Illinois ladies facing bc



  • buddy1
    buddy1 Posts: 529
    edited February 2010

    Bustersmom.  GREAT news on the ovaries.  Sorry about the rads.  They really arent that bad.  I had a very large area done too.  The cream they give you a perscription for is really a necessity  for a large area.  I really needed it.    My menapause symptoms started right away also.  But they get better every month.  Its been about 10 months for me.  Somedays I may get 5 or so hot flashes.  Its so good to hear from you.  Love Bud

  • makmak
    makmak Posts: 374
    edited February 2010

    wish I had more good news... The MRI showed lymph node spread and had a biopsy.. the CT showed it spread to the liver.. that biopsy tomorrow.. unfortunately he said if that is the case, then there is no cure for me... this is just perfect... So now it's a matter of how long.. and I'm shaking like a leaf...

  • iharris
    iharris Posts: 1
    edited February 2010

    I had all my treatments  with an oncologist at Highland Park hospital.  They are all excellent.  I too had lymph nodes involved.  Ask if theres any clinical trials for you.  I  finished  a year ago this month.  I 'm at HP almost every week with my friend whose going thru treatments on Tues.  I would  love to sit with you during your treatment if you want company.  I went thru 6 months of treatments and know what it feels like.  BTW I got my wig for free from the breast cancer   network of strength in downtown Chicago. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 41,764
    edited February 2010

    Marina -- I am coming in late here on this but I had Sentinel nodes so knew fairly quickly after lumpectomy ( the Sentinel node removal and lumpectomy done at the same time ) that the cancer stayed local.  Had already been tested for everywhere else so we knew exactly what to do and how much to do after the full path report arrived.  There is always a chance for lymphdema but if you only have the Sentinel nodes out  -- your chances are generally way less than someone who has had to have many removed.  This is early info, but there are sleeves you can wear if need be --- they help keep the arm ( Sentinel node removal side ) compressed if you are doing a lot of heavy work or even lighter work that is very repetitive. 

    I heard someone say on another BC blog site that they had flown just over 100 times w/o their sleeve but they finally did get lymphedema from going you would use it any time you go on an airplane. 

    Oh Wendy.  We also had an earthquate here a few months ago.  I think it was nice warm weather then.  It was in the wee hours sometime.  My bed is under two windows and the bed frame kept bouncing against the window frame.  Baby Boss jumped out of bed and hurt his leg.  Earthquakes are a weird experience --- but I did get really use to them.  Was only in one bad one, but it did not do much damage where we lived.  Power was off for several hours but that one seemed to go on for a long time and the house ( we owned a mobile home then and had just the week before gotten earthquake struts put on ) really rocked and rolled....but thank goodness stayed upright and thanks to the new struts did not fall off the piers -- which then come through the floors everywhere where one is sitting.  I always hated waiting for the after shocks.  Sometimes there would be a lot of them.  There was an aftershock to the one we had here.....came after I got to work.  Not happy about that but just the one and nothing else. 

    Hard day yesterday and today so I'm headed for my jammies and the recliner.  Hope you all had a good day.  I'll see you all tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 41,764
    edited February 2010

    I must have been posting at the same time as Juliet, Buddy and Marina.

    Juliet....glad that you came through fine and could get the right txs immediately for after your surgery.  It made all the difference it seems.  Rads really aren't too bad I don't think.  More boring than anything....and they measure and mark so that they can line you up just so to only have the rads go where they are meant to be. 

    Marina....I am so sorry to hear your news, but don't give up.  You can't be sure what that liver biopsy will show until it is done.  It could be many, many things, but only a biopsy can tell for sure what.  Could just be a fatty deposit --- so lets wait and see.  Almost needless to say I'll be asking in my prayers for just such a thing. 

    Healing hugs and vibes being sent especially to you.


  • Rene23
    Rene23 Posts: 290
    edited February 2010

    Oh, Marina, I'm so sorry.  I'm sure you are just reeling right now and trying to let all this new information sink in.  This disease not only takes its significant physical toll, it takes an even tougher emotional one.  I don't know very much about liver mets, but there is a forum here with lots of other women who have been through the same.  As tough as I know this is right now, please try and hang on to hope and stay informed and be proactive in your treatment options.  We are all here for you.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2010

    Morning....warm out there, a whole 9.4 degrees (and yes, I am thinking of taking a hammer to that stupid digital about one that says "too freakin' cold to leave the house")

    Juliette.....glad your surgery went fairly well and so far, no symptoms of menopause.  But then, as you say, you are used to them Money mouth!  Rads won't be too bad....just the "everyday thing" of them.  But get to work less!!!!!!  So...YAY!!!!

    Marina....words are failing me a bit this am but here goes.  IF indeed the bx shows liver mets, your doc is are incurable...TODAY!!!!!  Just TODAY!!!!!  No cure TODAY, but who knows about tomorrow or next week or next month so please don't fo go looking for an exp. date on the bottom of your foot (please don't do that) are SO TREATABLE!!!!!  Liver mets I don't know that much about but from what I read can go years and years with them with treatment. And as you go thru treatment, a cure could be waitng out there for all of us. won't know anything for sure until that bx comes back.   I can't very well tell you just to calm down and stop worrying because that would be an impossibility for anyone.  Clinical trials for a dx such as yours and at your young age would be a good idea to investigate but please do investigate don't want to end up in the wrong "arm" of a study either.  And don't forget too that obviously your lymph nodes did what they were designed to do....stop cancer cells from spreading.   And I hope with all my heart...that nothing escaped them.  I agree so much with everything now you can get your hands on...ask lots of questions from your docs, all of them...and ask the girls here too on the mets thread...they will have answers and suggestions for you to be sure.  I don't know personally what I could do to help, but if you think of something, please PM me, okay?  I would love to help in some small way.  And...only if you might want to consider PM'ing LauraGTO with your address and/or phone number...that way you would get alll of ours as well by return email.  But only if you want....we actually are good little card-senders!

    OK...getting late already.  I was sitting here, feeling yucky and sorry for myself as 2 of my very old fillings are leaking and I have to go back to the dentist today to have them fixed and then I read here.  Going to the dentist and getting my teeth fixed....really, who cares?  Just an hour out of my day and I am fixed.  Not so easy for so many of us here.

    Praying for you Marina and Juliette...and can I echo Laura's post of yesterday......


  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2010

    Marina, I too find that my words are failing me.  Of course you are shaking.  You need someone to talk to right now.  Wendy said it all.  You are very treatable.  This is of course not good news.  We all know that, but now you need to get the plan in place.  If we can do anything, let us know.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 41,764
    edited February 2010
    Hold on to what is good,
    Even if it's a handful of earth.
    Hold on to what you believe,
    Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
    Hold on to what you must do,
    Even if it's a long way from here.
    Hold on to your life,
    Even if it's easier to let go.
    Hold on to my hand,
    Even if someday I'll be gone away from you.

    "Hold On," A Pueblo Indian Prayer

  • navymom
    navymom Posts: 842
    edited February 2010

    I'm with LauraGTO     WHERE'S THE F%#@ING CURE?   I want it NOW!  I want it for me and I want it for my Family and I want it for every woman having to fight this fight.  AND I WANT IT NOW!

    And Marina...........I really Want it for YOU.  I really hope that you can feel all the hugs being sent your way.  I am not a very religious person but I am praying for you.  I hope God is listening.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2010


    Marina - I'm sorry the news wasn't "great", but try to take things one day/test/appt at a time. Things are moving quickly. Once you have a set schedule of chemo, etc., you will start to ease into a bit of normalcy. I know that seems impossible at this point, but honestly, it will happen.

    Navy - It's good to vent!

    PJuliet - Glad to know you're doing okay. Hopefully rads will be easy on you. Fingers are crossed!

    iHarris - Nice of you to be such a good friend. Best wishes to her. 


    I hope you girls are having as good a day as possible. Atleast the sun is out. That helps.

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited February 2010

    Juliet, so glad to hear you are doing well. Only thing I can say is that rads were easier than chemo, but I know, still no fun! Come out with us, and that will be fun, I promise.

    Wendy, it is warmer here in ski country than it is at home. More snow, though, butmbeautiful mountains to compensate. We brought the laptop, and there is free WIFI, so I can keep in tough.

    BJ, think President's Day and no school!

    Susan, I'm totally with you. I was dx at 60, and I always remember tha tif I'm tempted to feel sorry for myself. You are so is wonderful to read while DH is skiing. Also to walk around this beautiful town, and browse in the art galleries. I'm saving the fire for later with DH and a glass of wine.

    Marina, sent you a PM. Please hang in there, and know we are with you.

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited February 2010

    Juliet, so glad to hear you are doing well. Only thing I can say is that rads were easier than chemo, but I know, still no fun! Come out with us, and that will be fun, I promise.

    Wendy, it is warmer here in ski country than it is at home. More snow, though, butmbeautiful mountains to compensate. We brought the laptop, and there is free WIFI, so I can keep in tough.

    BJ, think President's Day and no school!

    Susan, I'm totally with you. I was dx at 60, and I always remember tha tif I'm tempted to feel sorry for myself. You are so is wonderful to read while DH is skiing. Also to walk around this beautiful town, and browse in the art galleries. I'm saving the fire for later with DH and a glass of wine.

    Marina, sent you a PM. Please hang in there, and know we are with you.

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited February 2010 is snowing in Mississippi and Florida. Also a foot of snow in Dallas. Not in Vancouver, however. What gives with this weather stuff anyhoo?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2010

    I think it's called Global Cooling!

  • makmak
    makmak Posts: 374
    edited February 2010

    You ladies are so wonderful and I am so glad I found this forum!! Just had my port put in.. yikes.. So my oncologist has changed my 'coctail' to taxol/carbo/herceptin.. so off to do more research I go.. but he said there are less side effects from taxol then taxotere.. HOWEVER, i am going for 6 months.. 3 weeks on, one week off.. Decided that I will have no choice but to get a nanny for the baby.. I am not sure I can drive her to daycare and back.. even with my husband's help.. Is it wrong to feel bad for someone who I finally conviced to get married after 8 years.. and to have a child.. just to be told by my surgeon that this pregnancy is what may have very well done this..and now he has to deal with all this???  It took us a year to get pregnant and now he says he is kicking himself for it.. but I still think the cancer was there.. it just grew more rampant with my suppressed immune system in the third tri-mester...

    The biopsy is Monday.. but the scan shows a very large spot and multiple leisons.. Dr said he's shocked.. but will fight with me.. He also said it can be treated if not cured... so I am going to kill all those darn cells as fast as they came... Thanks everyone and I will ditto the WHERE IS THE F'N CURE??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OK.. off to call United and cancel my vacation in Aug..

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited February 2010

    Marina, don't beat yourself up about the pregnancy. You don't have hormone receptors, so they don't really know what causes our kind of bc. Most doctors agree that small cancer cells were there long before they could be detected. Taxol and taxotere are similr drugs in the taxane family, and they are very effective, especially for us without hormone receptors. Remember, chemo works better for us. You sound tough, organized, and determined, and I admire your resolve. You have that beautiful baby, and that is great incentive.

    I'm sorry about your vacation, but that is temporary. I missed seeing my oldest daughter's graduation in New York, when she got her BS in nursing. She is over it, but it was hard for me at the time.

    Hugs to you and your husband.

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2010

    Well, ladies from the Peoria area, we had a guest at school today who is from your area.  She is only in the 8th grade and has had a book published!  Her name is Haley Armitage!  She actually is from a town that begins with a W.  Her mom and grandma were with her and when they talked to me, they had that same little accent that Rita has!  She was a very mature girl for  her age and the students were wowed! I am now finished with my longterm assignment and glad to have my old life back.  I really like the work, but this one was a bit long.

     Marina, all my news seems so trivial as compared to your own. Smerf expresses what I have also seen in you.  You just are a rallying type of person.  Yet, I can only  imagine the turmoil you are feeling. Take some time to tell us a bit about yourself sans the cancer.  Tell us about your job and tell us about your baby and things you like to do in your spare time (like you have any).  Tell us about your teens and how they are doing.   I found that when I was in the pits with the first dx, I defined myself as "person with cancer" but we are, all of us, more than that.  If you are up to it, just tell us a bit about you.  Of course everyone here will help you with the "cancer crap" too.

    Julliet, I love it when you pop in. It sounds like you are moving along. Blackjack, come up for air.  It is Friday and we made it. Bud, you sounds so great.  I just cannot believe I know someone with chickens.  Laura, is your mom okay about the bird.  That nearly broke my heart!  Navy mom, I hear your frustration.  WE have waited too long for the cure.  The music teacher's young sister is dying of BC.  That is so wrong.  Jackie, when you wrote that you were going to Denny's for breakfast, I thought you meant your DH was cooking. Rene23, you are right.  Cancer causes physical trauma, but the mental pain is dreadful. My 26-year old daughter had a mammogram...something she would never have done if her mother had not been diagnosed with BC.  The damn things are not even good for her.  I felt utter sadness when she told me she wanted this "baseline" mammogram.  At 26 I never once thought of BC.  I too hate the disease. For all I missed, peace out girl scouts and have a great weekend!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2010

    Evening all!  Needless to say....we are all once again, focused on HOPE!!!!  HOPE!!!!

    Marina....I echo Smerf and I know her well...don't beat yourself up about the pregnancy.  Stop right this minute.  How could you possibly know????  There is not one single person alive who knows what causes cancer.  Not one simgle person.  And smerf is are hormone negative!  As for taxol/taxotere...once again listen to smerf!  Both are from the taxane family but don't think it was fair to say that taxol has fewer se's than taxotere.  Chemo affects everyone differently.  I had NO se's from taxotere and I know lots of girls who had LOTS of se's from taxol!  EVERYONE reacts differently to chemo!  But I do know this from my readings and from my onc....hormone POSITIVE SEEMS (read...SEEMS) to do better with taxotere while hormone NEGATIVE...SEEMS... to do better with taxol.  Carbo does wonders with HER2+'s when you add in Herceptin.  So......I think your chemo protocol is a great one!!!!  As for everything else...I agree with Susan...tell us more about yourself, sans cancer...only if you want.  I am a lazybutt housewife...I have never had kids but I took care of my nephew's baby girl for her first 2 years and I am an RN, tho somewhat lapsed....if you need some help with your baby, let me know!  Heck,let any of us know!  In case you don't know it have just been adopted.  And just wait until our founder of this Illinois thread Rita, gets back from Florida!!!!  Talk about being adopted!!!!!!  Honey....I will help in any way I can...including offering my fort!  Just ask about my famous "fort"!  It really does exist.....

    Juliet...hope you are doing well!

    Carolyn....anything you need?  Can we help?

    Jackie...I read you quote of this morning...and for you new gals...Jackie does this pretty much every day...I had I know you searched for that quote for our new "sisters", needing a hand!  What a great quote today..thanks!

    Well....I am done with dh"s laptop...sitting, waiting for the Town Hall Meeting for his school district....he needed another body to get his count up to 14....have a great night, girls.

    And please,  always know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is NOT an oncoming train!

  • makmak
    makmak Posts: 374
    edited February 2010

    OK.. here is a bit about me... Came to the US in 1980 when I was 9 from Kiev, Ukraine.. only child.. Got married the first time at 17 and moved to South Korea with my husband.. studied there and came back and gradualted from DePaul with a degree in accounting.  Worked for Ernst&Young in audit until I had my first baby at 24.. Then GE.. then moved to my current large financial institution where I've been for 15 years.. Had my son at 26..  I LOVE travel.. have been to many many countries around the world.  Got divorced around my 30th b-day.. met my current husband at 31.. dated for 7 years on and off.. married in Oct 2008.  Had a miscarriage.. then finally got pregnant last March on our own... and had my little beautiful girl..  Our dream has been to move to the Carribean or Central American when my middle one goes to college in 5 years.. we were supposed to investigate Panama in November.. well.. so much for that dream.. at least for now..  It's like I FINALLY have a life again.. it took so many years.. and boom.. I get this.. and BOY when I get sick.. I really get sick... We live in Hawthorn Woods, next to Lake Zurich..   Looks like my Mom talked me into getting a live-in nanny.. someone will be visiting on Sunday to interview.. I really wanted her to go to the Goddard day care by our house which is wonderful.. but I am not sure I can do all the drop offs and pick ups.. and my hubby may have to go out of town.. Had to tell my older two they will have to share a room.. and guess what.. not a single word of protest... They are all wonderful.. It's unfortunate to know now how many people care and love you.... SO.. someone also recommended some program at Northwestern just for people in my situation.. I will start trying to collect more info since my oncologist says he's seen very very few cases as shocking as mine.. BOY.. when I get sick.. I REALLY do it well!!!   Now you guys know me.. and please continue with the good wishes.. When I'm super down.. I re-read them all..

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2010

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2010

    Oh have been thru the ringer!  However...boy are you not alone!  I am gonna send you a PM!  If you don't know how to see them, post me back!

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2010

    Marina, your life is so  rich!  You have been to many places. No wonder you are one strong woman.  I feel that people who cross cultures are stronger in the long run.

     Rita started this thread with a brief bio.  Maybe we should do that for all our new ladies. Wendy did that. I will too as soon as I get over the brain drain I am experiencing after being with 8th graders for two weeks!

    Have fun this weekend!


  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited February 2010

    TGIF....I AM SOOO HAPPY THAT IT'S FRIDAY. A 3 day weekend for me. It was so crazy at school this week that I can hardly wait for June to come. lol So let's put in a new computer program from another states that is so hard to learn and what do you get a crappy system.

    Oh well...this to shall past. Looking forward to play day Monday.

    Marina...welcome to our group. You have found wonderful, amazing, and strong women here. I will repeat what everyone has said and that you are not alone on this journey. We all have had different stages, treatments and outcomes with our own journeys. we will help you, just post often and let us know how we can help. Sending you a big HUG...hang in there.

    Zap..long term school assignment done for you..yeah now you can play. Oh how I miss those days sniff sniff....

    Wendy....we need those beach chairs now...I am so ready for spring how about you. Maybe we can catch a plane to our fav place.

    Laura... how is your CASA case going. You should be so proud of yourself.

    Rita..hope you have safe trip home..maybe bring some sun and sand for us beach hope you lots of fun.

    Juilet..glad to see you pop in to let us know you are doing well. Are you having rads at ABMC and with Dr.B are truly an amazing girl. Your quotes this past week have been so loving and inspirational to all. thank you.  How was breakfast with dh..sounds yummy. Hope you have not had to much snow.. I am so ready for spring. is your Is dh skiing a lot. Oh I miss you...we need lunch and shopping therapy soon lol Have a safe trip home.

    Well its jammie and tea time for me. I have a super busy weekend so wishing you all Happy Valentines Day early. Hugs from the heart to all the amazing strong women here.

    As are motto goes Illinois Ladies are tough...have a great weekend

    Remember to be happy


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 41,764
    edited February 2010

    Evening friends.  Just home from work --  well, I go straight to Maggie's after work and do a few things there It's 8:30 p.m. but I did have to let the dogs out and go clean my screen room -- a wonderful daily chore. 

    I did look for a bit to find that quote -- though thinking of all of us you were the inspiration Marina.  I love what you put in here as well Wendy.  Some times there really aren't words and so we just pray you can feel all the care, concern, and huge hope we feel on your behalf.  Wonderful things happen and even more so when their is a strong determined spirit.  You certainly seem to have just that.  There will still be times of indecision, doubt, frustration, and tears more than likely, but they help us stand still often and take stock as we re-group ourselves.  Just know that you are not alone and there is deep caring always.

    I'm from southern Illinois and have two adult children and grandchildren.  Nearly ready to retire, but I have it figured ( with all having the cancer cost ) that if I time it right....I can retire about two weeks before I die.  That by the way will be when I'm in my mid 90's so I have a lot of work years yet.  I'm only 64---and that as we know is barely dry behind the ears, isn't it ????  I adore animals and have far too many ( another big reason why not working is not an option ) and in my spare time --- that would be the spare time I have not had for a long time now -- I devote my time and attention to spiritual studies.  I have many deep thoughts on this subject but was not the most coherent person before and it is much harder now.  I don't give up and I don't give in....I just plan to attack my problems in some other way. 

    Marina...I think Laura lives in Hawthorn Woods.  Maybe you are neighbors and don't know it. 

    Well, I need to move along.  Dh will be home from work soon and I don't have much done in the house.  Probably won't get there.....and did not have time for dinner tonight either.  Some days are like that.  Thank gosh for the weekends....same amt. of work but a much more flexible schedule. 

    I probably have not said it lately....but I so appreciate all of you.  Sending warm hugs and healing vibes and wishing you all as well and happy as it is possible for you to be.


  • Mich101
    Mich101 Posts: 489
    edited February 2010

    Marina-I don't post often, but I do read almost daily, and I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Prayers and hugs for you and your family. Let me know if I can help in any way.

    Bustersmom-Glad to see your post and hope things get better every day!

    To everyone, Happy Valentines Day! Spend it with those you love :)

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited February 2010

    There is snow on the ground in 49 states! Only Hawaii is left out, and the Big Island often has a little on top. Yikes, what a winter.

    Marina, I knew Wendy would be helpful, as I thought she had your chemo protocol. There are so many here wishing you well, and holding you in their thoughts and prayers. You know a little about me already. I am about the oldest of our little get together group, and I usually feel like adopting all you younger ones. Laura keeps all our info, dx, tx birthday, address, and phone numbers. If you feel comfortable with that you could PM her with some info, and she will add you to the list. She sends a copy to each of us, and so we can plan lunches or dinners together. There is nothing like talking to someone who has been there. Others just don't quite unmderstand. Look for posts from JanClare. I think she is very close to you. She is working a lot, so doesn't post often lately, but is always there for any of us, and almost always attends our get togethers, in fact we have met at her home.

    Hang in there, girl. We've got your back!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited February 2010

    Morning!  4.8 on the ole' deck this am, but sunshine!  I sure do wish tho that I was on this beach!

    BJ....hope your weekend is fun!  I hope you like today's picture!

    Rita....I see it is snowing in Florida!  But at least you are on your way home driving!

    Jackie....LMBO about retiring 2 weeks before you die!  So that's the secret to a long life...never retire!  But truthfully...women never do!, how's the snow/skiing???  Or are you at that big fireplace in the lobby, wearing very cute ski togs, sipping a  good Merlot? LOL

    Mich101...good to see a post from you!  How's the jewelry-making going?'s that website coming?  Looking forward to checking it out.  Still no D results yet...I do know that it takes a bit longer for them but it's been 5 days now!  If nothing by Monday I will call the office....

    Marina...(and Carolyn too)...a bit more about myself...57, married 32 years to a great guy who holds a doctorate in education and is a principal in Bartlett.  Haven't worked outside the home since we moved out here to South Elgin almost 9 years ago...really planned on it but first it was the new house, then I took care of nephew's little girl, and then it was the in-laws going downhill rapidly and we had to move them out here to assisted living. Then I got dx'd, then my back went and I had to have surgery right after rads, then when things were almost back to normal my back went again and I spent a summer doing PT!  So....I am now a lazy-butt housewife, which isn't too bad!  Not really actively looking for work....but hey...if you want to hire me for something, I'm available!  I require an obscene amount of money, great health insurance, short hours, long paid-for vacations...and I really don't want to work very hard...oh...and I need a very fast computer so I can spend most of my work hours, shopping on amazon and qvc.  So...have a place for me??? (hope I made you laugh a bit....)

    My new dentist ....I do like him!  Light touch with the needle and he fixed both old fillings in 20 minutes flat!  AND....get this....he is a runner and does the Susan G Komen race every year!  How cool is that!!!!!

    Off to eat my Total, then shower up...then off to shop for new sheets and will be meeting up with DH at Red Lobster for shrimp ceasar salad....he has to spend the morning at school, getting caught up with paperwork....too many meetings this week!  Will be renting a movie for tonight...we are thinking that Vince Vaughan comedy about a couples resort.  It didn't get a great rating but it's set on a tropical island, which will be good for a cold Feb night.  Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!  Hugs to all......

  • makmak
    makmak Posts: 374
    edited February 2010

    Good morning!! Sent my info to Laura.. Good to know so many people are close by.. Didn't sleep well.. my port is tender and now I was getting pain in my abdomen.. wonder if it's the liver acting up and I just didn't know before..

    So, intersting story- after my port surgery yesterday the surgeon ran into the woman who referred me to her that works in the hospital.  I guess my story has affected the entire HOSPITAL.  ALL the doctors locked themselves in a meeting to come up with what to do.. They found a woman at University of Chicago Hospital that ONLY does very unique hard cases and they think she's my best bet.  She is 'non-traditional' is how it was described.. She doesn't take patients as she is the best for this in the COUNTRY.  SO... they called her and explained my situation and looks like she will take me on... Sucks to be in this situation, but I feel like I should try whatever it takes NOW instead of going through chemo in 'hopes' that it 'could' work.. 

    So, on Monday I will call her and see if she can fit me in on Tues..

    Off to get fitted for a wig at Carol's in Arlington Heights.. bought one online on the American Cancer Society site and got it yesterday and wore it out and my husband didn't even realize I was wearing it!!  just need her to trim the bangs a bit...

    Interviewing a live-in tomorrow... UGH!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited February 2010 much news and info! I'm so glad we rally around each other in times of need. Aren't women incredible! Not to bash "men" but somehow I cannot envision a goup of dudes posting at a site like we do. lol

    Carolyn - How's it going?...hope you are able to enjoy this weekend. Try to do something fun to keep your mind off of bc.

    Marina - I got your PM, we truly are neighbors. You are literally minutes down the road from me. I PM'd you. My port also hurt, but most girls tolerate it very well. An over the counter pain reliever helped me. Your life is incredible and your strength and wisdom will help you through this latest journey. It's awesome that your dr's are working together on your behalf. Try to remain positive, you have tons of support. I am ready willing and able to help you - if you ever need it. Hang in step at a time.

    bj - CASA case is going well. I visited "her" school, was given a tour, spent some time in "her" classroom and talked privately with "her" teacher. "She" is doing very well in her new home/school/living situation. Of course all of this was included in my court report for the judge and the State's Attorneys. I attended a court hearing a couple of weeks ago. Judge said a decision will be made in two months. Visited "her" at her foster home last weekend. Played a table top soccer game and colored pictures. I visit "her" every two weeks and phone often. This "case" has been quite an experience - rewarding to say the least.

    Wendrew - Are you sure you haven't gotten your results and you're just too chicken to let me know!? lol lol lol Have you ever talked to your dentist about Mercury fillings? I am now beginning to research it. Glad you like him. I LOVE mine. He is very funny and he loves to talk politics! lol I have a hard time not laughing with a mouth full of cotton, suction tool, goopy-goop, etc. lol


    Have a great weekend girls.


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