Illinois ladies facing bc
Donna. You sound fantastic. Yeah for you. The album is a great idea. Have a wonderful day.
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A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the
world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and
crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
- Agatha Christie, 1890 - 1976
A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make
leaning unnecessary.
- Dorothy Canfield Fisher, 1879 - 1958
The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom.
- Henry Ward Beecher, 1813 - 1887
The phrase "working mother" is redundant.
- Jane Sellman
Motherhood is like Albania - you can't trust the descriptions
in the books, you have to go there.
- Marni Jackson
There never was a child so lovely but his mother was glad to
get him asleep.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 - 18820 -
Good morning ( sun is out bright )to some of the most wonderful women that I have the great pleasure of knowing. Like all of you here, there was a time when I did not know you and therefore cared little that you, I can't imagine my life without all of you in it. I have in most ways little to thank cancer for, but without the albatross of this disease I'd have never perhaps understood that there are so many fantastic women everywhere; That you are willing and eager to assist me along life's pathway --- to assist all of us...because we are all one in a very large fight and we all instinctively know there is safety in numbers.
To all you mothers ---
Such a special day and I am thrilled if you are able to spend this day with some or all of your children --- or if you will be able to talk to them today. Or is they are able to send you some flowers or sent a special card to you. Mothers are some of the finest people in the world.
For some of us --- even though we are mothers, our mother is no longer here but we send our love anyway and pay tribute to the one who gave us life, and helped form us into the women we are today. Mom, I miss you every day but I am so at peace because you are.
Happy, Happy Mother's Day
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Laura.....very pretty.
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Good morning to you all! I'm sorry I have been missing lately, and thanks to you who have missed me. I've been just too busy, and couldn't keep up with everything. Mostly it has been good busy, so no worries.
I could not let this day go by without wishing you all a beautiful Mother's Day! Someone up there is smiling down on us, and given us sunshine today. I'm going outside to do some backyard cleanup. The whole back has been so wet that it feels like a marsh, and we haven't been able to even cut the grass yet. Looks pretty bad, so I'm hoping for big improvements today.
I've been going through some of the posts, and I will catch up more later. Welcome to all the new ladies, and thinking of you through your txs. For that matter, I think of you all every day, and care very much about you all.
Looking forward to our next get together, as always.
Have a wonderful day!
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Happy Mother's Day to all. I would thank you all for being "motherly" to me as I start out on this journey. It's nice to have a safe place to land.
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to everyone!!
Welcome Kim! yes do tell us a little about yourself.
I sure hope no one received much damage from the wind storms!
I'm looking into flights for a visit this summer...At least we won't get snowed in!! hopefully we can have a little get together again! It was so fun getting to meet you in person!
Laundry fairy missed my house ( that's what I get for living so far away! LOL) If I want clean cloths for work tomorrow I better get moving! Hope everyone has a nice restful Mother's Day
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Have a wonderful day..
So nice to meet you Kim and I look forward to getting to know you better.
Smerf, good to hear from you.
Donna, it is great you are making the album. It shows you have moved into some positive steps on this journey none of us wants to be traveling.
Great quotes, Jackie! I miss my mother too. She was a pistol during during her later years and kept me hopping, but I miss her feisty nature.
Well the barbecue is fired up and the rain is coming down. No matter!
Thanks, BJ, for reminding me of the lunch and/or dinner. My childhood is coming in from LA and I am way over my head in last year stuff. I will come to ALL of them when the big R has begun.
Laura, I would like to do the September walk with you and others and would be happy to have something after for those who can come into town.
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I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. My kids are gone and the house is SO quiet! Even the cat has come out of hiding now! I feel so lucky that I could spend this weekend with my son and his family. Those little guys keep me laughing.
Mary Jane, I enjoyed seeing you at the walk. Thanks so much for picking up the shirts and for the gift for Evan. They loved it! That little outfit is so cute! We do have good taste for shopping, don't we??? LOL
WendyTY..I hope your feet are better and that you didn't get too tired out from the walk.
Donna, I love your idea of the card album. I still have all my cards but they are stacked away in a shoe box. What a great idea you have!
Jackie...nice quotes for this special day! good to hear from you. I'm so glad that you've been busy. Busy is good!
Buddy...hope you are feeling more like your old self now. Hugs to you!
Well, I am really tired! I think you're right, Wendy. Even this Arimidex grandma will sleep well tonight!
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ritajean- hope you had a good Moms day. My newest daughter in law (Married Feb.7) in the middle of all my surgeries walked in Peoria on Saturday. She was a big supporter even before I found out about my cancer. I am glad she could go. No energy here this week. White counts are so low they already said I will have to do a neulasta shot the day after chemo this week. Walking across the room is a chore today. Next week will probably be my last chemo, my second opinion onc suggested stopping since I am having neuropathy in my feet and hands. I will be 9 weeks into the 12 weeks when I stop, so 3/4 done. I will still get to continue the herceptin for a year, which is what I really need because of the her2+. I sure look forward to having more energy. I am tired of being tired. Annette
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"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."
Brian Tracy
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Annette............Put the Saturday before Mother's Day on your calendar for next year because you'll be perky enough by then to join us in the Peoria Walk! Hugs to you as you struggle with the treatments and the neuropathy. Did you ask your onc if the neuropathy might be caused from the Herceptin instead of the chemo? I have known others who have finished the chemo but still had the neuropathy with the Herceptin, which led me to believe that it might have been the Herceptin all along instead of the chemo. As for the being tired of the whole journey, I sure can relate to that! This will pass with time, though, Annette. We'll discuss this in person next year while doing the walk and although we'll still probably cry during the survivors' song and the survivors' walk, we'll give out a cheer when we cross that finish line because we'll know we've made it! Hugs to you. Hang in there for now! You'll make the right choices for you and you'll get through this. It will certainly give you a much better appreciation of the better days to come! While walking with my family, I took a good look at them and thought, "My gosh I am rich....and so very, very lucky!"
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Oh what a beautiful morning with the sun out. Due to warm up too. A few assorted things to do around here and then off to St. Clair Sq.
Went last night after Dh got off work ---- and me too --- to Marion to the V.A. emergency to check on my foot. I do have an infection in the ( whatever it was ) bite, blister ????? Anyhow I have meds for it now and can just keep going.
It was hard to believe how much damage occurred in that area from that last storm. We did hear that a lot of the storm would be "south" of us.....but I actually thought we would get much more than we did. We mainly got the light show, noise and water. All along the interstate ( the same one you and Mary Jane drove to Marion on Rita ) trees were uprooted or big limbs twisted right off. Much of it was quite close to the a few cases touching in the emergency lane and with all the clean up and work I guess for now it has to stay where it's not actually interfering. I had heard descriptions on the news before about "looking like matchsticks" and I see why they say that first hand. The force and power of these winds to mow down or twist these trees around is stunning in its ferocity.
Anyway the power crews were out in full force and they did have electric ( Hospitals are equipped with their own quite large generators ) restored to the hospital. You could not get gas yet though I don't think.
Hope you are all going to have a relly good day today. Any time the sun is out is normally a fantastic day for me --- my spiritual balm. I'll be checking back in from time to time. Before we head west to St. Clair and afterwards.
0 - glad you got some meds for your foot. My gosh, it sounds like you really had quite the storm! I hate it that so many big trees were uprooted or damaged. That is such a lovely drive through that area.
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So... I'm sitting in the kitchen... hear this scratch scratch scratching sound....
I figured it's a mouse again. Had one this time last year. This sucker didn't seem to care about people being around or who heard him. It ran around from place to place in the kitchen, while we or the dog sat and watched. Got glimpse of it & it seemed... not quite normal... I heard it under a different cabinet one day & got on my knees to try to hear better what it was doing. That son of a gun, came out. Got nose to nose with me, looked me in the eyes and slowly backed away back under the cabinet. I froze partially in fear of it jumping my face and partially because I was in shock of its appearance. There was definitely something wrong with it. It's legs were very short, stub for a tail, it's eyes were almost non existent, it's head was severely deformed, and there were no ears. Mice are usually a cute little creature. This one was repulsive. I felt for the poor little guy. He seemed deformed AND retarded. I've never had a mouse come out and look at me that close before and slowly move away. Anyhow, a couple days go by and we finally catch it in the live trap. He ran into it by accident out of fear when I tripped over the dog and scared them both. I told my husband, I took the last one for a ride, you take this one. It waddled away slowly on it's deformed feet seemingly attached with no legs... We got a better look at it though. It wasn't a mouse at all. It was A FRIGGIN SHREW! (I found out they are highly venomous as well.) Glad it didn't attack my face when it had the chance. Needless to say, he dumped this one at EXACTLY the same location I dumped the other one! Where the man was watching us dancing around, swatting mosquitoes, and squealing while dumping the other mouse... So, it was another Drive By Mousing (Shrewing) by the same guy's house.
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Welcome Kim, Sorry you're here, but you found an awesome support system.
Laura: HA HA nice search light you sent out
Zap: I have no clue how you mustered a 12 mile bike ride coming off chemo. I'm 8 mts out and I can barely tolerate a trip through Home Depot w/ my husband.
Donna: the album is a great thing! Wish I was as organized as you.
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Well, I did the annual and last bike ride with our class of 87 kids and my team and I ACHE.
LittleC, I only had 4 rounds of chemo and I think that makes a huge difference. If I had 8 rounds, I am certain I would not have been able to do a 12 mile bike ride. Also to be fair, I finished my chemo in December and the bike ride was in May....just after the rads. I was in a funny place psychologically. My administration wanted me to take time off and and I did not want to. I was just stubborn about everything because I did not quite grasp my health issues.
Good vibes to all in treatment.
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Little C....oh my gosh! A shrew! Yuck! That's scary!
Susan, you're really winding down now! It won't be long and you'll be a free woman!!!!!
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Ha! I finally figured out how to download photos. I have no idea how this is going to turn out. Thought everyone might like to see what my son made me for Mother's Day. I enjoyed the movie Wall-E-- and voila- he presented me with a homemade Wall-E. He had some help with it-- but this is a kid who until just recently, had no patience for even coloring books, much less anything crafty. But at last week's school open house, his art teacher told us Tim was a joy and how much he loved art- I hate to say this- but I I seriously thought she had him confused with someone else. Something has hatched in him-- mostly, I'm happy to see him take pride in his work.
So I have the colonoscopy/endoscopy scheduled for the 29th. Nearly a month to torture myself. Just the only day with our ridiculous calendar right now that would work. I'm getting past the horror of the prep and the indignity of the process to just being seriously worried about what might be found. I'm not sure that I could handle another diagnosis....Trying my best to put it on the shelf for the time being- but we all know where the brain wanders...
Worried about my DH tonight though...he has escalating symptoms of the ones that preceded his kidney stone nightmare back in September. Told me he has been experiencing that slightly "full bladder" feeling for a few days now--that's what started it then. I'm trying to convince he to get a sub in tomorrow for his job and go to the doc right away-- he is, of course, not taking any advice from me. Stay tuned..
Just got back from a phone call. It's 9:45 and my breast surgeon just called. ??!! When I had my scare back in Feb (gyn thought she felt a lump and sent me panic stricken for a Mamm/US), the radiologist told me emphatically that he did not recommend an MRI this spring, so soon after multiple surgeries (remaining breast had mastoplexy) as the developing scar tissue would result in too many false positives. This was in direct conflict with what the surgeon had recommended. So- when I had my onc checkup, I asked him as well. Might as well get the whole gang involved, huh. This was back in March. Onc said Hmm-- that is a conflict-- let me ask and get back to you. Never heard anything. So I sent a quick email (this is an interesting development the network I'm in is promoting) about 2 weeks ago-- and just heard back now. At this hour. Sum total- radiologist is right. Don't worry about it until next year. God knows I could use one less thing to worry about. I think my head will explode soon.
This is a terribly meandering post - I'm pooped and not making much sense- so forgive me. Welcome to MamaQ and anyone else I may have missed. I'm behind on posts again. Hope to see many of you on the 20th?
-julie b
Little C- a shrew! Gaw!! shudder!
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Little C.....that is without a doubt one of the most un-handsome creatures I have ever seen and I would probably be moving out till th exterminator came with a guarantee signed in blood that no more were anywhere near my house.
Julieb --- you do have an artist in the making.....and I loved that movie too. Will you make sure your son has all of our names because when he becomes famous he is going to have a lot of Aunts you know.
Ok....I've been up a bit longer and on here when I shouldn't be so I'm going. Talk to all of you in the morning.
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Julie B-
Thanks for the welcome. You're son's present is great. I love to see kids use their imagination and he obviously thought about what you like. Sound like a great kid.
Little C- That thing is UGLYYYYY! Glad it didn't do anything to you or anyone else. And that it;s out of you're house.
Kim- Welcome to you. I'm new here, also, but I have gotten lots of help and support here already.
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Welcome Julie B.!! You will receive the best in support and care here!!!
Album is done and really turned out great. Today will try to do a walk at a local forest preserve.This is my good week before treatment #3, for next week.
We have booked RV time in Michigan weekend before my last treatment (june 10th). Also planning to drive to my hometown in NY at the end of Jume, to see my DAD and will be turning 90 at that time. Seeing some light at the end of this tunnel!!!!
Buddy... you sound well and see healing is happening for you. You had so much go on and now it is all good things ahead in treatments when they resume. Did you get Neutrogens's T/E scalp shampoo?
To all.. be well this week and sending hugs,
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oops Jackie....hope your foot is healing and doin ok~~~~!!!!!!! Betcha need a the Laundry Fairy huh..!0
Littlec..What a scare that must have been.
Julie I love the Walle. He is talented.
Donna/Luandry Fairy...I am healing. its taking longer than I thought. I also have been running a low grade temp since Fri. The oncologist took me off the clindamycian and put me on amoxaclav. I hope you are doing well. My Golden has spring fever. All he can think about is being outside. I have not had a chance to get the shampoo yet. I did go to the Gyne yesterday and I can finally get a shower. It has been so long since I have had one. With the 2 long hospitol stays and 2 surgeries. i cant wait...I bet my friends and family cant wait either. Ha Ha .
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Hey Jackie, I'd grab that laundry fairy at once if she's available! LOL I, too hope the foot is healing up for you. The weather is too nice now to be hobbling around.
Buddy, so glad you're doing better. You've had a rough road already. You're due for some good luck in this journey.
Donna, I'm glad you've planned a few get-aways! That will help the journey go faster and give you something to think about and anticipate. There is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.
Ginny...check in! Let us know how the new chemo is going! Thinking of you. Hugs!
Annette, I sent you a PM.
I hope everyone gets out and enjoys the sunshine today before the next burst of rain arrives!
Hugs to all of you,
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Good Morning....and the sun is out nice and bright. I'll be getting all my medicine down so the foot thing will go good. Hmmm, note to myself and everyone else. Before chemo that never would have happened....but hey...I'm 63. Maybe that had something to do with it too. Sigh!!!! But I only feel 43 ---- ok-ok. 46 and1/2 .
Rita...I think I am going to call the laundry fairy....I've too much to do this week and I could use a little help.
Buddy....S H O W E R spells relief. I'd be in there at least an hour...and I really could. We put one of those tankless water heaters in that gives you hot water as long as the hot water is on....then next person --- gets hot water too, as long as they want it. I'll never regret that.
Well, I'm going to try and get my act together.....a friend wants to go out to lunch....but I'll have to do some work in-between. Dh is off, all my fun has to happen today. See ya all later. I'll be checking back. Hi to everyone.
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Some tension is necessary for the soul to grow, and we can put that tension to good use. We can look for every opportunity to give and receive love, to appreciate nature, to heal our wounds and the wounds of others, to forgive, and to serve.
-- Joan Borysenko0 -
Hey Girls..Just checking in. I am feeling pretty crappy off and on. I went to work yesterday and had a lot of upper body pain. I stuck it out til 3pm and went to dr for my protimes...I was thin so, I stop coumadin for a day then back on it again..I called in today. I felt pretty good this morning but now I am starting to feel pain again. I am trying to stick it out work til June so I can get my vacation pay.
I am really torn about quitting. I think in the long run it is a good thing but then I think how our money situation will turn around. I am thinking about applying for ssdi but I don't know.
Well,,,,I gotta go lay down.......
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Hi girls -
I hope everyone had a good Mother's Day. We had a good time in MI, but it definitely wasn't boating weather. We got the boat in, but that's it. Toooo cold.
Ginny - hope you feel better. I was glad to read that your second opinion in TX went well. Disappointing that you can't do more, but at least you know that you have been treated appropriately. You will continue to be in my thoughts. Glad you had fun in FL.
Welcome, Kim. I went to ISU, so I feel an attachment to Normal, IL.
Julieb - love the Wall-E. My son is very crafty like that. We have a whole Santa, reindeer and sleigh that he hot-glued out of old recycleables.
Hope your throat is doing better, Blackjack.
Hi to everyone!