Illinois ladies facing bc



  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited December 2007

    Hi all- I'm missing you very much.  I think I'm having some depression/SAD problems that I need to address.  I'm working too many hours, but even when I have time off, I'm not getting anything else done.  And I have so much to do, it's just becoming overwhelming.  Trying to knock the cobwebs out of my head and get back on track.  If I don't start at least moving forward by Friday, I'm calling my doctor for an appointment.  Heck, who knows, maybe just talking about it will help me. 

    Wanted to also post this link (hope this works) to a Chicago Tribune article about doctors mis-reading mammograms,0,3244873.story?coll=chi-newsbreaking-hed 

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Jan Clare:

    I miss you too.  I just got this pic of you when we were in Long Grove (thanks Rita) and I love everything about your look (glasses, hair, outfit, FIGURE).   I tell my girls and my husband how much I love your look.  Now I get to see about what your are feeling on the inside.  I too get "overwhelmed" and I get "cobwebs" and I have so much work, yet I spend so much time "putzing" about.  I am not sure if it is BC or SAD and I have no suggestions to give to you.  I just understand.


  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited December 2007

    Happy Birthday Wendy! Hope you had a great day!

    Jan-I've missed reading your posts. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Hi to everyone else-


  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254
    edited December 2007

    Hi Ladies,

    I want to thank you all for the christmas cards I have received and for the picture. Hope you all are doing well and be careful on those roads. Hugs Mazy

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Hi everyone!

    Susan...I loved your creative birthday message for Wendy!  Pretty clever!

    Wendy...I hope you enjoyed your special day and ate LOTS of cake! Calories don't count on birthdays! 

    JanClare..I've missed you, too.  I don't know if it is the weather, the holidays, the pressure that we put on ourselves now, or just the unknown, but I've talked to many bc gals who are having periods of depression recently.  I keep getting side-tracked everytime I go to do something and at the end of the day, I haven't gotten anything completed....just bits and pieces of this and that.  I'm beginning to think that it's just another thing that comes with this horrible diagnosis.  Hang in there.  Come here and vent when you need to unload and try to find time to enjoy the holiday season, hon.  Susan is right!  You look SO GOOD, gal! 

    Jackie...hope that Spike's condition improves and that he gets back home to his brothers and sisters. 

    Mary, thanks again for making the throw for all of us to give to Pat.  You are a sweetie and the throw is lovely!  :-)

    Mazy...always good to hear from you!  You're truly my inspiration!

    We are heading out to Tennessee on Friday and won't be back until late on Sunday night.  My dad lives down near the Tennessee/Alabama border and we're taking down Christmas presents and checking on them.  He's pretty crippled up with arthritis and it's been awhile since I've been there.  Oh yes, Michele, we are staying in Metropolis on Friday night at Harrah's.  That's about half-way for us and it's hard to drive by without stopping!  We'll get up bright and early on Saturday and drive on in.  Who knows....maybe we'll get lucky and hit a jackpot for an early Christmas present.  Then again.............oh well!!!!!

    Julie...been thinking about you today and hope that your surgery went well!

    Pat...hope you had a good day, too.  I played Bunco this afternoon.  I never win at that silly game but we have a good time and lots of fattening "treats."  I fell off the core plan today Mary Jane!!!

    Well, I'm tired.  Hope everyone had a good day.  Wish me luck tomorrow.  I have my yearly blood tests and onc appointment!

    Catch you tomorrow!


  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited December 2007

    I'm off to work, but wanted to say thank you for the encouragement!  Love you all!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Well....another gray, depressing day!  JanClare....I went to exercise this am and every lady there was depressed.  We were all talking about the commercialism of the season, the lousy weather.  Hopefully this is what you are going thru right now, and it will lift soon.  I find myself crying over stupid TV commercials, but I noticed when I was out yesterday and the sun was out, I felt pretty normal.  There is something to SAD! are you doing? are you doing?  Think about you often and hope that you are behaving yourself!  Hugs and smiles!

    Rita....have a great trip!  Win BIG!!!!!

    Kats...did you get my PM?  Thanks for doing the throw!

    Well...need to get some printing done and then off to the PO!  Everyone...have a great day!

  • Catherine
    Catherine Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2007

    Hi Susan, I know just what you mean.  I had three tears and a detached retina 6.5 years ago.  I had inpatient surgery and surprisingly it wasn't too bad.  The worst part was that I had to keep my head in one position for several days.  It's tough to sleep that way.  Luckily I've been fine since but it was very strange to have that happen.  Hang in there!


  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2007

    Wendy- Yes, I got your pm. I just checked to see if my reply to it was sent and it's in my sent folder.

    I'll send it again, maybe it's floating somewhere out there in cyberspace Wink

    Hi Catherine- Good to see you posting here 


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2007

    Connie   Congrats on being halfway through rads, and being in the home stretch!

    JanClare   I so admire you for all that you get done! I can't even come close, so maybe you are a little hard on yourself? I really find it hard to focus now, and I'm concerned always that I'll forget to do something I said I would do. I agree with look great! Plus, so many people feel stressed and depressed during the holiday season, and they don't all have our health concerns on top of it. Please take care of yourself, and slow down if you need to. We all care and understand.

    Susan  I hope you are feeling better, and getting some relief from the medication.

    Wendy  You cheer me up each day with your graphics. So cute!

    Laura   You have the perfect Christmas dog. Adorable!

    Kater  Hope your mom is doing well with her tx.

    MaryJane I'm so sorry for your loss, and your husband's.   Hoping your daughter is doing well, and soon we'll hear a happy announcement.

    Catherine   A big hello to another Glenview sister!

    Rita   Take care, and have a fun trip. Is that Metropolis, IL ? Myy nursing school roommate is from there, and endured a lot of teasing about Superman.

    Pat  Hope you are having a good day, and know that I'm thinking of you.

    Hugs to everyone else! Talk to you later.

    Pat G smerf

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Good afternoon!

    Phew!  I'm back from the oncologist.  The blood work looked fine.  Our lab at the cancer center doesn't do the tumor markers.  They have to be sent away so it will be about 5 days before I know about them, but the onc thought I was doing fine.  Breathe in, breathe out!!!  I go back in four months to see him again.  So now I feel I can progress toward Christmas with a little less anxiety. your skin still doing O.K. now that you're on the backstretch???'s your Mom doing?

    Glad to hear from you Catherine!  Come back often!

    Yes, Smerf....Metropolis, IL.  We go half way, get out and enjoy a meal and the casino for a few hours, get up early and drive another four hours into my dad's house.  We used to go straight through in the younger years but stiff joints make a perfect excuse for a casino stop!  LOL   There is a big superman statue right in the middle of the town.  I bet your roomie did take a lot of razzing about that!

    Wendy...glad you had a nice birthday!  55 still sounds pretty young to me!!!

    Well I need to get some clothes ready to take tomorrow.  I'll probably check back in later today.  It's definitely gloomy, ugly, and spitting some type of precipitation here right now.  It wouldn't take much to make a perky person depressed! Good ol' Illinois weather!

    Talk to you later.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Yay are looking good! Got to be a good feeling!  Now you can REALLY have a great trip!

    Jackie e-mailed me and send she would send me some pics of where she lives...I thought it sounded sooooo pretty.  If she does (hint, hint Jackie!) and if she says OK, I will post them here.

    Have to tell you what I did just now...a friend of mine deals in antique papergoods so I bought 8 vintage Hawaii postcards and had them framed, you know...double glass so you could read the messages on the back.  Looked beautiful.  Is for dh's BD on 12/22.  Tripped in laundry room and dropped the stupid thing. Back to Hobby Lobby tomorrow am to replace the glass!  I am such a klutz!

  • kats
    kats Member Posts: 162
    edited December 2007


      news about the bloodwork.

    JanClare- Sorry to hear you've been having the blues. I'm sure this blah, dreary weather doesn't help much either. Hope you get back on track real soon.

    Wendy- Wow, both you and your DH have December b-days.


  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited December 2007

    Rita- I wish you the best of luck!!!!!!   Have a great time!

    I agree, I have been having down days too, maybe it is the weather.


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2007

    Rita  So glad to hear about your onc visit. It feels so great to walk out of there with good news. Have a wonderful visit with your dad, and win big on the way!

    Wendy   I fondly remember 55. It was a very good year! I'm klutzy too, and now I can blame it on my "taxol" feet. It sounds like a great birthday idea. I finally found a restaurant in New York for my dh's b-day, and now I'll probably be stressing about the weather for the flight.

    Michele  I agree with you. It's the gray days that contribute to the blues. I always feel better, and get more done, when the sun shines.

    Pat G. smerf

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Hi girls.  Wendy - sorry I missed your birthday!  Hope you had a good one!

    My skin is still ok, but I am noticing that it is starting to turn a bit red.  It only bothers me a little bit in the underarm area.  When I looked in the mirror this morning I could see the exact section that is being nuked - pretty weird.  I am getting tired of going there every day.  I had a nice 7:30 am partner but she finished up last week and no one took her spot.  So, now I am all by my lonesome.  No big deal as I'm only there a few minutes, but it just seems weird.  The rad techs have been playing Christmas music all week so that has been nice.

    Have a great trip, Rita.  Hope you win big.

    Sorry to hear about everyone being depressed.  I haven't really felt that, but I was thinking the other day that Christmas doesn't really excite me anymore.  It just seems like all it's about is buying, buying, buying.  And there is just too much to do.  Maybe as it gets closer, I'll change my mind.  I think the kids want to make Christmas cookies this weekend.  Tt turns into a bigger mess than that gingerbread house!!    That's ok - they love it and I need to cherish these moments while they are little.

    Hope you are doing ok, Pat.  I think of you often.

    Hope everyone else is hanging in there.  Have a great night!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    JanClare - You might be struggling with the all-too-common PCSS - Post Chemo Stress Syndrome. It hit me like a ton of bricks. And I'm sure this weather is playing a role as well. Is there any way you and dh could plan a winter get-away? Caribean, or perhaps Mexico. Hang in there...I stopped in TJ's yesterday. They were sampling the bruschetta spread with cream cheese and whole grain crackers! YUM...I bought all three. Hang in there. How about lunch next week?

    Michele - Read the above message to Jan. Hope you're feeling "up" real soon.

    Rita - You go girl! Congrats...have a great trip. Although it would be better if you could go topless! (Girls...if you don't remember, Rita's car is a cute convertible.)

    Wendy - You are so funny! Okay so far (in your words) you're a lazy butt and a klutz! LOL That's a very thoughtful gift you put together. Great idea. Have you ever gone to Volo Antique museum? Michele, I'm sure you have. It's great!

    Everyone -

    Have a great day! Thanks for the compliments re: Buddy Love. Last weekend a flower shop here had a Santa and a room scene set up and a photographer taking free photos. dh and I took Buddy over there and had a portrait taken. I'll post it soon. It turned out really cute! But dh pointed out that Buddy is whiter than Santa's beard! LOL

    Bee well, be warm, be happy...just be!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Hi Everyone, I know that the holidays can be depressing for some of us..what can we do to help each other.. for one we are there for each other, supporting one another with kind words,big cheers, and hugs via the email. Each and everyone of you are a special person that has so much to give. You are full of life even with this bc disease.

    Look around you and see the beautiful world that we live in..Bc will not take our spirit away only if you let it. So don't let it!!

    Enjoy the little things that make you happy..even if the kids make a mess making cookies..boy do I know my kids are messy bessies when it comes to making cookies. I know this is very hard to get in the spirit of this holiday season but do it for your kids and families but most of all do it for you.

    Remember,that you are all special Illinios ladies and you have the fighting spirit deep inside you. On that note I wish you all a nice weekend. Take care, Blackjack

  • JulieK_11_30_07
    JulieK_11_30_07 Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2007

    Hi ladies! I was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon and have been basically resting since. My surgery went very well! The tumor was 2 cm, classified as Stage II. All lymph nodes were CLEAR!! The pain is not too bad now -- the drains are just annoying and a little painful when I don't take something to dull the pain. 

    My surgeon hopes the drains will come out early next week. Then we just have to find out when chemo begins - she's anticipating 4 treatments instead of 8, which is great news!

    I'm a huge Christmas nut, so I'm trying to stay positive and enjoy my tree and lights. Hugs to all! I'll write more later - time to rest now.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007


    What great news!  I know that sounds weird in that you never thought even 40 days ago you would be doing this now.  What with all that has happened,  however, it is good news.  The chemo (only 4 treatments) will just be so doable...Your body has been through a lot ith the surgery, but as a teacher you can use the holiday break to rest.  I do hope you will do that.

    REST and enjoy that Christmas tree!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Julie - You have a GREAT nodes...Yay you. will be NED before you know it. 4 chemos is do-able as Susan said...and we will help you through it, every step of the way. Don't over-do-it...take it easy. Even though you may feel okay, you have been through a major surgery. Enjoy that tree of yours!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    JulieK, so happy to hear the good news. Now is the time to rest and take it easy. Enjoy the holiday .


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Yeah Julie!  It sounds like your surgery went well and you are on the road to recovery.  Pamper yourself for awhile here and regain your strength.  That helps your body heal!  As for the can do four of them!  We will be here for you and help you count them off!  I'm so glad there was no lymph node involvement!  That is wonderful news!  You will feel much better when the drains come out!  Thanks for posting and letting us know.  I'll continue to send prayers and good vibes for a speedy recovery!  Hang in there...We Illinois gals are tough!   Hugs!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,407
    edited December 2007

    Hi All,

    Jan Clare, Mich, I too get all droopy and grumpy when the weather stays dark too long.  I have done this since I was a little kid.  Having bc is just another element to manage when it happens. 

    Blackjack, you did make me feel much stronger about it all as you are right......we are in the Winners Circle and the sun will come back and heal the mood in very short order.

    So glad things went well for you Julie.  Glad as well that your chemo got appreciation level for something like that is very high just now.

    Wendy has my blessing to share any of my pictues that she would like.  I do so love where I live and as mentioned to Wendy feel it will go far in helping me tolerate and recover from the next few months of txments.  That and the sun or is it a jug of wine, a loaf of bread and my dog---oh well, ya'll get the picture.  I'm up late so got to be running.  All those I didn't mention by name, I'm thinking of you and hoping we all get the blessing of the sunlight tomorrow. 


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Morning girls....

    Just a quickie for now......Blackjack, thanks!  I need to remember that I have a disease (or rather...I HAD a disease...there, that sounds better!)...I am NOT my disease.  Hope your pain is better.

    Michele, JanClare....are you feeling better?  Supposed to be somewhat sunny today so try and get out and breathe, ok?

    Julie....what can I say except YAY!!!!!!!Check back with us as you feel up to it!

    I got some pics from Jackie....they are so pretty.  Forget my fort, we're all going to Jackie's house for some healing/comfort!  I will figure out how to post them or if I get stuck, I will e-mail to you guys.

    Gotta run....."talk" later!  Hugs, Pat!  Cool

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Good morning ladies! 

    I'm off and running this morning to get clothes in the suitcases for the weekend and things out for the cats.   I have a fab "cat sitter" who comes once a day to check on my critters and get the mail.  Dave is working until noon and then we're taking off and getting on the road.  It looks like southern Illinois will be getting the brunt of this next system!  They're predicting two to three inches of snow for the Bloomington area and more for the southern areas.

    Everyone have a great weekend and travel safely if the snow arrives.  I'll be back late Sunday night!  Wait for me Wendy before you head to Jackie's house.  I wanna go, too!!!!

    Catch you later.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Good morning Ladies.. I have a question for all of you. I am leaning towards taking tomo because my doc's will not take out my only ovary which I am really mad about. I really want to reduce this estrogen level. My excerizing, and dieting has helped a little, but I can't get myself to do the drug thing. My doc is concered about side effects esp. blood clots. She wants to wait until next year to start Armidex when I am in full blown menopause.

    I think if I don't do something now I don't think I will ever go on meds.  This stuff is freaking me out. No luck yet on finding a new onc. Will stick with this one for now. What are your thought  on this as it sounds like you all have been in this place before. Any suggestions would be helpful now. You are all wonderful ladies.  Blackjack

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    OK...hopefully I have done this correctly.  This is Jackie's house, screened porch for her kitties.

    Jackie's deck off her kitchen where they eat a lot of meals and watch wildlife come to them.

    Picture of Jackie's Lane in Summer.

    Jackie's lane in Winter.

    Jackie's deck (and exactly when are we all invited over?)

    Raccoon Lake...OK, I am leaving RIGHT NOW!!!!  Soooooo pretty!

    Good view of the screened porch and her deck.

    OK...there was also a pic of her FOUR CAR GARAGE, which actually has me drooling but for some unknown reason, photobucket would not let me upload it!

    Jackie.....thanks so much for sharing your home with us!

    Note to Blackjack....can't help you too much with the tam. as I am post-meno and started arimidex 8/1/2007.

    Hey keep warm and cozy inside this weekend, OK?  Hugs and Smiles!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Oops!  Same picture twice!  Sorry Jackie!