Illinois ladies facing bc



  • Sido
    Sido Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2009

    Hello Lovelies!

    I've finished my day of quarrentine and got a lot of grading done, so my students will be happy.  I also warned my students about my status and asked that they stay home from class tomorrow night if they think they might be sick.  Poor Todd is so worried about me, he keeps trying to do everything for me so I won't get hurt.  Sometimes I think he'd feel better if I was in a bubble , or at least covered in bubble wrap.  The cancer and then the accident really through him for a loop, and he has just been really down today.

    Cooper is doing welland is getting back to his old self.  He barked at the vaccuum and is being the bright-eyes little pest we love.  It was so sad, on Tuesday he wouldn't even come into the kitchen when we made bacon.  BACON!  Heck, I'll crawl across the floor for bacon. He's also associating his hot compresses with a treat at the end, so he's excited when I talk about getting a washcloth.  But the best part is seeing his smile again.  Nothing makes me feel better faster than his sunny smile.

    NanaA, I hope for the best possible news tomorrow.

    Be well,  Sido

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    I should not be on here again but I just put my tools away from a long day spent in the yard and what a beauty of a day,  We worked hard but sometimes hard work is a joy and always wonderful to see all those nuts sliding down the ravine.  We have a couple on each side so we don't burn much here...just put it all down the ravine.  Lots of leaf blowing and lawn sweeping.  We turned all 6 dogs loose to have fun and they sure did. 

    Bj ---  What a beautiful compliment you have payed me.  I do treasure each and every one of you and it brings me joy to share something I love  ( where this love came from I do not really know ) very much with each of you every day of the precious life I, and each of you have been blessed with as well.  I am quite honored to be in the company of such beautiful people. 

    I look so forward to my time spent here....every day I go away a little richer than I was the day before.  When I count my blessings you are all there and always will be. 

    Love and hugs,


    Sido....hope things go well for you tomorrow and what great news that Cooper is on the recuperation road. 

    Nana...glad as well that you are doing great and feeling so positive about everything.  I am keeping this brief as I have been a big mouth today but wanted you to know that I am very happy for both you and Sido.   

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited October 2009

    Blackjack I thank you.  Yes, I am finally starting to breath a little easier.

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited October 2009 answer were your love comes from it comes from deep with in your soul. It probably has been there all these years lol, but WE have brought out the best in you. Everyday spent here is a wonderful uplifting experience. We are all rich with love and support from each other. glad to see that you are resting and healing afteryour scary experience. Be well soon.

    Buddy..glad you are breathing easier. Are you back working at school yet. after your txs. be kind to yourself.

    I hope everyone has a great week....BOO Halloween is almost here !!!!!!!! Scary

    Good Night


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Blackjack.....I love the 4 C's!   How true!

    Annette..good luck tomorrow with your biopsy.  I will be thinking about you.

    I hope everyone enjoyed the day..  I'm afraid we're getting to the end of them with winter right around the corner.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009
    Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. Emily Kimbrough
  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited October 2009

    It is early here near Chicago...still dark.  We have such reflective thoughts here lately.  I like the four Cs as well. 

     I was recently thinking how lucky we are (and then I thought that was missing the major point that we all were unlucky to get this disease in the first place) to have found each other.It then struck me that women  with BC have so much support.  The poor men with the disease appear to have very little. Women with cancer that is not BC appear to have far less supporrt than we do. 

    The biggest fallout from cancer is not the hair or chemo brain or whatever.  It is just the fear that it will come back.  A day does not go by that I dont think about that.  I wonder if the day will come when I will not. That is where the support helps as I think most people have that lasting se.

    Have a good day!


  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited October 2009

    Good morning Girls.  Its kinda gloomy here.  But thats o.k.  Its a good day to clean out drawers. 

    NAH............I'll just play on the computer instead.  Ha Ha

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Good morning everyone.  Susan, I too was up before light this morning.  Not sure why because I'd have rather been sleeping.  Still, after all the work yesterday I think I rested really well so decided that was the reason.  You do have some profound thoughts which I think are quite true.  I think men don't get the support we have, but they are wired differently ==  they are highly expected to be brave with a stiff upper lip about everything where women are allowed to be emotional.  We can and do freely join blogs and seek out others and ask question after question.  I still think men get a little cheated in this department

    Rained through the night here so don't know if our leaf gathering inspiration will be too strong today.  Now and then I wonder if we will ever get caught up around here, but eventually it will happen. 

    A few times I have day-dreamed winning a contest where the prize is.....all those things you can't seem to get to or get completed.  Since I'm sure you only get so many for the list I'm, how would I pick and choose.  Oh well - best thing is to just keep plugging away. 

    Hope you will all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs to all,


  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Member Posts: 179
    edited October 2009

    Hi everyone!

    Haven't posted in a bit- but have been reading and trying to keep up with everyone.  Still trying to adjust to increased madness at work, having both kids in schools, all their papers, cub scouts, brownies, piano lessons--arrgh!

    Could use a few crossed fingers today. Have an MRI in the afternoon- part of my new "high risk" maintenance schedule. (makes me sound like a car.)  More than a little anxious.  Last year, two- what turned out to be fibroadenomas- lit up and I had to go thru needle biopsies to determine what they were. Pretty much had one foot in the grave going through that and fear it again.  I've since had reduction surgery on my remaining "real" side and went thru chemo last year.  This is to establish a new baseline.  But there's the menacing "what if" hanging out there and I'm worried about what might light up this time....  Nothing will happen but the test today- I'm told the films are read on Wednesday, so it will be a rough week of worry and anxiety for me.

    Sending best wishes to everyone....

    -julie the worried

  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Member Posts: 179
    edited October 2009


    Well-it's me again. Just had to CANCEL the MRI because an hour ago...I got my period!  Early. Recalled seeing something in the past about it not being a good idea to get a breast MRI at this time-- hormone fueled changes in the breast can produce too many false positives.  So- called surgeon's nurse just to check and yep, she told me to reschedule it for 10 days later.  aaaarrgh. I wasted a bunch of good worry! 

    -julie the postponed worrier

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited October 2009

    Hi girls!

    I hope you had a good Monday...

    JulieC - Drats... what timing! Hang in there... I am sending you SPOTLESS vibes!


    I think...from what I've read MOST of you girls are doing well! That's awesome! I am feeling pretty good. I stopped taking the muscle relaxers and the anti-inflams...fingers crossed - that it was just a pulled pec muscle or a virus.


    Something FUNNY I just have to share! Picture this scenario:

    We have a cordless phone unit on each floor of our house. 

    I spend a lot of time on my computer each day. My computer is located in our loft on the second floor of our house.

    dh spends most of the time in our basement (I've named it, the Le Cave).

    Since he was laid off and he's home all day, I have been running down 2 flights of stairs, to the Le Cave, with questions, etc.

    When he has a question or something to say to me, he runs up 2 flights of stairs to my loft computer area.

    So today...I realized that our phone system allows us to communicate - via intercom - on any of the units we have on all three floors. So, instead of me running down to the Le Cave, or him running up to my computer loft, we simply push a few buttons on the phone unit and we can talk - over the phone! It's so funny!


    And...he has a lap top in the Le Cave, so we e-mail each other - throughout the day - jokes, or news articles.  lol


    BJ - When's the next dinner bunch! I miss you girls!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2009

    Morning!  I see that the sun may make an appearance today, so that will be nice! sorry about the mets!  I've said it before and I'll say it again...cancer is not a fair disease.  You can do nothing and it doesn't come back.  You can do everything, and it comes back.  Or anything and everything in-between.  Just not a fair playing-field.  Hugs to you!

    Nana....well, your thyroid bx is over by now.  Hopefully your nodule remains unchanged and you need do nothing further., what a nice idea that tea!  And I too loved your words, especially the comedy.  If we can't laugh at all this horrible mess, we would surely go insane.  (I think Jimmy Buffett actually sings a song about this - well, not the cancer part - the laughing at ourselves part)

    Laura....funny about the phones.  I too discovered the intercom button last winter...I used to call upstairs all during football games and annoy DH to no end.  I still think it's quite funny!  Now...we just text each other...and sometimes we are sitting in the same room!  Glad you are feeling so much better!

    Susan...your friends have the right idea!  What are we waiting for?  What are we saving all this money for?  Go take a vacay!  Use the good tablecloth!  Drink koolaid out of the good crystal!  Wear that cashmere sweater you got as a BD gift 5 years ago and have been saving....saving for what???????  The future is here!  Go crazy!  Wear that sweater, while drinking koolaid out of the crystal, while sitting at the table with the heirloom lace tablecloth!!!!

    Juliechicago....oh boy!  It figures, doesn't it!  Let the waiting begin...again.  I hope it goes swiftly for you. feels good to get back in the swing of everything normal, doesn't it!  Glad you are back to your normal, happy self!

    Jackie....heck, just leave all the nuts!  I'll send you some of my squirrels!

    Buddy...I did clean out all the drawers in the kitchen yesterday, but then I get new countertops tomorrow and didn't want to embarrass myself.  WTH!  What is all the junk in those drawers!  I was completely ruthless and tossed so much stuff!  And then I went under the sink and got rid of all these bottles and sponges (YUCK!!!) and various other cleaning stuff.  I'm as bad with the cleaning products as I am with the hair products and in the end...all I seem to use is windex and pledge anyway! to the shower, then to the gym, then to Target for drawer organizers, then to Walgreens to pick up some arimidex and then home to finish the kitchen clean-up before tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing as well as happy!  And enjoy the sun as winter is just not that far know....SNOW!!!!  ICE!!!!!  SLEET!!!!!!!  COLD!!!!!!  WINDCHILL!!!!!!!

  • NanaA
    NanaA Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2009

    Thyroid biopsy went OK.  Won;t have the definite results back until next week, but the doc did say that the nodule they worried about turned out just to be a cyst the had bled inside and the dark center was just dried blood.  While I was there he decided to biopsy one of the nodules on the other side that the radiologist called a goiter to make sure.  The 2 spots were tender yesterday, but are better this am.  You won't believe this after waiting an hour and a half for the biopsy, we find out the nurse had written the time on my card for my appointment down wrong by and hour, so had been there an hour early.  They did take me ahead of the lady who had the next biopsy scheduled since it was their mistake, and that lady had no problem with waiting  till after mine.  It only took maybe 15 mintues.

    Well I need to get ready for work, since I did not work yesterday.  Annette 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Failure does not exist. Failure is simply someone else's opinion of how a certain act should have been completed. Once you believe that no act must be performed in any specific other-directed way, then failing becomes impossible. - Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Good drippy morning here.....sun for the Chicago area, but I can't complain as I had it here for a couple of days.  This is not a rain to enjoy for sure.  It's the really annoying kind where you'd have to be out all day to get WET, but it will get you damp everywhere. 

    Laura....that's too funny but think of all the calories you burned before you found out you could talk b pushing a button instead.  I don't use the intercom at work for that reason and just in case I have a slight case of the gets me moving too. 

    Nana -- glad the bx is done. Hope it all comes out as well as it sounds right now.  I had a goiter and it is still evident by the size of all the tissue beneath my chin.  Really dislike that but it's a minor thing all in all......I'm here to talk about it. 

    I am with Susan's friends and Wendy....and probably Susan too by now.  It is not all the great, wonderful, fancy special things you have been given over the years  IT IS YOU.

    You are special...not all those items you may have somewhere waiting for just the perfect occasion.  You are alive....that should be the special occasion.  The only things I save are what I intend to give away....all else gets used and if it doesn't at least for now it goes to the auction house. 

    Wendy....I would love to get new counter tops, but I think the whole kitchen should have a remake and I haven't won the lottery yet so it is going to have to wait.  I may settle for new flooring and a paint job next year or so....a list of other needs will be coming first -- but it is all fun and I probably won't notice the wait.

    Hope you are all going to have a really good day.  Not sure what we will do....won't be picking up leaves that is for sure.  More are coming down from the drizzle as we speak.  Rita...all that work, but it was nice to thin it out drastically.....and remove a couple layers of nuts --- some, the walnuts, you  can easily turn your ankle on.  They are huge with the big outer covering.  Tried opening the ones that fall here -- they were not good at all.  Thought I'd mind less having the tree around if the nuts were edible.  I'll be checking back later.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited October 2009

    Hi ladies - I need to check in more often so I don't spend so much time trying to catch up and then forgetting what you guys were up to last week!  I'm in the same boat as Julie - too many things going on with the kids.

    Well, I got some good news Friday.  My x-ray looked much better than the first one and they don't think I need surgery now.   I was so happy as I did not want surgery.  I walked into the appt ready to agree to it and was completely shocked when they said it looked better.  It's rare for it to improve so they think the original x-ray was at a bad angle since I wasn't in the cast yet.  Hopefully, it's not the second x-ray that's at the bad angle - I asked that question, but they feel confident that this one is good.   I go back on Monday for another x-ray just to make sure.

    I'm heading out tonight with my daughter and some friends to the Miley Cyrus concert.  I'm not a big Miley fan, but the girls like her so I go.  Not real happy that it is on a school (and work) night but what you gonna do?  I wonder if it will be the high pitched screams like at the Jonas Brothers?  My poor ears.

    Laura - I liked your intercom story - cute!  Glad you are feeling better.  Go to FL - life's too short.

    Annette - glad you are feeling ok. Sounds like the results will be welcome good news!

    Hope everyone else is feeling good! 

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited October 2009

    Connie   great news about the x-rays.  Miley is gonna be a lot of fun.  I wish I could go with you.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Just checking in to be sure I'm not missing anything today!   LOL

    Annette, I'm glad the biopsy is done and have my fingers crossed for you!

    Connie, enjoy your concert.  I'm so glad that the latest x-ray shows an improvement and hope that surgery can be avoided.

    Jackie, we have your wet weather here today, too and the drizzle has really brought down many more leaves. My whole back deck is a pile of yellow leaves.  I guess I know what we're doing on Saturday!  :-)

    I need to get moving.  The Cancer Center here in town is having a dinner tonight for any breast cancer survivor (5 years or less) who wants to attend.  The dinner is free and the author of the book, "It's Not About Hair" is going to speak.  I've never read the book but it sounds like her presentation will be interesting.  Several of the gals in our local group (The Bosom Buddies) are meeting there and sitting together.  Unfortunately Wendy the Younger won't be joining us because she has the flu but it looks like several from our group will be there and it should be fun.  It's a nice gesture from the Cancer Center during BC Awareness month.

    I'll be back tomorrow night. 

    Hope everyone is feeling well!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Hi everyone....gotta tell you straight up I'm here to vent.  I try not to for the most part as I'm naturally a fairly happy content type...but the rain is getting to me and in the process magnifying things that do go wrong.  First off...I held off opening a package of medicine sent to me because they always get it right.  So yesterday found out ( with two pills left ) that instead of the Arimidex I thougnt was there....something else with a similar name was, and to top it off....I still had plenty of that particular pill.  Called and they said....we will ship you some overnight.....they'll be there Wednesday.

    I quick said to myself this morning....I'll do all my running today since I need to be home tomorrow....though I will get nice and wet.  I was on the way to Wal-Mart....stopped at a red light when an emergency vehicle came up behind me....went around to go through the intersection and wham.....someone---trying to get through the green light knowing it was due to change from the opposite direction.I think everyone was ok, but the emergency truck was spun around facing me.....van that hit the truck had lots of front end damage.  Not the way I wanted to start my morning.  Ended up going to four stores and none had what I wanted.  Then I get home and find a tag on my door that Fed-Ex had tried to deliver what was supposed to be Wednesdays delivery on Tues.  Grrrrr.  I sloshed through four stores when it might be dry tomorrow and had my nerves roughed up watching an accident, came home wet and defeated only to find how much simpler life might have been if anyone could have given me the correct information.  Ok....I'm done.  No more is past and I am going to get happy.'s marvelous that you can forget the operation.  It does make some sense to me that slight angle changes could make things look different enough to cause the outlook to change to something so much more favorable.  I think you just expierienced the thing where problems tend quite often to dissipate when you let them live totally in your reality.  Whatever or why ever....just glad for you. 

    This rain is definitely bringing more leaves down but as most of the nuts are cleared out it won't be such a big deal to mulch, blow and lawn sweep the leaves off the lawn now. 

    Well, I'm going to go relax for a bit.  Hope you all has an ok day. 


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited October 2009

    Oh Jackie, you are wondrously human with even a bit  of show of anger and frustration.  Thank heavens.  You are always the voice of calm and reason.  Now your are "reasonably"  frustrated. I wish I had a quote handy, but I need to wait for yours tomorrow addressing all this.  Seriously, it sounds like you felt like today was a lesson in spinning wheels and going nowhere.  I had a funny experience in that when  I last  went for my arimidex "due to greater demand" they didn't have enough pills!  i wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad.  As it turned out, they had five pills to hold me over until new batch came through.

    Connie be glad you are young.  I have no idea who Miley Cyrus is.  I do remember your gorgeous little daughter and I am subbing in fourth grade tomorrow.  I will be very brave and ask if  someone would be kind enough to "share" what they know about her.  I think it is so cool that you go to these things  with DD.  She will remember these event for life!  Also, great news on the wrist.

    Rita, so cool with the group tonight. Tell us about it. 

     JulieChicago:  Man, I have missed you.  I am with you in spirit. You are going to be good to go, girl, and that mri is going to show only friendly things.

    To all the well!


  • elf_song
    elf_song Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2009

    Hello, ladies~!   It's been a long week for me, gosh..    and it took me little over hour to catch up with what's been going on here...  you ladies are chatter box..

    WendyK- thanks for your concern about kids and me..  we are good now~  no more playing nurse..

    Connie- you ROCK~~  you got purple cast on one arm and going to Miley Cyrus concert, you go girl~! 

    Laura- I am glad you are better and please do take the vacation to FL  like Connie said, life is too short.. and that intercom story was cute..

    Rita- how's that dinner?  I hope you had good time.. I hope your cough goes away soon.. and what's up with the all the lady bugs??  omg, they are all over the inside and outside of the house and kids having fun time playing with it..yuck..

    NavyMom- I am glad you are doing well with chemo and 2more to go.. you are almost done, hang in there~!  Now, they have a big flat screen TV in chemo room which wasn't there when I was getting my chemo.. about 8months ago..  I realized somethings different when I went to see my onc this month..

    BJ- Thanks for the 4 C's story..  that is so right... 

    Mary Jane- what a survivor~! 15 years...  Conagrats~!

    Mich101- I am sorry to hear that your aunt passed away and I hope she is rest in peace.. Congrats on 3years~!

    Sido- I am glad that everyones ok and better now..

    Buddy- I am happy for your bloodwork~   that was good news for a change and you don't have to go back for 2months is the best part..

    Mamaq- my hair came with pretty much same as before but little bit thicker..  I wanted curls but didn't get it.. it just same straight hair again..

    Victoria- How are you??  I wanted to have yoga class but my arm can't handle since all the joints is sore..  I think I might look into what you that dvd you have..

    Rene- Happy belated Birthday~!

    Susan- I like what you said, 'No more rules when sickness rules' I think you are right on that..and I am crossing my fingers for your friends..

    NanaA- glad to hear that your biopsy went well and hopefully results are good too..

    JulieChicago- nice to see you again..

    Jackie- thanks for the another good quote.. and what a day you had...

    Well, well, well, where should I start...  One day we are all sitting down having good lunch and our older son, Dean said he wasn't feeling good, so I touched his forehead and felt warm so checked his temp was 99.1 We gave him Tylenol.. then few hours later he looked so tired and I checked his temp again and it was 100.5..   We were rotating between Tylenol and Motrin every few hours..  Next day he felt better with no fever but fever came back again after dinner..  He was coughing and stuffy nose..   he got a cold, oh well next thing you know, his brother got it and dh got congested on his chest and my throat was getting scratch, WTH~!   I didn't need to get sick, I gotta do my recon surgery within 2 weeks..  I took cough drops to coat my throat and drink some hot teas... And, we even took a nap when kids were taking their nap and that was best nap I ever had since the chemo..  Now, we are good except Dean, who still has low fever 99.5   Even one night I got scared I almost called dh and ask him to come home because Dean's fever won't go down from 101.5 and he had history of having a seizure with high fever so we really have to watch him carefully..   I woke him up every few hours and gave him Tylenol and that wasn't fun at all and I rather get sick than watch my kid gets sick, it just too painful..  I hope he feels better tomorrow.. 

    BTW, I got my PORT OUT last Monday, horay~!~!   I know my onc. told me to keep it for 5 years but I got it out and my BS told me 'It's all about your comfort'  so he agreed with me...  It was kinda weird, I could hear and felt every single scissors movement but no pain...  he also told me you are a good healer and it means port is tangle up pretty good with my tissue' oh man, that wasn't sounds good but I didn't worry.. He gave me compliments about me went under the agressive chemo and rads and still strong...  oh well, thanks doc~

    Next Monday, I am getting my recon surgery and I told my PS I want bigger boobs than what I had before and he was fine with it..  Tongue out  He told me I am the first person who actually told him that wanted to have a big boobs..  really??   he also said, most of people wanted to have a bigger boobs but they won't say it then when surgeries done they all said should got a bigger...  oh, well it's just me, big boobs runs in my family so, I want at-least same size as before the babies or even bigger...  haha, silly me~!

    OMG it's after 4am... man, time flys.... 

    Have a great day everybody~!   Love you and praying for you all~!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited October 2009

    Morning Gals.  I hope everyone is Dry!  

    Elfsong,  Oh my it sounds like your house has been very busy.

    Are you getting te Swine Flue vaccine today.  I see they are offering it at your Highschool?

    Are any of you Ladies getting it?  My Onc said I should. 

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2009

    Morning...this will just be a quickie as I am waiting on the countertop men to come...

    Jackie...OMG!  You had a day, didn't you!  It was probably way more horrible than you described as you just don't let things bother you.  Hopefully your Arimidex will come today...

    Susan....I just about always order my airimidex about 5-6 days early as quite often they don't have it in stock...and I say...HEY!!!!!  I have been taking it for 2 years....I will be on it for 3 more years...order up!  Miley Cyrus is the real name of "Hannah Montana" and I know you have to have heard of her....

    Connie....YAY!!!!  for no surgery!  And my niece took her daughter to the concert last night as well!  How was it?  Your ears still ringing????

    Elfsong....yikes, girl!  What a week you have had!  And if you want bigger boobs, get bigger boobs I say!!!!  Hopefully you will be healthy for the exchange!  And was your doctor just plain crazy when he said to leave the port in for FIVE YEARS?????  I've heard of one and I've heard of two, but never 5 years.  And I do remember getting mine out...I didn't feel a thing but mine too had grown into the muscle/tissue....lots of yanking involved...but it was over in about 10 minutes and I drove myself.  Very strange. was the dinner?

    Another gray, wet, depressing day around here but HEY!!!!  We're here and we're alive!  Oh and Buddy...I did get my h1n1 flu shot....I did run a fever of about 100 and slept for 12 hours that night but after that I was fine.  My onc said def. to get it as 1) we have a chronic disease and 2) our immune system was compromised by the chemo...and for me, DH working at the germ factory...I didn't want any flu of any kind, altho I really do think my immune system would have handled it just fine...but why tempt fate!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009
    Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think, say or do. It is more important than appearance, gift, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home.
       The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.
           - Charles Swindoll
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Good morning everyone,  The above is my personal pep talk to myself -- after yesterday.  Of course, though we may not have sun there is going to be a dry day and that is such a help.  Those drippy, wet days if there are too many in a row, just cause a little havoc for me now and then.  Guess I too have some dread about what the coming winter will be like and miss not having much of a summer -- the one that seemed to start with such promise and then disappeared. 

    Many leaves on the ground again but they look different w/o the nuts.  I am actually anxious ( will have to wait for a dry day ) to use the lawn sweeper JUST for getting leaves.  I think it will work really well.  Having to go back over the same spot several times to get the nuts underneath made it a long job and hard to gauge results.  I really want to know how much I can accomplish and in what time frame when I can use the thing the way it was probably meant.

    Elfsong  --  I remain amazed at what you do on a daily basis.  In fact, all the mothers here amaze me.  Raising children is difficult when nothing is wrong.  I can't imagine what it must be like to take care of your family/children and daily life under the conditions you all have.  Hats off to Elf and all of you. 

    Going to start my day off with Irish oatmeal w/ raisins and cinnamon and wheat toast w/ peanut butter.  That ought to help  make it a successful day.  Lots to do before work tomorrow. 

    I have decided not to get the H1N1 shot.  I took the regular flu shot, but just don't feel it is going to be a problem to me.  I think I mentioned that for the two years I was busy with my diagnosis and treatment I did not get flu shots and had nothing....even going out in the bitter cold, working with feral animals, and dealing with all the ones here, and going to work on occasion as well so being around a lot of the public.  I do think maybe those with small children going to school everyday and those who work in that field may be better off with it.  I am just concerned more with the squalene in it than anything else.  Though I do know lots of our immunities could have gotten lost with chemo, they do say anyone born before 1950 ( that for sure is me ) is likely to have immunity.  Since I took the regular flu shot I am hoping/betting I will get through just fine.  That is  my attitude and I am sticking to it. 

    Well, on to the kitchen to cook.  I have Dh around until noon today so I've drug this out ( letting him wait til' I'm done here ) about as long as I can. 

    I'll be checking back in later.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

    P.S.  Elf....aren't you up a little early 4 a.m.

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited October 2009

    Hi ladies -

    Can't hear, but I can type!  No, actually the concert wasn't as loud as we thought.  Even my DD noticed that it wasn't as loud as the Jonas Bros - I guess tweens screaming at cute boys is the loudest sound there is.  The concert was good and the girls had a lot of fun!  I had to laugh at Susan - hopefully you have heard of Hannah Montana.  Miley is actually Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter (Achy Breaky Heart) if you remember him from long ago.

    Elf - so glad everyone is feeling better in your house.  Sooo glad you got the port out.  My bs said he likes to keep a positive vibe and take it out right away because I won't need it again anyway!

    Jackie - you go ahead and vent - we all have those days and it sounds like you had a doozy!  I agree - this rain is depressing!

    Gotta run to a meeting!  Hugs! 

  • elf_song
    elf_song Member Posts: 148
    edited October 2009

    Well.. I need a babysitter for next Monday when I am getting my recon surgery.. The hospital recommended not to bring the kids since it's flu season and never know who is caring what..   Any ideas??   I've been looking on the websites and can decide which site I should join, of course you have to pay for a membership...   Arrrrrrrrrr~~

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Gee Elfsong, I sure wish I lived closer.  I'd just be your kids "grandma for the day."  That would be fun.  However I think I'm a little far south from you for that.  Just think!  it won't be long and you'll have boobs and not just any boobs....BIGGER boobs.  Glad you're going for those bigger ones, gal!

    Jackie, It does sound like you had quite the day.  WHEW!  As the old saying goes, "When it rains, it pours" and we're getting pretty used to this rain.  There are now so many leaves down in the yard that you can't see any of the features.  It's all a mass of yellow.

    Connie, glad you survived the concert and enjoyed it.  In times to come, you will cherish all the memories that you have formed with your children.

    The dinner last night was very nice.  The convention center was tastefully "decked outa" in pink, the food was good, the company was wonderful, and the speaker was entertaining.  She had been a chaplain in a cancer center at the time she was diagnosed and she had a completely different "take" on the experience.  She did have some good advice.  She said that many of us look at life differently after diagnosis and during treatment.  We decide that we're going to do things differently when the treatment is over....have more fun, be more open with others, do things we might not have done before, and she encouraged us to do exactly that and not fall back into our former routines that evolved only around us, our family, jobs, etc.   I'm hoping that our library has her book as she offered it at half price to us but it was still rather cashy for such a thin book. 

    Well, I've bowled this morning and hosted Left, Center, Right dice game this afternoon and I must admit I am tired.

    I hope all of you are having a good day.  I'm signing off for the night and I'll be back tomorrow.


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited October 2009

    Elf - wish I didn't have to work Monday or I would be glad to watch your little ones.  I work at home on Monday's but I have a long (90 minute) conference call with my boss that I couldn't skip.  Any trusted neighbors?

    Rita - I love LCR!  It's so simple and fun.  I turned my sister on to it and she hosted a game night last month with that game as the start.  Maybe we play a round at the Lunch bunch Xmas party!

    Have a great day!