Illinois ladies facing bc



  • shenry
    shenry Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2007

    Jackie....I saw you were from Centralia. My Husband used to work  there at Murray Dev. a teacher for 30 years untill he retired. We live in West Frankfort..Southern Illinois. It's hard to beleive he drove that every day. I am a BC survivor for only 4 months. i had IDC.. .06cm  stage1, grade 2.. 0/1 nodes...Er+/Pr+/ Her2 -  I just found this Illinois board...all you ladies are great.

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Hi girls -  had a crazy day today.  I went to my normal 7:30 am rads appt and sat there for awhile.  They finally told me BOTH rad machines and their CT machine were broken.  They think it was some sort of power failure in the night.  So, I was sent on my way and they said they would call when it was fixed.  So, I decided to go home instead of to work as I was sure I would drive the hour to work and be told to turn around and come back.  They did call a couple of hours later and I went back around 1 pm.  In the meantime, I got to play hooky (sp?) from work and help out my dh who was helping with a huge Xmas party.  He is heavily involved in Boy Scouts and he is involved with this scout group that helps out people with disabilities.  So, this was the annual Xmas party for these folks - 600 special needs people were there!!  I was helping out with the food.  We served them salad, mostaccioli, meatballs, italian ice - the works!!  And they all got stockings filled with goodies.  They all had a great time and it sure makes you feel good to help out those in need.  I have never been able to go to this party as it always falls on a day when I work.

    Blackjack - I know you are looking for some guidance on Tamoxifen.  I am the type of person that does not like taking meds, but since this dx, I am taking whatever they throw at me.  It sounds like you are really worried about the side effects.  All I can say is that I have been on it for a month with no problems other than hot flashes.  I don't know what kind of problems you have experienced with allergies, but my suggestion would be to just take it one day at a time.  Try it and if the side effects are too great, you can always stop.  I say that, but like I said, I don't know what you have experienced with allergic reactions - if it is life threatening reactions, I can surely understand your hesitation.  Good luck with your decision.

    Sorry to hear about the glass you broke Wendy.  Men! 

    Laura - sorry to hear you have to have surgery.  I'll be thinking of you.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,407
    edited December 2007

    Hi Sherry,

    Nice to meet you.  This is a great board.  I started out on the Her2neu Newcomers, but I noticed this board and felt I would relate better.  Have only been here since  Dec. but feel more comfortable here full time and I go and check out other boards now and then, especially if something catches my eye. 

    I'm sure you would find a lot of information here if you choose to spend lots of time here too and the Illinois Ladies are all fantastic.  Made me feel right at home.  I was diagnosed this past September...just after my birthday--H B-Day to me, and lumpectomy in October.  I'm doing my chemo ( second tx 12-26 ) at the V.A. in Marion---pretty close to where you are.  Lumpectomy was at Carbondale Memorial. 

    None of this is much fun, but very necessary.  If you want lots of questions answered or to share whatever your feeling---someone here has gone through whatever you have or will.  Being here will definitely make my progress through my treatments 200% easier to deal with and handle.  Please feel free to come back and share with a wonderful group.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,407
    edited December 2007

    Oops, oops, oops,

    Connie, how nice that you got to help and spend time on a project your dh loves.  It is a treat to help those less fortunate and makes you feel special to share with others.  There will never be too much joy and love in the world so getting an opportunity to spread some around is wonderful. 

    Just got back from lunch with some lady friends...what fun. 

    Hope you are all having a nice day. 


  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2007

    Sorry, I havn't posted in awhile but I have been pretty overwhelmed.  I had a mammogram 3 weeks ago and came back inconclusive.  My primary dr. ordered a Breast MRI since I was worried bout the hard, lumpy tissue in my left breast. I had an appointment 2 days later with my oncologist and said my cat scan looked good.  They are watching a lymph node in my abdomen area and it hasn't changed, so I will get another cat scan in 6 months. Then he got the results of the breast mri and ends up that is just damaged tissue from radiation in my left breast.  That was a relief but they found a nodule in my right breast.  A few days later they did an ultrasound and then a needle biopsy.  I got the results today and I have cancer in my right breast.  It really sucks!!!!!!!!!! It's just grade 1 but still I will be having surgery and a sentinnel node biopsy.  I have to decide if I want a lumpectomy or a bilateral mastecomy.  The doctor said that since this a seperate cancer from the first one, that I should think about the bilateral mastecomy.  I am leaning towards that.

    I just can't believe it's happened again and it's just been a year since being diagnosed.  Oh well...what am I gonna do....


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Dear Connie:

    Oh my gosh....your kids are gorgeous.  My husband, who loves kids, is still looking at the pic. Now let's be honest, do you have  a bit of the Irish in ya?  I would say 100% by the looks of them.  Dh has to be Irish.  What about you?  

      Also Connie, I think maybe the whole fiasco with rads today was meant to be.  It sounds like you had a wonderful time giving to delightful people.   It just feels so good to climb out of a space and be in another space that has nothing to do with BC.  Thanks for the picture.  I need to send you a picture of my grandchild. She is quite lovely herself.

    I also want to thank Rita for the poem "Two Mothers".  I took half day off today  and went to my mom's nursing home as they were having a Christmas party for the people with Alzheimer's Disease (sp?).   I had the poem in my purse as I promised it to a teacher friend as her mom has that disease.  I forgot to give it to her (oops, early sign???).  So I was thrown together with other residents and their "kids".  One "daughter" was distraught as her mom was acting out.   I remembered the poem in my purse, Rita, and shared it with her.  She read it,  teared up and hugged me and then hugged her mother. 

    This is a great place.  Good people come here!

    Sweet Dreams


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Hey Ginny.....

    You are right...that sucks.  Big time.  How can we help?


  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2007

    Wendy...Right now just prayers...Right now its just the unknown of what is going to happen.  Once I have surgery, I will now more. I went through this the same time last year....It's so ironic....


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Hey there....crazy day!

    Connie...I agree...your kids are so cute.  Thanks so much for sharing!

    Jackie...are you Her2+?  I see you mentioned that you were at that site but your signature says "-" or are my eyes too old?  I had lunch out with a bunch of ladies from my exercise place...we laughed and laughed and BC was never mentioned.  It was soooo nice!  Two of the ladies do have MS tho, and we talked about that for a while.  But mostly just laughed. must be so hard for you at this time of year...Hugs!

    Welcome Shenry!  Sorry you found us, but glad you found us.  Let us know how we can help!

    Windshield that I broke(?) is now fixed, which was a comedy of errors on the part of my dh and gerber glass.  But it's done and we are only $218.00 poorer.  Didn't bother reporting it to ins. as our ded. is $250.  Oh well...what's money!

    Well...this is going to be short as I have to put together the gifts for DH's office staff so everyone have a great night and good sleep.

    Pat....hope you are dreaming peacefully!  I think about you everyday.  Hugs and Smiles!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    zkacmom..I am sorry to hear about your reoccurance, Where you on tamox or any meds this past year? I am newly diagnoised this year and dealing with med issues. I was just wondering if this could be related or not. I will keep you in my prayers  and pray that everything goes well for you. Kep us posted


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    OK..Ginny you have my prayers.  And I am sending you hugs.  If you feel up to it, we have started an address list with Laura GTO.  If you would like to PM her with your info please do so.

    We would love to drop you a card or something as you go on your next journey.

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007


    We will figure it out  with you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,407
    edited December 2007

    Evening all,

    Ginny, sorry to hear about your dx.  I'll be praying and hoping that all goes well for you.

    Wendy........I am Her2 negative.  I had to wait a couple of weeks for my test results...they were not conclusive on the first a later FISH had to be done. I got so nervous that I just wanted to ask some questions about Her2 and seemed like I would get a little more there than I could from my bc surgeon's office. 

    I pretend I never get freaked out, and am oh so cool and laid back about everything but a little part of me goes to pieces on a daily basis.....and the Her2 really had me upset for some reason....

    Glad the windshield is in one piece again, ahem.

    Have a good one.


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Ginny - so sorry to hear about your recurrence.  You are in my prayers.

    Yes - Susan I have some Irish in me but, certainly not 100%.  My grandmother's maiden name was O'Reilly.  But, my Dad was mostly German.  My dh's grandfather was Irish, but his grandmother was 100% Italian.  So, our kids have a mix.  But, they both look mostly like me.Laughing   Thanks for the compliments and I would love to see a picture of your granddaughter.

    Now, I'm really laughing because my kids might be cute in a picture, but I just heard my son call my daughter a "buttloaf"!  Yeah - real cute!

    Have a great night everyone!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Hello everyone!  I am finally caught up with all the posts.  Gosh you gals were busy while I was gone! 

    First of all....welcome shenry.  Please tell us a little more about yourself and if you are still in treatments, etc....and most of all, come back often. strange that both rad machines were malfunctioning but I tend to agree with Susan.  It must have been meant to be.  I commend your hubby for his work with the Boy Scouts.  My son went through the entire program and is an Eagle Scout.  Over the years of projects, camping excursions, jamborees, etc.  I really saw the dedication and time that the leaders put into the program.  This project was really a nice one!

    Hey Wendy...just love your golfing graphic!  Hey gal, in the future when you need to vent, just pop on line and come here.  It is much cheaper than breaking windows with a broom and takes a lot less energy!  LOL   Men....the other breed!  LOL 

    Susan, I'm so glad that the poem helped to put the aging process and dementia into the right perspective for you.  It was a tear-jerker, but so true.  Also glad that you could share it with another daughter who has the same issues to face.  As for your granddaughter....I can vouch for how cute she is!  I had the opportunity to see her at the Chicago walk!  She's a doll!

    Blackjack, I think Connie gave you good advice about the Tamoxifin.  You can give it a try and if you have noticeable side effects, you can just stop or try something else.

    Well today started off with a bang.  My new bowling ball started to really work. Why it decided to work now, I'll never know but it sure was fun!   I bowled a 203, 217, and 165 and was on cloud nine.  Then we all went to one of the nicer Italian restaurants here in town for our bowling Christmas lunch.  What a nice day! 

    Then I got Ginny's phone call and a big cloud rolled in.  You're so right Ginny.  This does suck and it isn't fair but you are one tough lady who I admire greatly and you CAN do it!  Remember....I am only a phone call away and I'm a good listener.  I am just so glad that you pushed for the MRI.  I think our bodies do sometimes talk to us in their own way. 

    Well's getting closer and closer to Santa's big day.  I hope you have been a good girl Laura, especially since you've requested that shiny new car!  :-) 

    Hey Pat!  Can't you just see Wendy beating the cr** out of that car window with her broom?  And how about Connie playing hooky from work?  This is quite a group you've adopted!!!!

    Hello to all the rest of you.  I'm off to watch Boston Legal.  Hugs to all of you.  Sometimes it just nice to get a hug even when things are going smoothly for you!


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Morning All!  Well...made it thru the night with no breaking of any glass.  They say it comes in 3's so who knows what today will bring!

    Now know I really didn't beat the cr** out of my DH's windshield don't you?  Of course this AM I wanted to as he forgot to take out our new humongus garbage cans and I couldn't get them past the 2 cars AND he takes his car keys in the bathroom with him (no, I don't know why...something about if the house burns he wants his keys), and then turns up his stupid shower radio tuned to the stupid sports channel and the garbage trucks are coming down the street, 5:30 AM.  Well...cans are out and we are not speaking so far this AM.  I guess this is my fault as well.  MEN!!!!!!

    Rita....nice bowling there!  I will have to look for a bowling graphic for you! are you this AM?  Post when you feel like it. are you doing? glad you are not Her2+ but with us gals now being offered Herceptin even tho we are early stage, I feel that maybe I will do just fine.  But you are right.  Her2+ is scary, and very scary when I went on the Her2support website, which is why I don't go there...just read the Her2 thread here.  The internet is a wonderful thing but you just have to remember that for every scary story, there are hundreds of happy endings...those people are just to busy living to get on the computer and tell us.  And that is my story and I am sticking with it!'s the hand?  Are you really getting a new car?

    JanClare, Mich...are you feeling a bit better about the season? to fix Tom's breakfast and apologize for screaming at him this AM.  Maybe.  We'll see.

    Everyone I have missed....have a great day!

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2007

    Ginny    I'm so sorry to hear your news. We are all here for you, whatever you need.  Hugs and prayers sent your way, everyday.

    Pat G. 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Hi gals! 

    Hope all of you are doing well!

    Today is one of those days when I've been busy all day and haven't gotten hardly anything accomplished.  I didn't even get into town to walk my 3 miles and don't have time now before youth group to get is done!  I used to be pretty efficient an could multi-task pretty well.  NOT ANY MORE!!  LOL  Guess I'll have to accept the fact that I'm not what I used to be!  :-)

    Laura..we haven't heard from you in a few days.  How is your hand doing and how is your eye, Susan?

    Is Friday your last day before vacation, Susan?  Do you do the Christmas gift exchange and party at the junior high level in your school?  We always did!  What a day!  Hyper city!!!!

    Julie..hope you're healing well and feeling better each day.  Check in when you can!

    What kind of plans do you all have for Christmas?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    Ginny - I am so sorry! What a shock. You must still be shaking your head...we're here for you and we'll help you along the way. Try to remain positive. It's great that it was caught soon. I had bi-lat masts. I'm accustomed to it now, and most of the time I don't think about it. Hang in there!

    Hi Girls -

    Well...I'm chickening out! I'm going to wait for the hand surgery til after the 1st. Heck, by then maybe it will be better. Thanks for "listening" to me about it. As for the finger next to it that's swollen...I had my annual GP visit yesterday, showed it to her, and she does not think it's lymphedema. She said it looks more arthritis related. to the Rheumatologist it is...I am sooooooooooooooooooo sick of doctors. And if that's not I had my annual GYN appt.! LOL Cripe...Calgon take me away! LOL But hey...having had bi-lateral Masts. I no longer need a breast exam! LOL

    Wendy - NO...unfortunately, a new car is NOT in my future! LOL Rita was referring to the MUSTANG SHELBY COBRA I was drooling over when I recently had my car in for an erl change. :  (

    shenry - Welcome! Our motto is: Illinois girls are tough!

    Rita - Thanks for looking for me! How's the job search...although this time of year probably isn't the best time to be looking.

    Connie - Buttloaf! OMG that is toooooooooo funny! I have to remember that one! LOL're almost through! Yay... You have two adorable little ones that will look back someday and admire your strength.

    Michele - How are you doing?

    kater - come in kater...


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

      Morning Girls...

    Just another short note as I am running late....

    Kater cannot log on to the forum but will keep trying.  She is having her ovary surgery today.  And Ginny...she wanted to pass on her thoughts and best wishes to you as you face your next journey.

    Laura...don't blame you for waiting.  A few more weeks probably won't make any difference.

    Connie...buttloaf?  I like that one!

    Kats....your BD is coming on fast!  My dear SIL's is the same day.  Any special plans, or do you do the half-birthday thing? to get dh's breakfast and a hot shower for my achy joints and then off to exercise, off to grocery store and then bake all day.

    I will check in later...hope everyone is doing well. ya' doin', girlfriend?  I sent you off another envelope yesterday.  Our post office has a do-it-youself counter and I just walked in and out, laughing at all the people in the looooooooong lines!

    Ginny...need anything? OK?

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Hello there everybody!

    Wendy, thanks for letting us know about Kater.  I didn't realize that her surgery was today so I'm sending good vibes your way, Kater. 

    Connie...your children are gorgeous!  Wow!  I think they really look like you!  (no wonder they are gorgeous, eh???)  Thanks so much for sharing them with us this Christmas!  My little guys will come rolling in late tomorrow evening and the festivities will begin.  I can hardly wait for Christmas morning!

    Laura...I'd wimp out, too and wait until after the holidays on your hand.  It doesn't sound like waiting is going to cause any problems and you might be right.  It might go away by itself!  (I love those symptoms that just miraculously disappear by themselves!!!!  And some do, you know!!!)  And as for the car, I'd still hold out for it.  Miracles happen everyday!!!  LOL

    Michele and JanClare....haven't heard from you in awhile.  I hope you're both just getting ready for the "big day" and busy, as everyone is this time of year.

    Thanks to all of you for the wonderful cards and holiday greetings.  We have formed some pretty interesting and wonderful bonds on this thread that will only continue to grow!  Once my little guys get here tomorrow night, computer time will be slim so I do want to wish you an early Merry Christmas with your families and friends in case I don't make it back on.  I value the support that each and everyone of you have given me this past year.  Together we can do this, gals.  You're all very special people.  Don't you agree Pat?

    And speaking of you, Pat....I'm still here sending good vibes your way.  You should feel the continuous wave of energy that's moving your way!  Just hope it puts a smile on your face!  :-) are you doing?

    Shenry...please drop back in and keep us updated. 

    Mary Jane...we miss you.  Drop on and chat a bit between wrapping those presents!

    Ginny...see you tonight for comfort food, venting, hugs, and all the encouragement I can muster!   You've been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to stay there through this next journey. 

    I'm off and running....meeting some gals to try out a gym for walking today.  The Christmas shoppers are messing with my Mall route and I've been slacking off on the exercise.   Catch you all later!


  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2007

    I have a surgeon appt this afternoon at 3:15.  I am leaning towards a mastecomy.  But we will see. I am hoping to get this done before the end of the year.  I am asking a bit much but right now all my medical bills will be paid for since I have made all the deductibles.

    Rita...I will see you at 5:30pm at Logans...Can't wait.

    I will pm LauraGTO with my info..

    Thanks for all the support and prayers.  They are very much appreciated...


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2007

    Ginny  My prayers and good wishes are with you at your appointment today. I hope that whatever you decide, they will be able to do it this year. In fact, this is often a quiet time in the hospital so surgery schedule is not always full. I sure understand what you mean about deductibles!

    Let us know when you have a chance.

    Pat G.

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Hi Ladies, I hope everyone is almost ready for Christmas. I have been busy shopping , wrapping and working. My kids will be home from school Friday and I can't wait to see them. I hope they like their new winter wonderland rooms. Has anyone ever got in a big fight with their md over tx.?? I did today over this med issue and I am soooo mad. I feel that as a bc pt we should be able to have a say in our tx. decision. I wanted a lower dose and they refused big time, refused to take out my ovary and if I didn't comply then I should fine a new doc. I am sooooo mad. This bc sucks and I hate it for ruining my life.

    I am just venting sorry...I don't want to put anyone in a bad mood. I know you will understand how I feel and I need to vent. So I am going to do nothing for now and see were the new year will take me.

    Has anyone else felt like this or am I crazy????

    Thanks for listening to me everyone . I am off to have myself a few cosmo's and forget about today.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Hi Blackjack:

    The ladies here will tell you I am perhaps the least aggressive one among us when it comes to my disease (perhaps to a fault as I just trust what my doctor tells me). If you are unhappy with your medical team, why not do what they  themselves are suggesting, which is to get another opinion with another doctor?  Or have you already done that?  I have not kept up with all the posts here regarding your conflict with your doctor, so I may  be losing a thread here. 

    Are you precluded from getting  another opinion because of your insurance?


  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited December 2007

    Hi all-Just checking in again. I usually read your posts almost daily even though I don't post. I like to keep in touch with what's going on with everyone.  

    Hello to all the newer ladies!


    (I really need to update my avatar-my hair is coming in quickly with curlsSmile)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    blackjack -'s so frustrating when a Dr doesn't agree with you. Have you had any hormone blood tests done - to check the er and pr levels?  If you did and your levels are low, maybe that's why your Dr doesn't think it's necessary. Hang in're right...chill out 'til after the holidays. Enjoy this time of the year as much as possible.

    Michele -

    OMG - curls! WOW...I'm so envious! Can't wait to see a new avatar!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Hi Ladies, I have interviewed 3 onc , one said I didn't need any follow up because my stage 1 only needed or / radation. Er + would suggest hormonal therapy. My gyn won't remove my only ovary, states I need it for menopause. My current onc states I can wait until full blown meno late next yr sometime or may try tamox. removing my ovary would put me in surgical menopause and reduce the estogen level then star AI. I really want all this estrogen gone so I can move on. I excerize and lift wts everyday and run 3 miles too. My gyn tested my estrogen levels still high at 38, no were near menopause. Occ. hot flashes now,worse this summer during radation tx. I am do depressed about this stuff. I thought I was on my way to moving on but now I think I am sliding down the hill.

    All because of the meds. I will deal with this after the holidays....

    Thanks for your kind words and encourgement.. It really helps to have someone understand.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Morning Girls! broken glass so far!

    Blackjack...just a thought re: your ovary.  Kater went to LauraGTO and JanClares' GYN I believe and she had her surgery yesterday.  She couldn't get anyone to do it either and her Mom is presently undergoing chemo for the third time for OVCA.  And don't hire these doctors and THEY ARE NOT GOD and don't get to decide you life for you.  I understand your fears about the anti-hormone rx but I was willing to at least give it a try.  I sure don't like the aches/pain that is coming from all my estrogen being cut off but so far I am just heartily annoyed by it, nowhere near ready to stop.  Let us know how your kids liked their rooms...I wonder who is more excited, you or them????!!!!!

    Pat....heard you a feeling a bit sleepy these days.  You go right ahead and snooze away.  Hi to your Mom from us...she sounds like a wonderful gal, just like you.  Hugs to you both!

    Well...I am NOT off to exercise as I have errands to do, baking to do, laundry to do...etc!

    I will check back in see who I missed.

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Ooops...sorry. Forgot.....

    I think I will send off a little extra mail tomorrow (hint...hint).

    Hey Pat....keep checking your mailbox!