Illinois ladies facing bc



  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Julie - that is great news about the clear nodes!  Glad you are home and resting.  I remember the drains being the worst part.  A lot of my pain disappeared when I got them removed.

    Blackjack - is the reason you are not wanting the tamoxifen because of the potential side effects?  I have been on it for a month and haven't experienced anything but the hot flashes that started during chemo.  There is a thread on the Hormonal Section called Bottle O Tamoxifen.  Lots of women who have been on it for varying amounts of time so maybe that thread might be of some help to you. 

    Beautiful pictures, Jackie.  I'm coming over too!

    Have a great weekend girls!

  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited December 2007

    blackjack- I Started tamoxifen April 2004 after I finished chemo & rads. My Oncologist wanted to wait one year before testing to see if chemo had put me into permanent early menopause. It did, so I was switched to Arimidex in July (I think) 2005. I stayed on Arimidex for only a few months, then due to side effects I was switched back to tamoxifen. I've not had any problems with Tamoxifen aside from  weight gain and for awhile hot flashes..

    I'm going to ask my Oncologist about the test Laura spoke of, the one that checks to see if you're metabolizing Tamoxifen as should be. If the test says all is okay with the way my body is metabolizing Tamoxifen I plan on staying on it, if not I'll give Arimidex another try.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
    edited December 2007

    Evening Everyone,

    Wendy---you did my house  up proud.  Of course I gots to tell anyone thinking of coming over.....bring your snowshoes.  Looks like we are going to be getting hit with lots of the white stuff.  Hot chocolate and marshmellow time.   But listen Wendy, you can always put your table on my deck--then we get the best of both worlds.

    Blackjack....I have read somewhere that there are problems with bloodclots with some of these meds and I was just wondering if your Dr. thinks that is highly possible in your case and why ?  Would there not be any medication to stop blood clots from forming in the first place.  Probably a dumb question--if so I guess it would be well known and used for lots of people.  Maybe someone will stumble on something in reading material and share.

    Connie.....I know how you feel.  Our family talked this year ( it's large here ) about drawing names and then decided that we had all had such ups and downs through this past year that we didn't even feel like doing that.  Just chose to buy our mates a small remembrance or children--whatever fits, and enjoy a beautiful holiday meal together sharing each others company and feeling blessed to be together.

    Still thinking about Beauty College tomorrow and if the snow isn't too bad I might.  Will have to watch for the break so I can get out and feed the feral cats in town.  It will start to really seem more much like X-mas with the snow.

    Take care all.  I'm looking for the sun again tomorrow when I don't have to work and can truly enjoy.  Hope you all do too.



  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Hi ladies:

    I know one thing and that is cancer is mean and cruel.  Nothing good can come of cancer....except meeting women like Rita and you who read this. 

    I was so touched by Rita's courage by calling our good friend.  It would be easy for me to move away from something scary, but Illinois Women Facing BC just jumped in there with such care and love.  I am so moved by this gesture of love for one friend we will never meet.

    My family is beginning to understand the importance of you all  in my life .  I go to school every day and I never talk about my BC. I could, but I do not.  My collegues  SUPPORT me, but I respect  them by not  pushing my concerns  on them daily. My friends  are wonderful,  but they don't always understand  BC the way you do. 

         So I thank you for being here for me.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

      Good Morning my buddies....

    First thing...all those who are getting eyeball-challenged (not for you young whipper-snappers who can still actually READ the newspaper without having to tape it on the far wall!) I have figured out that I need to upload the graphics to photobucket a bit larger so they appear larger in this forum.  Duh.  This should be the last of my mini-graphics.

    Blackjack...did you get Kater's e-mail?  She has a phone # for you...

    Jackie....Heck...we could all fit under your table!  I've got some of the peppermint hot chocolate mix from Starbucks that I can bring.

    Jackie...just to show you that I am soooo slow before I have my first cup of coffee in the AM...was reading your post about "buying our mates a small remembrance or children"...I read that as I should buy DH a child.  Again...duh.

    Michele, JanClare....we had some sun yesterday and the snow looks really pretty this morning.  How are you guys feeling?  I received a quite touching little Christmas story-email thingy...if I can find it I will e-mail it to you.  Hopefully it will make you feel a bit better and put a smile and your face.Wink are more right than you know about Rita and what a wonderful person she is.  And I thank all of you girls too..for the same reasons as Susan did.  We try not to talk about BC as we don't want to hear "oh comes cancer-girl again".  But's OK.  And the most important lesson I learned's OK to laugh again..something a year ago I wondered if I would ever do again.  I still want to crawl in my fort sometimes, but now I can sit at that same table and smile and know you guys understand.  And I dearly love you all for that comfort.  So again...thanks. is going to be snowy today.  Are you taking out the snowmobile?  Wear your earmuffs, OK?  Hugs and smiles my Friend!

    Everyone....have a great day and please be careful on the roads!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Good morning ladies..It's a beautiful snowy day here. It looks soo beautiful. Illinios lady do you have snowmoblie trails by you? Your house reminds me of Wisc. I love to snowmoblie but they built to many house in Wisc. and took out all the trails. I need to find a new place to travel on. Your place looks so peaceful. 

    Kats..I did get your email and thank you for the information. I will follow up on it.

    Julie..I hope you are resting and enjoying the snow inside. Things will get better each day. Keeping you in my prayers as a do for all the ladies here on this site.

    I hope everyone as a wonderful weekend. I need to going here. My kids will be home next week from school and I have not finished decorating their rooms. I put christmas trees up in their rooms with lights and their baby ornaments on the trees. So much work to due..

    Gotta run take care everyone, Blackjack

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    "My kids will be home next week from school and I have not finished decorating their rooms. I put christmas trees up in their rooms with lights and their baby ornaments on the trees."

    Awwwwww....Blalckjack, you are one sweet Mom.  What wonderful memories you are passing down to your children.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
    edited December 2007

    A wonderful morning to you all,

    Blackjack, we do have snowmobile trails here--maybe I shouldn't say trails exactly, but those who have the machines often have yards big enough to ride there.......or on many of the small roads around the lake.  It's fairly laid back here at the lake and most of the nearby areas.  We are about 2 miles out of town so as long as your off the highway it's pretty casual.

    Went out early and took the snow off dh's car before he left for work--it's sort of a self defense thing.  Got to help him now while I'm up to it before Round# 2 of you know what--whisper-whisper.  He is a good guy and has such patience when I'm not up to par.

    Ok, hows' this for selfishness.....I keep thinking this group got created right before I got my dx just so I would have an outlet.  There, now I feel better.

    Have to go get my little Spike from Dr. Kent this morning.  Told me he was doing fine yesterday afternoon.

    Julie, you hang in there, ok.

    I must tell you I am in admiration of all of you ladies on here.  You write/speak with such clarity and everything I read makes me feel good....I struggle to convey it all in legible order so I really am in a great place.

    We are not having snow now, but drippy moisture (no sun todayCry ), but later on this afternoon I think we are in for it again.  Earlier, after I shoveled the truck for dh and then the walk, I came in to  get the dog food for the doggies.  I put a treat in my pocket for when they finish eating---or tried to.  My hooded coat ( still snowing when I first went out ) has huge pockets.  Well, I had to go over to my kitchen sink and empty out my pocket there.  Geez it was full of snow.  Only something like that would happen to me, but I did get a kick out of it. 

    Ya'll take care.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Hi girls...

    Wow...Jackie - what a retreat you have! Great place to recoop at! Just lovely! I love the colors. I couldn't believe it when I saw the picture titled "Jackie's lane"...I swear it looks EXACTLY like the path leading through my forest! Hope you're feeling well.

    blackjack - My tumors were er and pr positive and I was pre-meno at time of dx. I still have 1 ovary and feel quite confident with Tamox. I can understand your confusion and concern...

    Connie - You're almost done...hang in there!

    Everyone -

    I had an MRI of my hand on Thursday...the tech has scared the crap out of me though! After the MRI, he and the receptionist, both seemed as though getting a written report and the film to my Dr was URGENT. Before the MRI, the receptionist was very matter of fact...saying that they would get my Dr. the report when their radiologist was available. But then after the MRI, their demeanor totally changed and she said all would be delivered to my Dr's office first thing Friday morning. I was somewhat shocked. I walked out of there feeling totally helpless. I called my Dr. yesterday morn, only to find out she wouldn't be in the office til Monday. I'm trying not to freak out. I've done a good job at NOT freaking out in "general", like on a daily basis! But diagnostic tests still get the best of me. My Mom and her best friend are here for the weekend, so I've had plenty of distractions to keep me from thinking too deeply. dh's x-mas party was last night at the Renasance Hotel downtown...WOW - that place is impressive...I HAD intended on wearing a FORMAL, evening gown...but that changed at the last minute...I'll post about it later.

    Hope you're all having a good weekend...snow, snow and more snow is falling up north here. Time to build a fire...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    blackjack - that is really nice that you decorate their rooms! I bet they LOVE seeing their baby photos! What "kid" doesn't...

    Hope RITA'S having a good weekend and that she'll have a safe trip home!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Hey girls, I finally finished decorating my kids rooms for Christmas.

    I have been doing this since they were babies. Trees and lights and small presents. This year I did a theme for each one. My son got the woods theme, red / green plaid bedding snow trees. My daughter got the snowman theme, blue / silver / white.  My kids would be soo suprised when they come home from school, because they never knew when I would do it. I cried doing this today as bc was on my mind. I never realized how much I enjoy doing this for them.

     I hope and pray that I can still do this for a long time and that one day they too will do this for their kids. It is like the book " I love You Forever." If any of you have read this to your kids you know that it is about role reversal. It is a tear jerker for me. But I love this book.

    Now I have to go put all the boxs away.. the easy part..

    Have a great evening one and all. Blackjack 

  • Mich101
    Mich101 Posts: 489
    edited December 2007

    Blackjack-That is so sweet. I'm almost crying reading what you wrote. What a wonderful memory they will have forever.

    It reminds me of a framed picture that I bought once at one of those in home shows(can't remember the name-chemobrain again.) that has a saying on it: "Mothers write on the hearts of their children, things the world can never erase".


    PS:Wendy-your email thingy was hilarious! I shared it with my husband and son-they laughed too!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    ....Hi girls!  As you can see my graphics are bigger now...I can actually see them.  This one is another that I stole from Nicki...hey, Nicki...where are you?  Are you OK?

    Snow sure is pretty...we got about 6" total and with DH home, I don't have to shovel it.  It's a good thing!

    Michele....glad you got a laugh from my e-mail.  Of course realize...everytime you see an angel on top of a Christmas tree you will be laughing out loud!  Seriously, I hope you are feeling a little less blue.  The snow has actually made me a little more "Christmassy" myself. are a great Mom.  The memories you are making for your children are priceless.  And it's OK to cry....I almost did, just reading your post.'s the hand?  Do you know yet exactly what is going on?  And you have a forest?  Jeepers.  Lanes, forests, lakes....I have grass.

    Jackie...did you get all the snow out of your pockets yet?  When do you next meet up with Ann and Cyd? are you doing?  OK? are you feeling?  Post when you can...we're thinking about you!

    Rita....we missed you this weekend!  Hope you are having a great time. many more rads?  You are in the home stretch! you have a lot of snow?  I know you probably went out on the snowmobile yesterday but today...just stay in and stay cozy OK?

    Everybody else....have a great day!

  • mary1220
    mary1220 Posts: 16
    edited December 2007

    Hey Rita Jean, just wanted to stop in and say hi to you and the other Il. ladies. I haven't been on the Il. site for a while as I post on the June site and I still have chemo brain and forget to stop in. I do think about yas. Later Mary

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
    edited December 2007

    Gorgeous Morning to all:

    We got whopped with our late night snowstorm and woke up to 8 inches more.  Love when the snow shines and makes diamonds show up in the snow. 

    I am ready to join in with Mich and any others who easily feel tears over all the moms who make traditions and memories for their precious loved ones. 

    Laura I have you on my mind as well.  I don't know anything about MRI's but I know that I have read a lot on how regular x-rays can be hard to read and interpret---even some radiologists that aren't well versed in the specialty of cancer screening can miss.  I also read where scars, radiated areas and such can often appear ominous at testing and turn out ok.  I'm tossing out ideas having little idea whether any could be a possibility. 

    Having said that......I do think techs and other office personnel should have the ability to not display emotions that could obviously affect patients.  I have done some work in areas where you had to keep a "straight " face and I'm sorry that these two people were so blatant about not being able to. Very un-professional.

    Ah---Ann and Cyn and I have a return engagement on December 26th. at the lovely Marion ( 73 miles from her ) V.A. Hospital.  I sort of dread this a bit, but who knows---it may work out better than the first belly flop.  I will start the antacid ( My Dr. said Mylanta ) right away and we will see. 

    Well, I'm of off and running.  Bro and sis-in-law want to pick us up and eat downtown.  That should be interesting since Dave and Heidi are having their first snow year in Illinois.  They just arrived in Sept. to take possession of their new home.  Dave will be keeping his cell phone with him---jut in case we have to get one of our four wheel drive vehicles and pick them up instead.

    To all---stay safe, enjoy the Sunday snow and I'll be checking in later.


  • conniehar
    conniehar Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Hi girls -

    Blackjack - that is sooo awesome what you do for your kids.  What a great memory.  I know what book you are talking about.  I have read it many times to my kids, but they don't ask for it anymore.  There were lots of times that I would tear up while reading it to them.

    Laura - I'm sending good vibes for your MRI results.  I understand why that would freak you out, but you just can't read too much into it.  I remember when I went for my CT scan right after dx.  I got home from the test and the phone rang.  They wanted me back right away for more views.  I freaked out.  I was sure I had cancer all over my body.  Nope.  I figured out later that they just wanted to get me back while I still had that contrast stuff still in me.  But, of course, they don't tell you that over the phone.  They just say they want you back now.  I'm sure everything thing will be fine for you.

    We made our Xmas cookies yesterday.  The kids had fun and we got some videotape of them.  Today I'm making pumpkin bread as we are having a pot luck dessert day at work tomorrow.  So, I have spent the weekend baking.

    Not looking forward to going back for rads tomorrow.  11 more to go.  I have one spot in the middle of my chest that is pretty red.  I hope it doesn't get much worse.  Other than that, I'm sailing on through.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.  Hope you had a great trip, Rita!

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007


    I just do not get this BC thing.  I read these posts and people have teeny tiny tumors but the nodes are positive.  Does it depend where it is in the breast?  Some have relatively big tumors (still stage II) but no node involvement. 

    Also I know it is better if the nodes are clear, but are there any statitistics on spread through blood rather than nodes?  Do we assume it spread through the blood if it spreads and the nodeas are clear?

    I know I should be asking my doctor and may the next visit.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Wow!  You gals have been busy posting.  I will take the time to read back and get caught up this evening with all the posts from this weekend.  I'm off in a few minutes to get my hair done so I have it done before the holidays..........away with the gray!!!

    While you were battling the snow this weekend, we were basking in 58 degree temperatures.  We started to notice heavy snow accumulations north of Effingham on our way home last night.  There were cars in the ditches all the rest of the way.  One lane of the Interstate was prettty clean all the way.  The other had scattered slippery spots from drifting and some cars just couldn't follow along in single file.  It didn't take much to spin out on that icy lane.

    Jackie..we went right by Centralia and of course I thought of you.  Those pictures of your house are lovely. I need to take a better look at them later.

    Hope all of you are "dug out" by now and able to get around easily.  I'll write more later tonight.

    Take care, ladies.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Hey there.....

    Rita...glad you had a good time and are home safe!

     Susan....I know what you mean about the node business.  Well...if they only do the SNB, what if that node was a lousy node and slipped right thru?  They couldn't exactly pinpoint my SN due to the exc. bx. I had had 2 weeks previous so he grabbed the 7 that lit up right around the tumor, which was all removed during the initial surgery (I just needed bigger clean it all the first time).  What if those 7 weren't the SN?  And maybe it went right to the blood???  I have been driving myself crazy this past year, freaking out sometimes.  But when I calm down and think rationally...I did have pretty strong chemo because I am Her2+...and don't get me started on that dx!  So I just try and take it one day at a time....2 years ago I wouldn't have even been able to have Herceptin because my nodes were clear.  So I was lucky with that.  If I am unlucky, there are new drugs being worked on every day and maybe those will work.  I don't think I helped you much except to say that we all worry about this.  And sometimes I just want to crawl in a hole....but I don't.  And it will get better with time.  Hugs!

    Connie....glad you had a good time with the cookies!  11 more rads...YAY!  Or maybe you already went..therefore...10 more!!!!!  You are almost there!

    Well...gotta run and fold laundry and clean the upstairs.

    Hey are you doing today?  Resting up I hope!  Hugs and Smiles!

  • smerf
    smerf Posts: 476
    edited December 2007

    So much to catch up on, even if I miss a day!

    Jackie, your house is beautiful! What a lovely setting, and the winter scenes lokk like a Christamas card.

    Rita   Glad to hear you are home safe and sound. We had about another six inches, and it looks like more is coming this weekend.

    Blackjack, what you do for your kids is awesome! It really is fun to create those special memories for them.

    Connie   You're a wonderful mom. I'm not sure I would have had the energy to bake cookies, and I was grateful my kids were at school while I as in tx. Of course, I am the old lady here, but I don't feel old somehow. Are you having boosts during these last txs? If so, they might be in a slightly different spot on your breast so that the previously radiated areas are getting a rest. Hang in there, you're over the hump!

    Susan   The path report tells us about nodes, and about possibility of blood spread. Mine said no evidence of lymph or vascular invasion, but the tumor was 2cm, which is considered fairly large, and I am triple negative. That is why my onc recommended six months of chemo, because that is supposed to take care of any micro-mets. Those are small cells that the pathologist can't see under the microscope. I know it all sucks, but as you have said, it is doable. I sure hope they come up with something more specific to tell who really needs chemo. I hope this helps. You are one strong lady, and when you are ready, it is a good idea to ask your onc. I'm so glad you found out you are entitled to visits every four months, and I hope they are reassuring to you.

    Talk to you all later,  Pat G.   smerf

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007


    I just reread my question and it was not written well.  I meant to ask if we can know if it spread through the blood.  I did call my doctor and he said the nodes were always clear and that we cannot know ever for sure if it spread through the blood.  The "no evidence" of it in blood threw me off as I was wondering if there was a test that gave evidence. That is why we have chemo and arimidex...just in case it did get through the blood.  Obviously the latter (meds and chemo) are not any guarantee.  But I am getting it.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
    edited December 2007

    Afternoon Everyone,

    After our 8 inches of snow and the snow shining so much yesterday, some of the snow/ground warmed and when night came and the temps dropped rapidly again we got a lot of fog...tulie type.  Interesting. 

    Today, we have already started some good melting.  Don't know when our next snow day will be.  If all goes according to Hoyle since dh put the snow blade on the tractor we have now had the only snow of any size for the rest of the season.....pretty early for that statement.

    Susan, I am so glad you asked that question.  Even though the V.A. did extensive testing while I waited for my lumpectomy it is still hard for me to translate and transpose it all and come up with........sounds like I'm ok.  They found nothing...and of course, clear margins in surgery. Three Sentinel nodes clear as a bell. Still since I have to do all the chemo and radiation it lets me sit and stew about what MIGHT have gotten away somewhere.....and can I be certain that what we are doing now will handle that.  I guess a lot of the other un-certainties in your life end up with a resolution at a certain fairly well specified time period.....but cancer.  Just at the get-go you have 365 days times 5 years. 

    Pat, are you older than I am.  I thought I was the oldest at 62.  Well, since I have only had one chemo so far, I can still say I don't really feel much past 42.............and this too shall pass.

    Glad ya'll like my house so well.  Man that built it started with a mobile home as you might have noticed from the side view.  He re-modeled/rebuilt around the home and when he was close, just took out the old walls and viola'........a nice house.  People seeing it from the side think it's tiny ( it's not really huge ) but foyer,family rm, living rm and kitchen are together except for a small L shape on one end and large L shape on kitchen end.  About 1598 sq. which is perfect for two. 

    Laura, hope you are feeling a little less edgy waiting for your test results.  Sounds like with this disease you get to wait a lot period. 

    Rita that is incredible that you  were right here almost.  Sometime I will write you a p.m. about some of my family ( related to William Jennings Bryan ).

    Hope you are all doing fantastic.

    Stay warm.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Hi Girls - The hand surgeon cld and said the MRI showed edema/synovisitis which is simply fluid inflammation. The thorn that we think is lodged in the knuckle from gardening this past summer did not show up, but she says the only way to be sure is to have a minor surg. procedure to dig it out. The finger next to the thorn finger is very swollen and very sore, but she doesn't think it's related to the thorn. Arghhhh...I'm hoping it's not Lymphadema! So now, I will schedule the hand surg and will have to schedule an appt w/my b-surgeon to rule out the possibility of Lympha. IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING! LOL It's so ironic, my dh is also having a hand problem. The hand surg is going to think we'reo a couple of weirdos! LOL He has Dupetryins Syndrome from using the comp mouse (he's the tech version of a pencil pusher)! So has an appt with the same surg. on Wednesday. Maybe we can both have our surgery on the same day...two for the price of one! LOL

    Wendy - Yes, I have a forest too! We built our house on 5.85 acres. IT'S A TON OF WORK THOUGH! And...ya get all kinds of injuries, LIKE THORN PRICKS! LOL

    More laptop needs to be plugged in...

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Dear Laura,

    Just checked and and saw your news!  That is not happy, especially around this time of the year.  You are so artistic and you need both hands in tiptop shape to make the world prettier.  If there is anything I can do, let me know.

    Jackie (had to scoot back up to make sure I have the name/post straight.  Your home looks very warm and cozy....the perfect place to snuggle and read a book (not about breast cancer).  My last day of teaching is Monday and all I want to do is read and watch movies and spend time with family during my two week vacation.

    Connie, we had a party in Aurora on Saturday.  That is quite a ride from my neck ofthe woods and I know you commute to work.   It is such a great area.  We drove by this Christmnas Tree farm (it was called Marmian) and it was so picturesque.

     Pat, I am thinking about you.  I do every day. I wish you peace.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Hi Girls, I would like to post a question to all. The onc wants me to start on tomox since I am not in menopause yet. I have read posts about bl. testing and base line info before taking meds but she doesn't think that is necessary. I can't bring myself to go pick up the prescription at Jewel. I am sooo freaked out about all the side effects. I voiced my concerns about them, she just told me she would give me psych drugs for them. Who wants to be on psych drugs..not me!!. I don't do well with any meds as I have a lot of med allergies. I don't know what to do....Any suggestions would help.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Mary, so glad to hear from you again.  How's it going for you and where are you at in your treatment plan?  Please drop in more often and get acquainted with the new gals on this thread.

    Jackie....There's one good thing about your chemo schedule.  At least you're on chemo holiday until after Christmas!  :-) 

    Connie...only 10 more rads to go!   Hey, you're really moving right along.  It doesn't sound like you've been too fatigued with them either.  That's really super!  You can get through these last ones!

    Laura...Just what you need....minor surgery and more doctor's appointments.  We'll keep our fingers crossed that it's not lympha.  Have they suggested that the inflammation might be caused by the tamoxifin?  I know that arimidex can cause inflammation of the joints of the hand, sometimes resulting in a form of tendonitis even.  The onc quizzed me about how my hand joints were doing, especially since I bowl and explained that there is often a correlation between arimidex and that problem.

    Hi Kater, Michele, Blackjack, and JanClare.  Hope you're all doing well and getting all ready for Santa's big day!  LOL

    Susan,  The entire node situation is mind-boggling.  I guess it all boils down to the fact that nothing about cancer is absolutely fool-proof and this is what so many of us are having trouble dealing with.  I think we just have to BELIEVE....BELIEVE THAT IT'S GONE AND THAT IT'S NOT COMING BACK!  And we have to go on living our lives.  The time we spend worrying is time that we're wasting, but gosh it is so hard NOT to worry at times.  Also wanted to ask you if you have read any of Lisa Gardner's books.  I guess that she's been around for awhile but I'd never read anything by her until a friend gave me a copy of "Gone."  I couldn't put the thing down.  She also has a more recent novel out..."Hide."  I'm stopping at Barnes and Noble tomorrow after bowling and buying it if they have it in stock.

    Julie...hope that you're resting up and enjoying the relaxation.

    Pat...thinking of you as I do each day.  I had a nice chat with your Mom on Friday while you were napping.  She's such a wonderful gal!  Glad to hear that you've received some of things that we've sent and that you're enjoying them.  That's exactly why we sent them!!!  ENJOY!! your larger graphics!  Hey you've got this technology down to a science now.  I'm impressed!!!!

    Well, it's time to find the recliner.  I'm tired!

    Have a good day tomorrow!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    I'm back!  I forgot to say Hi to Pat G., Mary Jane, and Ginny.  Have you heard any more from the onc Ginny about your results?

    Kats..also wanted to ask you what type of side effects you had initially with the Arimidex.  If you don't want to post them, please send me a PM.

    This time I promise that I'm done!

    Good night.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
    edited December 2007

    Hi Everyone,

    Just me again--oh joy.  I have been thinking about medications and recalling when ( I'm sure this fits a whole lot of us ) we were a lot younger and the family Dr. gave us something---nothing much was said about side effects.  I think a number of us probably had no idea for a long time---at least until it became popular to sell drugs on t.v. that so much of what we took even had any.  Now, there are more warnings than anything else. 

    But in those days I think you and your family were treated by one Dr. that saw you through all sorts of ailments, saw that you were healed up quickly and nothing much happened. 

    Dr's didn't see the need to fill our head full of all the negatives that came along and we were young and mainly healthy ( diets were better then and exercises too ) as well as less pollution and less chemical adulteration of the food we eat.  Lots has changed.  Now we have a dire disease and hard choices to make and much of what I read seems to indicate that the chance of the harshest se's are percentage wise very low compared to insuring that you have done all you can to avoid recurrence. 

    I guess I'm thinking I will have to make the best choice I can, then give it to God to worry about because I will have done the best I can and that's all anyone really can do. 

    Hope I haven't re-hashed old territory here, but I felt like we are living at a time when we hear about side effects for so much---and they are not the harsh drugs we need to take care of what has gone awry with us.  I remember saying after a few of those commercials that I'd never take that 'stuff'. 

    Well, look what I'm willing to take now........but I think stacked up next to the alternative it's a choice that has to be made.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Hey Girlfriends....Rita...this one's for you!

    Just a short note as I have to get running....seems the broom that only I use fell off the garage wall and fell on DH's windshield and cracked it...hence it is all my fault.  So I will taking care of it for him.  Don't get me started on that one!

    Susan....see, I told you!  We are all scared and living with this beast.  You are the stronger one as you voiced your concerns here and I thank you.

    Rita....Arimidex is causing me the joint/muscle issues and terrible night sweats.  I started taking an advil every AM and then a hot shower BEFORE I go off to exercise and that really helps a lot.  So far my wrists are pretty OK.  Night sweats are terrible one night, nothing the next.  I hear Effexor is great for that...what?  Another drug?  No thanks....But so far the se's are annoying only and I will see where I am at next on's appt on 1/23 when I will be on arimidex for almost 6 months.  If nothing worse is going on, I am OK with it.

    I will write more later....everyone have a great morning!

    Hey about coming with me to the glass place?  Otherwise I will just bring a book and read while I wait for the car I damaged.  Actually Pat....I went out there one night at 2AM and just beat on it 'til the glass broke. You know me! Hugs and Smiles!

  • kats
    kats Posts: 162
    edited December 2007

    Wow, everyone sure has been busy posting.

    Jackie- Your house is lovely, very serene.

    Laura- Sorry about the problems with your hand and your DH's too. Fingers crossed it's not lymphedema.

    blackjack- The rooms sound great that you decorated for your kids.

    1. Gotta run......
    2. Mary