Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,188
    edited June 2009

    Good morning everyone.  It's going to pour here later and when it starts will go most of the day.  Drat!!!!  It will be the start of basically a week with rain.  Not looking forward to it at all, but just have to buck up and get through it.

    Rita....I hear you about the meat and potatoes....though I was better always at eating the potatoes.  I have always been a small portion meat eater so that is not a hard one for me.  I do though like chicken and turkey which I don't think are near as hard on your system as the red meats.  Also, one needs to take into account how these are cooked.....I think cooking styles have a lot of do with what "reactions/interactions" happen when we eat.  I go back to Wendy and go with moderation in everything as well as my friend Gloria who says.....when you go out to eat, don't hold back and just enjoy.  Then at home go right back to your "better ways".  Sometimes too much of a good thing is too least for some. 

    Donna....I too am not real big on the white foods.....especially the bread.  Before cancer I had probably not eaten white bread for 35 years.  We get whole wheat always.  Do I dare mention a brand name -- Milton's.  Also almost always brown rice.  I do buy Irish Oatmeal.  Seems expensive but makes more than the others ( cooks for half an hour too ) so I only have to make it every four or five days. I do keep a box of Old Fashioned Oats for emergencies, but need to have the kind that cooks at least five minutes for any real heart health benefit.  Use Kashi cereals as well when I want some variety.  Also, the old fashioned peanut butter that has to be stirred sits on my shelf.  So, I do try to be minimal on the not so good things --- big downfall on dessert/sweets but again....home-made is better if you are going to do it.  It's the preservatives and colors and flours etc.  While I do try to do scratch baking when I do it at all, sometimes you just are caught short.  So, moderation and awareness and try not to get obsessive.  Fear is stress and stress plays a big role ---

    Hope you all have a good day....and a dry one too.  .



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,188
    edited June 2009
    May you not become too concerned with material matters, but instead place immeasurable value on the goodness in your heart. Find time each day to see beauty and love in the world around you. Realize that each person has limitless abilities, but each of us is different in our own way. What you feel you lack in the present may become one of your strengths in the future. May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience. May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself, and not be dependent on another's judgment of your accomplishments. May you always feel loved.
    -- Unknown.
  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2009

    No smell fish and the alcohol in the wine burns off.

    Baked cod steaks  (scrod)

    6 cod steaks (or scrod fillets)          sliced mushrooms (try fun ones)

    2 sliced onions                                finely chopped parsley

    1 sliced lemon                                a dripping of olive oil

    salt -pepper

    Cover the bottom of a glass casserole with half of the onion and lemon.  Add the fish.  Cover with remaining onion and lemon and sliced mushrooms (optional).  Sprinkle with salt (optional, pepper and chopped parsley/  Pour in a mixture of 2/3 white wine and 1/3 vinegar to come yp to the top of the fish.  You can then place a bit of olive oil on top or dot with butter (if you are feeling daring).  Bake in a moderate over until tender (my fillets were at 300 degrees for about ten minutes.  I watched them carefully and broiled for a minute to turn the top brownish.

    No smells! Instead of my beloved potatoes, I served cooked carrots with a bit of olive oil and tossed in chopped parsley from my garden. 

    If you try this recipe, I hope you like it.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited June 2009


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,188
    edited June 2009

    Susan --- sounds yum.

  • maryjane8
    maryjane8 Posts: 68
    edited June 2009

    Hi ladies,

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I do appreciate it. I also want you to know that I faithfully read about your lives and continue to wish all of you the best!

     Ginny, my heart goes out to you with all you are going through. I will keep praying for you!

    Bj, four of my daughters and I went to LV the 3rd through 7th. We had a great time. My oldest daughter was the only winner at gambling, but we saw a couple of great shows and went to a wonderful piano bar in NY-NY. The weather was fantastic, only in the 80's.

    Jackie, thanks for your messages. I hope your sister-in-law is doing better.

    Laura, good luck to your niece. With your support, I'm sure she'll do fine with her baby.

    Susan, it sounds as though you are busier than ever! How did we find time to work?

    Juliet, hope the new job is going well.

    Pat, we'll be in your neck of the woods for a wedding in July. One of the Glenview nieces is getting married.

    WendyTY, hope your golf outing goes well today!

    Rita, I'll see you Saturday!

    Wendyk, I'm glad I found you on FB! Your view of the world continues to crack me up!

    Jan Clare, Michele101, Connie,  and the others I've met in person, hello and have a great day!

    Mary Jane

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited June 2009

    Susan...Recipe looks awesome!!!Thanks for sharing.. will copy this. Do not have alot of fish recipes that are easy.Are there any filet bones in this kind of fish??

    Happy Birthday Mary Jane!!!

    Have a new avatar with my wig from the time (few weeks back) when goin to the WEDDING!

    Has Jo been in? Hoping she is faring well.Buddy.. how is your back. Have you ever heard of the topical gel.Biofreeze... wonder if that is ok to use as it works miracles when my neck gets kinked.

    Cleaned alot of old hospital and old meds from the surgery. Felt kind of good to get rid.
    Am putting together a pile of info and shared items to go to my girlfirend. whose sister starts chemo end of June for IDC. Glad to be able to pass some of this stuff on

    Rita,,, Great golf outing i hope and for a great cause!!! Hope WendyTY survivies as it has to be exhausting~~~!!Need a laundry fairy I bet after all the time away!!!lol. Good work!

    Making a sirloin roast and potatoe and broccoli dinner... still need protein and doubt i will go far from that.Though i usually make sweet potatoes for me when I am stocked up.

    Hope all have a good evening.'



    MAMAQ Posts: 140
    edited June 2009

    Donna.... I've been keeping up with you ladies but haven't added my two cents.  Feeling really sorry for myself and then I feel guilty that people have way worse than me and that I should just shut up.  Seems like I go from one SE to another, none horrible just enough to make sure that I don't feel like myself.  Except for the backpain, which I will ask about the Biofreeze.  I have now had terrible indigestion for 3 days.  Waiting for the prilosec to work.  Tums not cutting it, feels like someone punching me in the stomach everytime I eat or drink.  Any suggestions? 

    Little C....  We must be from the same neck of the woods.

    Also, could you guys say a prayer for the boy in 8th grade at my kids school.  Can't remember what kind of cancer he has but it's very aggressive.  He didn't respond as well to his chemo as hoped and needs to do more.  (Laura, the mom that's very interested in alternative medicines too)

    He has been very brave through the whole thing.

    Not sure what's going on with the universe and cancer.  My daughters teacher had to take a leave for the last three weeks because her husband found out he had colon cancer.  Principal came to talk to them, as she's a cancer survivor.  Me and another mom have had cancer this year, and two boys parents have become survivors.  Matt, the boy above, is the fourth or fifth student.  As well, as a kindergarten teacher having colon this year.  Sound like a cluster?!  or just coincidenece.  Well, enough of my ranting.  See, I shut up for a few days and then I'm like a dam.


  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2009

    Hi all:

    It occurred to me  hours after posting the fish recipe that this now could be disgusting to  those in treatment.  Sorry.  Donna, to answer your question though, I ask the  fish man to debone the fish as I cannot stand bones.  Fresh fish is expensive, yet better for you.  More importantly, Donna, you look great in you avatar!  You don't need to eat fish.  You have a wonderful figure

     Jo. when I was dx with breast cancer, another teacher was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and the son of another teacher was diagnosed with neuroblastoma.  A fourth teacher had her son in law diagnosed with some sort of soft muscle cancer.  We all were were aghast with the numbers.  I just think we hear more about it.  It is good to talk, however, as it encourages awareness. My DD is eating organically  and is so aware of what is not good for her children.  I admire her for being cautious. No one has the answers.  That is clear.  And again, as Jackie said, we are in our infancy when it comes to understanding all these mutations.  I personbally read so many contradictions that I walk away just happy I am 61 and alive!

    I am hoping all are feeling very well (at least better) tonight.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited June 2009

    Susan - Thanks for the recipe! It's great that you took the time to share that with us.


    GIRLS - I just found out there's going to be an expo related to ORGANIC FOODS - it's this Wednes, Thurs. at MeCormick Place:


    Jo - My thoughts and prayers are with the little one. His Mom is doing the right thing... alternative therapy is awesome. She has done her homework.


    It's late... the bath water is running... more tomorrow... but we must talk more about the Iodine fact....Donna.... it's very interesting.

  • berrypatch
    berrypatch Posts: 55
    edited June 2009

    Hi Everyone!

    This is just a drive-by as it is bed-time for me.  I wanted to let you all know that Allison's phyllodial (sp) tumors are B9!  Yay!  But she is still headed to Dartmouth for 2nd opinion on Wednesday.  She has 2 large tumors in her left breast and one tumor that is not growing at this time.  From what I have read, these can go malignant at any time.  Her Dr. wants to continue to do lumpectomies, she wants mastectomy with recon.  I'll let you all know the outcome as soon as I know.

    I'll come back later this week.

    Love and hugs to all - Carol 

  • WendyTY
    WendyTY Posts: 94
    edited June 2009

    Hey Girls!

    I'm ready for bed after a really long day.  Who knew charity work could be so exhausting.  Thank God for Rita and several of my other friends helping out.  We couldn't have don it without them.  I think the whole thing was good practice for returning to work.  Speaking of that...Rita got me another job pet sitting.  Now I am watching two dogs for the next couple of weeks.

    Hope everyone in treatment is hanging in there.  I am not looking forward to my next tx.  But maybe it will bring some much needed rest.

    Stay strong or lean on a good friend!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited June 2009

    Morning!  62 and cloudy on the deck this am....rain coming later.  Of course it is....we had 2 whole dry days.  It's time for 4 days of rain....

    Jo...prayers going out for that little boy.  And never worry about ranting here....all of us do it from time to time.  Just the nature of the beast and that's why we have this site to come to...this way wew don't do it at home and watch the dreaded "eye roll"! I hate the eye-roll.  Feel like a total idiot when I get that!  Would like to roll those eyeballs of DH's right around til he's looking at his brain!

    Susan...that's what I really miss about out fishmongers!  The closest (I think) is Supreme Lobster which is quite a drive!  The fish that they have at Jewel etc all I think has been frozen, then thawed.

    Carol....soooo happy to hear B9!  We LOVE B9!!!!!  With all those lumps I still think mastectomy is the way to go...would the cosmetic results be decent doing just lumpectomies???  Just me talking tho... had a very busy day!  But a good/rewarding one!  Did you ever find out about your Herceptin schedule?  Or did you post and 'Ole Chemobrain here forgot???

    Jacks....are you getting rain, rain and more rain?  Everytime I check the weather all I see down by you is the dreaded "green glob"!  Yuck!  I know that this kind of weather does nothing for your mood!

    Blackjack.....I don't think you said...what happened at the endo last week?  Are you enjoying the summer?  Last 2 days have been nice!

    Did anyone catch the news at 10 last night?  There was a story about people in Cicero getting $100 and $150 tickets for having grass too long (over 10").  The funny part was that they never got out of their cars to measure it...and nobodies' grass was near that long.  So.......Cicero is going to "retrain" their supervisors in "policing grass".  What a hoot! need to "retrain" adults to pull out a ruler and stick it in a lawn?  OK....and how exactly do I get this job?  Like Cicero doesn't have other more pressing problems to deal with!  Wow.

    Off to a hot shower...hopefully I just slept wrong but I woke up with my old friend, the bad back pain.  Why or why do I get this in about winter when I would have to stay home, and not shovel??????  So not fair....

    Oh well...there are worse things, as we all know!  Have a wonderful day...looking forward to Friday!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited June 2009

    Jo....Does the indigestion and discomfort occur eating just anything? For me, it was after dairy and some fruits. Burning and just terrible. I had some Zantac on hand and it worked fast. Not sure if this is over the counter. I took a few from my dad in case indigestion ever would occur, Watching what you eat or it just be a se that will go away on its own. You can do this and wish i could give yo a magic way to do it.

    Susan...totally agree on those mutations we have no idea on!!My BRCA1 showed a insignicant variance and need to see further at some point what that is long term? ?You do the best you can as i had before BC and still have it!!!Ate well..dairy,nongluten, litttle sugar..detoxed alot...etc.etc.. and cancer still came thru.  There is no secret formula and it is all very interesting how some that do not take care of themselves seem to be ok anyway?

    Hope All are well here today.Rain coming..AGAIN...trying to get stronger each day and doin alot more each day and know that i will beleive this is over for treatments once i really stop waitng for the other shoe to drop feeling!!!

    My goldens are all upset with this weather as they cannot get in much trouble when it rains. Liberty does not even like it when her feet get wet and the other two. roll in it!!!Wish i was a DOG sometimes...lololol.

    Healthy Wishes,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,188
    edited June 2009

    Morning everyone.....Ah Wendy, you are so right.  It poured during the night and only gloomy this a.m. but more is on the way.  Of course, it rained the better part of the day yesterday as well.  Don't know where we are going to put all this water.  No wonder we are probably the mold capital of the world.  Well that might be a bit of a stretch but we do have a really high water table here.  So many people complain of their basements getting wet and almost all have sump pumps.

    WendyTY What a fantastic reason to get exhausted.  You said such a mouthful with your last line.....**Stay strong or lean on a good friend**.The reason we are all here. 

    Hi to you too Carol and my vote would be not to wait for the shoe to drop.....but unless there is huge chance for more tumors later....I would consider lumpectomy too. 

    I too hope you just slept wrong Wendy...hmmm, you need a cold pack.  If winter weather doesn't bother. doctor ( well his nurse ) ordered huge bottles of ? Prilosec capsules for me.  I was to take one in the morning before anything else -- even coffee.  Once I had done that for a couple weeks ( to get some healing well underway ) it became a daily routine and I no longer had any more distress.  They had me take this all the way through chemo AND rads too.  I could still refill if I wanted....they left it up to me.  I don't as I think nothing now is an issue to the point of "swallowing" anything I don't have too. are so right.  You can eat the **perfect** diet --- and hmmm, does anyone know what that really is, and exercise, watch wt. and you will still get cancer or a huge number of other things......and many who do everything wrong seem at times to stay in far better health.  I know here it comes...but my dad had one heart attack of angina,( early in life ) one heart attack ( way later in life ) and in-between never saw a Dr.  He did in the last 10 years of his life though while being treated for Parkinson's ( what Michael Fox has ) and that is what took his life.  He drank lots of soda pop, loved his sweet desserts....and even made my mom put double the sugar in his Kool-Aid and tea.....even I could gag on how sweet these were,  Smoked at least two packs a day.  He was ( only about some things ) a type A personality, but he loved a good joke and more often than not would see humor in much of his life and the life of those around him. 

    All of this just what Donna says....I guess I have somewhat the same attitude he are destined to get what you get -- whatever it is and you will deal with it...if and when it happens.  And he thought this would happen no matter what measures you might take in your life.  I applaud those who want to watch what they eat or what utensils they use for their liquids.....if you think it's going to cause you a problem, I'm sure it will.  Your mind is that powerful.  I don't like too many things coming out of  microwave --  just me though and a personal thing.  At the same time I think some caution and moderation ( common sense ) should be used.   We are in a different era than our parents and have more pollution and **insults** to this marvelous machine --our bodies, 

    Whew...once again I just let myself get so carried away....and no offense to anyone I hope --- but I have seen some of these things over and over again and I do believe that we will get what we get and some ways wish it wasn't so.  I hope you all have a wonderful day.....even if it is wet. 




    loved how you signed off Donna....there's another why didn't I think of that moment after reading. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,188
    edited June 2009
    "Defeat is a state of mind. No one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as reality. To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth."
    - Bruce Lee -
  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Posts: 162
    edited June 2009

    Hello everyone !!!!!

    Just slipping in very quickly ( I am not spose to use my computer at work ever......ohmy ) but I wanted to let everyone know, I am signed up for a Breast Cancer Panel discussion at the Wellness House in HInsdale this Saturday June 20th from 8:30am-1pm all of the top bc specialists will be there talking about different topics everything from treatment advances to hormone therapy to diet and lifestyle....Donna, your Dr Cobleigh is going to be there !!!!  They are expecting a big turnout but there are still openings as I just registered yesterday....if any of you want to go just call them to register on the phone....I can tell you how to get there . I know its short notice but I thought of all of you immediately ....

    I do keep up with all of your posts here and I rejoice for the good things, and pray when any of you are having problems, and I copy recipes Susan *smilin*

    Gotta scoot.....


  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Posts: 68
    edited June 2009

    Hello Illinois Ladies!

    Just stopping in to say hi.  I had my last round of herceptin today....I don't have to go back down to RUSH until September now!  I am very thankful.  Been of Femara for 4 months now and thank goodness the side effects are subsiding.  I am just a little stiff with sore fingers.  I am celebrating being done with my year of herceptin by going to Florida next week, and then to New England for the rest of the summer.  It is nice to be free from the hospital.  (although I loved Rush and all my doctors)  Have a great day everyone! 

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited June 2009
    Jan,, Good to droppe in and hope you are not in trouble doin that!!!!Will be leaivng for NY to see my DAD,..he turns 90. God willing..still weak from MY LAST round, but driving will be ok and a chance to unwind etc. :Cancer panel sounds awesome and very powerful!!!Enjoy it yourself and bring us all your wisdom!!!Gosh knows... we need all we can get with this journey....lolol!!!
  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited June 2009

    Hi girls - just dropping in to say hi.  Hugs to all those in treatment and Ginny, Paula, 8th grade boy.  You are all in my thoughts.

    Heading to LV tomorrow for a business trip.  We are not staying on the strip and I don't think we will have the time to head there.  Just checked the weather and it is supposed to be 100!

    Happy Birthday, Mary Jane! 

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited June 2009
    Congrad's Henson!!!!You deserve a good get away as you are planning. I also went to RUSH for my chemo and surgery. Regardless of the great care, it was good to be finished. Have follow up appts though but it is at least not about treatments! All the Best to you!!!
  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Posts: 146
    edited June 2009

    Jackie,...I agree with you about that "perfect diet". When I don't feel well I don't want to eat good, junk food taste better.  But I have my husband bugging all the time about what to eat and not eat. I sneak it when I can but I don't feel that should have to.  If I want a pop, I want a pop.  He is just so adamant about if you eat the "right" things then that will make all the difference.  I have cut down alot on what I used to eat and walk about 3-4 days a week and I still have this awful disease.  He just doesn't understand.  I don't think anyone does until they actually go through it.  I do agree that eating right is a good start but when you don't feel like it then it is more of a chore than anything. With me not feeling like fixing dinner and by the time he gets home he doesn't feel like it either, I really don't each much.  If only it was easier......

    Thanks all you guys for your thoughts and prayers.  I just wish I could feel normal again.  I went to the cancer center this morning to get an infusion of decadron since the nevalubine caused burning to some of my veins.  It helped some but don't too much...I am going to get a port in the next few weeks...I get my treatment on Thursday.  Hope it goes better than last time.  And yes Thursday night I am eating bad...My dh won't be around....Tongue out


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited June 2009

    Ginny - Hang in there... eat what you think is right for you. I am so glad you are getting a port put in... honestly... it will make a big difference. Hang in there...

    Henson - YEAH! Congrats to you!

    Connie - Have a safe trip! Just think of all the money you'll save by NOT being close to the strip! lol


    Hey girls... hope all is well with you. I had that nagging excrutiating pain again... at my cancerous Mast site. It happens about once a month... for the past year... it feels as though a knife has been inserted into my scar and then it's twisted back and forth. It takes my breath away.... but only for about 15 seconds. HOW FRUSTRATING...and scary. I have an appt on Thurs with the bs to pick his brain. I need to address it... once and for all. I'm NOT freaked out... GIRLS... time does help and time does lessen the paranoia! After a while... you begin to NOT freak out. That's the silver lining.

    Paula is still very thin... she posted photos of her wearing her new bigs... broke my heart to say the least but she still looks youthful and beautiful. AND... she has not had an adverse reaction to the latest treatment...THANK GAWD!


    Paulie is demanding my attention.... he's biting my slippers... must leave for now and hold my little dear. He is small but mighty... knows exactly what apron strings to pull to get my attention! He's a smart cookie... but that's why we chose his breed! Arghhhhhh... lol

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2009

    Hi all:

    Ginny, just eat what feels good to eat. You should not have to sneak anything.  You are a brave warrior and I look up to you.  You went all the way to Anderson for a second opinion and that says a lot about you.  I hope the pain after the zoo is better.

    Laura and Blackjack, I am now unable to make the 26th as Paul has a conference in Rockford and I told him I would go along for company and (the real reason) he knows of some antique places up there (maybe it is down there).  We are staying overnight  and it should be nice.  He needs to do a number of conferences each year to keep his law license in order.  I just know I will be able to meet with everyone at the next lunch bunch.  I will make a point of it.  I have the mri the Rockford  week and we all know what that means.  I need to get away, even if it is just Rockford, IllinoisUndecided!

    I am reading the Elizabeth Edwards book, Resilience.  She does not spend too much time on the BC but I find her inspirational.  She lived a charmed life until all those tragedies came down.  If anyone would like to read it, I can send it to you.

    Laura, I hope the pain lets up.  Did you have radiation?  Could that have caused the problem?

    My brother is in with his kids.  The rain is rather oppressive and I sure wish it would let up so they can get outdoors.

    Take care,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2009

    Henson Chi...Congrats on finishing the Herceptin!  YEA!!!!!

    I'm really tired tonight but I wanted to pop in and see how all of you are doing.  I went to a golf outing today and got simply drenched.  We ended up in the club house playing the game Left, Center, and Right until lunch time.  At least lunch was great!  LOL

    Donna, I really like your new avatar picture!  Very charming!

    Oh Connie, I wish I was going with you!  I can't seem to get enough of that place!  Will blackjack be out there when you are?  She's going soon!

    Ginny, your hubby wants to fix things and make them better for you.  That's probably why he's pushing the different diets.  You're so right, he just doesn't understand, but you're lucky that he does really care.  I look forward to seeing you Thursday night.  We'll have a good talk!  :-)

    So how WAS your birthday, Mary Jane?  Did you have a good day?

    Good to hear from you, Jan!  I've missed you!

    Well, I'm chasing down my recliner!  Good night all!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited June 2009

     Morning all....62 and cloudy/foggy on the deck.  Weather channel says rain off and on all day long.  Ch. 9 (WGN) says sunn breaking thru by noon.  Hmmmmm.....

    HensonChi....YAY!!!!!  Isn't it great to be done with the Herceptin????  Congrats!

    Ginny....sending out a big hug to you.  The port will help I am sure, and sorry that the navelbine comes with a litany of se's for you.  I think your husband just feels helpless and wants to "fix" so many of our dear family wanted to do for us.  But you are so right....they just don't understand.  Cancer is not a fair disease....there is no "fix", no cure (YET !!!!!!)...just treatments, and  hope and suggestions for a healthier life.  I'm with the rest of the girls...when you feel like it, eat healthy.  When you feel cr** what you want - even if it is twinkies and a bag of chips, washed done with 3 cokes.  (Hey.....that sounds like my lunches in high school!  Really! - except I drank OJ)

    Laura.....I get pain, severe brief stabbing pain in the rib area all the time - lasts about 4-5 seconds.  My onc says....yep, that happens all the time.  My rad onc says nope, not radiation - it's from the surgery.  My surgeon says, nope not from surgery - it's from radiation.  Truthfully - I dx'd this one myself.  It's from radiation and therefore I am thinking it's just another little thing I get to live with.  If I quickly change position - it's gone.  Oh well.  You did have it all checked out tho so that's good.  Glad too that Paula had no reaction to the chemo this time.  Yay for her. dry up yet? that dry off yet???  Well, you know what I mean.

    Connie.....have fun in LV!  And I agree....much cheaper for you to stay OFF the strip!  How are those gorgeous curls of yours???

    Donna/ are you 2 doing so far today?  You 2 should have a blast together when you meet!  Notice I said WHEN and not IF!

    Jacks....Good Gosh!    All I see is rain and more rain down by you!  The lake level must be coming up.....and over!  Have you guys even had a chance to sit on the deck yet?  This has been the worst June so far....either we are freezing, or sopping wet....or both.  Yuck.  And blech.  My back is "okay" this morning....I guess it really was just me sleeping funny.  But you can bet I am back at all those back exercises that I learned in PT last summer.

    Glad to see I have my computer line back - they were working on the lines all day yesterday and our phone/dsl service kept going on and off all day.  I really wish they would stop fixing things that were working just fine.

    Time to get moving....hope you all have a wonderful...and!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2009

    Wendy, I totally agree.  This is the worst spring and early summer that I can remember for rain, cold temperatures, and unpredictable weather.  I have used my deck very few times and haven't even had the top down much on the car.  I want summer!!!!!

    Susan, enjoy your overnight stay in Rockford.  I love long weekends and overnight trips!  Lots less packing than for the longer trips and it's always lots of fun to explore a new place.

    I hate to admit it, but I still haven't caught up with everything that's going on with all of you since I left for vacation.  Buddy, please update me.  Where are you at currently in this journey? 

    How about you gals down south in Jackie's area?  How is it going for you?  Please keep us updated. 

    I have the entire morning off.  LOL  I'm going to go down to WendyTY and get some shade plants from her if the rain holds off.  I guess I should also try to write a few questions and earn a little cash.  Wednesday is ladies golf day at our course so I'm golfing later in the afternoon.  Then I think Dave and another one of the guys is joining us for dinner tonight.  YEA!  I don't have to cook!  My goal next week is to get organized again and get back to healthy, homecooked meals.  I was doing so good until I went on vacation...............then POOF!  I fell right back into the old routine.  It takes time to plan healthier meals, do the shopping for them and get them all prepared.  Guess I just need to make more of an effort again.

    Well, I won't get anything done if I continue to sit at the computer.  Everyone have a good day!


  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited June 2009

    Laura...The pain sounds very annoying. Had no idea that can even happen! YES..pick the Dr's brain and good you have one to talk  to with as this is p-a-i-n.. and we do NOT need anymore!!!Oh that Paulie sounds like he is just soooo busy. How many kisses a day do you give him..that face is just too precious. Love him!!!!

    My biggest issue.. is sleeping. I have been taking Lorazapam since chemo started. I also take a melatonin. Last night, I tried to sleep with just Melatonin and 1PM I am wide awake.. brain is functioning and cannot shut it down! So half an hour later i take the Lorazapam. Today is only a week from having my last treatment. I HAVE yet to feel RESTED or having  realrestorative sleep since surgery. Is it not until the chemo and chemicals are out ot me that i will feel truly rested and have some of the real tiredness that makes me sleepy not having to be drug induced.? Before this i was on a natural melatoin creme that i ordered from a Compound Pharmacist and was on a natural Bio-identical Hormone Progestorone creme topcially done before that. the melatonin creme really worked for me .. My oncologist says no more as she considers it as a form of a hormone and i cannot take any more of this stuff ! This creme always helped me. Sleep is everything to me and just wondered if this is all a part of the chemo coming out of me.

    Another issue, is, had a friend say to me yesterday, we never talk anymore. When we do, to me, it is about her life as she has a life! I have incorporated parts of what is goin on and there is not much to talk on if the other person has never been thru it. l also do not have the urge to call people like i use to, i rather just be left alone. I told her,.. i don't talk anymore!!!Sarcastic, but i truly have nothing to talk on as i am still coming out of my cancer cocoon.. trying to figure out what i will be doin, what i am suppose to do and to get that NEW Normal goin that was mentioned to me months back here. I feel lost!!I None of the present circle of friends have really been there with a heart and the ones that have and understand are long distance. All i am saying is, everything is just not the same now that chemo is over and have no idea where to start in anything? The new normal is what for me and i quess that is now my journey!! Teaching is not until Sept and wonder if that will be physically ok for me as it is stressful but I love the kids. IT is all so unclear and not use to that.

    Sorry. about all of this.. this is what i worke up with last night and had to get it out. Just learned also yesterday, my pastor and his wife are leaving our the end of June. It is hard for me, as he was at my surgery and is one that understands the jounrey somehow and it was comfort for me to have him. ALL change is good,, just trying to get some footing so i can see who this new Donna is? OFF my soap box now and thanks for letting me vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Out of my Coccon,


  • Tanyar
    Tanyar Posts: 22
    edited June 2009

    I just read this and though it appropriate for everyone at all stages of our lives. 

    BANK ACCOUNT!!!... something we should all remember.

    A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.

    His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.

    As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.

    I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.

    Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait.'

    'That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied.

    Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time.

    Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is  arranged .. it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it.

    'It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice;

    I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful  for the ones that do.

    Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away.. Just for this time in my life.

    Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in.

    So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories!

    I am still depositing.

    'Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

    1. Free your heart from hatred.

    2. Free your mind from worries.

    3. Live simply.

    4. Give more.

    5. Expect less.

    I wish each of you peace as you travel our journey of bc.  It ain't for light weights!



    MAMAQ Posts: 140
    edited June 2009

    Hey everyone.... Starting to feel like myself again.  Not sleeping that great at night, but never have.  Heartburn/indigestion still here but seems to be subsiding a little.  Still waiting for the Prilosec to work.  See onc dr. tomorrow, so will talk to him about this.  But my energy level is getting higher and higher.  Just in time for my next treatment. lol

    Anyways, I hope you know how much your posts mean to me.  To see you guys living strong and healthy lives makes me know to be patient.  I too will be there someday. 
