually was among the first over there to set up the airfields right before the war started.  I know the anxiety of having a close loved one there.  I could not imagine my daughter being there but I know you're so very proud of her as you should be!

    Sahalie:  Thank you regarding the angel picture.  I like to find angels that are beautiful ... sometimes they are women, often times they are children or babies, but pure and classy.   Ocassionally they are dark or sad.  I love the artistic pencil drawings that show the natural beauty of a woman.  Once I posted one of an angel covering her breasts and she so reminded me of a breast cancer survivor.  This one I chose because she's called a "Celebration Angel" and I just wanted to celebrate life and good times.  She Does look like a Mardi Gras angel doesn't she?!  I Love how you see her because she is celebrating ... her bc survival.  Very nice.  We'll be with you tomorrow for your appt.

    Susan:  If that's the case then I'm burning my path report too!  I've seen pics of your bad ass fluffy puppy buffy.

    Amy:  Holding your hand girlfriend.

    Jasmine:  Hope your day at the office wasn't too bad! 

    Candie:  Missed you today, how is aquasize going?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2008

    Just stopping in for a quickie!

    Shokk:  I didn't mention it last night (don't even remember if I was here!), You have so much to be proud of with your DD..........!!  Congrats to you both!

    Amy:  Been thinking alot about you and your scan this week....please let us know as soon as you know..................I'm knowing they will be good!

    Shokk:  A girl just like me..................only it's not path reports I don't open, it's those pesky charge bills.............just soon look at the closed envelope then what's inside!  All kidding aside............I'm not in the loop...did you have scans, biopsy or what????  

    Madison:  Big Hugs to you..........Do you know where your DD is heading yet?  I know this is terribly hard on you and at the same time I know you are extremely proud of her!!  I had asked you a bit ago if you had her address if you would PM it to me...............if you don't mind, I'd like to send her a little care package.

    Must Run.............Hugs to all!


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good evening Circle Ladies.  Well, I had to commute in to the office today.  One hour each way and boy am I beat.  Can't believe that I did that long drive everyday during the middle of chemo and radiation.  What was I thinking???!  I just know that after being able to be home based, there is no way I could ever do that on a regular basis again.  Those days are long gone for me.  

    It looks like we are supposed to get some winter stuff tomorrow.  Yippee!  NOT!

    Neesie -- I was reading your post on the Dreamer thread and I just love reading about your Mr. Fixit adventures.  It's like the internet version of 'Tool Time'.  Too funny!

    Amy -- I don't mind driving the carpet really wild.  I'll just take my glasses off and drive with my toes. 

    Angel -- hello, how are you today?  I'm glad you liked the song.

    Sahalie -- I'm glad you like the Old Mill picture.  Its one of my favorite places to go.  They have a lake there too with some fantastic views but its actually smack dab in the middle of a residential area that grew up around the little park and they have big wire gates and electical utility lines strung across for the houses so you can't really get any pics without extranneous noise in the pic and the houses on the lake front won't let you trespass onto private there ya go.

    Shokk -- I hear your sending some of that winter stuff our way.  We're going to have to have a discussion on proper weather flow out of Texas.  Its supposed to go to Oklahoma.  That is directly NORTH.  How hard could that be?

    WildJan -- I agree...we sure do miss your pictures.  Mine are only poor substitutes to fill the big hole you leave here when you don't post your stunning sunsets, sunrises, and moon pics.  If you would bring your pictures back, I would happily stop posting mine. Please please please!

    Madison -- my prayers are with your daughter and her flying unit that they will stay safe and come home soon.

    Candie -- how did your aquasize class go last night.

    Susan -- I remember Buffy.  What a cutie.  So nice to see you drop by.

    Well, I'm starving so I'm going to go scrounge up some dinner and then Ugly Betty will be on, so I'll be back later.

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2008

    Hello everyone, I know I don't post often , but I do think of everyone here daily , and keep you all in my prayers. Just wanted to say hello.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Hi Barb -- glad you stopped by.  Gentle hugs.

  • BMD
    BMD Member Posts: 215
    edited January 2008

    O.K. I came back at about 3:00 and wrote a big long post to everyone I could while my kids were in their music lesson. I clicked submit and my lap top came back and told me Internet Explorer could no longer find the web page or some crap. Of course I did not copy it. Well now we are at karate so as long as I have battery I will try to writer another one.

    So that is up I have been up to. Running kids from one end of the earth to the other and working my tale off trying to sell houses. Everyone wants to look but so far no sales. That means no money. I must say I am glad to have buyers though. Many agents aren't even working with any clients right now.

    I am going to work my way backwards up the page here.

    AlwaysHope-I have worked from home since 1989. I would never go back either. Even though I do a lot of driving at least I can set my own schedule.

    Barb-Hello to you too. It is nice to have a place to come visit when we can.

    Neesie-Glad you came by. I have been doing a lot of fly bys lately.

    Charlene-Sure wish I had some M&M's and wine right now. I may have to make one more stop before going home.

    MB-If I did not spend every spare moment here or at the other site I would have time to order those tickets. Tomorrow is the day.

    Amy-I love that you always say hi to me even when I keep flying through here. You are such a sweety.

    Sahalie-I love the way you write your posts.

    Deb-How is my favorite Alaskan?

    Shokk-I had know clue what my path even was or meant. I let my sister figure it out and talk to my onc about it. I think you are handling it just the way you need to.

    Susan-Do I get to meet you at Pinkstock this year? I am so excited.

    Madison-Could I put your daughter in for some special prayers this week? I can put her on a prayer request card and the prayer warriors from church will spend special time on her this Tuesday.

    Well I can only do this page because if I switch pages I will lose my post. Love to all those I missed. Sleep well my friends.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2008

    Hi everyone...just wanted to say hello and send hugs

    Took these pictures this morning on our patio

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited January 2008

    Lisa, what beautiful pictures! your yard must be so pretty!

    Shokk, that is a wonderful story about your daughter.

    Don't have the energy to catch up with all...

    but hope everyone is warm and has sweet dreams tonight.

    Need some extra firewood i think for the fire!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2008


    Neesie:  You're always on the run!  LOL  Good to see you!

    Jasmine:  I'm doing just fine.  I can't believe you did such a commute during chemo and rads either, wow!   Karl works from home as do I :) and there's nothing better!  I heard something about the lawmakers passed the tax rebate bill.  So when do we get the money?

    Barb:  I was just thinking about you and wondering where you've been.  It's good seeing you drop in when you can!

    BMD:  Oh that sucks when a post disappears!  It's so nice to see you stay for awhile.  Hope you get a house sale soon!  I'm down to mint m&m's which are good but they don't go with the wine quite as good as the peanut ones do.  I'm going to have to restock those!

    Lisa:  Wow, I've missed seeing you and your fabulous pictures!  What beautiful flowers on your patio!  Are the ones on the bottom Poinsettas?

    Liz:  I think we're overdue for a pop in from you!

    Goodnight everyone and may you sleep deeply and be well. 

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited January 2008

    Good is that makes it even better..

    Last night I met 2 NJ girls for coffee at Starbucks. Was so nice. I forgot my camera...darn it!! I have a scrapbook going of girls that I meet from I did remember to bring that tho to show them. Only 4 pics so far but I am sure it will grow. Their names are Kara and italianrose. You might have seen them on the boards at times. class went well. I am staying at my own pace from now on. Try not to overdue it. Sometimes we just have to do things slower than we'd like to. M&M peanuts and wine...sounds interesting. Your angel pics are always so unique. I can't believe how many different ones you find.

    Jasmine...what a good pic of the old mill. Thanks for the Celebrate song..I haven't heard that one in on driving the carpet with your toes. Where is the old mill,anyway. Chemo brain is the excuse for not remembering. Isn't it great we can use that as an excuse forever? Sometimes I use CRS disease...can't remember sh*t!

    Madison...what is etouffe? Your daughter is in the service? And she flies? I will keep her in my prayers. Tell her we are all proud of her!!

    Amy...hope your scans went well.

    Shokk...I love the water classes and am sticking to my own pace from now on. I have appts with onc and cardiologist next week for checkups. They will be so happy that I am finally listening to them and exercising. I have about 50 lbs to lose. The weight lose will help my knee too. I was overweight before bc, then chemo and arimidex added some more. I expected to lose it all after just 2 weeks of the How long will this

    Deb...hi. so good to see you.

    Hi Barb...good to see you too

    Brenda/BMD....real estate must not be an easy task right now. I always forget not to switch pages while posting!!

    Lisa...beautiful flowers. Can't wait til spring here to do some planting.

    Have a great to all I missed... and love to every one form A to Z. I need to post on the dreamers thread...just can't get to all the threads. I just found the craft one. Great thread, thanks to Vickie.

    Hugs and prayers,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited January 2008

    Good Morning!  I see many I havent talked to in a while and just wanted to stop by and say hello.

    Bren:  As usual you are such a kind and caring person.  Sending a big hug your way.

    Shokk:  Im with you.  Dont know how I would have gotten through this journey without the support of so many here.  Im so thankful I found this place - I dont know that I could have gone through this journey alone.

    BMD:  You sound busy - but a healthy kind of busy.  Enjoy your Friday.  Cant wait to get home to start celebrating my week-end.

    Pat:  Hello to you.  I am wishing only good things for the brain scan.  January 30th is just around the corner.

    SoCal:  Always love your flowers.  Great pictures.

    Gina:  Im so glad to see you pop in.  I know things are pretty rough right now just finishing chemo and going through RADS.  And now you have a cold too.  Your such a strong person.  Its been so hard for you this past year. 

    Amy:  I will be thinking of you today and praying the scans go well.

    I just put more logs on the fire.  Its pretty darn cold at this end of the circle.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2008


    Good morning friends

    Jas:  Where's that wake up song, I need it this morning!

    Candie:  I bet that's nice to meet friends from here.  Give the wine and peanut m&m's a try, you might be pleasantly surprised!  LOL  I'm glad you're pacing yourself at aquasize.  That is so true about having to do things slower than we'd like to.  I'm finding that with many many tasks nowadays.

    Sahalie:  You're in my thoughts this morning, let us know how your Onc appt goes.

    Amy:  With you all the way my friend.

    Suzfive:  If you're reading, I really miss you and your posts.  Stop by if you can find some time and let us know how you are!

    Have a Fantastic day everyone

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited January 2008

    good morning... shhhh its friday and I'm at work... :( 

    got some BIG crazy BOB logs cuz its really cold here....

    Deb..they had a lady from Alaska, she was in she said she was ready to go back where it was

    so many with tests today... I hope Mazer can find my little place... anyway prayers and lots of hugs and hand holding, hope you don't mind that I have Mittens on..


  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited January 2008

    Morning girls, skimming quickly the pages that I've missed over the last several days.

    Sahalie, it is cold/cold/and colder here on the Peninsula.  Expecting big storms today, wish I could stay home.

    Wild/Jan, I don't read the Dreamers thread so I wish you would post your pics here, as I don't find them clutter at all.

    Jas, I carry my digital camera in my purse but do not take nearly as nice a picture as that one was.  Where is the Old Mill?  How can you not have had a crawdad - one town here has a Cajun festival every year so even I've had them, don't like them but I've had them.

    Deb, Bama colder than Alaska - what's your weather like now?

    MB, how is mom?

    Char, Amy is wrong - I like shrimp, crab, and lobster but I don't like crawfish.  Hmmm, M&M's and wine, haven't tried that combo.  I'm not a big wine drinker though, have a wine refrigerator that is full but we usually have a cocktail instead of wine.

    Slonedeb, you WILL be around to celebrate your 54th birthday - you are the same age as me - I turned 53 earlier this month.

    Amy, I forgot about that bear.  First you have colder weather than Deb and now you have bears....good luck on the scans today

    Shokk, haven't seen you for awhile.  Wow, nice story about your daughter - you should be proud of her.

    Candie, how's the class going?

    Madison, your daughter is being deployed in the next few days - thank you military mom and your daughter too.

    BMD, nice to see you.

    Have to fun.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good morning Circle Ladies.  WOOHOO ITS FRIDAY!  I'm running late so I only have time to post the song of the day.  I'll be back after conference call.

    Surprise song of the day!

    The Old Mill is in North Little Rock for those who asked.  Just a few streets down from the mall.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2008

    MB:  haha that's too funny about the lady from Alaska in Buffalo ... hugs to you and Mom

    Margo:  so Amy is wrong  LOL  Oh I Love shrimp too!  I was a beer and cocktail drinker mostly before BC with the ocassional glass of wine.  Now it's wine more than anything.  I do hope to have some mojitos soon though. Have everything I need to make them.  How's sis today?

    Jasmine:  That's what I'm talking about.  Of course I'd hear that on my way into work everyday when I used to have a paying job!  TGIF!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited January 2008

    Charlene, Me too...I used to drink more beer and coctails before it's wine...I am a plain Jane as I like white zinfendel the seems light.

    Jasmine, thanks for the song...enjoyed the video too

    Wild/Jan, I am with Margo...I miss your pics


    Hugs and prayers,


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited January 2008

    Hello all,

    This is your CG reporter checking in from the back of the magic carpet.  We are winging our way with Amy to her appt.  There may be other stops scheduled this morning also.  I'm at the back of the carpet (where they keep the hot chocolate) cause it is really cold here.  I can't even see who is driving. 

    TGIF.  Check in later.  This is Suzola Granola for your Circle Girl news.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Good mid-morning Circle Ladies.  Just checking in.  Here is a pic I took at an airshow last year.  These are the Blue Angels.  They really were spectacular to watch in action. 

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited January 2008
    Good morning Chiquita bananas...........well Jas you have some pretty bad weather headed your have got to make sure you have the flashlights, batteries, radio, canned foods, blankets, a ticket to St. Thomas with Denise..........Wink.........ok no ice for us but it is 34 degrees and is so cold.....wind out of the north which of course makes it feel a lot colder........Jas I just heard on the radio that 4 sodas a day (12 ounce cans) will add up to a third of your caloric intake in one day........interesting......thats quite a bit of are you doing with your soda intake........I am trying so hard to watch all the food I am putting in my red meat and I am so sick of chicken not eating that so am sticking with fish..........I got some fresh mangoes at central market and they are so freaking good...........I cannot stop eating them........I'm sure they are high in calories but don't care......also have lots of b12 in them which I think I have been craving...........Susan you are riding in the back of the carpet.........don't let any of that hot chocolate spill on you.....not sure who's driving......maybe Amy.......I know someone volunteer..........we can't let Peter drive because he'll fly on the wrong
  • Unknown
    edited May 2008

    Shokk -- I'm down to one soda a day now.  I actually went 5 days with no soda but I really needed one yesterday.  Does that included diet sodas?  They aren't supposed to have any calories. 

    Yes, I'm ready for the mess headed my way.  The energy crews work each summer to trim trees so I'm hoping if its alot of that heavy ice mess that it won't mess with the power lines.

    I've never had a mango but I love avocados and they are supposed to be packed with B12 as well.

    Susan, stay bundled and enjoy that hot coffee.  I like the reporter gig. 

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited January 2008

    oh Jaz a woman after my own heart with avocados.  I love them! 

    Margo-uhh thanks for pointing out how wrong I am,,I appreciate that,,lol.  Oh well at least to me it seems like you should like them. 

    Shokk-i ain't riding on no stinkin carpet today.  jan is taking me on her harley and we are all piled on.  I requested the warm jacket cause its 10 degrees this morning in the sunny south.  It is supposed to be a nice weekend though.

    Susan-Hope you brought the sippy cup cause Jan is  a wild driver.  I can't have anything till after the CT scan so save some for me roving reporter.

    Jaz-nice pic.  I love seeing the blue angels.

    Candie-I'm not a wine drinker but I can handle the zinfendel if that counts.  I prefer imported beer if I have my choice.

    Charlene-thanks for remembering me today.  I am sure your 2 girls are keeping you hopping.

    BMD-Glad you got to get a good post in.  There is nothing worse than losing one after you have spent quality time on it.  Your boys really keep you busy also.  How is the recovery going?

    Well, not much longer here at work and I will be off to my scans. 


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited January 2008
    Oh geez typical southern rebel woman......has to ride the Harley.......Confederate bandanna.........fringe biker leather gloves.........hootin and hollering all the way to the hospital..........Laughing