Illinois ladies facing bc



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    One more thing...

    Wendy - I recently saw PINK DUCT TAPE! Imagine that! LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2007

    Good Morning Everyone:  Or should I say good afternoon.  Im sadly sitting here watching the Bears last football game.  They sure look good today, so sad they are not in the playoffs.

    Jackie:  Well its nice to meet you.  I used to come here regular but work and Holidays just took away alot of my computer time.

    Michelle:  Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.  Think of all you have been through this past year.  Hoping 2008 only brings wonderful things your way.

    Susan:  Sadly Im thinking of Pat and her family today also.  Such a hard time to lose a loved one especially this time of the year.

    Michelle:  I have only been to one get together.  If you all have one in January or February I would really like to attend.

    Rita:  OMG I am laughing so hard about the sleigh rides.  A drink you say.  Actually it sounds pretty good - but I think I will stink to my wine.  Its so nice of you to be there for Ginny.

    Ginny:  Im glad the surgery is over and your doing well.

    Wendy:  Hugs to you and your DH.  Happy Anniversary to you.  30 years is a special one to celebrate.  We will celebrate our 30th in August.

    LauraGTO:  Good advice.  I used dried prunes, dried apricots, and fig newtons.  Worked everytime.  Terry says hello to you.

    OK!  Back to the football game.  Have a good day.


  • JulieK_11_30_07
    JulieK_11_30_07 Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2007

    Hi ladies! I can't believe how many posts I missed while all of my in-laws were here for the holidays! We had 12 of us here for three days, then my SIL stayed until this afternoon to help my hubby get the house back in order. It's better now, but WOW, did they ever do some damage!

    I've been thinking about Ginny and am glad to hear that her surgery went well! Thanks, Rita, for the updates!

    Kater - so glad your path report was good!! Yippee for you!! I'm sure you're relieved.

    Wendy - I can SO relate to the dh issue! Mine is also off on Christmas break right now, as is my 12-year old son. They're both driving me crazy! I will be home until the 14th, recuperating from surgery, and I'm already looking forward to them going back to school on the 3rd.

    Chemosabi - we haven't met - I'm new as of early December after a dx of invasive ductal carcinoma in the left breast. I had a bilateral mastectomy on Dec. 11.

    Okay - here's the update after my oncologist appt. on Friday. He has determined that I will need six treatments. I will get a combination of Cytoxan, Adriamycin and Fluorouracil, along with a hodge-podge of several anti-nausea medications. My first treatment will be this Thursday, Jan. 3. I'm actually glad that my first treatment will take place before I go back to work so I'll have a better idea of how they will affect me once I'm back to teaching. If any of you have had any of these in your treatments, let me know what advice/info you have for me. My sister and I are trying to plan a wig shopping day soon so I'll already have it once my hair starts falling out.

    I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's - Rita, I envy you for having the energy to host a party! My sister invited us to her house tomorrow night, but I'm not sure if we'll go or not. She's about an hour ½ away and we'd stay there rather than driving home. Now that my house is quieter, all I want to do is nap! Even though I didn't have to do much while the family was here, it just wore me out!

    Hugs to everyone - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Laughing


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Hi gals!

    Ginny is home!  I told her to pamper herself and allow everyone else to pamper her, too.  We'll see how well she minds!

    Connie must be buried under the Christmas toys!  She's been missing in action the past week!  Hope you're enjoying those two cute kids, Connie!  And by the way...the countdown is on!  You'll become a rad grad this week, won't you!  I hope the last boosts haven't tuckered you out too much!  Hey, Jackie....I'd say that the end of rads for Connie would be cause for celebration, wouldn't you???

    We spent the whole afternoon designing the upstairs bathroom....picking out the tub enclosure, toilet, flooring, wall paper, baseboards and paint!  I'm so excited!  The flooring needs to be ordered so once it get here we can get started.  I hate remodeling and being torn up but love the final results.

    Susan and Michele....I sent you both a PM. 

    Hope everyone else is doing well.  I'm tired and heading for my favorite chair.  I'll try to be more creative tomorrow!


  • madsopmom
    madsopmom Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2007


    I live in Clinton!  I work and treat in Bloomington! 


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Jan...Hi neighbor!  I think we were posting at the same time and I can't crawl into my recliner tonight until I welcome you to the Illinois thread. 

    I love the Clinton Apple and Pork Festival and Ted's Garage!  :-)

    I see where you were diagnosed in August.  What type of surgery did you have and where are you in your treatment plan?  My tumor was only .4 centimeters larger than yours and I was also stage 1, Grade 3.  I did the lumpectomy (actually twice to get clear margins), 6 CMF chemo treatments and 33 radiation treatments.  I finished just about the time that you found yours. 

    Although nobody wants to join this sisterhood, the gals on this thread are fantastic.  I wouldn't have coped nearly as well this past year if it hadn't been for their encouragement and support.  Please make yourself at home here. 

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about you.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited December 2007

    GINNY IS HOME! That's great! Thanks Rita...our angel messenger. Ginny, hope you're feeling okay. Again, don't over do it...this is a major surgery. Even though you may feel like super-woman, and I'm sure ARE super-woman, still take it easy. 

    Julie - Glad you checked in too! You "sound" good. Having surgery at this time of the year is truly trying to say the least. Your attitude seems great! I'm listed er and pr + but what is your her2neu status? I'm just curious because the A+C is very common, but the Fluorouracil is a new one to me. Again, so glad you checked in...  

    Nicki - Glad you checked in...HI TERRY!  

    Rita - You must be exhausted! Thanks for all your updates - you truly are our messenger angel. Thanks so much!  

    Jan from Clinton - Welcome...although I know you don't want to join us, but rest assured, we're the group nobody wants to join, but is happy to know that we're here.  

    EVERYONE - I hope you're all having a peaceful and happy ya!

  • madsopmom
    madsopmom Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2007


    Thanks for the welcome!  I read some past posts and saw that you have Migas as your oncologist - so do I.  I think he is great (and cute too!).  I just had my last of 4 chemo treatments on 12/26 (Adriamycin + Cytoxan).  I missed my appt with Stacey on Friday so will have to reschedule that this week.  I will have 6 1/2 weeks of daily radiation followed by a year of monthly Herceptin.  It's funny that you said your tumor was .4 cm larger than mine ... I noticed that when I checked the box for the size it defaulted to 1 cm ... my tumor was 1.4 cm also!  I had a lumpectomy on 8/29/07.  I'm 45 and have 2 beautiful girls, ages 10 and 6.  I also have 3 grown stepchildren and 6 grandbabies.  I had felt my tumor for over a year.  I had cysts before as have both of my sisters and we have no cancer in our family at all.  The mass was discovered from a heartscan that I had done (so that my husband would have one - he is 52 and his father died at 48 of a heart attack - mine died at age 51 of the same).  The heartscan also showed 2 liver lesions.  A Pet scan showed activity at the gastroesophageol junction and in some lymph nodes in my neck.  More tests revealed that the liver lesions are hemangiomas (although original liver enzymes were elevated).  Endoscopy showed gastro reflux.  3 inch incision on my neck revealed perfectly normal lymph nodes.  So, very gratefully I went quickly from stage 4 to stage 1.  Oh, and I had clear margins from original surgery - I think by .7 mm or cm??? 

    I have loved meeting all of my cancer friends from taking chemo - I'm almost sorry it is over.  I'm glad to have another way to make BC friends that are nearby!  We love Ted's too (who doesn't?!)! 

    How did your radiation go?  Any side effects?

    I also read in back posts that you lost a friend, Pat.  I will pray for her tonight.  How sad. 

    God Bless,


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Hi Julie:

    I am glad you are on the mend. I am a teacher too and I do remember the wig hair drama!  My hair was falling out in clumps during parent teacher conferences and my best teacher friend came in between conferences to brush me off.  Got through them and finally washed my hair and it all fell out.  I took one day off to regroup and then showed up in my wig.  It was a fine transition.  My suggestion is to get a good one (spend money).  Your insurance may cover it but mine did not.  Have it all ready for the day you need it.  Good luck, Julie!  You sound like you are ready to go!  My students (eighth grade) were just great.  Everyone knows somebody on chemo and kids are very sympathetic.  I was actually a hero of sorts just because I showed up for work!



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2007

    Good Morning.  I have to work today, so I dont have much time.  Just wanted to pop in and say hello.  Getting ready to bring in 2008!  I will catch up with ya all later.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Good Morning ladies, It has been a very busy week for me so I have missed a lot of posting. I am so glad that Rita has kept us all in the loop about everyone. I hosted 30 people for the holidays and they finally all left...then came my kids birthdays..didn't plan that right with Dec 26 (son) and Jan 4 (daughter who turns 21 hey ) another round of partying for them. I can't wait to rest soon.

    Ginny, Kater, Julie ..glad to hear that you all are recupering for surgery. Sending you good wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Rita..have a great New Year's Eve party.. I like cosmos the best. 

    Jackie..hope you chemo is going well and you can enjoy the New Year.

    Michele, Susan, Ginny, Wendy, Laura and to anyone else I may have missed A Happy and Health New Year to all.

    This year has been a roller coaster ride for me with the diagnosis of bc. But I am so thankful that I found this site and to all the wonderful ladies here. Reading all your posts has helped me deal with this bc and I know that I will get better soon. I have decided to try tamox  on Jan 1. after some soul searching about this drug. I am scared to death to take it but I know I can stop if I want to. It has been 5 months and I feel good minus a few hot I guess I can try it. I will let you know what happens.

    Happy 2008 to everyone...see you all next year!!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Happy New Year to each and every one of you!  I'd like to thank all of you for your comfort, support, and encouragement this past year.  When the day is done, 2007 will be past except for those really good memories that we want to keep and we'll have a whole new year looming ahead of us....filled with hope, companionship, family, and friends.  My wish for all of us for 2008 is a happy, healthy year. glad to hear that you are feeling better and healing up.  January 3rd will soon be here and you'll start the next level of your treatment. Like Laura, I have not heard of Fluorouracil but the actual chemo treatment is pretty non-eventful in itself. I was scared to death when I walked through the doors of the chemo room for the first time and couldn't believe how well the treatment actually went!  It IS good that your first one is during vacation.  You'll feel much better going back to work when you know what to expect and how your body reacts. is SO good to have you back!!! 

    Ginny...hope you feel a little better each day.  It will take time to fully recover from this so hang in there. 

    Susan...glad you're enjoying your holiday break from school! 

    Wendy..Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!  Wow!  That's a lot of years!  SUPER!!!

    Mary Jane..we really enjoyed Saturday evening.  We need to do this more often! 

    Jan..Thanks for the update on your journey!  CONGRATS ON FINISHING THE CHEMO PART OF YOUR JOURNEY!  Hey, you're almost there now!  Like you, I think Dr. Migas is wonderful.  Don't'll be going back to see him every 3 months after the radiation is finished.   He keeps a good eye on us.   As for radiation, I also had Dr. Stacey.  Radiation was a "walk in the park" for me compared to chemo.  Except for the extreme fatigue that I had the last couple of weeks, I had no trouble.  My skin got really pink but did not burn.  The worst thing about it was showing up every day to have it done.  You're only there about a total of 15 minutes if everybody is on time.  They give you biotine cream to put on the radiated area and a special type of deodorant.  I coated the cream on except right before treatments.  Maybe I was just lucky but it went well for me. 

    Laura...I was wondering what you found out at your appointment the other day.  What a hassle!  I can't believe it's anything too serious or it probably would have been much worse by now.  Still, it's probably a good thing to have it checked out with the rheumatologist when you can reschedule. 

    Well, I need to get organized and get my appetizers made for this evening!  I may pop back on during one of my self-appointed "sit-down breaks" today, but if I don't make it back........

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!  YOU ARE ALL SPECIAL AND WONDERFUL AND I WISH YOU EACH THE BEST THAT 2008 HAS TO OFFER.......and that also includes luck at the riverboat, Michele!  LOL


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2007

    Me again...

    Blackjack...we were posting at the same time.  I am so glad that you're going to give Tamoxifin a try.  You are right.  You can always stop taking it if it doesn't agree with you.


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Rita, Thanks for the encouragement. This site as been a God sent to me. This year has been a nightmare for me since May. Surgery and radiation has sucked the life out of me, but now I am starting to feel like my old self.  Making decision about drugs as put me over the edge, but reading all your posts has been encouraging. I guess that I have been in denial all this time about bc...wishing it would all go away. The New Year should bring about new changes and new health. I wish that for everyone here on this board.

    Thank you ladies for reading and responding to my posts. You are all special and I thank you for that.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

      Morning girls...see...this is why I put DH in the closet sometimes!

    Blackjack...I am SO glad you decided to try the tam.  Good choice!

    Rita....thank you for all your good wishes for us.  You are so sweet.  Have a wonderful time tonight!

    Julie....I got all my wigs from  If you see something on there that you like and it is made by Rene of Paris or Noriko or Henry Margu...I have the color samples.  I'd be happy to send them to you to check out.  Trust can't pick a color from a computer! mo chemo!  I think I know what you mean about the people you get to know at chemo.  I've been going almost one year for the Herceptin and after 1/23 it will sure be strange not to see the nurses every few weeks.  Rads was no big thing for me either...just like Rita said tho...the every day of it AND it was summer so we couldn't go on vacation. did you make out with the mag. citrate?  I was taking vicodin for 7 weeks for that herniated disk last summer and I ran in to REAL trouble as well.  And then I found Miralax.  Wonderful stuff.  Maybe give that a can get it OTC now.

    Connie, Michele, starts in one week!  Sorry Susan! glad you are back.  But now I can't go back thru the posts and steal your graphics anymore as you will no doubt recognize them.  Oh well! certainly is the proverbial fog-bowl here but I did get up and went to the gym.  Guess I better start cleaning up around here.  I hope everyone has a wonderful time tonight and my wish for us all is a cure.  If we can't have that...I wish for everyone easy, SUCCESSFUL treatments and years and years of healthy living to come!

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2007

    Oooops!  Forgot...

    Ginny...glad you are home and the surgery is behind you now.  You go girl!!!!

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Hi Ladies, I received this from a friend today and would like to share this with all of you ......  

    "Good friends are like bras, supportive, never leave you hanging, make you look good and are always close to your heart."

    To all of you on this site...may you always be there for each other.

    This is my new motto for 2008!!

    Hugs to all of you,


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited December 2007

    Blackjack, I'm deciding between femara and arimidex and I read an article last night that would tell me to NEVER NOT take tamoxifen or the other drugs if I could help it!

    Mamm magazine Sept. Oct 2007

    "Turning off estrogen" page 16 (I'm hormone positive) 

    I had stopped being so sore through radiation, but Sunday I had the familiar "hard to get up after squatting" feeling, but I don't think it was the tamoxifen, I forgot to resume it after surgery....I was waiting to find my notes, he had said stop it the day before and start it the day after. I assume I need to get body right before next blood test so I hope I dont forget any more pills! (to switch to arimidex or femara)

    The only side effect I have noticed from tamoxifen is that I can get my work done and wake up or get up much easier in the morning (insomnia is a listed side effect)..this is great because I want to get my affairs/work/house/you name it      in order and all this sleeping is making it hard! (I'm supposed to be fatigued till may from chemo ending in August). kater

    Did you also do a post with your concerns? Someone answered me already about the femara vs arimidex. 

    I priced the drugs as well in Canada and at Sams Club...but my insurance told me it would pay for it, but I have to submit the 15k plus bills for the next five years to get reimbursed. (i have basic surgical policy).

  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited December 2007

    Hi all  -

    We were away in MI for the last few days so I haven't checked in - too many posts to catch up on.  Glad to hear that Julie and Ginny are doing well! Good luck at your first chemo, Julie.  You should feel fine that day and the next.  I usually started feeling yucky on day 3 or 4.

    Jackie - I hear you about the Senecot. This was one of my chief complaints during chemo.  Sometimes I would sit in the bathroom with my hand over my mouth so others wouldn't hear me screaming in pain.  I loaded up on Senecot-S and Metamucil.  It got better but still never was back to norm until I finished chemo.  I hope yours get cleared up!

    Well, I have one more rad session on Wednesday.  I asked to see the nurse today because my underarm is killing me!!  They gave me this foam dressing that sticks to your skin.  Sounds really silly but it actually works!  I have very little pain now.  They told me it should clear up in about a week so that was good to hear.

    One more week until school's back in session!  The couple days before Xmas were sheer terror - the kids were just out of control.  They have settled down now, but still if I don't keep them busy they like to antagonize each other and it gets really annoying.  We have nothing going on tonight for NYE which is rare. We usually spend it with a couple of other families but it just didn't work out this year.  So, we will see how long the kids last with nobody to hang out with other than a couple of old tired parents!   Last NYE we were at Disney World which was sooo awesome.  With everything that has happened this year, that seems like 10 years ago. 

    Wendy - so sorry your dh is bugging you!  Few more days!!

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

  • mary1220
    mary1220 Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2007

    Hey Rita Jean and all you Il. girls. I am doing fine and have 1 more 6 mo. check up then move on to 1 year. Yea! I was dxed. in March 04, did Chemo ,rads, had 6 months off waiting for herceptin to be FDA approved and went on 1 year herceptin. -es. -pr. I am looking forward to 1 yr. checks. All you girls keep it up and it will get better. All you girls have a great New Years Eve. Rita, glad you are doing good. Sounds like you had a great x-mas. Stay warm girls, Mary

  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2007

    Kater, were did you get that mag article. Can I get it at the library?

    Tomorrow is d-day to start tamox...if I get the courage up to pop that pill.


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited December 2007


    That magazine isn't listed yet, online,

    but it's a free magazine that I see at the doctor's office waiting room.

    Mostly just that tamoxifen has few side effects and it increases your odds of not recurring so fast and so forth. I had a friend who took it 10 years ago for 5 years and she's doing fine....I only noticed more alertness the next morning, not a bad side effect, I've been taking it a couple weeks. Kater 

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2007

    I'm still having trouble posting, so I have to keep it short. Aol software is giving me trouble over the insecure site.

    Julie  The drug is 5 fu. It is the F in the CMF tx that many of us get. Hope that helps.

    Rita  I;m so sorry about Pat, and I know that your support and kindness must have meant so much to her and her mom. This group might just be the most wonderful ladies I know!

    Ginny and Kater   I'm so glad your surgery is over, and you're feeling better.

     Jackie  I hear you girl! I thought I should buy stock in Senocot.I also used colace, and the two did well together for me. I'd start a couple of days before tx to head it off.

    Happy New Year to you all! I need to see if I can get this through..................

  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited December 2007

    Happy New Years!   2008 will be a good one for each and everyone of us.  One year from today BC will be a dimmer memory for us all.  Susan

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2007

    Blackjack  I'm so glad you decided to go for the tamoxifen. I know it was a difficult decision.

    Your new motto for 2008 is terrific!

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2008


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2008


  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2008

    Let me explain myself, I was just daydreaming about our next meeting and what we can talk about! Nothing like money to cheer us up! 

    Welcome to the new members, it will be great to have bigger parties!

  • kater
    kater Member Posts: 447
    edited January 2008


    Where Are They Now: The Beardstown Ladies

    Once Icons of an Emerging Investor Class,
    They're Still Together – Buying and Holding
    May 1, 2006


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2007


    I was just joking, but I did buy Senocot and Colace {except I got the generics} in large amounts.

    I am also looking forward to getting together again. We seem to be able to talk about anything and everything, and it's been a lot of fun. My dh appreciates that I've been in a better mood after each meeting.

    I've seen the Beardstown ladies on television, and they are quite impressive!