Illinois ladies facing bc
Hi everyone-just popped in to see how everyone is doing, and if there was any word from elfsong.
Will have to come back soon to see the end of Wendy's story .. she left us hanging!
I still don't get the tumor marker thing. I've never had that checked. It's strange how different drs do different tests. Makes me wonder if my doctor is doing everything that he can for me, or do the insurances dictate what tx/tests we get - it drives me nuts!
Wishing everyone a great week. I am glad the weekend is suppose to be nice because we will be cleaning out my aunt's place so we can put it up for sale. With this economy, I'm afraid it won't sell quickly, but being a mobile home, maybe it will.
Take care and hugs to you.....
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Hi Mich....I figured the V.A. might not use the tumor marker test for me....they sometimes do things on a different level than other medical practises. To the best of my understanding, often these tests could or might be used at any time after the discovery of your disease process. It could help identify ( to a degree ) if your chemo, meds, or anything being used to shrink or eliminate a tumor etc. are working. I think in this case the first one would be a baselline one. I think when they are given after txs are done it is mainly another tool to check how you are doing. By could get false readings, but used with other things they will just help indicate where you are. Since the numbers could fluctuate to a degree for a variety of reasons I think not all Dr.'s care to use them.....but to be glaringly honest.....I can't say that it does not make me feel a lot more secure to hear that the number is good ( 30 and above is cause for lots of concern ) and I breathe a little easier. doesn't seem to me as though it would be a really expensive test.....they take two or three tubes of blood from me and do a lot of things with it.....they are able to tell my blood counts, liver function, and that marker number along with a couple of other things too....and usually all this in an hour or less. Maybe if you ask your Dr. he will do this test or give you a plausible reason why he thinks you will do fine without it.
I hope the week-end goes well. The cleaning out is difficult to do....lots of memories....good and sometimes not so good.
As to selling and how is always something of a crap-shoot. One of the biggest things is to price it correctly. Too high and you scare a number of people away....too low and people wonder ( often silently as they are walking away ) just what is wrong with it that you are hiding and hoping to dump on them. A good realtor will get comps for the area where the home is located and that should go far in helping to set the price. Comps, as you probablly already know, are just listed sales prices for homes near your Aunts and what they sold for in the recent past. As far as the economy there may be a number of things that could help a buyer, but houses --- even thru this major blow-up, kept selling. There are people who have the money -- anytime, and should a time just like this one come along ( and since all pricing in large part is down somewhat as it is a buyers market ) they just step up and get something they want. I hope it all goes well for you and I hope you get a really good realtor who will make this burden a little easier overall.
See you all later.
Hugs, Jackie
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Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is.
-- Blaise Pascal0 -
Hi all! Checking in to see what's happening. I've been working the two jobs, dog sitting, helping a friend who had hip replacement surgery, plus a few other projects (including a party for 55 two weeks ago!), so I have not been around much. I'm sorry I've been so silent lately- I didn't even realize how long it's been since I posted. On the other hand, that just proves that life after cancer can be just as rewarding, busy, and NUTTY as it ever was before. YEA!
I passed my 3 year anniversary since my diagnosis (while not posting! ) I was stage 3, grade 3, triple negative- almost (almost) as bad as you can get without being stage 4, and look at me now! 3 years- feeling more and more like I'm putting that nasty beast behind me. I hope that that gives hope and support to those of you who are out there in treatment!
I'm so looking to forward to hosting our Illinois Gals Holiday party on Saturday, Dec 5! I literally can't wait. I know I can't spend much time on the thread these days, so it means so much to me to get together and just TALK to everyone. If any of the southern Illinois gals want to come up and spend the night- I have room for two, plus I have a couple of neighbors with extra bedrooms. Please, I hope everyone will put that date on your calender and come! I have a big house with plenty of room- plus Blackjack and Wendy are planning some special holiday magic.
I'm off to bed now- have to get up at 4 am, but I feel better, because I FINALLY posted something again.
Hugs to everyone, and special thoughts & love to those in treatment!
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Good morning Gals. Just popping in to say Hi.All is well here. Just waiting for PS to start all over with a new TE. That wont be for months.
Jan Clare. Congrats. to you.................
Love Buddy
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This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life. - Author Unknown
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Oh JanClare - being that I am in pretty much (if not worse) the same boat as you with diagnosis, you have no idea how much hope that you give me. I have not been going on very much, because I have really been bummed by all the people we have lost in 2009, or have been diagnosed with mets (thank God all the Illinois girls are doing so well).
I am also looking forward to the holiday get together at your home. It is the day after my work party, but I will be there with bells on (possibly literally)!! I am planning on dinner next Thursday also.
Take care everyone!!
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Hello~ Iadies~! Thanks for the support and my surgery went great.. I did get the big boobs.. OMG, my dh asked me 'are you sure it's not too big?' what did he saying??? Of course it's not too big.. Well, honestly, I like the size but I don't like the shape of new boob on left side (which I had te) my ps put 650cc silicon gel implant but still look like te, doesn't look perky like it should be, for me it looks just round and flat and wide.. he put 250cc on my good side to tried to match with the new side but now my good side looks bigger than new side with 650cc.. I have no problem moving my right arm but left are still sore like te is still in there and I don't like the shape of my left.. I have a follow up with ps next Monday and I will ask him what he can do to make me SATISFIED because I am disappointed.. Bummer~! Oh well, still little bit swollen from the surgery I hope it looks better when swollen goes away..
Kids did good at the daycare and it was more heart breaking for us to leave them than it was for them... and they got cold again, Arrrrrrrrrggggggg~~ this can't be happening..
Jan Clare- Congrats on 3 years~!
Jackie- good news on tumor marker~!
WendyK- come back and tell us the story soon~!
My left arm is still sore and tingling all the way from shoulder to the fingers.. ouch...
I hope everyones feeling well and have a good night~!~!
Love you all, EJ
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I had my implants Sep 21 and still settling in with foobs. Give it some time and most likely it will get better for you. Be extremely kind to your arms for at least 3 weeks.
Hope all else are doing well. The sunshine has brightened everyone's spirits. The weekend will be even better.
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Evening Ladies! Just checking in on Elf...sorry you're not too happy with the new girls but it is early yet...give them a bit to settle in. And if you are still not too happy...I know that adjustments can be made!
Lisamed...sorry you have been a bit down but it sure helps when we hear about those that continue to do so well! Of course we hear about the mets but we don't hear about all the other thousands that do just fine....because they are just too busy out there having fun.... story....On Halloween since I knew how many hoardes of chldren we get, DH and I went out for lunch at our neighborhood Chili's. We were sitting in the bar area, in a booth and the restaurant was pretty empty, we were the only ones in the bar in fact. DH was facing the back, watching the TV, I was facing the parking lot area, which runs alongside a very busy road up here. I am just starting on my 2nd glass of wine when I glanced up and there he was....Death on the parking lot. OMG! I almost dropped the glass and I am going..."OMG, OMG - Death...Death on Horseback...he's in the parking lot..look, look!!!!" And of course DH is looking at me like I am crazy and of course suggests that I have had enuf to drink ( and I am babbling about Death on Horseback and of course he finally turns around...and sees nothing. Just turned back and gave me this REALLY dirty look. I am still staring out the window when....HERE COMES THE GRIM REAPER....ON HORSEBACK!!!! Complete with sycthe (sp???)...I start babbling about the Grim Reaper and of course I get the dirty look again and the "too much to drink" lecture. And then I continue sipping my wine and of comes the HEADLESS HORSEMAN....on horseback...dragging a bloody head on a chain. This time I just casually say..oh look, a bloody head. DH refuses to turn around...and there is still no one else in the bar area. And then....a skeleton on horseback comes into the parking lot. I don't say a word. And then they all proceed to dismount and tether their horses, just out of eyesight for our booth. And then they all came in and sat down at the bar, not very far away. The bartender meanwhile came out and got their drink order and called to us if we wanted anything and DH said just the bill...and said "oh yeah, have the Grim Reaper bring it" and laughed. Well....I knew where this was going to go as the 4 guys heard this. Next thing you know....the Grim Repear appeared right behind DH and handed him the bill....scared the ever-lovin' C**P outta my husband! And then of course he turns around and sees what I have been looking at...and then gets up and looks out the window and sees the horses in the parking lot. And you know what I it comes....
"I told you so"
(turns out it is a group of men who own horses and go riding every weekend and come to Chili' long as they clean up after their horses the Bar loves it...they just happened to dress up for Halloween)
Good story! If can you believe it...we both have iPhones and we both forgot to take pictures!
Have a good evening everyone! JanClare....thanks again for hosting the party on the 5th!
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Wendy that is a great story. Had me laughing.
Elf, glad you got through the exchange. Sorry to hear that you are not happy with the results. But I think that others have it right to give it a little time.
Janclare, thanks for such a positive post. I am a triple neg, too. Still in chemo(TAC) with 2 more TX to go. I am sure that everyone can relate to just being sick of chemo. It is difficult at times to stay positive.
And hello to everyone else. I don't post very often but I do read everyday. Just looking forward to being done with chemo and trying to get on with living. As always, I thank you all for your knowledge and support. Have a good night.
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Hi Girls,
I hope everyone had a great fun filled Halloween. Wendy, I love your death on horse back story..too funny. Men, will they ever believe us when we tell them something. As for me I spent Halloween weekend in my fav place Las Vegas and what a party that was!! There were costumes that didn't leave much to the imagination and there were some that were drop dead gorgeous. Well for me I was a call girl and dh was Frank Sinatra. We had sooo much fun. Did some playing and did win!!! The weather was warm and sunny. So I was a happy camper, sun, pool, cosmo and cabana boys. lol Wendy you would be so jealous of those cabana But I am home now and back to work..arrrg.
We are setting up to have H1N1 clinic at my school. All the kids will get shots and I can only imagine what kind of day I will have, tears and more tears. Bring on the Kleenex.
Elfsong..glad to see that your surgery is over...but honey give yourself sometime to heal. Let the swelling go down.. get some rest.
Lisamed..yes it is sad to hear about the ones that have gone before us..but we are still here. So enjoy yourself, hug the ones you love. Life is too short not to have some fun. So go have some fun!!!
Jackie...glad to see that all is well with blood test. We all get down when the sun is not around, so put up a beach pic and enjoy the water view. Water is your calm. I would invite you to join me and Wendy in our beach chairs anytime. It's Cosmo's time!! are you feeling better. This flu has been hanging around way to long.
Laura...I hope you are feeling better. I will be at lunch bunch dinner next week.
Janclare..congrats on 3 yrs. Way to go!!!! Holiday Party Dec 5 thanks for hosting it.
Buddy..hope you are doing well too.
To all the others I hope you are all doing well even if you are not posting.
Well its jammie time for me. Busy day tomorrow. Boy I sure miss my play dates.
Remember to be happy
Good Night
0 - kind to yourself and as they say this to shall pass. We look forward to living life and having fun. Yours is almost there. Hang in there. Hug to you!!!
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When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. Peter Marshall.
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NavyMom....thought you might like the quote. You are going thru one of the hardest parts of chemo now....the just want it to be over part. You will look back when done and be proud of yourself -- maybe even a bit surprised. You are so full of courage and strength, no matter how difficult it might seem to call those attributes forward right now. You have a lot of people here cheering you on and wistfully waiting to congratulate you on the finish.
Lisa, JanClare, Elf....thinking about all of you too. You are all part of the future of bright stories from tough Illinois gals.
See you all later.
Hugs, Jackie
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Lots of chatter.
BJ: Do families have a choice about the vaccine? I have been busy subbing as there is so much going on but they are not giving those vaccines at school.
Navy: Oh yes, you are still in the trenches. Of course you are sick of chemo. Are you staying at home or do you work? I wish you well.
What a great story Wendy! I love it!
Lisa, yes it is scary to hear sad news about what BC does to people. Wendy is right, bad news tends to get printed while all the success stories get on with life. JanClare would be an example of that success story and there are many many more like her...they are just busy getting on.
JanClare: I am almost 100% sure I will be there. My Dh has a cousin who usually has her XMAS party that first Saturday. She put on a wedding for daughter a month ago so maybe that was enough for her!
Elf Song: I can hear your disappointment. I know not a thing about it, but Wendy says that things can be modified so that you not only feel comfortable, you love your new look. Sorry the kids are sick again. What a year!
Take care to all i missed!
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Elfsong...sorry you are disappointed. Let them heal and then look them over really good and see what you think then. I'm sure there's quite a bit of swelling.
Tanya...nice to see a post from you. I hope to see you at the Olive Garden in a couple of weeks.
Blackjack.....your Halloween sounds WONDERFUL! I bet Vegas was a really CRAZY place that night! So glad you won, too!
Jan Clare, Congrats on the 3 years gal! It's been quite a trip, hasn't it?
Hope everyone is enjoying this sunnier weather!
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Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Hello Lovelies,
I'm back from my second chemo tx and everything went smoothly. I'm a little gassy and achey, but otherwise doing okay. The weather is weirding me out a little, it seems unnaturally warm. More like a Los Angeles fall than a Midwestern one. I prefer brisk fall days and was always disappointed at how warm it was in LA this time of year. I fear I am in the minority, since the weatherman on the local news was jubiliant at the warm weather. At least it isn't raining.
Have a wonderful weekend Ladies!
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The timid and fearful first failures dismay, but the
stout heart stays trying by night and by day. He values
his failures as lessons that teach The one way to get to
the goal he would reach.
-- Edgar A. Guest0 -
Good morning everyone and it is a lovely bright sunny morning outside. There is a ton ot two of work to be done here today....mounds and mounds of leaves for starters. Most are now down so we are coming to the pretty much final cleaning stage. I'll have my lawn sweeper's slow but does a good job --- maybe it's slow for the person at the handle, huh !!!!!
Sido I am glad to hear that #2 chemo went ok. Although you may get some different se's along the way....the general pattern is the same. se's kick in on the after usually and last for a week or so, and then you get on the up-swing again.
I think we are having a strange Fall along with all the other seasonal strangeness that we have noticed. For the second or third time we are going to have some Indian summer type weather the next couple of days. For the yard clean-up I'll be appreciating that, but I sure didn't expect it. I think you are getting it too Sido. I don't mind if the nice brisk weather holds off till I get the yard done. There is a bit of wind out there now which I won't be liking but will help keep me cooler maybe.
The cold sore is about gone....guess the quite expensive Abreva really works, but I am going to switch to Lysine anyway which will do just as good and not cost so much.
I have Jimmi up here trying to type with me so I'm going to say hi to everyone and I'll be checking back during the day. See you all then and hoping you all have a wonderful week-end.
Hugs, Jackie
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Happy Saturday everyone. OMG, where did this nice warm weather come from. OH I wish I had the boat to go for a boat ride. But I will settle for a long run instead. Now this is what fall weather should be like. lol Rita.. yes, LV was crazy for Halloween but sooo much fun. I would go again but the weather is very iffy at that time of year. Luck had it that it was warm. The slots were very that was a surprise. Guess that was our Hope you are doing well and feeling better.
Zap...yes we are giving out H1N1 shots to all the kids in my district if the parents sign for them to get it. The CDC is giving us the guidelines and the County is providing the nurses to administer the shots. Lots of paper work involved. ugg They also will give the shot to any teacher who is in the high risk group. For me I am not getting it. I am not really sold on it yet. But that's me.
Sido..hope you are feeling better soon. Just need to rest. are you doing. let us know. hugs to you. your email. Good day for a tops down fits up day!! Let the wind blow in your hair. lol
Jackie...did you ck out the qoute garden site. I though of you and OMG what quotes they had. Enjoy them. I hope you are enjoying this nice warm weather.
Well I hope everyone gets outside today for some Vit D. I am off to put my outside xmas lights today. I hate to do it when it is zero outside. No frozen fingers today. lol
Have a great weekend....Remember to be healthy happy...have fun
Hugs to all
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Though it may seem this way, I've not dropped off the earth yet! I'm still here! I've redone my computer twice, and with my memory totally shot (I'm dead serious, chemo took a serious toll on my memory and my eyesight) it took me a while to find the dang boards, then remember my password. This time I'm 50 pages behind, and from what I've seen just on this page, I've missed a lot. I want to tear up, it sounds like we've had some loss. (or are we talking about the famous people loss? I did have a hard time with Farrah & Patrick. I'm not a crier, but I cried on and off for a couple weeks for each of them.) I hope I can pop in and see everyone at JanClare's. I have 2 functions that day, but I really want to see everyone! Yes... I'm still here!
Going along with JanClare's post.. I too have a dx (prob was stage4, they never counted the nodules in my lungs that shrank after chemo) and I'm near 2 years from DX. I know to newly DX people, you want to hear 10 and 20 years (which is what I wanted to hear too), but I think those people have such busy lives, they don't get on discussion boards much. It kind of fades away and normal life takes over. My close friend's mother, is 14 years out (even with a reoccurance under her belt) and looking great. We talk about how beautiful darvocet is at bed time... I aspire to her!
Wendy, LOVED the Headless Horsman story! you have way too much FUN action by you that and the vampire neighbors... (my MulletFest, FreeBeer, Honk If You're Horney, neighbor boys moved BACK IN. Mine aren't fun. Just stupid and irresponsible.
0 - wonderful to see you back. I did sort of think you had dropped off the side somewhere.....and then too I think some people get tired of coming here after a while. It does perhaps remind you of things you might like to try and forget. I think it will be a long time if I ever leave here --- and many are just very busy so only come on occasion. Hope all your computer woes are settled.
Bj, I did go into the Quote Garden and it is on my Favorites List now so I can always get to it easily. I meant to pm you, but just got swamped with something and didn't do it. Got to get back coffee break is past. I'll be checking back a little later.
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Good for you, Little C. I actually do not read the biographies of people and so I tend to think that everyone has my same stage. I know that is silly. Recently I have been surprised to hear that women here vary so in their stages. Let's make it our goal, no matter the stage or age, that we are still stepping into this thread twenty years from now. Perhaps not with the same frequency, but we step in to announce out aliveness 20 years from now. Now you ladies who are not as old as I am, you make the promise to step in 40 years from now. I give myself permission to be gone then as I would be 101.
Thanks for the information on the vaccines, BJ. Many at my school are unhappy with the decision not to give vaccines! I subbed three days this week and could have subbed all five but I do not want to get into that rut. I am taking lots of vitamin C to prevent illness as I am right inthe mix of it. I just read that vitamin C makes you happy! So I may overdose if I find I didn't dodge the flu bullet.
Dh and I are taking that trip to Springfield to see the Lincoln Museum this week. I kinda like the short trips better than the big ones!
Have fun (and if you are not having fun, eat a food packed with C).
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Dh and I are thinking of doing a touristy trip to Springfield ourselves soon. We always go to Chicago for our urban fix, but iI've heard that the art museum has the largest collection of WPA art in the country and that the new Lincoln museum was amazing. I'd love to hear how your visitwent.
Feeling tired today (more than yesterday) because the steroid never perks me up all that much, but eating little meals has helped. I've also stocked up on gatorade and stuff today and walked around Lowe's and the supermarket for my exercise today. Not looking forward to tomorrow, but I'm determined to keep moving, especially when I found yoga and walking helped with body aches last time.
Be well Lovelies and enjoy the weekend,
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Morning! Isn't this weather glorious!!!!!! I wasn't able to yesterday but today The Z is coming out and the top is going down! I am going to wooooohooooooo one last time this year. the car anyway!
Sido......glad you are getting out and moving around. I really think that this helped me avoid a lot of the se's from chemo. And count me in as one person who did NOT get all peppy from the steroids. Hopefully you will bounce back quickly. And don't you just love strolling thru Lowe's? Actually I don't go strolling thru there....I go "drooling" thru there!
Jackie......I do love your quotes. I will have to check out that site that BJ sent you to.
LittleC....good to see you, as always! My neighbors...once all their relatives....after a very looooong 3.5 months for us...went back home, our neighbors have pretty much disappeared. Don't even see them....ever. Nice and quiet. Looking forward to seeing you next month!
Connie....glad that your wrist is doing so well. Just what you need....another surgery! NOT! OH...and thanks for helping me out in farmville! I only went there once and couldn't figure it out...I kept planting strawberries and I don't even like them.
Elfsong...haven't heard from are you feeling? Doing better? Happier with the girls? haven't posted either! Are you OK? come back and now you are gone again! Miss hearing from you.....
Spent the day yesterday in the "Big City". Wow....I don't miss all that traffic and congestion at all! Yikes. Give me nice sleepy South Elgin any day. We had a rather late lunch and we weren't really all that hungry at we had ice cream for dinner! Life is dessert first! dessert instead of dinner! No rules after bc....just go out and do crazy stuff! Have a wonderful Sunday, girls!
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Did you know...
... that today is Romances Are Rewarding Day? This day
celebrates the birthday of Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone
with the Wind. Mitchell was born on November 8, 1900, at
Atlanta, Georgia. In her book, Margaret originally called the
heroine Pansy O'Hara, and Tara was Fontenoy Hall. She also
considered naming the novel Tote the Weary Load or Tomorrow Is
Another Day. Gosh, aren't you glad she didn't? ;-)I just could not stop myself when I read this. At one of my quote sites.....actually this one gets sent to me everyday.....and everyday they have an interesting tid-bit to share. I read "Gone With The Wind" when I was ten years old and I fell in love with the majic of it. My mother had a book ( it was larger than the normal novels ) and it had the most beautiful pictures in it and I just lost myself in this book. I cannot imagine **losing myself** in a book with the title " Tote The Weary Load".......and I think Clark Gable would not have wanted to be in a movie with a name like that. Sorry..just had to share this.
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Especially for Bj and from the Quote Garden:
Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down. And this is all life really means. ~Robert Louis Stevenson
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Today ( predicted to be -- did I hear the weatherman correctly ) it will be 80 degrees. Talk about Indian summer. We will definitely have it. Another lovely yard cleaning day, but we are basically at the end of it all. Have a few trees that hang onto some brown leaves for months and months the last and final cleaning is being done. Hooray, Whoopee, Yariba....I can't wait to be done and be free to move onto the next project to be done and over. We are still playing catch up but making progress.
I hope many of you will stop in for at least a quick hi, but if you don't I am hoping you are able to enjoy a beautiful day as these will have to hold us for the months ahead. You are all daily in my thoughts even if you can't stop in.
I'll be checking in later as I always do. See you then,