Illinois ladies facing bc



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    I have a little more than a quote today, but saw it and thought it spoke volumes:

    To believe is to know that
    every day is a new beginning.
    Is to trust that miracles happen,
    and dreams really do come true.

    To believe is to see angels
    dancing among the clouds,
    To know the wonder of a stardust sky
    and the wisdom of the man in the moon.

    To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart,
    The innocence of a child's eyes
    and the beauty of an aging hand,
    for it is through their teachings we learn to love.

    To believe is to find the strength
    and courage that lies within us
    When it's time to pick up
    the pieces and begin again.

    To believe is to know
    we are not alone,
    That life is a gift
    and this is our time to cherish it.

    To believe is to know
    that wonderful surprises are just
    waiting to happen,
    And all our hopes and dreams are within reach.

    If only we believe.

    Copyright © B.J. Morbitzer.

    Hope it is a wonderfully believable day for all my special beautiful friends.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited October 2009

    Elf, I am sorry you have this childcare problem.  I took a job for next Monday and Tuesday and I am unable to help you.  Connie mentioned neighbors.  Even if they cannot help you, perhaps you could call and ask for a referral for a babysitter or a childcare situation and pay just for the day.  Can you call the Plainfield Town Hall and ask if they can refer you to a babysitter that has been checked out.

     This is the one time you do not need the extra worry.  I wish you well on this and keep us posted.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Ok....get ready for a grouch.  It rained this afternoon and plenty more where that came from.  I am so not liking this, but I have to check my boat for possible leaks and learn to live with it.  We are due for a drenching throuh the night and then lots more tomorrow.  Not sure if it will be dry for Halloween or not.  Well, nothing about the year has been typical so I'll put on my happy face and just sing " I Love A Rainy Night " before I go to sleep. 

    See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

    a little chorus of Ruber Ducky too....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009
    My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso. -Pablo Picasso
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Good morning everyone --  and despite the horrific rain it is good.  I am not going to complain because I am here ( very much alive ) and can complain, but also go shopping, meet a friend, come to my job, smile at a stranger and do nearly anything I want too.  So it's raining.  I'd rather it wasn't but I can look out the window and watch the splashes as the water hits the ground while I am inside nice and dry. 

    I would imagine most of you are getting this so I also know I am in good company.  I do hope it is not causing too much in-convenience and hope that you all go ahead and have a good day.  The week-end is approaching and hopefully an upturn weather-wise.  I'll be checking in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited October 2009

    Oh my goodness.. WAY Too much to catch up on and truly cannot!!My brain is on overload!!! I have been working alot (teaching) and finally went back to a natural form of melatonin cream for sleepimg that is customized for me out of a lab in california,Sabre Science. This is the key to my healing and sleep issues!!!

    All of my thoughts for those goin thru chemo and especially for reoccurences. I am helping a teacher i know whose sister inlaw is goin thru this and helping feels good .What we can share is  such a gift!!!

    Do alot on facebook and can be found there alot more these days as have little time to connect with everyone and that site helps streamlining my emailing!!! Personally love it!!

    Rain is about over for HALLOWEEN.. and now the scary stuff Suppose to go to a neighbors house for a bonfire??Wonder if that is goin to ignite!!!

    For those with surgeries coming up and appts and tests etc.. be strong and stay in the moment. We are warriors and always will be here to remind you of that!!!

    Goin to be  A Laundry Fairy for Halloween!!!lolol!!

    Hugs Galore!!!


  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited October 2009

    Happy Halloween everyone.  I hope the weather is good for the kids.  Otherwise lots of little hearts will be broke. Enjoy the day.

    Donna you sound so good.  I am glad you are finding a solution to your sleep issues.  Also, I am glad you helping others.   I think its healing for us.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Some good advice:

    If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep. The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. The best vitamin for making friends....B1. The 10 commandments are not multiple choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Minds are like parachutes.. .they function only when open. Ideas won't work unless YOU do. One thing you can't recycle is wasted time. One who lacks the courage to start has already finished. The heaviest thing to carry is a grudge. Don't learn safety rules by accident. We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves. Jumping to conclusions can be bad exercise. A turtle makes progress when it sticks its head out. One thing you can give and still your word. A friend walks in when everyone else walks out. The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!!!
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Happy Halloween to everyone.  The sun is not bright yet, but at least there is one.  Oh, we are as well knee deep in leaves ( oh joy ) but the upside is the nuts for the most part are already down and gone from the yard which is what the first cleaning accomplishes. I think another long day in the yard is in our future tomorrow.  Will have to remember....we won't have the extra hour of daylight so will have to start early. 

    Donna.....glad you came today and I am thrilled that you do sound so good and that life is starting to have a much better pattern for you.   We mainly do get back what we were with a twist, but the transition takes time.  I am generally less intimidated by my appts. which will all start stretching out now.  I think I will always have some apprehension.....I can't ever go back to that carefree time when something like cancer just wasn't a possibility. 

    Buddy, you too sound like you are doing well and ready to welcome a return to the everyday life that finally gets here after most of the storms have passed.  Even if it is not the normal  ( I think of the word blissful ) we used to know, at least it gets a lot more comfortable with some time and further healing. 

    Everyone else has I presume been dealing with the rain.  Was pretty quiet here yesterday.  I hope you will all have a nice witchy Saturday and a lot of fun.....and no rain. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2009

      Morning all!   Yep.....the rain is gone and it looks like the kids will have a great day.   I bought 6 bags of candy and after that the lights will go out and I am done!

    Jackie.....I was watching the weather maps yesterday and boy, did you guys get the rain down there!  It did rain here too most of the day.  Yuck.  At least it was warm....not so much this morning! haven't reported back in....are you all better and out chopping down trees??????  LOL

    Elfsong.....good luck on Monday!  Were you able to find a sitter?  Sorry I couldn't help you....

    Donna....yep...I see you on facebook all the time!  It is quicker!  Gotta love the email updates!

    Budders....are you healed?  Hope so!

    WendyTY....flu gone???  DH's grandniece in FL was dx'd with H1N1 and she has asthma/allergies but the docs in FL are strange....just said to keep her home from school.  Up here I think they probably would have put her in for observation with her high fever!!!!  But she's just what do I know!

    Countertops look wonderful but I had no idea it was such a process with stone and an undermount sink.  Looks great tho....

    Well...I am off to Bed, Bath and Beyond with my coupon, then Super Target for some groceries, then Home Depot for some grout and then I got this wonderful idea.  I have a full view storm door on the front and I usually put in the glass portion the day after Halloween as It is just to heavy to keep opening and propping to hand out candy.  Today I will just take out the screen portion before the trick-or-treaters come and then I don't have to open the storm door at all!!!!!  Isn't that a great idea???  Why I didn't think of it before I don't know....all that opening of the storm door and having it hit my hip and/thigh about 1000 times.  Maybe some of you could use the idea....

    Off and running.....BOO !!!!!!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited October 2009

    I was on Facebook.  I just forgot about it.  I just went on and it said I was "disabled" and so I am off of it.  Whatever did I do wrong?  I sent an e-mail to ask what this means.  Maybe I will see you there when we straighten this out.  My little girl Catholic guilt is returning as I wonder if I somehow I did something very wrong.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited October 2009

    Oh Susan....don't be guilty -- I am such a non-computer nerd that I don't remember to go to the Facebook or the other one ( I don't even remember the name ) I joined before Facebook.  I just seem to have little time so those stay in the background most of the time.  I'm not hopeless with the computer, but the next thing to it.  I keep saying one of these days ( it woule be fun to learn a few other things ) but my priorities list is long.  I'll have to say in the great beyond because that is really when I'll get to it. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2009

    Hi girls! I haven't posted in a while! I do check in though...things are - shall we say CRAZY! Geesh...

    I am feeling better, but honestly, the pec muscle still hurts not as bad as orignially though. It's so weird, it's as if everytime I do something that involves that muscle, I feel the muscle! Like if I cough or yawn or burp - I know - don't laugh! It's as though the muscle is overly sensitive. I have another Dr appt - next week.

    I hope you all had a nice Halloween. On Thursday Sydney came over w/Ari Anna. Here's some pics of her - she's a pudgy little one...almost 15 pounds! She needs to lay off the bottle! lol

    elf - Good luck on Monday - I wish I could help - but with all that's happening here, I am unable.

    bj - When's the next dinner bunch!? I miss you girls!

  • WendyTY
    WendyTY Member Posts: 94
    edited November 2009

    Happy Halloween!  It's been frightful around here for over a week.  I think I was out of the house for a total of 1 hour in 7 days.  Ugh!  I think I am finally starting to feel a little better today.  The antibiotics must be working.  My doc said that it was important for me to get both the flu shot and H1-N1 when I was completely better from this mess.  I wonder if they will have any left at that point?!  I wasn't going to get it.  But after the last week, I think it would be smart.  Anyone else struggling with the decision?

    FYI.  The information on the websites for the flu do not apply to many of us.  My doc gave me a brunch of grief for not coming in sooner.  I actually thought I was trying to follow guidelines and not be paranoid for once.  Food for thought...if you are in treatment or just finished in the last 6 mths to a year, it is better to be safe than sorry.

    I did get a rather unique perspective when I went to the doctors office.  I was told I must immediately wash my hands and mask up.  My doc requested that I where the mask to get my prescription filled as well.  If I ever thought I looked like a freak (this is not meant to offend anyone - just my thoughts about myself) without hair (Rita can attest to the fact that I didn't wear a wig much)...this was about 200X worse.  The seas parted everywhere I went.  Mind you, I was only at the doctor office and the pharmacy.  It was a rude awakening to see parents actually violently move their children away from me. 

    Kind of funny considering I heard a local doctor got sent home from the office by the other doctors in his practice yesterday because he was in the office treating patients with a mask (while he was waiting for results on his own test).  He had a 102 degree temp and tested positive for H1-N1.  Please remember that medical staff are not in the high risk category for receiving the flu shots.

    Tuesday I head in for my testing (next appt with onco).  It should be interesting to see what my number look like since I have been sick.

    Hope you all are doing your best to stay healthy!

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited November 2009

    Illinoislady  you are so thoughtfull.

    Wendyk13 Yes, thank you I am healing.

    Laura that is te cutest baby.  I want one.........ok maybe not.  but she is still cute

    Wendyty  How scary.  So does that mean you had h1n1?  Can you get it again if you already had it. 

    Just wondering if you would still have to be vacinated?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited November 2009

    I liked two and couldn't make up my mind which quote here they both are:

    "What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other."

    - George Eliot

    "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey."

    - Stephen Covey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited November 2009

    Good morning everyone and oh how lovely is the sun.  Not muted today so it will be a wonderful day.  We did not get up late today....wouldn't it be great if you really could get an extra hour of sleep.....but it's ok.  Lots to do today if I get to it.  We did not go to the Halloween Parade last night....took Maggie to ER to be checked out.  She had a migraine for two days and stiff neck....didn't sound like the flu -- you nurses have probably guessed.  Blood Pressure was too high and she was a little dehydrated with it. 

    Reminded me of one thing which I am pretty sure most of us do ( I'm not nearly as good with this as I use to be ) to drink water.  Ideally for each cup of coffee....a glass of water.  The system breaks things down better by diluting them with water.  Yes....there is lots of water in coffee and tea....and in moderate amts. they are good -- but water is more of an equalizer as you have no real digestive process with it -- concentrated urine is hard on your kidneys so dilute that as much as you can with water.  I used to get at least 8 to 10 bottles a day.....chemo disturbed my "taste" for water and I am not back yet....but I came home and had some.  We are all young and more than likely would not have the problems of "true seniors" but if you lost your taste for water through any of this, then it is something to think about if you want to be good to your body. 

    I'm next in line after Buddy about AriAnna....She is ( as they say ) a living doll.  Very adorable and precious.

    WendyTY....hello to you.  I must have missed your not feeling good last week.  It is hard to be at home for a long period isn't it ???   Glad you are much better.  That ole' flu and all the questions it brings.  I think probably anyone who exhibits signs of weakened immunity ( after cancer txs. ) is probably a good candidate for the shots, and of course, any babies or school children...and those who work at a school.  I have pretty much made up my mind -- unless someone could give me some other compelling info that I haven't received so far, not to get the H1N1 although I did get a shot for the regular flu.  I stayed quite well for the most part all though chemo, and though I felt the dickens and more many times, I kept going out in the bitter cold feeding feral cats and helping out with all our animals here at home.  As I was killing cells I was also exposing myself on a daily basis to plenty of "germs" and though I might have used more anti-bacterial soaps at that point.....I do not use that soap all the time.  I do think though masks are standard right now....we were asked if we wanted them at the ER last night.  I declined as did Dh who was home from work and came to the hospital.  I guess one could say that I am either brave or stupid and time will tell, but  I just don't feel I need H1N1 vaccine right now. 

    I hope you will all have this beautiful sun is energizing and full of the right kind of Vitamin D too.  I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs,  Jackie

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2009

    Wendyty, glad you are  back in life!  I have to admit all this flu stuff is scaring me.  I am worried about my family as I think I could get through it.  I had the seasonal but not the swine vaccine.  I am not even sure how or IF I could get the swine.  I know I don't want to wait in a line with hundreds of germy people for it.  It worries me!  So far the school I sub in once or twice is week is free of it, but I have spoken yo people in other towns and so many are down.  When will it hit?

    Laura, what a darling baby.  I love pudgy babies!

    Have a good one!


  • Sido
    Sido Member Posts: 55
    edited November 2009

    Hello Lovelies!

    I tried to take a little break from cancer (as if I really could), so I haven't been around for a few days. I think it was partially motivated by the fact that I was neutropenic at the blood test 7 days post-tx and DH put me in virtual quarrentine.  I just couldn't stay home reading about breast cancer all day, so I went back to my design and fashion blogs.  But I missed you all!

    After a week on anti-biotics I am hopefully stronger, but my energy is lagging.  I guess between the accident and the chemo it is finally hitting me that I have too much on my plate right now.  I'm disappointed because this was supposed to be my "good" week before my next tx this coming Friday .  I think part of it is also from finally shaving my head when the hair started falling out on Friday.  I thought buzzing it down to 3/4" after my first tx would make it easier when it finally went, but it didn't.  I just want to cry when I think about it, and while I rocked the buzz cut at home, I can't imagine voluntarily letting anyone see me like this.  I feel awful, fat, and ugly.  It also does not help that DH is in a foul mood today.  It's his 48th birthday and he's just being awful.  Nothing seems to cheer him up, he doesn't want to do anything or go anywhere (not that there's a lot to do in Peoria), and everything seems to be going wrong.  The dog and I are pretty much just trying to stay out of the way, but it's almost as if you can see the dark cloud hanging over his head.I would take off and go shopping or something, but I can't leave him alone on his birthday - no matter what his mood.

    Be well lovely ladies!  Enjoy one of the few non-rainy days we've had in a while.


  • elf_song
    elf_song Member Posts: 148
    edited November 2009

    At least didn't rain yesterday and today~!   Hi, ladies~

    Susan, Donna, WendyK, Laura, Rita, and Connie- thanks for your kindness and it means a lot to me.. We found daycare school we can take the kids during the surgery and we are thinking about enroll Dean there few times a week so, he can meet other kids beside his brother and have a good time learning.. 

    Sido- I know how it is when it comes to the hair... and we all do...  you are in your worst part during the chemo..  I had very long hair before the chemo, all the way to the waist line and now I have only few inches...  I cried everyday after kids went to sleep or when dh was not around...  I still get tears to just thinking about it... but good thing is it will grow back and it will grow even stronger than it was so, hang it there and if you need us we are here...     big hug to you~~

    Laura- AriAnna is ANGEL~  I want little girl.....   Wink

    Kids had great time trick or treating door to door for the first time last night and got too much candies..   

    I am so ready for my big booms tomorrow.. next time when you see me don't be surprise Tongue out

    I need to get going, have a good night and talk to you whenever I feel better form the surgery~

    love you all~!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited November 2009 glad you are back for any reason.  I know you are not alone in wanting to just forget about cancer for a bit.  It is easy to slip into some denial as it is a hard reality, made even worse by losing something that so defines us -- hair.  As you know, most of us were just minding our own business, fulfilling our everyday life, not always knowing exactly what to expect, but feeling that whatever it was it would not be so bad.  Then we hear those three words about the thing that was never going to be a part of us. Cancer happens to other people.....even though I was blissfully un-aware of anyone very close to me. was going to be somebody else that I helped and consoled and cheered up and on.....laughed with sometimes, cried the other.  Just keep thinking....this --- what you are going through right now is temporary.  A stop on the road to somewhere else you never intended to make.  It will present the darnedest trials and tribulations, and be a royal pain and leave you feeling just what you are feeling right now....bad enough to be **awful, fat, and ugly ** and bald to boot.  It is not a fair or kind disease and knows no audacity.  If any consolation....I was all the things you say you are right now.....except my hair is back.  I may still be all those things with hair and if I am so be it. 

    We will walk all the way with you because we walked right where you are just a little while ago.  It may not always seem like it but you will come out the other side of all this.  I think I am better but I don't thank cancer because that is not what did could anyone do that.  I do think those who were patient, loving, kind and caring....who made sure I was never alone and could count on them anytime to help me through when it got rough, dark, scary, and depressing and seemed like it might never end.  They held me up when I couldn't do it for myself.  They gave me the courage to go stand up to cancer and not let it win.  They are what made me better.

    Hope things get better with the dh. Maybe some men start getting nervous when they are 48.  Hopefully....that is all it is and things will be a bit better in a day or two.  In the meantime, just know you are special and there is life after chemo and hair loss. 

    Thinking of you with healing thoughts,

    Hugs, Jackie

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2009

    Oh Elf Song, I am so relieved you found the care.  It sounds like you and your DH found a solution that is close to home and worked for your little guy.  Stay with that program if you like it. Dean may need the stimulation of  fun and toys with other little kids.  Meanwhile, girl, thoughts all day  for you tomorrow.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited November 2009
    "The ingredients of health and long life, are great temperance, open air, easy labor, and little care." Sir Philip Sidney

    "To insure good health: Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life." William Londen

    "A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs."
    Joan Welsh
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Elfsong...Glad you found a solution to the babysitting problem.  I am a big proponent of daycare for youngsters.  I think it helps them get along better with other kids so kindergarten is an easier transition for them.  Good luck with your procedure.  Thinking of you............

    WendyTY...glad to hear that you are better and to see your post.  That must have REALLY been nasty stuff to keep you down all week.  Call if you need anything.

    Sido, yes, there are times when we've all wanted to just get away from cancer.  You've had some added stress with your accident and of course a moody hubby doesn't help when you're feeling a little down yourself.  I am not far away from you.  If you ever feel that you need to talk just PM me.  I make trips to Peoria fairly often.  I certainly don't have all the answers but I am a good listener.  In the meantime, rest up this week before your next treatment and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon.  HUGS!

    Jackie, we still don't have all the leaves out of the yard and I worked quite a bit yesterday when Dave went to see his mom in the nursing home. They were just too wet on Saturday to blow them.

    Susan, the schools around here have really been hit with the flu.  At the school where I used to teach, one class only have 9 of its 19 students there one day last week.  I hope it stays away from your area and schools.  It is indeed scary.

    Laura,  AriAnna is sure a cutie!  Our youngest grandson is pudgy too.  Chubby cheeks are just irresistible on babies and toddlers.  I've missed your posts.  Are you still decorating the bras and do you still need glitzy jewelry?

    Well except for a quick trip into the bank, I have an entire day at home alone and lots to get accomplished,  I think a walk is first in order and I need to get away from here a move.

    Hugs to everyone!  I hope you all had a great Halloween weekend and are started on a good week.


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited November 2009

    Hi ladies -

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Elf should have her big boobs by now!  Hope you are feeling good!

    WendyTY - glad you are feeling better. 

    I am nursing a sore throat today.  It started yesterday.  No fever or cold symptoms so not sure what it is yet.   Went to the arm dr today and he said my xrays still look good.  I get the cast off in 3 weeks - the 23rd.  Can't wait. 

    Laura - AriAnna is a cutie!

    Have a great day - it's actually pretty nice out today! 

  • Sido
    Sido Member Posts: 55
    edited November 2009

    Hello Lovelies!

    Things are much improved today.  DH has come out of his funk and is back to his old self. I'm dealing with more fatigue but after two md appts and lecturing for three hours this evening I suppose it's kind of understandable.

    Jackie and Rita, your support means a lot to me.  For some reason I have felt alienated from a lot of my fellow patients here in Peoria. Maybe it's my age or something, but you have all made me feel so welcome here.  Please, if you are planning to come to Peoria, let me know.  I would love to meet you in person.

    Elf - I plan to move in the opposite direction (i.e. smaller) but I've been a DD for most of my adult life.  I dream to be a C, able to buy bras anywhere...pretty little things with slim straps, and leave the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders far behind.  Anyway, I hope everything went smoothly with your procedure.

    Be well and enjoy the brief respite from the rain,


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited November 2009

    Morning Ladies....brrrrr....26 on the deck, but it's light out!  I don't know about all of you but what the heck happened to spring and summer?  I cannot believe that I will be putting up the tree 3 weeks from Friday!  Wow! are you feeling?  Did the surgery go well?  Are you  Hopefully you are feeling pretty good this morning and you love your new shape.  How did the boys enjoy day care?

    Rita....yes, it is amazing how much we can get done around the house when we actually do stuff!  For me there is always something to read or I check out HGTV for a minute and I see a new project and I am off to Lowe's.....

    Sido....glad DH is feeling better.  It was I am guessing the combo of your dx, your tx and seeing your bald ( I think that always gets them - nothing screams cancer better than bald) and then your horrible accident.  Maybe mark your next years calendar for a 6-month birthday for him and celebrate then...he will be surprised for sure!  Nothing wrong with 2 birthdays just as long as you don't add two years!

    Jackie...well....are you drying out????  I did see something on the WGN weather about having a wet and chilly October...usually means that November is warm and dry so hopefully that will be true of all of us.

    Connie...whew!  No surgery!  How's your cold, which I hope that is all it is!

    Laura....Ari is sure cute!  Did you guys plan that Fl trip yet????  The weather there has been wonderful...and re: a lunch bunch....I think we need one too!  But then....12/5 is fast-approaching!!!! was the weekend?????  Have you "dried" out yet????  LOL

    Have a funny story to tell you guys but I need to involves Death coming on horseback to Chili's while we were having lunch......

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,001
    edited November 2009

    OMG Wendy, you really love to leave us hanging don't you ?  Your notes here are always a little mini travelogue of your life events.  And you always know just what to say.  I envy that.  Despite the fact that i get wordy now and then....I'm not too sure I'm saying much. 

    As to drying out....yes we are and not a moment too soon for me.  Gray rainy days depression was setting in on me and I was starting to wonder just what I needed to do to get through the pits.  Started to think I would have to buy one of those ( they do have them don't they )?? special light bulbs that mimic sunshine.  It was that or go shopping for sturdy rope. 

    Went to Marion yesterday and it sure made for a long day.  Had my 3 month a P.A.  I don't mind that but I was just getting used to the male Dr.  and it sort of threw me to deal with someone I had never seen.  I did find that tho' I had made repeated requests to have my Vit. D. levels checked it had not been done so the P.A. was calling the lab to see ig they had any of my blood left.....then she would order it.......if not, she will leave a standing order ( I presume ) for the next 3 month visit....some time in January.  Good news was that my tumor markers are down from 18 to 14.  She said they are not considered abnormal unless they are 30 and above so I wasn't concerned...but a nice feeling that physiologic changes are positive

    I have a cold sore -- where it came from I do not know, but as it was just "starting" late yesterday/last night I went to the drugstore and got Abreva.  Wow !!!! That was an eye opener.  I would imagine it's very good for OTC but I got some change back from a $20.00 bill.  I'm sure better be good. I just don't want the ugly look and it says it seriously reduces the length of time ( normally about 10 days ) that you put up with these things.  

    Sido...glad dh's mood is better.  I'm sure he never envisioned this birthday as being one where he would have to deal with mid-life and a wife with a cancer diagnosis as well.  Men are not supposed to feel or show any trauma, but I know it's there.  His world is a little collapsed too and he probably has few if any ways of letting it out.  

    Ok....I'm off to feed the dogs....lunch in St. Louis later, and gosh who knows what.  I'll be  checking back in later.  See ya'll then.  

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    YEA on the tumor markers, Jackie!  Yours are lower than mine!  It's funny how they vary from time to time.  I hope you had a good day today.  It sounds like you have some fun things planned!

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2009

    Hi all:

    Okay, now I better understand why I retired.  I have had two teaching jobs this week and I am tired.  I really like the two-three days I work.  I like the money and the interaction with the children.  It is interesting for me to see all the ages as I spent my whole life teaching  older kids.  I also really love to have them for a day or two and not five.  I have discovered that I can blow thirty minutes with little guys just talking about pets!  Every kid has had a pet or wants a pet and so there is a lot to talk, draw and hear about when it comes to pets.

     ELF:  How are you doing?  How are the kids?  OMG, you have a new look!

    Sido, glad things are happier.  You are young (I am 61) and I am certain your DH and you are MOST sad that this thing  has dropped into your life.  It all requires such patience, love and compassion AND THE PASSING OF A DAY OR TWO TO REGROUP.

    Wendy, "Have a funny story to tell you guys but I need to involves Death coming on horseback to Chili's while we were having lunch......"  Not fair!  When do we hear the story?  I would think Death wouldn't choose  Chili's for  lunch......well maybe given the chill of death, it would.  I am still into Halloween stories here.

    Connie, so happy about the wrist.  Funny how we get happy about something (your wrist) that so recently made us sad.

    Jackie, keep smiling and get one of those lamps!

     Laura, what are you up to....same for BJ.

     Okay, listing  is dangerous.  I know I have missed nearly the whole group!