Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009
    Think where mans glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
    William Butler Yeats
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009
    Think where mans glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
    William Butler Yeats
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009

    Good Morning Jimmie the cat drives me daft trying to sit on my lap.  Around here it's always someone.  Had a rain squall last night and more rain due for today.  Not sure when.  Was  somewhat successful with my curling iron so guess I won't have any hair trimmed after all. I was hoping to avoid curling irons....thought a perm was enough "damage" but I do not really like the afro old 70's style which is what I will have if I don't soften the effect so the curling iron is out on the shelf for good right now.  As it's a new permanent I won't have to use it everyday.  That's a bonus. 

    Elfsong....yes, we do like to know everything.  I'm sure you have a fine Dr. but "don't worry" just leaves a lot of  un-answered territory to drift around in while your not worrying.  I hope the next scan is better ( actually I wasn't aware there could be variations from being too tired or normal type things ) and you can finish up your Hercptin and go on to the next level.

    Still thinking about names.  I love the name of Maggie.....but one of my cats has that name.  Guess I'll just have to get a picture in here and then .......  all suggestions welcome.

    Rita....hope the back is feeling better and better.  Are you still having any difficulties just sitting.  I'm still on the fence with my exercising.  I twisted somehow getting out of the shower ( something I've never done before ) and though it's not super bad.......thank goodness, I still have found myself pampering it a bit and doing everything a bit slower and being as careful as I can.  It was enough to convince me that a "bad" back is not something you want to have for too long and I sympathize a whole lot with anyone who has chronic problems. 

    Well, onward and upward as they say.


  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited August 2009

    Elfsong, like Jackie, I am not familiar with muga scans.  I may "google" them to learn what they are.  I have heard about them plenty.  The numbers do not seem that far apart, so I am sure you will be ready to go next time. 

    BJ:  I did not think I would be doing any classroom routine ever again.  My replacement, and also a very good friend, had gall bladder surgery and so I am getting her room in shape for her as the kids come on Monday.  She is returning after a maternity leave and it made sense to have her take my spot so we would not have hire anyone new.. It will feel odd to go back to the building I said good-bye to less than three months ago!

    Went to Racine yesterday for some antiquing and had a great day but no good buys.  We did stop off to get lots of produce.  The prices are like one-third of what I pay at the grocery and they look so wonderful..

    I go to the breast surgeon tomorrow for a routine.  I already orally got the breast mri results, so I am not terribly concerned. I have been so tired lately and I wonder what that is all about as I am getting way TOO much sleep.  Am I getting lazy or what?

    Donna, I hope those meds are kicking in and you have sleep. You are not napping during the day are you?  I know you are conflicted about this upcoming sub job.  I just wonder if you took that job if you wouldn't fool your body into a sleep pattern.  I just thought about what I wrote and it is ridiculous.  I am not sure our bodies are that easily fooled.

     WEll, take care.


  • Christi73
    Christi73 Posts: 15
    edited August 2009

    Hi Ladies, Just a quick post to say Hi and let you know I am hanging in there. I'm having my 3rd chemo today. Last week my eyes got all red and sore and my ankles started to swell. That was supposed to be my good week. My eyes have cleared up some but I still have the swelling. I see the dr before chemo so maybe she will be able to give me some help. I was pretty down last and it hurt to read so I will need to get caught up on the posts. Have a good one. Christi 

  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited August 2009

    Christy...The Dr's will be able to ascertain all that is occurring with the swelling. One thing I have realized, with chemo, DR ;s cannot tell you what to expect or that something may appear and they are not sure why etc.. If this could be the same for everyone, how we could really be prepared but that is NEVER goin to be as our bodies all are different and react differently!!! Thinking of you always.

    Rita.. Miss a few days or more and info is out and  I had no idea you have back issues? Hope you are under good care and resting as you need to heal. GOLF.. is out, sorry!!!!

    Susan... Actually I thought that if i got back to work i could feel better too and trip my body out!!!! The trabozone is helping.. i am actually not drousy or tired from it.. i feel kind of hyped inside during day and though it helps in the wake up part at night, i cannot fall asleep yet. It is too early to know how it is all working but i am less tired during day and it did something as i must of had alot of anxiety and did not realize that!!!! Thanks for the input!!!!Good luck with your routine appt!!!The BS also wants me to keep a close eye on my pelvic area as i am not taking ovaries out unless i need to. Will inform my obgyn this and ask for a ultra sound annually.

    Had my first follow up recheck with my BS and all went well.  Having all that i had done, i did not realize BC can still occur. How did i miss that for info?!!!! It is all a crap shoot and like he said, you can get killed walking out of your car etc....the fact that we do all we can do to arrest this horrid disease and get thru all that we have done to ourselves in treatments.. it is now time to live and let it go. Anything can happen and yet, i a grateful i did all of this now and got it early!!!!!

    Jackie.... your animal harem is all around you even when you are typing.. trust me I know!! Usually I have  a golden pawing my arm to get off!!!!Maggie and Marla??? or... Millie..lololol...

    BJ.. good luck in doin your class room. too bad you were not closer, i could of been a Sub for you,Though i am only doin elementary. have alot of demands as am called the cleaning teacher as i clean every class i am in and organize where i can.. anal  I know. One ist grade class had such messy desks, had them clean them and missed play time!!!!!!!!!!Felt bad about that..lolol. Love kids!!!

    Hope all else is well.. tired of my wigs and too fuzzy hair and color is yuky to do anything else.. be well.. and HUGS....


  • BustersMom
    BustersMom Posts: 260
    edited August 2009

    Hi ladies....    I just wanted to pop by to say hello & wish everyone well.

    We have no internet access at my new job so I'm almost never online. 

    I miss u all so much.  I hope everyone is doing good!!

    Hugs & more hugs!!!  And kisses from Buster too!!


  • barbgale
    barbgale Posts: 8
    edited August 2009

    Hi all and to Lisamed123 - I work downtown also, and hopefully I won't have to be going to Northwestern too often.  My consult is tomorrow and they called me Friday to come in early to get a more magnified view of the area.  I know my case is not as serious as most of you and I feel like a big baby, but I am scared to death.  My emotional state has been a mess while I'm waiting for this darn consultation, it's making my life miserable.   Hopefully I'll feel better after talking to my Dr. tomorrow.  I'm praying for everyone in this group.

  • elf_song
    elf_song Posts: 148
    edited August 2009

    Thanks to Donna, Jackie, and Susan..   I am not worry cuz my symptoms are not too bad..  I can still handle it..  I am doing muga scan and yearly mamo on same day but different places..  I am getting my treatment at the JOHA in Joliet and wondering if anyone else getting treatment there..  My hair is about 3 inches now and dh likes it..  but I don't.. it's ok but I rather have longer hair than too short.. just can't get use to it..  hair color is same as before but it's thicker and using hair gel to control my new thick hair..  

    Christi- sorry to hear about the swelling..  that is not fun at all..  and your eyes got sore??  gosh..  I hope you are resting good tonight and rest of the week..  

    Barbgale- you have right to be scared and right to be a big baby too..   We all know the WAITING is very hard and driving you crazy too..     Just be open mind and listen what dr. has to say..  you will be fine..   I will be thinking about you tomorrow..^^

    Everybody sweet dreams~!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited August 2009

    Morning All!!!!

    Elfsong....your docs will do one of 2 things....either stop the Herceptin, figuring you got enough or 2) wait a few months and do another MUGA and then see where you are and maybe re-start it.  Isn't it GREAT to have hair to complain about?????  Hiar is wonderful.  Not the most important thing BUT....wonderful!!!  And yes, I complain about mine everyday, and then laugh!  I swore I would never do that again, and I would never get it cut again either (yeah, no....everytime I go see my girl, I ask for another trim - I'm loving short hair)

    Barbgale....This is an extremely difficult time for you and you are not being a baby.  I so remember those days, when I could not think of ANYTHING else but my breasts and cancer.  And if I was going to know, like next week????!!!!!!  Honey, it's the "not kinowing" that sucks up every bit of air.  How can we fight this beast if we can't even breathe???  Soon you will have your answer and hopefully you can just go back to your life and forget all about us.  That is what we all pray for, for you, every day.  We will all be there with you tomorrow so I hope maybe thinking about that while you are going thru your tests, consultations etc...maybe that will give you some comfort, knowing that we know EXACTLY how you feel.  Hugs, honey!  Please let us know soonest....

    Susan....MUGA scans check your heart's pumping action as Herceptin can and does screw that up royally.  Good thing tho...once you stop the H, your heart function generally returns to normal in a few months.  But even a shorter period of H is a good thing for us Her2+'s.

    Juliet....good to see you!  Write when you can as we miss you!

    Gotta scoot....have a great day everyone!

  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited August 2009

    Hi ladies - just a quick check in.  Had a wonderful weekend at the lake - finally some hot weather.  I see it will be back down to the 70's this weekend!

    Kids start back on Thursday.  I think they are ready.  I am ready for them to go back but not ready for summer to be over.  It seemed especially short this year - maybe because of the cooler weather.

    Donna - I am on Temazepam (also called Restirol).  It's just enough to get me to sleep and it helps me go back to sleep after a hot flash.  I feel like I get several hours of deep sleep and then light sleep for the rest of the night.  If I don't take it I lay there half awake all night and am a zombie the next day.  I hope you have luck with your sleep aid. 

    Thinking of all of you! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009
    Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself
     and know that everything in this life has a purpose.
      There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are
      blessings given to us to learn from.
     --Dr. Elizabeth Kebler-Ross
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009

    Morning !!  I am very taken with Dr. Kubler-Ross's quote this a.m.   Saw it and went no further.  I can't say I look at everything that happened to me in life as a blessing--maybe a bit of a strong word to reconcile ---  but I do feel that 98% of the time it is the negative things that occur that tend to teach us the most.  That is where we find all the things we might not have known were a part of us.....we uncover not only weaknesses, but our power and strength, some of our tenderness but also our resolve.  I also believe that it is the place of silence ( not real easy to get there sometimes ) inside each person which holds all the answers to everything. 

    Connie....gosh, I think very few have had the summer they were expecting.  I know we are getting ready for the Balloon Fest this week-end and that has always been my signal that summer is done.  Spring this year was so thrilling and welcome....and then !!!!!!!?????? tentative summer. 

    Christie....hope your eyes are getting better and better and that #3 doesn't stir it all back up again. 

    Well, I'm going to Salem today.  I had started a job there right before my diagnosis, worked one day and was not able to go back.  Yesterday Marcy called and was hoping I'd return.  I'll see how it goes.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Hugs, Jackie. 

  • elf_song
    elf_song Posts: 148
    edited August 2009

    What a nice day~!  weather is perfect..   I got new picture of me...  Laughing 

    Wendyk13- I was wondering what my doc will do..  I have no problem stop the Herceptin..  that will be great~!  then I can take this port out~! otherwise just keep getting Herceptin...    look at my new hair~!  haha~~  it looks goofy~! but it's better than no hair right?? 

    Barbgale- I hope your consultation went well today.. let us know..

    Christi- How are you feeling today??   remember, just rest~~~~

    Jackie- I hope you are having great day at work~

    Gotta go now, will see you all later~!~!  

    I feel very lucky to be here with you ladies~!~!~!  

    Love you, Love you, Love you and Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!

  • NanaA
    NanaA Posts: 97
    edited August 2009

    Today has been a long day.  Worked for an hour and then went to  have labs drawn thru my port ansd then wait an hour to see onc.  Then herceptin and then more labs drawn, because during the discussion the onc decided he wanted to iron studies on me again.  He did them in march and wonders why so anemic and I tell him the gastro doc know that I have hernia that rubs against diaphram and it bleeds occasionally and this is why anemic,  Onc still want test and for me to take iron again which is no problem.  We also had discussion about tamoxifin and AI.  He really wants me to do tamoxifin because I already have leg and joint pain which he thinks femare will worsen. I told him I was willing to try the tamoxifin as long as he was willing to run the test to make sure I could metabolize it well.  He agreed without protest as long as insurance would cover.  They called ins and they said ok.  They had to draw blood for that to be sent to mayo;s to have the test done.  I hope it comes back that tamoxifin will work and we will give it a try.  I have a problem with the binders in some pills, so am reluctant to take more pills than necessary.  I had 30 days of headaches from prednesone and from acifex(a pill like prilosec).  I found that I can do capsules without any problems, so I try to do capsules or liquid gels of anything I take if I can.  It usually takes about 2 weeks of taking something eveyday to get enought of the binder to give me headaches.  I do not know how tamoxifin comes.  The prilosec generic I take comes in a capsules and that has worked just great.  It has been 2 years since the stomach ulcer.  I am still waiting on the results from my lung CT scan.  They are back but the doc has been on vacation so has not read the results yet so they would not give them to me.  It makes me angry that med. onc could read results but not tell me.  You just wonder what they are trying to keep a secret.  I guess he just doesn't want to step on another doc toes as far as a patient is concerned. They thought the pulmonary doc would be in for a while today and would try to have him look at the results.  I am not holding my breath.  I am tired of doctors.  After all of this I still had to go and do rad #17.  I am barely starting to get a little pink.  They think I will do well with rads, tomorrow is half way point.  I am feeling a little tired now from rads, but nothing like after chemo yet.

    Rita I cannot make it on Thursday.  Just too much going right now and not enough energy to do everything.   It is an hour over and an hour back and husband has to get up at 4:30 in am to do his baking, so I am not doing much in the evenings right now.  Maybe next month when rads will be done.   My hellos' and hugs to all those I will miss seeing.  Annette

  • barbgale
    barbgale Posts: 8
    edited August 2009

    Hi all -- had my consult today and two more magnified views ... results are still indeterminate so I have my biopsy scheduled for August 25.  More waiting!!!!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009

    Oh Barb --- I was sure hoping you'd get your answer.  Well if it's that difficult to tell.....then I'd be feeling you have a strong chance of it's being ok.....or minuscule if anything.  Sigh !!! 

    Allison....sounds like you sort of went thru the wringer today too. 

    I worked 6 hours today....and talked to my client's daughter in California who wants me to go every Tuesday and work for 8 hours.  I'm going to give it a try.  I need new tires for my car and my mattress set has about had it.  The extra cash could be quite nice. 

    Hope you all had a wonderful day....see you tomorrow,

    Hugs, Jackie

    P.S. your hair and your picture.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2009

    Hi gals!  My goodness!  You have been a busy group lately.

    Hang in there Annette!  It makes me so angry that somebody couldn't have given you your results by now.  You don't need that extra stress.  So how ARE the rads going?  Is your skin holding out well?  The fatigue is pretty common with the rads but it will pass when they are over.  We will miss you on Thursday but I do understand.  HUGS!  Keep in touch.

    Oh Barb.......the waiting does stink!!!  Hang in there. glad you have a chance at another job.  Those extra dollars will help out, I'm sure.  What exactly will you be doing?  And as for YOUR back, take care.  Back pain is no fun.  I am doing better but I still have some trouble with the sitting.  I am learning once again how to work around it.  I played golf Sunday in another Golf for the Cure and did pretty good with my back so maybe it's beginning to heal.  I've been very careful not to over-do!

    WendyTY....congrats on finishing the Herceptin!  NO MO' CHEMO and you are really looking good, gal!  Now you can get on with your life!   I admire the way you tackled this journey at your age.  You did good!!!'s time for you to do all those things that you've been missing!

    Tanya, I will see you on Thursday night.  It should be fun!

    Hey Connie, doesn't it just seem like the kids got out of school for the summer and they're already getting ready to go back????  I don't know where this summer went.  I sent my grandson a school package.  He's going to kindergarten this year and according to him, the most exciting thing about school this year is his new lunch box and his thermos!    LOL  So grandma sent a box of goodies.  I even found Superman sandwich bags so his mom can pack his peanut butter and jelly sandwich in them to match his Superman lunch box.  Kids are SO much fun! sound like one busy woman now!  How well I remember those early weeks of the school year and how TIRED I was when I finally got home at night. 

    Hi to all of you............hope everyone is doing well.


  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited August 2009

    Elfsong - love the new picture.  Your hair looks very cute.  Trust me - it won't be long before you feel like yourself again.

    Rita - you are a good Grandma!  Your grandson will love that care package!  Kindergarten is very exciting!  Yes - it does seem like school just got out, but we did have a good summer and were very busy.

    Annette and Barbgale - hang in there.  Sorry that you have so much waiting.

    Jackie - good luck back at the job.

    I hope everyone else going through treatment is doing well!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009

    "Happiness comes from spiritual wealth, not material wealth. Happiness comes from giving not getting.If we try hard to bring happiness to others we cannot stop it from coming to us also."


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009

    Good morning everyone.  We are facing more rain today but somehow I have not minded it quite as much as I usually do.  Guess I have stayed too busy to care.  Ah...yes the new job.  That would be cleaning, sorting, tossing for this very nice older lady.  I had just done her once when I got the news of my bc diagnosis and I did not go back.  They are very determined people.  She used Merry Maids in the interim but guess was never happy with them.  Her daughter from California wants her to be clean as in lets go through this drawer now......along with the other stuff.  I can do that......easier even then I can do it for myself.  I won't be hung up on her things like I am my own.

    I was a cleaning lady for 9 years in California.  One of those things I was going to do temporarily as a fill-in job while looking for "the right one" for me.  Well, we then moved to Ventura and while waiting to find one that was right in Ventura....I started at McDonalds....and you guessed it....I was there 9 years.  I've been at my receptionist/realtor/receptionist job now for a little over 7 years.  Hmmm, does that mean they only have a couple to go. 

    I hope you all have a great day today.....and that all are getting plenty of rest ( I sure did last night ) to handle whatever finds its way into your life.  Be well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited August 2009

    HI GIRLS! Just a quick "drive-by" Mom's been here visiting...having lots of fun with her. Will have to read back through the posts when I have a chance...

    Have a great day!

    For those waiting for tests, etc... HANG IN THERE... I know it's TOUGH! Please remember our motto: ILLINOIS GIRLS ARE TOUGH!

    "C"-Ya later...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited August 2009

    ALSO -

    WHOOPSIE - how are you doing? How is a the symmetry "thing" going? lol

    Hope all is well!

  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Posts: 179
    edited August 2009


    Just popping in as well to say hello and send good wishes to everyone currently in treatment. Busy busy with work and then the kids start school next week. My daughter goes to kindergarten this year-- both in school!

    Question- minor issue-- I had to set up an appt with the plastic surgeon-- I have what appears to be stitches popping out of the incisions (underside of breast, both on implant and mastoplexy sides). Hard little plastic-y feeling pokey things. Anyone else have this happen some 8 months after surgery?  They are actually catching on the material of my bras.  Guess I'll find out- but just wondering.

    Sorry I couldn't make the gathering at Jan's.  Maybe next time!

    -julie b.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2009

    Jackie, I wish you were closer.  I'd hire you in an instant to clean for me!  The cleaning ladies in our area make big bucks and most of them make it their career.  Some even have a few others gals who work with them or under them.  Of course we have the cleaning services, too like Molly Maid and Merry Maids.  I personally like to know my cleaning lady and have more of a personal relationship with her.  The one I have now is very good.  She goes the extra mile.  I am sure you're just like her. 

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited August 2009


    In quickly myself.  Jackie,  I wish you were cleaning my house too.  A Merry Maid was caught by my daughter stuffing  cans of warm beers into  her winter coat.  I would have been fine with her taking beer, but how about one  cold one! I now have a mom and her DH and they are straight from Poland.  I love them and give  their son storybooks and they bring me Polish foods from the Chicago neighborhood  my husband grew up. Rita is right, you get attached and become family, if not friends.

    JanClare, if you are reading, I have found JANE AUSTEN!  My walking buddy swears  she is the best, and she may well be! The humor is wonderful as she gets at the funkiness of each character.

    Elfsong, you are beautiful.  Christie, hope you are feeling better.  Annette, you are going through a hard time and I think about you. To all the rest,  I do think about you.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited August 2009

    HI girls,

    Just stopping bye before I crash on the couch. I really don't know how you teachers do it. I have been at school everyday until late doing just about everything. Setup, class list, computer entry ect.......I am sooo tired. Today we had a walk the neighborhood. Saying hi to all the kids and getting them ready for school next week..I really didn't know what I was getting into when I volunteered to do this. 5 days / wk...oh I am just whining. Plus I have to get my dd ready to go back to school too. Oh I need a vacation.

    Rita / Susan...any tips for a smooth school year. I sure could use some right about now.

    I hope everyone is doing well with txs. Its jammie time for me and a cosmo as I sure need one now. I hope you all have a quite evening. Relax, relax, relax.

    Off to the couch for me. Will be better tomorrow...

    Remember to be healthy.... be happy


  • NanaA
    NanaA Posts: 97
    edited August 2009

    Well I got some what of an answer today.  The results of the ct were abnormal according to Pulmonary docs nurse after talking to him, and they ordered a pet scan a week from tomorrow. That is all she would say.  I went down to the records dept and paid for a copy of the CT scan results.  They showed more than one spot on the lungs, an enlarged thyroid and a lesion on the liver,  so the results don't sound great, but they could be other than cancer.The liver could be the results of chemo and lungs could be an  infection that is no longer active.  We will just have to wait for pet scan results.  She said he would call right away when he had results and get me in if there was anything.  I spent another 5 hours at the clinic today between radiation,, the pain mgmt doc who ordered x-rays(just what i needed was more radiation) and an mri of my back and and the nerves in my legs tested.  All of these between now and end of month.  x-rays of back and knees were today then i went to talk to pulmonry doc's office and pharmacy and records office and then to change radiation time on the 27th because pet scan is during my regular radiation time.  They moved it earlier so I can get to the other clinic in time of pet scan.  They also told me today that my finish date for rads will be moved back 2 days because the machine is going to be down 2 days the week after labor day.  They are adding something new and they are going to start putting it in then.  They won't finish it up until after I am done.  Now assuming everything goes as planned (and that hardly ever happens any more) I will finish rads on Sept 18.

    I really am getting tired of spending my days at the clinic.  They gave me some medicine to try at night to help with leg pain and sleep supposedly.  He said it was originally used as a antdepressant but found to work with pain and it makes people drowsy so am to take one at night.  It is called amitriptyline . Has anyone used this.

    Best wishes to all still going thru treatments.  Annette 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2009

    Oh Annette, it appears you're in for more waiting.  That's so stressful.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.......hoping and praying that these spots are insignificant and you will be soon be able to get on with your life without the trips to the clinics.  Hugs to you!  Please keep us informed and feel free to PM, email, or call if you need to talk. 

    Blackjack, you will get adjusted to the school routine in a few weeks.  It's those first few weeks that wear us down.  Both the teachers and the students are just getting back into things and need to get their routine put into affect.  I always began to enjoy the school year AFTER Labor Day.  You're going to do just fine!

    I'm off to the oncologist for the results to my tests this morning.  I'm always a little anxious about this visit as I'm not so sure there is anything ROUTINE about this disease.  I'll check back in later.

    I hope everyone has a good day.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited August 2009

    Quick morning thoughts before work.  I too would love to be close enough Rita & Susan. I would think it strange ( hard to be a Merry Maid ) to not have a personal relationship with those I have cleaned for.  I don't go into  a strangers home....but someone who needs to trust me where I will be responsible for every part of their home.....their private - safe from the world place where everything they love and want is kept.  Where they interact with friends and family.  One of the ladies I used to clean for always don't know how wonderful it is for me to leave and when I come home, the light is on and everything in the house is clean.  She probably didn't realize that my sense of warmth and satisfaction was just as strong when I walked out of her door on cleaning day.

    Hugs to all,
