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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited June 2009
    It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited June 2009

    Oh what a beautiful morning -- it's not raining yet.  Few clouds, but some sun.....I think rain will come. it is only a week since treatment I think you just need a bit more time.  You are still ridding your body of the chemicals and all the cells and tissue that did not survive through your tx.  It is so difficult to be patient when tx is REALLY over as in LAST ONE.  Mentally you begin to celebrate this fact feeling such joy that it's over, but then find your body is not co-operating so well.  You will get there but I do think of that little saying ** Give me patience Lord, but hurry ** because we have crossed the finish line and cannot really celebrate....don't feel like a winner yet.  Just hang on sweet lady. 

    I don't know but you may have to try some different sleep methods once you are really past chemo.  Cancer is a huge life interrupter and catches you unaware many times.  Physical, mental, emotionally.....everything turns into a jumble and nothing fits like it use to....we lose time, resources, finances, stability and worst of all friends and family too.  We have had our life altered and I think we are maybe going to have "those times" for a long time.  Just today I am wavering again on how I feel about life and hopes I have.  Some days I feel like I am winning and others I'm barely keeping up. 

    You will get back to yourself, even if it's not quite the same self.  Often I still feel very miss-understood and almost completely let down by those I trusted most in my life.  But we get to make a new path for ourselves and find new joys and new alliances. There is a deep longing for the security we felt, the comfort of good times with old friends and our stability but what held all that up is gone and we have to build a different foundation.  Takes time and courage and energy and lots of perseverance -- an uphill battle if I ever saw one.  I just don't know how to quit....someone forgot to teach me how to give-up.  I am trying not to define myself by those who hurt me or my disappointments which translates to ------  I'm still finding my way to what and who I am now but keep going.....we will all get there, even if it's a bumpy ride.  Hard to feel like a winner when a lot of this is going on but you are.  Look how many invaluable things we have learned ( or will be ) about ourselves and others.  My heart is with you.

    Tanya....I really like your gift above  --   those five rules to be happy.  I am very touched in fact by the last one which I am having difficulty with as we speak.  Not quite the way it is written exactly.  I have been thinking my expectations of many others is way too high.  I'm sure I'll be thinking of those words and making some much needed adjustments.  Not a big problem here....but am just finding that others lately seem to hold me to a very high standard while not applying those same standards to themselves.  Guess that is a lesson in we see things ( because this is not quite what #5 is I don't think ) determines what we are living and going through at any one given time.  I think this is something I definitely needed to SEE at "this time" in my life so I am thankful for the message.

    Jo, hope you are able to get the indigestion under control.  I think you reallly may have to take something daily....all through your txs and maybe a bit beyond.  So many of these things had not happened to me for years until chemo ( indigestion being one ) that I let it go way too long and had forgotten that I read it could be an issue.  Hmm, did I think my mind was meant for better things...I missed half of what I needed to watch our for. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful matter what it' s it going Mich? 



    MAMAQ Member Posts: 140
    edited June 2009

    Okay, I may have spoke too soon.  I was wondering if your head starts to feel funny before your hair starts to fall out?  A kind of tingly feeling?  Thanks ladies.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2009

    Hang in there, Jo!  You're going to make it through these treatments.  There is life after bc and you'll get there!  There were so many times in my journey when I got "down" because I was so tired of the treatments and radiation.  Then when they finally ended, I didn't know what else I should be doing!  LOL

    Tanya, I love your post.  Thanks for sharing that message.  It's one that we surely should remember.  I am so excited about meeting you on Thursday night!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited June 2009

    Jo - Yes... my head tingled before my hair fell out. Also... after it did fall out, it felt a little sore. Almost like if you had a rubber band too tight aroung a pony tail. Hang in there... I know this is a difficult time.


    Sounds like you girls are going to have a great time tomorrow night!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited June 2009

    Yes Jo, and then after a while it will start to hurt.  Hard to think of hair hurting.....but the pain is right where the hair is actually growing up out of the scalp.  I had my hair cut pretty short and then once the first couple of handful/clumps came out easily in my hand I went and had my head shaved.  This part of the journey is not fun.  I wanted to feel in charge of something so important so making the decision to go have my hair removed----not a little at a time, but all at once ( even the part that would have stayed for a small bit ) made me feel more like it was my choice rather than the result of a chemo drug. 

    How you deal with it is just a personal thing.  One way or another we have to go through this part and try to find some way to keep our emotions and feelings about it all as even as possible.  We are here.......for you.  You are never alone.



    MAMAQ Member Posts: 140
    edited June 2009

    Thanks for the quick responses.  Made an appointment for this evening.  Do I buzz, shave or cut hair short?  Do I have time for the short cut or go right for the shaved head? 

    You guys are the best.


    Also, I have a meeting this afternoon, will it happen that quick that I'm afraid it will happen during meeting?

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2009

    Hi to all,

    I've been downtown at the annual AMA meeting, and have not had time for anything else. It started last Friday, and is just now over. I did get to see President Obama, after waiting in a very long security check line for 2 hours. Glad it is easier than that at the airports!

    Jo....Yes, it is usual for the scalp to tingle, and even hurt a little as our hair gets ready to fall out. It doesn't just all fall out at once, so you should be okay for a meeting today. When the tingling started I could reach up anf take hold of a few oieces of hair, and pull it gently off my head. I had my Dh buzz my head because I didn't want hair to clean up all over the house. Also, I tried extra strength Maalox for the tummy issues, and it worked fairly well. Cheaper than Prilosec too. The onc nurse mentioned Prilosec, but my doctor likes Maalox better because it coats the whole tummy lining, and I found it worked faster. When I read up on Prilosec I knew my stomach already felt terrible, and I needed something that would act right away! Hope you feel better soon.

    Hope to catch up on more posts during the day, but now I have a huge pile of laundry and household chores calling my name.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited June 2009 will be fine for the meeting but here's a thought....why not go to one of the "cheapy" haircut places and get a real short, snazzy new look?  See if you might like it once your hair comes back!  You never know!  New hair, New you!

    Once the hair goes, it becomes so much easier for most of us.  It's the knowing and the waiting for it to go that was most traumatic.  It comes back!  Really!  Maybe even a new color!  Or curls!

    Hugs, honey.  Wish I could say something more and make this all easier.....

    MAMAQ Member Posts: 140
    edited June 2009

    I don't know what I'd do without you guys.  Your words always make me feel better. 

    DH helped too.  He told me "he married my soul, not my body" and that he doesn't care what happens as long as I do all I can to stay here with him and the kids. 

    Just when you want to feel sorry for yourself, you're reminded on how lucky you really are.


  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited June 2009

    Jo...i agree with Wendyk..  try a short cut first and then ease into the rest when the time presents itself. I actually had hair tingling and it hurt to put my head on the pillow!!! Started with a GI Cut and then the buzz about 15 days after my first treatment. I also started practing  wearing the wig over the GI Jane cut to see how it all felt. Like . Laura , also.. it is like a rubber band on a pony tail for too long!!! You have to take the control and that is what i think all of us do as it is a very difficult process, so whatever YOU are comfortable with, you can do!!I Like Jackie,  wanted to get ahead of the knowing my hair was goin to fall out!!!

    Jackie... do you notice how i go thru this emotional change and melt down after each treatment!!!! YOU ARE impatience and am trying once again,trying to figure it all out and contol whatever and it is the same insanity!! You give such great wisdom and it does abosrb for me. When i can just get past the three week mark without chemo, then when it start to make sense. Sleep is impt and not getting it as I USE  to, is very hard on me as i am way too over the top and tired thinking during the day. There is alot of shifting goin on still too and wish there was a book to read or a guide to follow to know it

    Tanya... Great message!!!!

    Time for a nippy nap. Calling all ofg my Golden's to sleepy time with Mom. Hope i can get the shut eye as i feel tired. DID walk today and it helps.

    'Hugs Galore,


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2009

    Jo, should be okay for tonight.  Just don't wash it or mess with it.  You are perhaps at the point that the sooner you jump into it, the better.  It is agony waiting for it to happen.  As the girls say, take control and don't wait for it it.....just shave it.  My wig lady did that for me.  She then placed the wig upon my head and turned my chair around and I never saw me bald until I got home.  My Dh was sitting there watching the whole thing.  He was so gallant.

    Took  my niece and nephew to Kohls museum.  It is fun place.

    Donna, you sound so healthy in your reflections on what is happening.  It is great how you are dealing with your emotions head on.  I had a somewhat enlightening experience today.  I was watching all the people who went by and wondering why I need to be haunted by the BC so much.  Then I had this strange realization that I wouldn't change my life with anyone.  I hate the worry of BC but I would rather be me even with the BC than to be anyone else.  I would guess all of us would have to say that.  If we could trade lives with someone and get a caner-free body we wouldn't do it if it meant losing the life and relations we have now.

    I swim tomorrow with niece and nephew. They are keeping me busy.  They are beautiful.....adopted from a mom in Vietnam who was unable to care for them.  Our fortune.


    MAMAQ Member Posts: 140
    edited June 2009

     Well, went and got my short haircut tonight.  HATE IT! But I do feel very empowered and more ready to take that next step.  Thanks for the help today.  I was feeling paniced and I knew you guys would help. 

    Susan... Going to Lake Michigan?  I love a day at beach, always a special day with the kids.  We live by the chain but they always like going to the Lake.

    Have a nice night everyone.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited June 2009

    Morning! Thunderstorms, pourng rain, temp 62.  More rain this afternoon, more rain all day tomorrow.  Yuck.

    Jo....well, I guess short hair is not "you"!  I thought maybe it might be somethng you would like!  Laura etc said it very having a tight pony tail for hours, and then taking it out and your hair and scalp "hurt" - that's what it felt like to me.  Also....went out to dinner last night, sitting by the Fox River and DH and I were talking about you.  Well, about my friend who was waiting for her hair to fall husband has a message for your DH.....don't forget to have him rub your bald head for a minute of so every night.  He swears it made mine grow back faster!

    Funny thing....he still rubs my head every day at least once!

    He wasn't the best partner to go thru this whole mess with.....but I do remember those gentle rubs every night.

    Time to get moving.....altho with the heavy storms, I may stay home this am!

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited June 2009

    Hello....just lost my first post written today,,,,grrrrr.

    Jo....i hated my hair cut too BUT i did not miss the pain of trying to lay down!!!  This was the most difficult part for me and totally understand!!!!Your DH saying he marreid your soul and not your body., ..awwwwww.. my hubby calls me baldy!!! In the most endearing way of course!!!!You have to have some humor in some of this and both of us do some good one liners on this on a daily basis. This step done will help ease into it all, as when i had hair falling out and in the shower etc, i had to get ahead of it to feel some of the power!! I bet you look cute too with the new DO.

    Wendy.... it is true about the massaging of the scalp to make hair grow faster. In my one book, even when having hair, it says to massage your scalp daily for growth and circulation etc. My DH pets my head and i say. maasage it or you will be bald...lolol. SO sweet and loving, arent I?!

    Susan...YES, agree wholeheartedlly that being who we are today from being thru this BC journey i would say at some point.. it is not something i would exvchange either. I can imagine how nice that moment was for you to feel!!! I am grateful that the cancer is OUT of me and looking at pics even 6 mos-12 mos prior.. i did NOT look healthy.. My body was preparing me for this time, that i know!!!!Bet your niece and nephew are adorable!!!!!!!!Enjoy!!!!

    Laura...How is the pain thing goin and did you see your DR yet?!

    Slept horrrible again last night. I refuse to take anymore of the Lorazapam they had me on for the chemo and think that there is a connection as i cannot sleep right without it and bet chemically there is a withdrawal thing goin on or something?! grrrrr. i want my sleep back.

    Enjoy the rain... get to your laundry ladies and ironing... good day to overwork yourself.. chop


    Hugs Galore,'


  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited June 2009

    Good morning friends.  I have missed you.  I hope I am over the worst of my last treatment.  I woke up not in pain.  I hope it lasts.  Pain and fatigue, this chemo is totally different.  Its a stormy day.  Mamaq  Hang in there. 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2009

    Hugs to both Jo and Buddy!

    Jo, you did it!  You took control over your hair situation, and although it's not something you'd choose to do, you did it.  I think that sums up the entire journey.  It's not something that we choose to do, but we do "do it" and although we have lots of roller-coaster emotional rides along the way, we do get through it and on to other things.  It's not an easy trip!  Hang in there.  We are here to listen and "put in our two cents" when you need it.

    Buddy, I am so out of the loop since vacation that I didn't realize you were doing a different chemo.  I am so sorry that I haven't taken the time to get caught up on all the posts and so sorry that you're experiencing pain and fatigue.  Hopefully the side effects will be short-lived and your body will adjust to this new regiment.  My thoughts and prayers are with you, hon.

    Rain, rain, and more rain.  We had a golf meet scheduled for this morning and it's just not going to happen.  For some reason, Donna's idea of laundry and ironing doesn't seem nearly as appealing as spending the day on the golf course!  LOL

    I will see you Bloomington area girls tonight at DeStihl.  Even the rain won't mar this outing!

    Hugs to all my sisters.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited June 2009

    "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is
    merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do
    anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control
    your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward."

    -- Amelia Earhart

    hooray for your victory Jo....the above is a litle something for you and hope all the rest will enjoy and take it personal too.

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2009

    Morning girls....I hope everyone is doing well.

    Donna...sorry to see that you are having sleeping problem. Rest is really what we all need. Have you tried some sleepy time tea. I drink it before bed as it is a herbal tea and it seem to do the trick for me. Just a thought. is your chemo tx. I hope you are not having to many side effects this time around. Rest, rest and more rest. Any word on your reports.

    Rita...are you all caught up now. How is your golf doing. My lessons are going very slowly. Can't seem to keep my head but I do have a good swing. Golf fund raisers are so much fun. is your back doing? Are you having fun with dh home now. lol I try to send mine out everyday... he just gets in my way. lol your pain better and  did you get some answers. Please bring your heath expo info to lunch bunch. You can teach us all. lol

    Jackie..boy you are having way to much rain down by you. Do you need a boat. lol I loved your post on life after bc very inspiring..

    Jo.. Taking control of a situation make you empowered... it is the hardest thing to do. But you took control... you did it. Hugs to you.

    I would like to know if anyone had the reclast infusion? Did you have side effects?

    Just a reminder that the Lunch Bunch is meeting Friday at Maggiano's. Hope to see you all there.

    To everyone else I missed hope you are doing well with your txs. To the other girls hope you are going out and enjoying life. There is a life after go out and enjoy yourself.

    Have a dry day today lol Remember to be healthy happy.


  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited June 2009

    Diahrea off and on ,&rectal bleeding.  This is scarry.  Hopefully its just from the irritation.  No word on tests yet.  So glad the pain has let up,

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2009

    Donna: you are so right about the sense of humor.  It not only helps;  it just gets your through some tough times.  I have two times I had to laugh at myself.  I have a hip that hurts (yes, I will see the doctor as soon as the breast mri is over----I can only handle one stress at a time) and so I was of course googling all over the place.  I got into two off topic places.   I got into  the METS (the NY team) once and started reading before I realized and then I really got into a topic I thought was just all about me and my bloody hip, only to discover it was SOMETHING ABOUT equine CANCER.  I actually felt embarrassed even though I was the only one reading.  And yes, Donna, there is something called "rebound something or other" and it can occur with sedatives.  When they wear off, you flip into high alert state.  Isn't there something called melatonin?  I hear people talk about it as maybe it could help.  I have never tried it.

    Wendy, was that a false alarm on the back?  I sure hope so.  I find that if I ice quickly it works.  I know your back is nor my back.  Have you ever had hip pain from a lumbar disk issue? I am hoping I am having referred pain in the hip from the lumbar disk.  Hardest at night if sleep on that hip.

    Jo, we are going to an indoor pool in Glenview today as the beach is cold and the niece and nephew like to swim.  I am happy they are here but I know you all know how it can get wearing with very little down time.  Tomorrow is American Girl and the hits keep going.  Tonight the Botanic Garden for an outdoor concert (if weather holds up).  Yep, I will be ready for the mri on Monday. It may even look peaceful to me!  I am going to bring a walkman and some meditation music as it is my hope I will be allowed to listen to it so I do no freak.

     Have a great day!


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2009

    Buddy: We were on at the same time.  I am certain it is due to irritation.  Perhaps you have hemmoroids?  It is all very scary but I did have the same thing and it was irritation. SP

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited June 2009



  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2009

    Tanya, I love your post! I have the most trouble with number two, and that is not because of bc, it is because of kids. How do you stop worrying about them, even after they are grown? I have not yet mastered that one.

    Susan, congratulations on your retirement. Sounds like you will be just as busy as ever! I have spent a few weekends in Rockford, and found some very nice people are there. You can have hip pain from a nerve in the lumbar spine, and also from arthritis. I like your two week rule, and I use it too. Sometimes stretch it to three weeks.

    Buddy, I'm with Susan, it is most likely irritation. If you have hemorrhoids you could try some over the counter suppositories if you have a small amount of bleeding. There are some prescription pain relieving suppositories too. If you are concerned you could call your onc. Chemo can cause us to be more prone to some bleeding, and I had some never before nose bleeds during my ac. Hope you feel better real soon. Hugs!

    Donna, I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping. That was, and sometimes still is, a problem for me too. I did not take lorazepam, but I do know that it is not advisable to abruptly stop if you have been using it regularly. It can be habit forming, so you might need to wean yourself off gradually. I currently use some generic benadryl if I need some help sleeping. For me, insomnia was my main menopausal problem, and adding steroids to that left me wired. I have tried melatonin, but did not notice any difference.

    Jo, you have taken control! I too hated my new short "do," even though I already had short hair. I didn't like it shorter, but it did feel empowering. When my DH buzzed it for me, he commented "welcome to the club," as he has been bald since before I met him. Now I can't figure out how he sleeps without a hat on, because my head was cold! Of course, I was more bald than he, because he has that fringe men have, LOL. A sense of humor does help.

     Wendy, you should come here! No rain so far today, though they say tonight. This is getting ridiculous! I think we have traded with Karin, as Seattle has been having record heat, and dry weather.

    Hope to see lots of you tomorrow at lunch.

    hugs to all

  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2009

    What is with this weather?  I hope Florida is better next week!  I could use some steady sunshine about now...and I know you all could too!

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2009

    Okay Wendy, now it has clouded up, and they are flashing violent storm warnings across the television screen. I guess yesterday's downpour wasn't enough!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited June 2009

    Hi girls.  I called the Onc  he had me come in for my count.  It was awesome  wbc 52000.  Said just like all of you did .  it was probably internal hemeroids.  i do bleed regular.  but this morning was lots.  anyway i feel so much better now.  thank you all again.  seriously, i dont know why i pay a doctor when i have all of you that can tell me teh same thing and much faster....

    What is up with the weather?????

    Love ya Gals

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited June 2009

    Hey the Southern IL girls are getting together tonight... I bet they're having a great time! Our turn is tomorrow!

    Budder, Donna, Jo - Hang in there... I know I sound like a broken record... Try to enjoy this weekend... the weather is supposed to be nice.

    EVERYONE - Have a nice evening!

  • berrypatch
    berrypatch Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2009

    Hi Everyone!

    How about some good news!  Allison's 2nd opion Dr. recommeded NO mastectomy.  He explained everything to Allie and Mike and they are comfortable with their decision.  Dr. says that it is probably NOT phyloidial, but can look that way with core needle biopsy.  He told her to get the lumpectomy and see what the pathology is with the entire "lump".  He did say to watch carefully for any more lumps.  I hope he's right....  I did not want Allie to have a mastectomy at this stage of her life....or EVER!!!

    JO - sounds like you are practically my neighbor if you live by the "Chain"!  Ohhhh! The hair coming off is SO traumatic, any way you handle it!  But, it's not forever, even thought it will feel that way!  I have hair that is a little over 1/2" and I swear it is not growing, but everyone tells me that it is growing fast.

    DONNA - The last TX just seems to be the worst!  I am 3 mos. from my last and I feel great, other than the Arimidex stuff.  You will get there too!  It's amazing how your body knows just what to do to get all of that poison out of it.  I think that it was you who mentioned pictures 6 to 12 months before DX...right?  Funny...I was looking at some pics the other day and thought that I looked so tired then.  Have also come up with a few other "things" that now when I look back on it, I should have known something was very, very wrong!  I will now listen to those little messages, wherever they come from.  Did anyone else have the same experiences before DX?  Like just a nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right?  Or just somewhat "off"?

    Sounds like you ladies are all so busy!  Work, work, work here!  Nope, not complaining!  I'm so glad to have my life back!!!!!!!!!  I will never, ever complain about my job, or my hair again!  DD2 lives in Ottawa and I am headed there tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm.  Taking off work early!  She is participating in a BC Relay for Life.  They are having a "survivors" dinner before the relay and I will get a t-shirt!  Yay!  Anyway, she has raised money in my name, and the fact that she has done this makes me very proud!

    Gotta run and pack for my trip tomorrow!  I hope that you all have a good weekend.  Healing hugs to all still in TX!  Love you all!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited June 2009

    Evening everyone...another long day for me  Work was not too difficult, but I had to leave there and head for Wally World...needed some cat and dog food.  Was I ever in for a surprise.  It did not rain here....instead my car temp. gauge said 102 and I think the humidity was about the same.  Three minutes outside and I felt sticky. 

    Dh had the air conditioner on since about noon so the house was fine by the time I arrived home after shopping and stopping to talk to a neighbor.  Now I'll have about an hour and a half when I get done here.....such fun. 

    Buddy....hope you got some relief with what was going on with you.  Not fun. Too much of that and you will be weak and hoping you and your Dr. got you a plan to handle it. 

    Henson Che....I'm with you.  This weather is almost beyond belief.  Hard to believe it's June and 102.  Probably not quite that with my car having to sit in the sun but it still would have been very high 90's and early humidity with it.  Yech....don't like it. 

    Here's hoping it's better tomorrow. 

    Hugs,  Jackie

    Big hi to everyone too.