Illinois ladies facing bc



  • elf_song
    elf_song Posts: 148
    edited September 2009

    Hello~~  Wlcome to the new members~!~! 

    Thanks for the good infor about Vit D and Sugar..  thanks to Laura and Rita..

    JulieB- I love sock story.. how cute and funny~

    It's been a year, I've been dx with bc, exactly today..  wow... it's just amazing that time flys and so many things had happened..

    I am having bad headaches all day and very tired...  I did yearly mamo and another muga past monday.. then I went my onc yesterday to find out the results, mamo was good but muga wasn't...  I couldn't get my Herceptin again yesterday because my heart function dropped even more...   Shocked...  I asked onc if there is anything I can do to improve the heart function, she told me no...  wow...   This is very depressing...   I missed 2Herceptin treatment and I need to another muga scan after 4weeks to see if the heart function is back to normal...   Since last week, I am having symptoms like shortness of breath, strong heart beats, light headed, cough, and pressure in my chest..  And last night my DH looked at me and asked me if I am ok.. because I looked so pale...   I didn't sleep good at all...  toss and turning all night..   This can't be happening...   Anyone have a idea what should I do??  

    I gotta go.. my little one is crying wonder why???  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009

    HI Elfsong....I don't know about the headaches but the other things you talk about need to be fully checked out with your oncologist.  They can give you drugs to strengthen your heart, so they need to help you discover just what is going on here.  I don't want to be an alarmist but waiting a few weeks for another Muga just doesn't sound very positive to me.  In the mean time you are left to feel or be ill......I say get a little demanding about these symptoms that seem so  very un-pleasant. All I can see as an answer for you right now is wait and see if it gets better and I think you deserve more than that.

    Not a bad day at work today....but lost a bunch of transformers in the West end of town and no one really knows why.  We did have a rain squall a half an hour or so after...but no noise, thunder or why the transformers went....who knows.  Our end of town was fine but we did get a lot of noise from the back-up batteries during the power surges when the transformers blew.  Scared us silly.

    Well, I think I am going to make it official.  I'm getting ready to order some Xocai.  I mentioned this quite a while back....and decided since one of the guys in the office was going to do it that I would wait and see what kind of results he got.  Disappointing at first but mainly because Dennis had such a hectic life-style and schedule that he often forgot to use it.  One little dark chocolate nugget with blueberries in it about 20 minutes before each meal.  As of late Dennis has tried ( still not always managing ) to do it closer to by the book.  Anyway....he had a check-up yesterday with his Dr.  His blood pressure is lower than it has ever been though as yet he is still on BP meds as it was so terribly high.  He has also lost 15 #'s and he has not attempted to diet as of yet.  I figured if he had results....anyone could get some decent results.  So I am going to get back to Sonja and pursue this.  I need the wt. to go away and who would complain if they could give up their BP pills....and this is as well a problem of mine. 

    Anyway, I'm going to take care of a few hundred other things right now but you are all on my mind and I hoping that things go well.  Elfsong....don't let this go.  Ok

    Hugs to all,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009
    "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't
    lead anywhere."

    -- Frank A. Clark
  • navymom
    navymom Posts: 842
    edited September 2009

    elfsong:  How about seeing a cardiologist?  Did Onc mention that might be a good idea?

    Just a thought.     Hugs to you.

     Navy son is on his way home for the long weekend!!!!   He should arrive around 6 am.  I can't wait! 

    My hair is coming out in clumps.  I will wait for my son to get home and then sometime this weekend I will ask DH to shave my head.  No turning back now.  My next TX is Tuesday.

    I will be glad to get it over with


    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. 

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited September 2009

    Elfsong: I pmed you!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited September 2009

    Morning!  Jeepers...took me 20 minutes for my computer to let me go this will be quick for now...

    Elfsong....your symptoms sound like decreased heart function from the Herceptin.  This should resolve as you get further away from your last Herceptin tx.  Keep your chin up....sometimes you can even go back and restart the Herceptin.  And ANY Herceptin adds to your protection many tx's did you get?  I can't comment about the headaches tho...I know you saw the eye doc already...

    Navymom....give that boy a hug from all of us!

    RE:  my moving.....we're not putting the house up and going anywhere.  We;ve just decided that the last 1.5 years here have been VERY unpleasant.  Actually...with what next door has done landscaping-wise we can't until everything is covered with snow.  With no fences we have hoardes of little children cutting thru our yard, or playing in our yard.  They play ball behind the houses and we've had balls actually hit our table, while we were sitting there.  And then there was the horse shoes into the dining room window.  Since we have a hill behind our houses, ALL the neighborhood children think it is perfectly ok to bring their sleds over!  More than one has slid into our deck...hello...lawsuit for us!!!  There are sooooo many other incidences I couldn't possibly count them all.  AND....we are looking only at ranches, Jackie...or those with a master on the first floor.  We are just looking around for's my story on that!  Connie.....I hear you on the all-nighters!  We have a group here that does that but I think their neighbors called the police so many times that they were hauled off and have been fairly quiet  their pool parties only last until midnight or so!!!

    OK....enuf on that....I will be back later...much later....stuff to do!  Hugs everyone!!!!!

    (Hey....Laura has a big house....Laura, can we move in with you guys?????)

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited September 2009

    Sorry about the double-posting.  Somethimes the "submit" does funny things. 

    Wendy, it sounds like a plan.  You are fortunate in that you do not need to move now, but you can move when you wish.

     Navy, have fun with your son.  You are so cannot turn back now.  Losing the hair was probably the hardest but was finally a relief  to get it shaved after the struggle.  I kept mine perched on my  head just to get through parent-teacher conferences.  I couldn't even wash it.  Ugh.  Got through those two nights and was glad to give up. 

    Had the second physical therapy on my hip.  I didn't realize that pt would cause pain.  The therapist warned me and now I am hurting.  She said I waited too long to get the therapy as things now are  very stiff and she has to break things up.  I waited too long because there were no openings!  We have a wedding this weekend and I am afraid there will no dancing for me.

    The weather is lovely and I am loving retirement.  A "rhythm" of sorts has set in and I am so relaxed and happy.  I am also optimistic the hip will that I am working at that goal.

    Stay happy!


  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited September 2009

    Jo.. i have joint pain!! ALot in my right arm, shoulder and some in each leg at night? Did not realize this is all from chemo but why not.. chemopause is. hot sweats,insomina and just trying to calm myself.. as lately, i realize i have no Shut DOWN mechanism and it is affecting my sleep. I start tasks and cannot rest well. I am working on this and trying to make some changes as it is not a good way to live!!The hormone part i think has been my major challenge. See my OBGYN in 2 weeks and will review it all with him. HOW else are you doin?? Womder how Buddy is also.

    Will catch up soon.. Elfsong.. not ever doin Herceptin.. you are covered here with the many that have experience in this!Good thoughts goin and know that you are such a inspiration in your overall atttitude and heart.

    Susan...Glad retirement is goin well!!!!You deserve it!!!!I am filling in for a friend who is having surgery and heads a after school program.. helping out there this week. Good way to ease into the school part comimg for subbing!!!

    Wendy...You and your hubby should put up a sign.. BEWARE No DOGS live here.. but WE do bite anyone who enters on our property!!!Hioefully something resolves with school starting and kids are not running around as much??? Know how this is, had this years ago before i got married and owned a home.. these kids would play football inmy front yard into theirs.. grrrrrr.

    Have a good and restful weekend and for all those in TX.. be well and know we are here.


  • donnadio
    donnadio Posts: 674
    edited September 2009 your DR and see what these strong symptoms are. Sleep is also not good and beleive me i am there still and cannot tell you how frustrating it is. I just ordered a remedy that someone swears by called Rescue Sleep. Call on the DR . you need some help and reread your post and feel your concerns.

    BJ... For your back thing,, how about a back pillow...theraputic kind designed for the back.. i have  a real good one i sleep with for my neck and it makes all the difference in the world. Spent good money on it and it was well worth it!!!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited September 2009

    Wendy.  I think that its terrible that you have to put up with that.  Dont the parents teach their children to respect others property.  i say move as fast as you can.

    Still having te upper back pain.  Yesterday it was in the middle.  I am sick with sinus/fever/cough.  My lungs dont sound bad but I am getting a chest xray tomorrow.  I hope its just muscles.  Since my lungs dont sound bad I am not so worried.  My Doc is trying to get my insurance to approve a PET scan.  i have been wanting one and asking all of my Doc's.  I need to know one way or te other.  Have a terrific weekend.......

  • elf_song
    elf_song Posts: 148
    edited September 2009

    Have you ever had Hypertension???    I never experienced before until recently and I hate it!!     OMG, that shaky feeling and don't know what to to...  driving me crazy...

    Jackie- that's what I heard, they have meds for heart.. maybe my onc is waiting to back to normal w/o meds..

    Navy- how exciting to see your son..  have a great time with your son..  and you are very right about the hair, no turning back..   It was the hardest thing for me and when I looked back, I can't believe it happened to me...  I had to hold my tears cuz I didn't want my kids to see me crying, since they are little ones, if I cry they will cry too... But look at me now with new hair and I am loving it~!

    Wendyk- I had 4tx with Herceptin every week and I also had Adriamycin before tx..  which also effects heart..   the other day coming home from onc office, I got tears.. why now..  I am almost done with Herceptin.. darn it!!  I need to CRY OUT LOUD~!~!  Yell

    Susan- I hope your hip gets better.. I love wedding.. I used to sing at the wedding.. NO DANCE??  Oh, well, you will have a great time w/o dance~!

    Donna- you are right, it is frustrating...  Sometimes I wonder I need ask for sleeping pills..  waking up with pain in the neck and head is not fun for me..

    Buddy- I nope you feel better during the weekend..  And insurance better approve for your scan..  I had soreness during the rad and it went away slowly..

    I feel better now that people out there understands me like no body else does...  Thanks to you ladies~!~!

    Have a great weekend~!~!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited September 2009

    Thank you so much Elfsong.  You are so sweet.  I wish only the best for you..

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009
    The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
                -- Chinese Proverb
  • lisamed123
    lisamed123 Posts: 87
    edited September 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Just checking in.  I had my nipple reconstruction today and am in bed on my laptop feeling the effects of the norco.  The actual nipple area does not warrant the pain killer, but on the non-cancer side I had a bit of extra skin hanging around the under area of my foob, so he nipped that off.  And also, he did a little bit of lipo on my tummy and added that fat to the top of my foobs to give them a little fullness on top.  That was a complete surprise, but I said sure, why not.  So as a result, I think I am going to have quite a bit of pain on my stomach area.  I am glad I did it today, so I have the 3 days to recover.

     Wendy - I can relate to the neighbor issue and it does suck.

    I hope to make the dinner next week.  Wednesday is the night I have to "clean for the cleaning people" (I think i saw a disucssion about that here a couple of weeks ago) so that is the worst day for me this week, but I can still do both, just have to get my butt in gear on Tuesday night and clean the house. 

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited September 2009

      Well....the official last weekend of summer is sad!  And what is up with this forum....delay in words appearing as you type.....strange.

    About as strange as DH and I being woken up at a rooster!  No...not next door but somewhere fairly close!!!!  WTH??????

    Elfsong.......yep the combo of AC and Herceptin is a double whammy.   Hopefully the cardiac issues are Herceptin-related and you will bounce back in a few months and be just fine. did have quite a bit of Herceptin so don't worry about not getting enough.  Altho...I had a year of it and sometimes I wonder if it is such a wonder drug, shouldn't us Her2 gals being taking a pill or something every day, or a booster IV once a year?  I know the vaccine for us is in Stage 3 trials so maybe in the next year or 2 we will have that as well.  How are the headaches?

    Lisamed.....ah....fat being sucked out of your tummy and stuck in your boob area.  Where do I sign up?  LMAO over the "cleaning before the cleaning lady".  And that's why I don't have one!  Altho what do I really need one for....I am home all day.  I would love to have one just to scrub out the hard water/scum from the tubs back doesn't like that much.  Hope to see you at the next dinner, which reminds me...

    Oh Laura....Oh Reservationist....did you decide on a date? sound so happy these days, so upbeat and excited about the future.  You Go Girl!  And your hair sure is growing fast!  Any thoughts as to what hairstyle you will be doing?

    Susan...glad you have found your routine and are happy and relaxed!

    Blalckjack...I agree about getting yourself a therapeutic chair helps to distribute the weight (not that you have any....) and almost forces correct posture.  There surely must be one of those stores by you that specializes in back it and see...or I will try later and email you are probably out on the boat this weekend.  You lucky dog! around?  How's DH's retirement going?  Have you locked him in the basement yet? sorry you are not feeling well.  And...what's up with ins. not wanting to pay for PET scans when symptoms present?????  I hope that you can enjoy the weekend...looks like the weather should be OK.

    Well...I thought it was OK out....just looked up and out the windows...all fogged in?  Wow...when did that happen? 

    Time to get more java...and rest my 2 fingers, one of which I put a screw driver thru and the other I drilled into.....but the under cabinet lighting looks great!  And girls...I got a 5 light set from Lowe's (low voltage) and it was fairly easy to do...I even hid all the wires in cabinets!  Said the install time was 30 minutes but it took about 2 hours....I had to stop and wipe up the blood!

    Everyone I haven't mentioned....hope you are doing well and you are happy and enjoying life!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009
    "When the soul is full of peace and joy, outward surroundings and circumstances are of comparatively little account."
    Hannah Whitall Smith

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009
    CANCER IS SO LIMITED: It cannot cripple love; it cannot corrode faith; it cannot shatter hope; it cannot eat away peace; it cannot destroy confidence; it cannot kill friendship; it cannot shutout memories; it cannot silence courage; it cannot invade the soul; it cannot reduce eternal life; it cannot quench the spirit.

    Author Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009

    Good morning everyone.  Sorry about the first ( it was a quote ) deletion.  I sometimes forget the ones I use that leave all the funny markings. 

    Wendy...I think there is nothing you would not attempt to do and that is such an admirable quality---and it also makes for pretty amusing stories too.  I often tried when I was younger out of impatience, but I don't have the mechanical ( even a whisper ) gift so now I just relax and wait for Dh to "get" around to it.

    THIS IS A TUIT Guard ii with you life, as TUITS are hard to come by, especially the round ones. This is an indispensable item. It will help you become a more efficient worker. For years we have heard people say, "I'll do it as soon as I get a ROUND TUIT." Now that you have one, you can accomplish all those things you put aside until you got a ROUND TUIT's it going for you ?  Navy Mom, well just all of you fantastic ladies.  We get rain today and for two more days as well.  Well, I'm not thrilled but life is good again for me.  Got my new tires on the car....just in time.  R.rear kept leaking air fairly quickly so I needed ( well I felt more comfortable ) air in it every two to three days.  I have to say....what a difference.  My old tires were five years old and all seemed squishy to me.....these new ones you know you have four sturdy tires underneath I'm thinking "why did I wait"?  Driving is definitely a pleasure again.  So, what will I save up for next.....something good and you know me.....very, very practical.  Every once in awhile I break out of that mold and its so much fun when I do. do sound like you are rearing to go and that is good.  Things linger for a bit as you know but it is always good to start gearing up for the life you get to have after the harsh few months of necessary txs.  We may never be the quite the same but life gets a pattern back and as health improves, joy and satisfaction comes back and we move on, grateful to be done and eager to live life ---- we don't get rid of the shadow but learn how to live with it in the background. 

    Hope you all have a good day and hopefully....not a wet one.  Cool probably where most of you are except for Jennifer ( Hope-4Cure ) who more than likely is sharing rain with me.  I'll be checking in again later.

    Hugs Jackie 

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited September 2009

    Oh Wendy.  You sound so awsome.  Your every mans dream.  A woman who does her own handy work.  I still do it the old fashion way.......sit around and bitch until it gets done.  Just kidding.........I hope everyone gets to enjoy the weekend,  Love Buddy

  • hope4cure
    hope4cure Posts: 53
    edited September 2009

    I am here and feeling pretty good.  My surgery on Thursday went well and I was able to go home the same day.   I am not in as much pain as last time.   Thank goodness.   I ended up with 550cc implants.   I do have a wrinkle on the "bad" side which sort of bugs me but perhaps there are ways to correct it yet.  It isn't too terrible.   It was there from the beginning.  I was told it was caused by the "pocket" of skin they placed in preparation for the expander and then the implant later.  I am so glad the difficult procedures are over now.  Yeah! 

    Jackie ~ we are getting rain today too.  We have a couple cookouts we could go to and a wedding.   I doubt we make it to all of them.   I hope the cookouts aren't rained out.    It is always fun to get together with friends and family.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    ~ Jennifer

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited September 2009

    Thanks for the quote, Jackie, I always look forward to them but I have to poke a little fun at todays.  Cancer cannot decrease eternal life and that is good.  The problem really is it can INCREASE eternal life.  Then again, maybe this is all a bit philosophical as can anything increase eternal life....if it is eternal. I am being silly!

    Rita must be out hitting golf balls

    Just keep low ladies with recent surgery.  I hope you all have people to pamper you.

    BlackJack, I spoke with two teacher friends who are so tired and really needing this three-day holiday.  I think the opening of school is very hard on teachers.  One is going up to Lake Geneva (she is actually on Delavan).  I hope you get some water time.

    We have wedding tomorrow and my older daughter is a brides maid so the younger daughter is taking care of the two kids at our house.  The problem is the younger baby is not weaned and will not take a bottle.She will take a sippee cup of breast milk but it is messy. My son in law ia on medicine that has put him in remission.  Thank heavens.  We are praying.

    Have a good weekedn.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited September 2009

    elfsong - Has your Thyroid been tested? And...I agree with NavyMom - maybe it's time to see a Cardio Doc.  

    Wendrew - Man OH man! There's nothing worse than bad's right up there with a chronic illness. How about writing a letter - like Susan did...just a thought. Sorry you have to deal with them. That's one reason I like living in the forest - WE DON'T HAVE ANY NEIGHBORS! Although in past years, we had our share. I think just about everyone has at some point. can move in with us! But one stipulation, you have to take Paulie with you when you leave! lol When I designed our house, it was too expensive to build a lone level...cement costs were really I designed the master bed/bath on the first of the best things I could have done.  

    Jo - Do you have arthur-itis (lol)? Are you taking an AI or Femara or Tamoxifen?  

    Jackie - Best wishes with the Xocai...keep us posted.  

    NavyMom - Have fun with your son! Goodluck with your next tx!


    As the newly appointed reservationist...

    DINNER BUNCH will be on Wednesday, September 9th Schaumburg - Pompaii (sp?) Rest - 6 ish

    ALSO - Friday, October 2nd...lunch bunch - Schaumburg - Maggianos.


    I'm trying to figure out the best time to start my 21 day whole body cleansing. It's A HUGE commitment...but well worth the sacrifices. All organic, all fruits and veggies, juicing, supplements, etc. I will have a daily regimen, blood tests regularly and urinalyses as well. It's all natural, so I am confident it's a really good thing to do. Still haven't gotten my Vit D level results...will call my Onc on Monday. And then on Tuesday, I'm going to my PCP to have my thyroid levels tested. My hope is that I can eliminate the Thyroid meds completely by doing the body cleanse and then continue with natural supplements - will be monitored closely of course. Annual GYN appt is approaching...will have hormone levels done and possibly incorpoarte Progesterone cream in to my daily routine (topical). Geesh...I'm exhausted by all this! lol I need a personal health assistant!


    Lisa, Jennifer - Glad your procedures went well.  

    EVERYONE - If I've left anyone out...know you're all in my thoughts!

  • NanaA
    NanaA Posts: 97
    edited September 2009

    Ladies, Thyroid ultrasound is on Wednesday and the bronchoscopy the following Monday .  Pray that all the nodules are B9 and that we know definitely from these tests.  If nothing definite from bronchoscopy it will be a wait of another 3 months to see if anything changes on CT since the ins won't pay for pet.  They don't think any of these things mean cancer.  I sure hope they are right.  How often do we want to agree with our insurance company.  The size of the nodules is at about as small as they can show and maybe they would not show on PET.  All the nodules are the size of a pea or smaller.  Also there was enlarged lymph node in chest, but this CT was done 12 days into having breast rads, so I guess it would not be surprising to have a swollen gland there during that.  Just trying to get thru a day at a time and not worry too much.  Only 7 more rads.  3 boosts this week and 4 the next.  Machine is down this Friday and following Monday.  Done on Friday the 18th.  Hugs to all   Annette

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited September 2009

     I came across this bit on iodine and I recalled that Wendy and Laura mentioned something about it.  I HAVE NO IDEA HOW REPUTABLE this is, so take it with a grain of salt (bad pun):


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited September 2009

    SUSAN - Good job! That site is very reputable! Within the next few weeks, I will submitting urine samples to be a part of a clinical study relating to Iodine and BC... I am a firm believer.

    If any of you would like to be a part of the's totally non-invasive... just urine samples over a 2 day period. It costs $45 for the kit, but when you send in the are reimbursed. It's being conducted by a Dr in - I think PA....NOT sure though.

    The great thing is that they contact you and let you know the levels of Iodine in your system. I am convinced my Throid probs were bc related...not only the actual bc, but perhaps the chemo as well.  It's really very interesting. And it's not THAT in-depth that us "lay people" can't make sense of it all...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited September 2009

    OH AND BTW -- just so you don't think I had my caboose in the house all day... I sat at my friend's pool ALL DAY with dh's laptop and


    MAMAQ Posts: 140
    edited September 2009

    Laura... You weren't by chance at the oncologist office yesterday.  I saw a women that I would have thought might have been you.  However, not having ever saw you in person, I was to scared to ask.  Thanks for the thought of arthritis.  But once I got on the scale at doc I think I got my answer.  I gained about 5 pounds.  Not good.  But dr. t. also said that sometimes things can ache for a while after chemo, til it gets out of body.  Don't know what to think.  But I guess I'll just give it some time.  Oh, I got my prescription for tamoxifen, but waiting for husbands pharmacy to send to me. 

    Donna... As you see above.  My doc did say it was from chemo.  Hope the sleep gets better.  Not having too much trouble with that (even with my tissue expanders) but I am nervous that when I start the tamoxifen it will be hard.  Dr. said the hot flashes can become an issue.  I hope not, haven't been too bad so far, with the oopherectomy and the chemo.  So, I'll just keep my fingers crossed. 

    Did you guys all have scans when you were done with chemo?  Doctor says that it's not necessary for me to do any tests, but it kind of scares me.  I know I only had micrometastisis in one lymph nodes but I am still scared it went somewhere else.  Is this normal?  It is not something I dwell on all the time but occasionally my mind wonders there.  I like my doc I just want to know we have done everything to be safe. 


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited September 2009

    Morning!  Cloudy on my deck, temp 62.  Not too bad at all!  Slight chance of rain....

    Jo....I haven't had any scans.  The only thing the onc ordered for me was a chest x-ray before chemo.  He said he does this for everyone.  No scans are ordered for lymph node negative pts who have no symptoms.  I worry...sometimes....what if I have lousy nodes and the cancer just zipped right thru and has been just lying in wait for me.  Yeah....our minds always do go to the dark side.  But I don't think too much about that....but it does pop up in my thoughts every so often. are you feeling?  Better I hope, but maybe your sinuses are bothered by this weather today...I have a killer sinus headache myself.  All stuffed up...

    Annette....glad you will be getting some answers at least.  I too am hoping your ins. co. is correct!  B9 sounds just lovely....and you are almost a rad-grad!   Yahooooooooo!

    Laura...well, don't start that cleanse right now!  We have dinner at Pompeii Wed, and don't forget lunch on the 2nd!!!!

    Need to get moving as we are going out for the day.  Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009
    When life seems chaotic, you don't need people giving you easy answers or cheap promises. There might not be any answers to your problems. What you need is a safe place where you can bounce with people who have taken some bad hops of their own.
                -- Real Live Preacher,
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited September 2009

    Good morning everyone.

    Annette...good that the tests are coming up finally.  I know we will all be praying for only news indicating B-9 -- no problem here or anywhere for that matter.  Hard to have "incidents" at this point because it is so very easy to have a negative idea or two swoop in and hard once it is there to totally ignore and let go of it. 

    Jo....glad you have an answer, but drat .... it would have to be wt. related huh !!!  Just glad that is what it is.  At least losing a little will hopefully eliminate it. 

    Have hot had it yet ( some thru the night I think ) but it is due to rain some time today.  Weatherman said it was in Mt. Vernon ( Hope-4Cure ) area.  I'm ok with it pretty much.....after the major part of summer I am not as desperate for the sunshine -- though still don't like too many dark days in a row.  Nothing exciting planned for today....maybe a trip to see Heidi at the rehab/nursing facility.  Dr. was there I guess and had to remove some tissue I think from her feet....due to the long period of gangrene while they were waiting to do the leg and feet bypasses.  As you may recall.....they found she had to have by pass of the heart first.  They did work all over to an extent but the heart had to come first.  Anyway, hopefully she will be able to make good progress and go home before too long. 

    Hope you will all have a great Sunday.......I'll be thinking of each and everyone of you.

    Hugs, Jackie