Illinois ladies facing bc



  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited April 2007
    Love to hear Great News.

    Rita When I wore a bra when doing rads I wore a cotton sports bra. That cami top Wendy wrote about sounds like a good option.
  • JanClare
    JanClare Posts: 267
    edited April 2007
    Pam- All right! Great to hear good news!

    Wendy- Even though I'm not Rita, I wanted to say thanks for the info about the Kohls sale. Though one good thing about having a bilateral is that you don't have to wear a bra if you don't want one, I am looking for cute camisoles to put under some of my shirts- it seems to draw the focus to the vee of the shirt rather then to the empty flat chest on either side. At least I think so.

    On the get-together- I know Nicki has offered, but I'd like to also say that I could have everyone at my house as well. I have a large home, with a large yard, and am right across the street from a lake and large park. It's an old home, so there is no air conditioning- but it's nice outside on my deck and we have a gas BBQ. Just an option since Nicki said her home was not very big.

    Or, if we are looking to try and meet in the middle, I can continue to look for something in the towns along the road going down towards Normal.
  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited April 2007
    Hi ladies, I just stumbled upon this thread and hope you don't mind if I join the group!

    I read the first page, but there is no way I can get through all the posts.

    I am in Peoria! Rita, we have the same surgeon!
    I grew up in Westmont, went to Nazareth Academy in LaGrange Park, and went to Concordia River Forest for my undergrad degree.

    When I graduated college, I moved to Wyoming for a year but hated the constant snowy days. Therefore, I returned to Illinois (hoped to get a teaching job in the Chicago burbs), but ended up in Tremont (just south of Peoria). I taught in Delavan (the birthplace of some famous psychic), got married and moved to Peoria!

    So here I am. I was dx. on September 29th, 2005 and had a stage IIb grade III. I had chemo from November 9th through May 18th, had my bilateral on June 15th (just after my son's 2nd birthday on the 11th), and had rads (I can't remember, I think 33?).

    I'm doing pretty well, each day is better than the next. I am thankful to be alive and see my son grow older.

    Something exciting, I was interviewed for the NY Times, and even had my picture taken for it. I don't know when the article will come out. Soon, I hope!

    Love and prayers, Deb
  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2007
    Hello everybody!

    Welcome Deb! I'm so glad you joined us. We're nearly neighbors. In fact, I was in Peoria last Friday to go shopping and I love to hit the riverboat when I'm in the area. I take it that you are a band teacher. I taught school for 33 years in Lewistown, which is just down the road from you past Canton. I taught middle school and junior high science. The gals on this thread are awesome and I think you'll enjoy our colorful thread. By the way, isn't Dr. Jalovec wonderful??? I am so glad that you are doing well. Your little son is just adorable.

    Wendy K, thanks for the heads up on the cami tops. I was in there today but didn't look in the junior section. I was scouring the toys that were on sale for 50% off. Wow! There were really some good bargains there on them. I will stop in again tomorrow and check out these tops as we are going to walk the Mall tomorrow instead of outside. They may be just what I need to get through the upcoming weeks.

    Pam, what wonderful news. We definitely need to celebrate each of our milestones! I wondered how a mammo would feel after a lumpectomy! Well you can breathe out now and enjoy the next months. I'm happy for you!

    I think we need a picture campaign here for all of you who haven't posted your pictures. That way we will be able to recognize each other when we get together this summer. If I can post a picture showing all my "granny wrinkles," you can find one that will work for you. I'm sure Laura, Nicki, or Mary (our resident technology ladies) would be able to help you post one if you don't know how to do it.

    Well, I need to comb my hair and head out to my night class. Have a good night everybody. Come back often, Deb!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2007
    Morning Ladies...I think Kohl's should send me some discount coupons for us to use!

    JanClare...your house sounds great...who needs ac?

    Hi Deb....welcome!

    OK...someone tell me how to post a pic but the only thing I want to know...can I use one from 20 years ago????? I'm not sure why exactly but I seem to look so much better. Must be the quality of the paper they were using way back then....

    Wendy K
  • Brenda_R
    Brenda_R Posts: 52
    edited April 2007
    For those that know me from other forums/threads, here's an update.

    I finished chemo a month ago. I had a bone scan and it came up NED.
    Soft tissue status is unknown at this time.
    I start rads next week on breast and inner mammary lymph node hot spot (per pet/ct).
    I start back on Herceptin in a couple weeks, and have worked out the finances of the treatment, thanks to a compassionate onc.
    Things are looking up, and I feel like the gov gave me a reprieve.
  • wendypetru
    wendypetru Posts: 34
    edited April 2007
    Rita - If I can go to the get-together I would love to pick you and Ginny up! Lets keep that in mind!

    Wendy P (from Champaign)
  • Unknown
    edited April 2007
    I have been reading you wonderful ladies for over a month and would be honered to join you. I had my first treatment yesterday of ac. Three more to go then T. for 4 treatments. I have stage 3a breat cancer, I am 62 years old, and have 2 children, and four wonderful greadchildren.

    I live in Darin Il. and is next to Downers Grove for thoes who do not know the area. Before I started my treatment my housband and I took a trip to the Panama Canal. It was terrific. However, on the ship ( Holland American) we did a breast cancer walk. This is now being done all over the world and has raised onver 2 million dollors.

    So far so good with my first treatment, maybe I am speaking much to soon.

    Hugs to all and thanks to all the threads they have given me a lot of hope, information, and the knowledge that you are not alone.

    Hugs to all,
  • JanClare
    JanClare Posts: 267
    edited April 2007
    Hugs to you, Kathy! I'm sorry you had to face this disease, but glad we can all be here for each other.

    Have you already had surgery? As you are listed as 3A, I assume that must be part of your treatment.

    I'm 3A, grade 3 as well- but, because I am triple negative on the receptors, I had dose dense chemo first, followed by bilateral surgery, and now will start rads in a couple of weeks.

    Take good care of yourself under chemo. That AC can be rough on your immune system- stay away from anyone if they are the least bit sick. Chemo is cumulative, so it may get worse as it goes along. Let us know how you are doing and maybe we can help!
  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2007
    Hi Ladies....

    Beautiful morning, isn't it? Welcome Kathy...sorry you found us but glad you found us! I know pretty much where you are located...I'm in South Elgin. I'm doing TCH so can't help you with the se's of AC, but I am on Taxotere. Those se's for me have not been too bad...onc actually said I was his "poster child" for chemo. I totally agree with JanClare about your immune system...stay away from large groups if your white count is down. Last place you want to be spending springtime is in a hospital bed!

    Brenda....glad you are back. Have been wondering how you were doing!

    Wendy P...sure hope we manage to get together this summer. I've never met another Wendy face-to-face.

    Have a wonderful,sunny Saturday everyone!

    Wendy K
  • JanClare
    JanClare Posts: 267
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning all!

    I'm happy, happy, happy because I managed a brisk 3 mile walk this morning, did 16 minute miles- which is much better then the 20-25 minute ones I manage with the dog. Snuck out leaving poor Zoe behind at home with a mental promise of a short walk later. As she was blissfully curled up around her favorite person, my youngest son, Ryan, I don't think she would cared even if she was awake. Takes major bribes to budge her from his bed sometimes. Though "walk" is her favorite word after "bone".

    My feet bottoms are still dead feeling, but wearing running shoes and being aware of how the sides of my feet feel allows me stability enough to walk faster then a shuffle.

    The rest of the day will be devoted to more whittling down of my upper body wardrobe. You'd think this would be easy- going from a size 38C to a 38 nothing- but there are actually quite a lot of pieces that I can wear in different ways, plus I have stuff from when I was thinner that now work okay.
  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone

    Welcome Deb, Kathy and Brenda

    JanClare Beautiful day for a walk, you sure made the 3 miles in a great time too.

    Today DH, myself, our daughhter and son-in-law went on a 90 minute tour of Wrigley Field. It was great, we got to see both the Cubs and vistors clubhouses (aka locker rooms), press box, sky boxes, bleachers & we got to go in the dugouts.
    Here's a pic of DH and myself
    It suppose to be another beautiful day tomorrow..........

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2007
    Hi everybody amd welcome to all you new gals. Brenda, it's so good to see you back and to know that things are working out well for you. Please come back and post often.

    YEAH! Kats posted a picture.......and she's standing in one of my favorite places! Neat picture Kats! I'm envious about your tour. I love Wrigley!

    I've officially finished one week of rads and am feeling no side effects yet. Everyday that I get by without any burning or fatigue is one less I have to endure when and if it actually hits! :-)

    Wendy P...I'd love to join you for the outing if it works out. I can drive, too. How's the chemo going with you?

    Wendy K...I did get a few of the camisoles. Our Kohl's had solid colors, too and I got them because I can't wear the camisole by itself. My rad marks are too high and somebody would think that I got carried away with a permanent marker. I think they will work under things, though if worse comes to worse and the bras won't work. Thanks again for the info on the sale.

    JanClare...don't you feel good after a 3 mile walk? I try to go at least 3 miles several times a week. I'm hoping that I'll eventually lose some of my chemo pounds. Right now I just keep losing the same two pounds over and over and over. I don't think that is the way it is supposed to work.

    Today was beautiful and the weather is supposed to hold for a few days. Sunshine always perks me up!

    Well Laura, I hope you're having a ball. We miss you!

    Talk to you all later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: How about this weather. Isnt it great. I have been pretty busy. Planted a bunch of flowers yesterday and gonna plant a whole bunch more today.

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Ive been motivated. Think I will go for a brisk walk.

    Have a great day.

  • jodigirl
    jodigirl Posts: 8
    edited April 2007
    Was hoping to get home to Naperville in May. But looks like there could be a bit of a delay. (sad face). Had a brain MRI and lumbar puncture Friday (4-27) and meet with doc tomorrow (monday 4-30) here in NC.

    I have incredible headaches, seizures, vomiting.

    As soon as docs figure it out, I can get back to IL. (happy face)

    Have a great Sunday all.

  • JanClare
    JanClare Posts: 267
    edited April 2007
    Oh, Cheryl- (((Hugs))). Praying that everything is okay.

    Are all these symptoms from before the lumbar puncture? Because the puncture could also cause these kind of symptoms due to the spinal cord fluid continuing to leak. They can do a blood patch at the site of the puncture which may help.
    I once fell and had a spinal cord leakage with the same terrible symptoms- but they couldn't do a blood patch because they didn't know where exactly the leakage was.

    I hope you are okay and recover fast! But take your time coming back home if you are flying. Even if they clear you, I don't think you can fly anytime soon after a lumbar puncture because of the air pressure changes and the possibility of the fluid leaking again.

    (((Hugs again)))
  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2007

    You are ahead of me with the flower planting. I got scared after that last cold spell and haven't planted my annuals yet. Maybe this week.........

    Cheryl, my thoughts and prayers are with you in NC. Please let us know ASAP how the test come out. I will thinking about you and hoping for the best. (((HUGS))))

    I'm a little down today. I went back to Rock Falls to my mother's grave for the first time and found it much harder to do than I had imagined. I did need the closure, though. Then today in church I learned that one of the ladies who reached out to me has just been diagnosed with leukemia. She is so sweet and it makes me so angry that so many really nice people are having to deal with this terrible disease. Just when I think I have a handle on everything, something turns me inside out again. Does this happen to anybody else or is it just me?

    I need to snap out of it because I have a busy week ahead. Sorry to be on such a downer tonight, gals, especially after such great weather this weekend. Let's hope it continues.

    Good luck to any of you having treatments this week. Hang in there.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2007
    Morning Ladies...

    Beautiful weekend, wasn't it? I planted only the boxes on the deck...with geraniums. I'm too chicken as I don't trus tthis weather. Maybe next week...

    Cheryl...I am so sorry. Could indeed be from the lumbar puncture...let us know.

    Rita...boy do I know how you feel after Saturday. I was at my grandniece's first communion and seeing her in her long white dress I had to fight back tears in church and then had a good cry Sat night and Sun hit me that I may not be around to see her in her wedding dress. I'm back to being my sunny, happy self but it really hit me. This disease s**ks. How're the rads going? And why do you marks so in the camis? Don't they eventually wash off, or is that permanent marker really permanent? Then why get the tattoos? Oh well...just another little (LITTLE????) detour on road to recovery!

    Have a good day ladies...looks like today will be a winner as well.

    Wendy K
  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2007
    sorry Rita...that would be...why do your marks show..

    can't type anymore.

    Wendy K
  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2007
    Wendy K...Like you, I'm better today but I really worried about my depression yesterday and last night. I never used to be very emotional and when I was, I seldom let it show. Now I have gushers at times so I understand your emotional outburst after you grandniece's first communion. It's so good we have each other and others on here to help pick us back up. Thanks for sharing your experience with me. It doesn't make me feel so "all alone" in this journey.

    As for the marks...mine are not the permanent tatoos. If your radiologist suggests them, you might question him about it because mine says that they are trying to get away from them. Now they are using round disks that stick onto your skin. They mark on top of the disks with permanent black marker and then draw lines with permanent black marker about three inches away from all the disks. This puts a few of the marks above the camisole line. Except for that first disk that I lost on the golf course, I have not had any problem with the disks coming off and the permanent marker fades after showers and they quickly touch it up each day, which only takes a few seconds. When the rads are over, there will be no tell-tale tatoos. My friend who had rads 11 years ago still has her tatoo marks. They have faded with time but resemble little black dots. I guess every rad onc is different, but I like the way they did mine. I can handle keeping that part covered for 6 weeks to avoid future signs that scream "CANCER." So far there has been no pain with the rads, Wendy, so once you start them you'll have a few good weeks.

    I have aready had my walk this morning, JanClare, so I'm ready to get in gear for the day. My acre yard needs to be mowed and I'm tempted to mow it with the push mower for more exercise. I'm tired of being pudgy! :-)

    How are you new gals doing? Keep us informed of your treatment schedule. We will be there for you.

    How's it going, Cy?

    Kats...wanted to tell you thanks for posting your picture and to let you know that you look way too young to be the grandmother of that lovely lady whose Easter pic you shared with us earlier. (and I am really serious!!!)

    Nicki, so glad you're into planting and that you enjoy it so much. I, too, think it's a great stress reliever.

    Well, it's supposed to be a super day today so I hope all of you are doing well and able to enjoy it.

  • Unknown
    edited April 2007
    Jan Clare, Yes surgery was done on March 8. I had a grade2 tumer 1.5 was the size, and I had 6 nodes involved. My Dr. was shocked she thought I was stage 1. I had my first Ac thursday, 3 more to go. Yes, I too will do dd. Them 4 rounds of taxol. After that then Rad. I feel like I am in a fog, so I hope that I am making sense. I too love to walk and the weather is soooo beautiful, but not get up yet.

    Go CUBS! My hubby and I say this every year. Great photo Mary.

    Hugs to all my new friends.

  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited April 2007
    Cheryl Thinking about you today, hope all goes well with your doctors visit today.


  • JanClare
    JanClare Posts: 267
    edited April 2007
    Hey Kathy- we had surgery the same day! My bilateral was March 8th. I had 4 positive nodes- that was after dose dense chemo, so not the best of news, but what can ya do? I'm starting rads next week, so I'm on the end journey of this treatment. Hoping never to do this again.

    Cheryl, praying for good news.

    Rita- thanks for the heads up. I'm going to talk to my rad onc about doing marks rather then tattoos. Especially since I'm still so swollen under my arms and it may be lymphedema.

    I haven't gotten to Kohls for the camis, but I remembered that I also have men's short-sleeve undershirts (what seem people call 'wife-beaters'- I hate that mind picture!) that I cut down (they were much too long) They should work to keep the creams and gels from my clothes during rads.

    Really enjoyed my weekend- it's so nice to not feel sick from chemo! We went to a reverse raffle with friends and we ended up winning 875.00! We shared a ticket with the friends and our ticket was one of the last two, and the other ticket holder agreed to split the pot! Half of 3500.00 was 1750.00, half of that was 875.00. Now my hubby and I are thinking about taking a long weekend near the end of the summer with our winnings. Maybe Mexico?

    Oops, I'm late for an appointment- gotta go!
  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2007
    Hey ladies,

    We have our own Illinois celebrity! Deb from Peoria's picture is in the New York Times along with an interesting article on chemo brain. How did this originate, Deb? Good for you!!!It's time somebody took us seriously.

  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited April 2007
    Rita That is so cool, thanks for letting us know. We had a celebrity amongst us Deb aka thebandteacher and didn't even know it.
    Of course I had to look up the article and in it there's even a reference to the thread here on the board "Where's My Remote".

    Here's a link to the NY Time article (sometimes an ad pops up before you can view the article). I looked and someone else posted it on another thread but I thought I'd post it here in case others like myself missed it.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited May 2007
    Hi Girls
    checking in from the internet cafe at my resort in MX - having a FAB time...miss you all...hope you are all well...this keyboard is in Esponol -spanish and am having a hard time navigatingñ. bear with well...will check in a gain before the plane heads back to america.
    Laove ya!"
  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited May 2007
    Hi Laura glad you're having a great time, we miss you here.

    Nicki I know you're busy these days but your your Good Morning graphics are missed, just isn't the same with them.

    Rita Are you doing okay with rads?

    Kathy We say 'Go Cubs' every year too......LOL

    Cheryl Hope you check in here and let us know how your doctor's visit went.

    JanClare Congrats on your winnings. Now you have to pick a fun way to spend it, a long weekend get a way does sound like a great idea.......

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2007
    Good morning!

    Thanks, Mary for posting the link to Deb's NY Times article. I didn't think about doing that. I really found that article very interesting because I have been doing some really stupid things lately, too and am hoping it's from chemo brain and not old age. Just a few minutes ago I took over some things to the golf course and meant to sign up for the ladies clinics. I got home and didn't even think about signing up so had to call them. Dah! glad you checked in. Sure hope you're having a ball! We all miss you!

    And yes, Nicki....we miss you, too! You're working too hard, girl!!!

    Another day of rads....finished. Still going just fine. I got there a little early today. I hit all the stoplights just right so I got home earlier. I keep dousing my skin with that Biafine cream and hoping that it will ward off the burning.

    I'm off to weed some flower beds and do the dishes. It's a beautiful day here.

  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited May 2007
    Hi ladies! Blush....thanks for the attention regarding the NY Times article. I was really honored to have that opportunity to be a part of it! I just responded to one of the Interview Opp. messages on the boards here, and look where it got me!

    Funny thing about my outfit in that picture. I was in a frazzled hurry to get a new outfit (because the picture was taken in the city where we are moving, so I had no clothes). I was getting a dress, shoes, and necklace. However, when I got to the car, I realized I was still holding the shoes! I STOLE MY SHOES! Talk about major chemo brain!
    Love and prayers, Deb
  • mary1220
    mary1220 Posts: 16
    edited May 2007

    Hey girls, it has been a while but thought I would drop in and I am glad I did because I know I am not the only one with long term chemo brain. I get so distracted I scare myself. I thought maybe old age was setting in sooner than later but it feels good to know I am not alone. The good old humid Il. weather is setting in. I just sneeze and sniff and bat my watery eyes and go on because chemo has given me yet another gift, lots of allergies. I just blame chemo cause...well...I can. Hope everyone is doing good. Mary