Illinois ladies facing bc



  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    dltnhm The gift is random. People just go up and take one. It's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. I try to keep the gift as something everyone would like. Keep it religion holiday nuetral, you know, more seasonal if you want to do something "holiday".

    I wear jeans but do try to be a bit party on top.

    Here's last years photo:

  • kjiberty
    kjiberty Posts: 687
    edited November 2012

    It's too bad you can't tag on this site.  

  • joan888
    joan888 Posts: 711
    edited November 2012

    Lago.... Thanks for posting last years photo. Just realized that I was planning to wear the same thing this year! Guess I better come up with something else.

    PS wouldn't take my darn drain out today. Arrrgh! Seems he pretty much wants it to run dry because of my previous issues. I did get some expansion done though. Two more to go.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Posts: 420
    edited November 2012

    Thanks lago! It's Lauren, isn't it?

    And thank you for posting the picture too.


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    kjiberty What you can't read the name tags?

    Joan you could wear the same thing and no one would notice. I can't really tell what anyone is wearing in that photo. I know what jacked I'm wearing but not sure what shirt. That stinks about the drain but better safe than have to go another round

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited November 2012

    Hi Girls...well party time is almost here and yes it will be a fun filled day. Thanks for posting last years pic. Boy we all do look lovely and healthy:) Just FYI I will be collecting the money for the luncheon at the door. Please try to bring extract cash amt. Dress is what every you are comfortable in. Your grab bag gift should be wrapped.

    I am soooo excited to meet and greet all the new and old girls. Maybe a few boobies may show and tell:)) or some hair filled purses may make a fashion statement. lol You never know what will happen at our parties...

    Looking forward to a fun filled day....jammie time for me...sweet dreams all...


  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Posts: 563
    edited November 2012

    Last year in the midst of putting together my Loyola team, my company switched insurance to Aetna which didn't cover Loyola so I switched to Rush.  Received a letter yesterday that Aetna would no longer cover much for continutity of care.

    So once again I send out a request for recommendations for PCP, Onc, Plastic and Breast surgeons. Cry


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited November 2012

    Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.

    ~ Dennis Wholey

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    spunky the letter I got was from Rush that said the "may not be in network". I'm trying to find out if this is a done deal… because "may" doesn't sound like it. Rush used to have Aetna as their insurance carrier for their employees. I know they have been trying to negotiate. Aetna is a huge company. I would be shocked if Rush drops them.

    I too am not happy about this. All my husband's & my doctors are all Rush.

    UPDATE:Just checked. It's a done deal. This sucks. I hate health insurance companies.

  • timbek2
    timbek2 Posts: 64
    edited November 2012

    Hi all!  I live in Morton so wanted to jump in and say hello! Just dx this summer sadly and am third generation bc.  Haven't done the genetic testing yet but plan to do so next year when treatment is behind me!  Just finished my last AC-WOHOO.  Next weekly Taxol.  My docs are Elwood, Mammolito and Prager.  My Mom is a 16 year survivor after having lumpectomy, chemo and rads.  You all give me hope!  Have a great day!!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited November 2012

    Hi Timbek2.....welcome, welcome.  I think you are not too far from Rita.  She is the one who started this thread long ago.  I'm hoping she will see your post and jump in.  We are glad you have found us, but of course wish it could be for a much better reason.  Everyone here is eager to help you get through whatever you have to go ---- glad you are done with AC.  That one is a bit dicey now and then. glad you are here. 

    Hugs, Jackie

     p.s.   sorry about any mistakes.....I think my spell checker is on the fritz again. 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    Spunky if you are under treatment you can get a form for your doctor to fill out. If Atnea approves it you can keep paying under the old rate through the end of March. Also note: My husband's company was totally unaware of this since Atnea hasn't informed anyone yet. His company is not looking into other options. You husband may want to alert his company so they have time to change or add options with another company.

    {{{Waving}}} a big welcome to Timbek2. Love the avatar.

  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Posts: 563
    edited November 2012

    Welcome Timbek2-while it is a shame we are here-it is a great place with a great group of intelligent, supportive women.  Stop in often.

    Lago-I knew it was a done deal before I got the letter because earlier this week I spoke with my shoulder doc's nurse and she said they had been notified Aetna was no longer covering them.  My PCP at Rush was telling me how much they disliked Aetna as their insurance provider.  As far as the 6 month "grace period" I used that when I was at Loyola-they did they're small print, loophole magic and didn't cover anywhere near what I thought they would, so no reason to put it off-I'll just make the switch. My husband's insurance is much more expensive than mine, so I'll stick with sucky Aetna for now.Yell

    Looking forward to the festivities tomorrow!

  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2012

    Another reason why we need to look at insurance reforms in this country.   It is okay to have an HMO if you and fam remain healthy or have a "common" disease.... sadly breast cancer is now pretty common.  My DH has a rare cancer with BCBS/HMO coverage  and we are forever playing "staying on top of it" with care that can only be delivered  by experts at Northwestern (and they are the only medical center that would be experts on his particularr rare lymphoma). If we goof at all, we are screwed financially.  We never thought we would be in this situation....great income but "bad" insurance because one of us had the bad luck of getting a rare disease.  We will be excited to go on  MEDICARE as we will be able to pick our provider/supplemental that includes  (Northwestern) even though we will be paying so much more on health care.

    Ladies, I urge you to consider a PPO as you just never know what your family will face.  It is so much more expensive but may mean you get state of the art health care in the event a family members gets a "rare" disease. Obama care would have helped us, but it is just being fazed in right now. 

    For what it is worth!


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    Zap this is a PPO through Aetna! I feel the same way about HMOs and that's why I've never been on one.

  • LisaMomOfFour
    LisaMomOfFour Posts: 226
    edited November 2012

    I went through a similar issue with United Healthcare a few years back... they dropped the Advocate network, which is pretty big out here.  Huge uproar from many constituents, and a few months later the decision was reversed, as my employer and several others threatened to drop United from their offerings.  I hope this is temporary and gets reversed very quickly.   

    Have fun tomorrow ladies!  Wish I could join, but I'll be up the street  at the Sears Center at a cheerleading competition.  DD competes at 12:30, awards at 3:30.   Kind of shoots the whole afternoon!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited November 2012

    "Sooner or later we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip."

    Robert Hastings

  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Posts: 563
    edited November 2012

    Yes, mine is a PPO-I can pick any doc, but if they aren't "in network"...$$$.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    Lisamomoffour I think that's exactly why Aetna hasn't alerted anyone. It's open enrollment time. It takes time to secure a new contract with another provider. I really hope my husband's company does change.

  • DeborahC
    DeborahC Posts: 24
    edited November 2012

    Interesting. I also have Aetna PPO.  Our enrollment is not until March - so perhaps that's why I have not heard anything.  My plastic surgeon is already out of network, but at least his hospital is in network (this has been a pricey reconstruction).

  • Adey
    Adey Posts: 2,413
    edited November 2012



  • zap
    zap Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2012

    Oh what a lovely party.  I want to thank BJ, Irene and Laura  (her niece too) for the time, love and decor.  You are such generous  women with your time and talent and you are so appreciated.  Now if I forgot someone here, please chime in and let's celebrate her efforts.

    I loved the company, the food, the conversation and the sharing of organizations we can give our support to .  As I think Lago said, if there is any shred of a silver lining to our common cancer dx, it would be that we found each other.

    Now I am off to sample my wine and chocolate......YUM!


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    DeborahC you haven't heard anything from Aetna because Aetna hasn't alerted anyone. Rush was the one who sent me the letter. BTW do we have the same out of network plastic surgeon?

    What Adey said. I love seeing you gals.

  • blackjack
    blackjack Posts: 771
    edited November 2012

    The Illinois Ladies party was  fun. A big thank you to Laura and Irene for helping with the decorations and tags. It was fun to meet and greet all the new girls today as well as the old timers (he he). It was a wonderful afternoon of good friends, good food, and lots of laughter. I am missing my coconut butter and chocolate :( so who ever got it enjoy ! lol

    We did take a pic and I am sure someone will post it for you all to see. All of you are very special ladies who are strong and are full of compassion for reaching out to others who are fighting this disease. As it was said today, we need to keep in our prayers the bc population out east who were affected by hurricane Sandy. For those who had to stop tx because of no power in hospitals, md offices, and xrays machines. Flooding in streets. Please let us keep them in our prayers.

    For the wonderful programs of sending cards to our bc sisters and for healing pj's for mastectomy ladies to make them feel pretty after surgery. Thank you for sharing your wonderful programs with us today. For all of you who walked and raised money for the Make Strides for Breast Cancer...thank you.   You all are such wonderful ladies who are here to offer support, caring and friendship and I for one am glad to know all of you.

    Thank you for joining me in celebrating good health and happiness.

    Remember to be healthy happy and Enjoy your life.


  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Posts: 563
    edited November 2012

    What a wonderful time today.  I echo the others when I say thank you to the incredibly thoughtful and generous women who made it all possible.

    Still afloat from spending time with the wonderful women who support me everyday-I'd truly be lost without you.

    For those who couldn't join us in person-you were with us in spirit <3 (((hugs)))

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2012

    THANK YOU BLACKJACK!!! You are a true leader and organizer and generous sister!!! Your hard work and creative talents are so appreciated. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    Irene - THANK YOU TOO!

    So much fun!!! It was great seeing the "regulars" and meeting the new girls. 

    I was only able to take 2 camera batt died!!! Sniff, sniff...can't wait to see the pics that everyone else took. 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2012

    I didn't get a group shot or any pictures of me… but I'm sure you've seen enough photos of me. I have uploaded all of my photos of everyone else on the Illinois Ladies photobucket account. If anyone needs the username/password to upload PM me.

    Here's the link to that album: linky 

  • momto7
    momto7 Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Hi I  am from Illinois  born and raised near Joliet  now i live in Mt Vernon IL' I was first diagnosed  in 2008 and a lumpectomy on my left breast and they found cancer in the ducts i did not have radiation and changed my eating habits and a lot of other things . i went for a mammogram in May and they found something on the right side  they did a sterotatic biopsy on 6/4/12 and i went in for a biopsy and lymph node biopsy on Aug 28 th. they did not get clean margins and went back in on Sept 17th  for a second time and the surgen still did not get clean margins  I went for another diagnostic mammogram  and a breast MRI  and this Thursday  I am going for a  complete mastectomy  and will do reconstruction after Christmas   i am glad I found this site  lots of great info. I also have 2 sisters that have had Bc and a aunt 

  • virginiab
    virginiab Posts: 79
    edited November 2012

    Welcome, momto7--

    I'm glad you found this site. There is a lot of wisdom and experience available here to help all of us. I'll be holding you in my thoughts on Thursday when you have your surgery.

    And that's a nice Jackie Kennedy photo!

  • momto7
    momto7 Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Thanks! I loved Jackie she was so gracefull and classy. Such a beautiful woman.