Illinois ladies facing bc



  • C-squared
    C-squared Posts: 338
    edited May 2013

    doxie & Joan~ Hoping you will both get some relief from all of your efforts!!!  Cancer SUCKS!!  Foot in Mouth

  • doxie
    doxie Posts: 700
    edited May 2013

    mdg, It's hard to believe that with all your exercise you'd have problems with osteopenia.  How is your Vit D level?

  • C-squared
    C-squared Posts: 338
    edited May 2013

    Oh Camille!  You make my heart skip a beat.  I luv, luv, luv a cat with intuition!  And I can't have one because I'm allergic!  Yell  Most cats luv ME too.., because I'm allergic!  Laughing  It's their 7th sense.., they know I will not overwhelm them with demands because I have to go wash my hands!

    I truly hope that this doc will give you the information you need to get some pain relief! You have such a great disposition and you keep the IL ladies laughing all the time.., you do NOT deserve to be suffering.  It makes me sad to think that you are in pain.  I hope that you will keep us in the loop and allow us to support you in the decision(s) you may be faced with as a result of all of these opinions. 

    Pain-free to you Camille!  Pain-free!  Smile  (sing to the tune of "Born-Free")

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    camillegal you are a riot today.

    Doxie some people get osteoporosis/osteopenia even if they exercise and do all the right things. To be honest I'm surprised my stabilized given the family history and being small framed, Caucasian, former smoker and former diet soda drinker. But also some of us are diagnosed with Osteopenia but don't really have it. I read somewhere that the scans are not as accurate on small framed women.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OH C- that was so sweet to say and I'm glad I'm not allergic she (katie-Kat) sleeps with me every night and just sits next to me when I'm on the computer==but a few miute ago she went into hiding then it started to rain and now thinder and lightening, I hope she comes out soon, then I know it's over.

  • doxie
    doxie Posts: 700
    edited May 2013

    lago, That's why I was so hesitant to get zometa and not pushing it now.  I need proof I really need to take it.  

    My mom, grandmother and her sisters were very small boned.  My mom has fought osteoporosis with every possible drug and exercise, but is losing the battle at 80.  She is otherwise so healthy she could live another 20 years. I fear how she will have to live out her the last of her life if they cannot find something that will work for her.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    BTW I always have to do this----I apologize for my typing I type with 2 fingers , never have before??? but my real nails are long so it makes my typing wrse than it was. LOL I probbly type 15 words a minute with tins of mistakes---I was much better when I was young.I wasted my youth not typing enough.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh I just want to remind any newbies that I know alot of cleaning places that will come out and clean u'r house for free because u have cancer. I don't know the names os course but I still get info on them every so often so if u'r interested u should look it up--I never did it, but I'm a slob--but I'm sure that would help u and u'r home will have a good cleaning as often as they might do it.

  • C-squared
    C-squared Posts: 338
    edited May 2013

    Camille~ Is that the "cleaning for a reason" volunteers?  Wonderful organizaton!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    C- I think that is one of them--it's wonderful that they do this, I think so. I thought I'd remind people.

    Oh my grandson just came in to check on me, to make sure I was all right---he's so sweet but I can't cry as was said I can't spare the moisture.

  • C-squared
    C-squared Posts: 338
    edited May 2013

    Excellent reminder Camille!  & high-five to the grandson!!!  Laughing

  • momto7
    momto7 Posts: 114
    edited May 2013

    I have not been on in a while I hope everyone is doing good. I finished my chemo on 2/14/13 and it really wiped me out I am still trying to get my strength back  taking a day at a time. I lost finger nails and toe nails  besides all my hair Cry the hair is starting to grow back so i am glad for that  Has anyone gotten neuropathy from chemo? It hit me before my last treatment the tingling in the hands and feet I just wish it would stop! I am taking vitamin b6 and a multi vitamin  also vitamin c  for it  On the brighter side  I am just glad that the weather is nice and not to hot or rainy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Momto7mso glad u finished chemo, alot of the women wil come on to tel u about it, yes neurpathy is not uncommon, bu wait for someone who knows all about it, so don't think it rare, are u on meds now and what meds are u on?

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Posts: 253
    edited May 2013


    I would be interested in the cleaning info. I tried the cleaning for a reason website and they said nothing in my area, Im in Kingston just north of Sycamore. That would be a godsend as DH probably wont be much help. My surgery is this friday 31st

    Hope everyone made it thru this last round of storms unscathed, looks like we may have some more today, :(

    Im a mail carrier and walk my route so needless to say dont like the storms during the day but love them at night, for some strange reason they help me sleep, maybe the fond memories of camping growing up and the soud of the rain on the tent

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Catey I never used it so I really don't know, but I know they do it--I'm sure someone will come on line and give u more info on it--maybe different areas have different names that will do it--I don't thinkall of them do just some.

  • doxie
    doxie Posts: 700
    edited May 2013

    cateyz2,  Some local cleaning agencies donate services.  Maybe the local cancer organizations or your drs offices will know who does in your area.  I had my daughter to help me so didn't investigate this.  Do you have a friend you could ask to investigate this?  

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    doxie according to my BIL (granted he's a cardiologist not an endocrinologist) all women will eventually get osteoporosis if they live long enough. Hard to win that battle at 80. I need to check when my mom got it.

    momto7 I started neuropathy after TX (tingling/pins & needles in left hand) after tx 1. Then numbness in my left heel and burning on my feet when I walked for long periods. I started Acetyl-L-Carnitine after tx1 and never had the issues in my hand again. Just the foot stuff. I still have some numbness in my left foot that gets a bit worse when it rains but better than before. It can take up to 2 years for neuropathy to resolve but usually doesn't take that long. Sounds like there is a good chance you will resolve because it only showed up after your last tx. Congrats on finishing. You'll start to feel better around week 5 PFC.

  • mdg
    mdg Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2013

    Doxie - my vitamin D has been low.  It was back down to 25. I am on a high dose (rx) of vitamin D once a week right now. I have been trying to figure out how I got such bad osteopenia (my t score was -2.4!!!!). I have a history of IBS with lots of diarrhea so that could have played a role.  I have been tested for celiac disease, thyroid issues and some other things to try to find a cause.  My parathyroid was high but calcium was low.  THey are going to retest me on parathyroid next month.  At this point I had to go on something for bone density. So frustrating!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited May 2013

    "Some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear
    middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having
    to change, taking the
    moment and making the best of it,
    without knowing what's going to happen

    -- Gilda Radner

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited May 2013

    Good morning.  Can't help with the cleaning issues as I live in the country and there is nothing here.  I didn't consider trying.  Just cleaned what was totally necessary and hoped I would have the strength and less se's when the time came.  I had heard before that it was partially predicated on area.  I would check around if there is time.  Energetic type idea but you might be able to talk a "local" cleaning service into free or greatly reduced rates.  Just a thought.

    Lago.....even being a cardiologist....what your BIL said has the ring of truth to me.  Bodies aren't meant to last and everything about us changes in some way. 

    For anyone here....Gilda Radner passed on several years ago from ovca. She was married to Gene Wilder and I've often delightful it might be to be married to someone who sees so much humor in commonplace things. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful here again today, but mainly due to moisture in the air.  I'm sure it is noticeable that I'm trying not to say humid.  Hot does not do much to me, but humid tends to make me feel like I'm trying to walk through a giant wet sponge. 


  • doxie
    doxie Posts: 700
    edited May 2013

    lago, The reason osteoporosis is such an issue in my family is that we live very long and it starts right after menopause.  My mom's been treated for 25 yrs.  Osteoporosis is not really a problem until broken bones, collapsing spines, and pain start occurring.  My mother saw her mom and aunts go through that last years of their lives with terrible pain from crumbling spines that drugs could not control.  

    Right now my mom is on a break from the drugs as they have stopped working.  My hope is that there will be something that helps her by the time she starts feeling pain from her weakened bones.  Hopefully she has another decade for another drug to come along.

    mgd, you are right to be proactive now.  You are really low for your age, and on Tamoxifen!   

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2013

    mdg my D was in the single digits just before diagnosis. Last time I checked the numbers before chemo it was high (79). So I'm doing something right. They started me on the high prescriptions stuff then moved to lower dose OTC. Now I'm taking about 2000 IU (supplement D3, multi-vitamin and some D with Calcium pill) total. My spine is -2.3 but holding steady now. My big drop was after chemo/chemo-pause. I did give up diet soda when I started chemo. 1-2 can a day habit.

    I too have IBS but I get the Big C not the Big D.

    But I think the Dexta scan read out is based on age too not just a general number.

    Jackie when my DH and I met the rabbi before we got married he asked us individually why we chose each other. One of the things I said was "he makes me laugh." And wouldn't you know the rabbi mentioned it during the ceremony. Saying how important it is to laugh in life. Gilda & Gene seems so much in love. I bet the cracked each other up and had lots of fun.

    EDIT: only 2000UI a day not 20000!

  • joan888
    joan888 Posts: 711
    edited May 2013

    Yikes, Lago.  Really 20000 IU per day?  And my ONC thought I might be stretching it with 6000 a day.  Well, he did until he saw my last DEXA scan report and I was -3.4 on my forearm.  They can no longer scan my spine because of all the nice hardware my spine surgeon put in there last summer.  The tech said it would show that I had bones of steel.  Yeah!  So now they DEXA scan my forearm and hip.  My hip is holding steady though.  I finely found a good Vit D supplement that was able to get my level out of the basement.  The prescription stuff didn't do much.

    Momto7.. congrats on finishing chemo.  I cannot really speak too much about chemo induced neuropathy as I already had alot of it going on in my legs and feet prior to my BC diagnosis due to my messed up spine.  Unfortunately, I had to delay back surgery until I had a breather from BC.  The neuropathy did get worse while going though BC stuff, but I really don't think it was chemo induced.  I am still dealing with neuropathy, but back and leg pain is gone.  You can get a script for Lyrica for nueropathy.  I tried that for a couple months, but decided I would rather deal with the neuropathy than the SE's from Lyrica.

    I see clear blue skies and sunshine at the moment, but I have a feeling that we are in for more storms.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Lago to me being able to laugh with someone is a huge part of a relationship cuz it show friendship so much. My youngest DD has been married 17 yr. and she still say he's her best friend and he makes her laugh, and they love to be together--I'm so hppy for her he has seen her illness full blown and I thought maybe he'd eave, (I wouldn't have blamed him) but he told me it never crossed his mind to leave her---She's been stable now for over 7 yrs and they are still best friends and he still makes her laugh.

  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Posts: 563
    edited May 2013

    I had just recently read on another thread you must be careful with prunes due to estrogen-sorry I don't remember the details, I'll see if I can find it again.

  • spunkyboobster
    spunkyboobster Posts: 563
    edited May 2013

    It was on an Arimmidex thread and simply said prunes have a high level of estrogen...

  • momto7
    momto7 Posts: 114
    edited May 2013

    Thanks ladies for the info my regular doctor wanted to geve me Amtriptyline ut I have not taken it I feel I am on to many meds right now water pills ect I think I will go to the health food store and see what they have for it some of the stuff i have seen on the inter net for Neuropathy is more than I can afford it is worse in my feet at night  i am feeling better like I told my daughter one day at a time  I wish some one would come clean my house  it needs it bad!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Momto7 I just wrote about places in IL that clean for no fee.  Cleaning for a reason is one and there might be more where u live--look it up in the computer maybe u could get u'r house cleam that ay.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited May 2013

    Momof7.....I'm sitting here looking at your avatar and see your name and that you are from Mt. Vernon, Ill.  How in the world did I miss this????  Apparently I have been sleeping on the job big time. 

    If you need your house cleaned....let me see what I can come up with.  I may be able to solicit my daughter to come along with me.  She works for a few hours everyday.....that really does mean 7 days a week.....and I work 5 days a week. 

    I have the week-ends let me know if a week-end would suit you.  I do know what you mean about the neuropathy feet usually only hurt at night now, but the rest of the time they often feel like I have two stumps....and I still can stumble around a bit in the morning.  I am good at ignoring things I don't like.......put it down toward the bottom  of my " I'll have time to allow myself some upset with this later on " and most of the time I end up not getting to it, or being just too tired to get the list and anything on it a second thought. 

    Anyway.....let me know if a week-end would work for you.

    Peace and love,


    p.s.  forgot to say.....I'm in Centralia....about 20 miles north of you. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Jackie u'r so kind.Smile