Illinois ladies facing bc
Hi all:
Buddy, welcome back.
Annette, I think you got your answer when you said you could "live with what you have" in terms of neuropothy. I am compromising a lot these days and I can live with just about anything I am experiencing as long as I keep the cancer at bay. If you can live with the se's....carry on for the best results. I was on taxol and taxotere but did not experience the tingling to the extent you mentioned. My dear fried who has colon cancer does have neuropathy and his wife ties his shoes and fixes his tie before he goes off to work each day. He can live with it and so can his wife. It is all strategy in my book and strategy is all about survival when the going is rougher than how it once was. I think the fear is that it will get worse and so you have a wise doctor....the tolerance is your call. I do wish you well.
Well, I am so busy packing up my classroom. Rita, I have collected so much stuff in my career. I do not want to bring any stuff home and I have this "teacher guilt" about throwing anything out. I began my career in l974 and I taught in the inner city. I had zip! The last 16 plus have been in Wilmette and we are so blessed. I must say that going through my stuff is therapeutic as I know I am saying good-bye to a career I have loved. I also must say that packing all this crap is making my separation much easier. I just want to move on to other life adventures, and so I shall. My two adult daughters keep asking, "Mommy, what are you going to do with your time?" Unlike them, my DH and I have no worries. There is so much to do.
Life is so dear!
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hello to Rene & WendyTY. So rushed this a.m. I did not get everything done I needed tomorrow will be another super busy day. Rush, rush, rush, I got to my cleaning job late....but in reality --- after I saw how things were/ would not be ready by Saturday anyhow. She is going to act as her own realtor...big mistake, but there are times when you have to bite your lip and let things go. it just me or did this year go super fast. I think the cold un-inviting long winters often make it seem a little slow, but I can barely get my senses around the idea that your packing your class room already. Wow !!!! Sounds like you are ready for all the adventures you have coming after a lifetime of work. Sort of exciting isn't it???
Laura....still love the license plate as much as the first time I saw it......
Got to get a couple of things done in here....I'm sneaking a try out of the new desk. Pretty much thrilled.
Hugs to everyone.....Specially the chemo/operation girls.
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GINNY! Good luck to you!
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Rene- Your daughter looked beautiful. Young and vivacious, just like you. Thanks for the story, it helps to know that people get passed this.
Illinois Lady- I appreciate your words of encouragement. I'm still having a hard time but trying desperately to stop crying. This is not me at all, I am usually a control freak that can handle anything. Can I be having such a problem because of the surgical menopause or am I trying to find an excuse for myself?
Laura- The license is great. I'm sure anyone who has dealt with this disease and sees the beautiful women that you seem to be from your picture, feels that a "cure" is definately possible.
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MAMAQ - You are experiencing very normal emotions. NO ONE can handle ANYTHING... as much as we try to beleive that we can... it's simply impossible. Cry, be mad, be pisse* off... get it out of your system. Hang in there...
and btw... I get the "thumbs up" quite often on the road! And I know... with each thumbs up... that that person has been touched by breast cancer - in one way, shape or form. I really need to change my avatar... that photo is old and I'm no longer tan... not so cute as back then! lol ; )
Susan - Best wishes to your friend... so sad... AND you have a very positve and healthy attitude about your exit... THAT IS GREAT... it's always best to feel that way. Upward and onward... so they say!
Jackie - Are you lovin' that new desk? And... we have not heard much about that new oven... hmmmmmmm are you lovin' that too?
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Ginny...I was so surprised by your post but my prayers go with you across the miles. I do hope they can give you some new suggestions and a successful treatment plan. I will be waiting to hear from you! Hugs and good luck! I hope you enjoyed the Florida trip and the weddingi
Jo...You are having such a hard time because one minute you were just fine and the next minute your life was turned inside out by your diagnosis. Don't be so hard on yourself. The shock of the diagnosis, the continuous decision-making process, the disbelief, fear of the unknown, and the utter "loneliness of the situation" all lead easily to tears. The surgery sure didn't help matters either. I, too, have always been a control freak but this really threw me for a loop. I couldn't quit crying either and felt so helpless and weak. Your emotional meltdowns are so real and so normal at this point in your journey. Hey, I still have those meltdowns every so often and can't really explain it. Hang in there. I think we control freaks do better as the journey progresses because we feel that we are actually doing something to confront the beast. HUGS TO YOU!!! glad the drains are out and that you're home where you can get some good rest!
Susan, I brought home many boxes of things that I couldn't part with from my teaching career. I used a few of them at first because I did workshops for the Children's Museum here in town. Once I decided that I wasn't going to do anymore workshops, the boxes have just sat up in my former office. I wish I would have tossed them at first. I need to go through them again and just "let them go." Like you, I loved my teaching career. I never felt like I was going to work....just to school. Although I didn't make alot as a rural school teacher and thus haven't got much of a retirement, I would do it all over again.
Well, I'm grabbing a Jodi Picoult book and crashing for the night. I hope everyone had a good day. The sun certainly motivates me!
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Hi Buddy.... Keep healing!! The stomach area is such a tough healin area. and know that has to be hard to get around. Just don;t bend down alot or get dizzy by doin too much. That will be a sign you are doin alot. Haivng an appendix out is a good thing.. since it may be one less thing to worry on. Gettin my future ovareis out, i thought it was a very quick procedure?! Though you had so much more within and you are goin to be so glad this is done in the next few months when it is all over.
Susan... Wow, it has to be bittersweet for this ending of such a great career. It has to be hard on some of your kids.. they may not show it, but they know how special of a teacher you were. Your personality and way comes thru here and see the caring and devotion you would of displayed to your students.
Wendy..YES!!!She does have the energy hard to watch as i feel like i am 90 years old sometimes with this fatique!!! You can come over and do some planting for me..!!!! Watch the mulch.. some we have delivered by truck loads.. i got poison ivy!!! We have two acres and alot of mulch is from local sources here.
Be safe Ginny.. and all the best as you pursue all that you can for your health and getting the right direction for yourself.
I am still tired but doin things.. defintiely more fatique than the first treatment. How does anyone do this jounrey gracefully..lolol. if one does, i would love to hear how. I feel like i have some issues that need to be addressed as it ALL gets to me sometimes and want to scream!!
OH such good news.... a friend I grew up with was on a Princess Cruise with her Mom and friends. She sent me a hat representing her doin a 5K race in my honor and it was called Hope for the Cure on Deck. Was so touched by this and received it the other day and wear it all the time~!!! GOOD feelings when that kind of love is behind you!!!!
Hugs and GOOD sunny thoughts,
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Morning girls! I'm feeling good today. This must go down as the best 2nd day after a Herceptin treatment. I think we finally got things worked out! This will make the next 8 months go so much better! I'm off to go feed my cats, do some yard work, walk the dog, and play some golf. It should be a full day.
Buddy - Hope you are feeling better. It is so nice to get those pesky drains out!
Donna - Loved your 90 year old statement! Made me smile. Know how you feel, hope it gets better soon.
Susan - Preparing for that life of leisure...lucky girl. You are going to enjoy it! What is the countdown at?
Jackie - Sorry you haven't had a good start to your day. Hope it gets better.
Wendy - No new funny story/pic to make us laugh?! Missing it.
Laura - I like the princess look. I need to update my picture. Don't think I've changed it since I first got on.
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Good Morning everyone. Well, I'll's raining here but hopefully will stop. As our weather comes from St. Louis --- 70-75 miles away--west of us, we can never feel too certain just what will happen. Still have a lot of on for today....rain or shine.
Ginny,,,though I didn't say it, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Was sitting here thinking.Annette, and about how we deal with a cancer diagnosis and wondering why we really do go through so many emotions ( so many that are sad ) ( so many where we are angry ) and I thought...well, if a train is coming straight at react and take care of it. If you see a wrecking ball headed your way you move and get to safety. Now to all of us, cancer is a killer and it is a us anyway. But, lo and behold we end up with all this time --- we can't just react to it and come out on the other side ok. Unlike the small amt. of time in other kinds of emergencies ( really we don't even have time for real fear or emotional crisis ) we end up with all sorts of questions about how this happened to us....and all the different tests we have to take -- many of those producing lots more fear and upset, then having to tell others at some point and living through al sorts of strange reactions then. Guess we just can't control the fight or flight mechanism for something that is on-going. No wonder we can be such a mess. We all are well aware that you are totally entitled to every emotion that you are having and we are all good at holding your hand because we all went thru this -- give or take the order of it all.
Donna...isn't the fatigue the strangest thing? I really did dislike that part a lot as I'm naturally energetic, especially in the morning hours. I could not believe sleeping all night and feeling like I might not get one foot in front of the other a short while after being up. Sort of amazing.
Buddy, I am sending as much healing energy as I can find to you today. Hope it is an ok day for you. Don't over-do anything.
Wow !!!!! I am liking the new desk. I think now I will definitely have to stop procrastinating and get my computer room done....although I came a long, long way before this event.
Don't know if I mentioned, but we have our spot now for storage of our things at the auction warehouse and that is going to help so much to relieve the corners and other places of the boxes an things that have been rather constantly in the way. I think if there has been one good thing about all that has happened....somehow I think I am learning more patience and tolerance ( piles and stacks ) for things that once sent me right up the wall. Anyway....this room has things that need to go out never to return. I knew that getting our house back would come in layers of time and effort......but we are getting so much closer now.
Now....about that stove. Yep, I am very much enjoying it. I'm going to probably be in a learning process for a long time but I'm still quite happy. I found that engaging the convection part is actually quite easy.....aren't electronic panels marvelous, but they do seem to be the first thing that goes too. I just found the first time I tried it that the panel was sort of self-explanatory. I was reading the book --- and it sounded so complicated. Lesson for me....don't always read the book, you'll only confuse yourself. m
Well, I need to get things going for this morning. I will be thinking of ALL of you..... a lot and hoping everyone has a good day.
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Wail not for precious chances passed away,
Weep not for golden ages on the wane!
Each night I burn the records of the day,
At sunrise every soul is born again!
Walter Malone0 -
Good Morning to all. I have been busy trying to catch up on the posts and "getting to know" you girls. Wow, what a wonderful sisterhood I have found here. I am still waiting for further tests (monday 5/11) Then we will know more. I was doing OK last week after I got the diagnosis but now I am impatient to get started with whatever it is they need to do. I had to go off the cellcept I take for lupus so I am hoping that doesn't flare up. I'm sorry I can't add much right now in support. Just that I am thinking of you all and wishing you the best. Christi
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Good morning sisters, Yep I over did it yesterday. I am taking it easy today. I hope you all have a great day. Its very overcast here. I can see the lilacs are in full bloom. Love Buddy
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Well, the countdown is 17 as I teach8th grade and they graduate earlier than the rest. Donna, you are very kind. It is bittersweet, yet frankly more on the sweet side than the bitter. I do have a very good pension (if our state remains solvent) and lots of great ideason what I wish to do.
Yesterday at lunch one of the gals told me that styrofoam is filled with estrogen and it is released when placed in the mircrowave. Good grief! How can styrofoam have estrogen? Also, I am with Wendy on the lubricant idea. Estrogen = estrogen and so I would not use it and feel comfortable about doing so; although I am not a doctor and I do not have the answers (oh, how I wish I did).
Have a good one!
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Morning! Sunny here and warm! Funny - I thought it was supposed to be raining all day!
WendyTY - You are doing Herceptin for the next 8 months?????? When did you start????? Are they running yours slower or something due to your se's? I am glad that so far this round you are OK! No funny stories from around here. Well, not so far today but the day's not over so stay tuned!
Donna - poison ivy in mulch???? Now you tell me! I have mulch beds all around the house and deck, a bed in the back yard and then all across the top of the hill. I figured it would be much less work for me as less to mow. I guess I forgot about the re-mulching every year, didn't I? As I refused to pay the $1,020. and since I HATE hearing the whining from DH, I have gone to get at first 2 bags, then 3 bags and then yesterday 6 bags. Boy - was I covered in "mulch Juice" and it's the red kind! So that's 11 bags and that only covered the front of the house and the one bed in back. I have NO idea how I am going to get enuf bags to do the hill! And carry them up!! I can't get it delivered as I can't push the wheelbarrel up the hill. Of course I shouldn't be carrying the 40 pound bags either, or lifting them what with the "bad" side arm and of course my little herniated disk! Which is year....I will pay them to come do it for me. OK...that was along boring story, wasn't it????
Christi - this is the hard part. Waiting. We all just wanted to get the show on the road so we can get past it and on with our lives. We ALL know EXACTLY how you feel. And we are here to give you support - you can help later. Hugs! If you ever want to get together with any of us, just PM me! I'm not far at all from you....
Buddy - take it easy today! There's pretty much nothing that can't wait a few days...
Running late for lunch with the girls so need to slap some makeup on - wouldn't want to scare them! Enjoy the day!
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Good morning ladies - just want to pop in & say hi.
Ginny - best of luck to you, we are all with you in spirit.
WendyTY - Good luck at your interview!!
My fingers & toes are crossed for you.
Buddy - get some R&R, take some time to spoil yourself, you deserve it.
*waving to everyone else*
Didn't get the job at DH's hospital cuz I'm "overqualified". I hate that excuse. So I just keep plugging away. Tomorrow I'm going to test for a transcriptionist job.
Mom is still in the hospital - 9 days now. Just hoping & praying that they can help her out & she can get home.
Take care everyone - Juliet
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Afternoon Ladies!!!
A BIG WELCOME to the new ladies. This is the BEST group around!
Haven't posted much been busy welcoming a new grandson, Brandon Donald 4-26-09
Then great nephew Joshua Daniel 5-6-09
And in between we had prom!! Hard to believe GD is now 17!!! Next year she will graduate!!
SO much to catchup on! Buddy I too went in for ovaries removed out 5 days latter!! b9 tumor larger than they thought! Try not to over do it. Walking seemed to help me.
Susan I look forward to retirement!!! As I'm sure you do. (give me more time to spoil the new babies LOL)
Wendy ever hear of "mulch dye"? we have it here just put it in a sprayer and "paint" the old mulch makes it look almost new. How are the "vamps" doing? Ours aren't out too much...must think they will melt in the rain! Unless he wants to wash his car.....pouring down rain....he has a bucket & towel washing away.....would think he would save water & let the rain rinse it but nooooo silly people!
Ginny you are in our thoughts and prayers...My dx was different and I'm a 2 time survivor....You can beat this!
Sure wish this rain would let up I have flowere to plant!!
Hugs to all
will try to check back in soon!
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Karin....your second little guy has arrived! Both of them are real cuties!!! You are going to have lots of fun spoiling them! LOL I have never heard of the mulch dye but am sure going to check it out. That would save a bundle of cash each year. Thanks for the tip!
Christi...glad to hear from you. The first weeks are the worst. Once the decisions are made and the treatment plan is in effect, you move ahead and at least it seems like you are doing something to combat the beast. Being a control freak, this at least made me feel like I had a little control. Hugs! Hang in there! It won't be long now and things will really get moving for you.
O.K. overdoing it today! REST and RELAX so you heal quickly.
I just spend a delightful morning on the golf course. The weather was perfect and the company was great! This proves that we can find a good "new normal" after the journey.
Jackie, so glad you like your new desk and have that stove operating! I have lots of little nooks and crannies that need to be organized. All I need it the motivation to do it! LOL
Juliet...don't you just love the "over qualified concept??" Wouldn't you think they'd love an over qualified person who knows how things should be done and knows how to do it correctly? Sometimes I just don't understand the hiring process and administrative thought process. Keep looking, gal! There IS something out there for you!
Hey Donna, when you feel you need to scream, find yourself a comforting corner and scream to your heart's content!!!!! We've all done it and it really does help! In fact, I ended up laughing once when I did it. I was home by myself and I just screamed as loudly as I could. It scared the poor cat so badly that I don't think he came out from behind the sofa for a whole day! I have to admit I felt a lot better after that outburtst! LOL
Well, I need to do something productive. I have the youth church group tonight. We're down to only one more week after tonight. I must admit that I'm ready for a break. It's been a long winter and I'm out of ideas.
Catch you later!
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Hi girls,
Just bopping in, my exchange surgery was Friday. I am doing well and am going back to work tomorrow. I will way the im plants are not "sticking out" nearly as much as the expanders were and i am somewhat concerned. I know Juliet had her implants replaced and i have have to discuss it with her. I do follow up with the PS next week and will ask him if they need to "settle". Also, I am not wearing a bra yet, so that may help. It is just a little weird because I was a DD before and i feel really flat now. Oh well, i can wear cute tanks and camis that i could never wear before.
Also, I was wondering if any of the Chicago ladies saw Nicki (Chemosabi) on ABC 7 news last ngith re cyber bullying on this site. I had a friend tell me about it and I looked it up and watched online.
Hope everyone is doing well.
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Wendy....What kind of drugs are you takin??? Anyone that does all that mulch and carries it no les, has to be on something!!!!I am missing that energy and i am goin to ask you , to keep it down so this 90 year old does not need a nap after reading your posts!!!!! I am sure your yard is beautiful though!!
Jackie... you are so great in wisdom you share and it is so true the array of emotions one goes thru when diagnosed with this disease. There is so much to this jounrey and it takes alot of educating, research, comfort in finding the right attention on all levels. on and on. Just know what Ginny will find, will be good things, as she is doin the work and looking for what is right for her. Being proactive in this was a good choice for me. Now that i am in it, i still have not gotton over the shock of what i did for surgery and now chemo.. will need alot of time to digest this as someof this is still inside somewhere, the shock of it all!!!
Beaufiful grandson pic!!! Both of them!!!
Rita...if i screamed like i want to and as you two red goldens would be traumitized for weeks and my other GOLDEN Liberty, would look at me and watch!!! i have had some good temper tantrums and yells where my poor DH comes running in from the yard, asking if i called him!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yea.. you want to hear it Grrrrr!!!! Comes out of no where too!!! Your poor kitties!!!!
Buddy... @!!!!! Keep drinking fluids and smell the lilacs!!!
Hugs To all.
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THEY HAVE FRICKIN' MULCH DYE?????????? Now you tell me, Karin! Seeing as how to finish up I would need probably30 more bags, this dye thing would work just fine! I am going to google that and see who sells it.
Donna...I am on arimidex with of course calcium, vit D3, magnesium and some omega 3-6-9 thrown in for good measure, along with my synthroid. And no, my yard is so NOT me! BTW - I get up at 5:30 and go the gym every morning...but I am usually sleeping somewhere waaaaay before 9pm! But I really did not know there was "mulch dye" - I was thinking about that yesterday, saying to myself that I really don't need more red mulch, just need it painted!
Ahhhhhh....the things you discover on a breast cancer site!
Lisa - I did watch Nicki's interview online. Def. PM Juliet and ask about the foobs. Take it easy and rest when you can - you know, like at work!
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With having four men in the house ages 6 - 52, I do get more rest at work! When I am home, it is like everyone becomes suddenly helpless. It is amazing no one starves to death when I am at work.
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Christi - Hang in there... once things get rolling you'll need to fasten your seat belt! And you really will feel better knowing you have a plan of attack. Wishing you the very best with your test results.
Lisa - Wow... back to work already! I don't know how you girls do it so fast! OMG - it's amazing. I must be a real whimp. Good luck at your appt next week!
Karin - HOW CUTE AND PRECIOUS! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... AND... mulch dye - wow... thanks for sharing that.
Wendy - OM - that's a lot of MULCH slinging, girl! Wow... AND OMG - I agree - mulch dye...what a GREAT IDEA! Too bad you didn't know about it sooner! OMG - I'm sorry - lol lol lol ; ) (That's pay back for the snow/coat comment. lol lol lol)
blackjack will be sending an e-mail reminder to those on our Illinois E-Mail Addy List.
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Karin....four letter word CUTE Really , really cute. I don't think I'v ever seen a baby that wasn't adorable.
I'm incredibly bushed so not staying.....I may not get the quote i until tomorrow night....
Hope you will all have a wonderful tomorrow though.
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Morning all.....
Karin - forgot to tell you yesterday as I was SO excited to hear about mulch dye - your new family members are so adorable! Are you coming down to Elgin to see Joshua? Please let us know if you do - would love to meet you as I missed out that last time you were here.
BTW - Barkbrite is one of the co's that make mulch dye, if anyone is interested. I order a couple of bottles and we shall see!
Jacks - glad you like the new desk. Maybe it will inspire you to write that book!
Donna/Buddy/Lisamed - hope you are all taking it easy (or as easy as you can). Don't overdo as you will only end up paying for it in the end.
Juliet - how's Mom? How's the job hunt? Lisamed might have some ?'s for you!
Carol/berrypatch ....hope you are OK and just too busy with work and rads to chat much!
Elfsong - you should be about done with rads, right? DH hear about NM yet?
Time to scoot off to the shower and then the gym. No yard work today as we got a lot of rain last night so am off to the library! I LOVE the many books, so little time!
Have a wonderful day today - and hug someone who is not expecting one - let's scare a bunch of people today!
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A quick hello this a.m. Weather says real nasty storm coming this evening...this may be my chance for today....though storms are due tonight.Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future. How true overlaps and no matter how much we should live just in the moment that is happening right now, it is so very difficult to keep the past as well as worry over something in the future from creeping in ---- no surprise to any of you I'm sure, but much of that ( living in the wrong time segment ) is what causes us the stress that makes us sick. Hugs,JackieIllinoisLady "It's amazing what you can do when you have no choice Dx 9/27/2007, IDC, 5cm, Stage II, Grade 3, 0/0 nodes, ER+/PR-, HER2-0
Sorry...tried to remove the crazy stuff from the quote and it ended up in the middle of my post. You'll all think I'm nuts. Here is the quote.
Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.
Fulton Oursler
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Good morning ladies!
Hey Wendy, I'll go with you to the library! I can get lost in there and lose track of all time! It's one of my favorite things to do when I have extra time.
Big hugs going across the miles to Ginny. Hoping beyond hope that they have the perfect treatment for you! Hang in there and check in when you are able. Our survivor dinner out is tonight and we will miss you!
Smerf...where are you hiding? I miss you!
Donna, I hope today is a better day for you. Listen to your body and rest when you need it. When I was having trouble with the "tired of being sick" program a bc friend gave me the book "Hope..Beating Cancer in Mind-Sized Bites" by Vicky Girard. It's a little book with lots of inspirational thoughts and short quips. You may want to look for it at the book store or at the library. I still get it out and read it every so often and it perks me up. During my treatments it reminded me that the treatments do end and there is so much hope.
Buddy, I hope you are feeling better, too. You have had a rough journey so far. You're due for some good things to happen. Thinking of you and hoping that you have a good day, too.
Mary Jane and her family, WendyTY, Dave, my family and I are walking in the Peoria Race for the Cure on Saturday. We will be walking for all of us! We need that cure. There have been so many advancements in the treatment area. Hopefully the many walks across the country this year will provide the needed funding to find our cure and save millions of women from making this journey. In the meantime, I'm continuing to walk in as many races as possible, even if I do cry during the survivors' walk. There's just too many pink shirts.
WendyTY and I are playing a quick round of golf today and then I'm back to getting things ready for my kids who will be pulling in tomorrow afternoon. I need to get some more food in this house and make a cake for dessert. That means it's the dreaded grocery store trip! Gosh Wendy, can I go with you to the library instead? Tonight is our first attempt at assembling a small group of bc survivors from the area for a dinner bunch. We will introduce them to and hopefully have a few more join our thread. Hopefully the night will be enjoyable for everyone and they'll come back to another night out
So....I'd better get going. Have a great day, gals!
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Rita what a great thing to do...introducing people to the one source that has meant so much to all of us here. I will be sending hugs to everyone at the dinner and hope they will think about all the comfort and care you feel to just sit down with someone and be able to pour your heart out and know you will be understood. I'm sure they will all thank you but just in case....I thank you.
Also a million thanks to Mary Jane and you and both your families for the Peoria walk on Saturday. All of us who for whatever reason haven't or don't do walks are sure glad someone is out there representing us and doing something noteworthy and positive.
Thanks almost isn't quite enough but know that it is very, very heartfelt from me.
Billions and Billions of thanks to two of my most favorite people RITA JEAN AND MARY JANE,& WENDYTY
and to all the fabulous gals on our Illinois thread --- just keep knowing that I'm thankful for each and every one of add so much to my life.
WendyTY Please forgive me for leaving your name out above. I hang my head in shame, but not for too long.
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Hi all:
Rita, I echo your call out for Smerf. I miss her calm and nurselike "take charge" wisdom. She may be traveling. Last time I saw her was at the Garden Show at Navy Pier and her DH was holding the rake he just purchased. Smerf said that he bought that rake for himself, yet she knew she would probably be the one pushing it out and pulling it on. . Come in from the fields, Smerf! We miss you.
Donna, have you finished "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People"? You have been so sick that I doubt it. My DH just finished the book on tape (he listens....never reads books) and we got into this discussion on it. We were each brought up Catholic (12 years of Catholic education!!!!) and this book helped us to question our childlike perception of g-d. and our own personal destinies. Jackie, save me here if I sound crazy! YOU, dear, will get it!
Good night!
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Susan....I get it perfectly. I starting questioning a whole lot in the early 80's....shortly after that book was written and I haven't stopped...........and lot of people think there is a whole lot missing from my deck which does not bother me one iota.
I can't tell you the catalyst for all my questions......I think it had more to do with how many things just did not connect up with the information ( especially a lot of the spiritual/religious items ) that I had. I wanted answers very badly....because I knew there was more going on in this universe and I desperately wanted a reason for the rhyme.
Over the years ( I think because I prayed so much to know ) more and more enlightenment came until ( though I am still woefully ignorant of so much ) there is enough connection for me to move on in this world feeling comfortable that we are all going to end up in the same place.....and I do not worry quite like others, or grieve quite like others....though I can often be sad about things that happen in this world. In fact......though I do not long for death what-so-ever, I totally lost any me it's a transition to something far, far better. I committed myself to THIS lifetime so whatever may come....good or bad I will see it through. And I worry not at all for anyone who does not think like does not matter. We are all where we are suppose to be, which means there are numerous people who believe just what I do and just as many who don't. It just does not matter. All roads lead to the same place......we may have different knowledge....but it is probably ( just like you pack a suitcase to take a trip ) exactly what each of us needed to get along in THIS life, THIS time.
See Susan.....I really do like the place I am in....when you don't have to fear things ( I had an almost hysterical fear of death for a long time ) you can live in some ways so much more fully and the gravity of your fears is not wreaking havoc on you all the time.
We are all ok and just where we need to be and were meant to be and it will work out.