Illinois ladies facing bc



  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Illinois Lady---thanks for a beautiful Sunday message.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2014

    What a beautiful day!  I hope everyone got a chance to get out and enjoy it!

    Neither the chemo or the rads got rid of the hair on my legs or under my arms.  I'm still shaving!  :-)

    Jackie, you've posted several good quotes lately.  Thank you so much for stopping in each day to give us some inspiration.  Happy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    In this noisy, restless, bewildering age, there is a great need for quietness
    of spirit.  Even in our communion with God we are so busy presenting our
    problems, asking for help, seeking relief that we leave no moments of silence
    to listen for God’s answers.  By practice we can learn to submerge our spirits
    beneath the turbulent surface waves of life and reach that depth of our being
    where all is still, where no storms can reach us.  Here only can we forget
    the material world and its demands on us.

    Alice Hegan Rice

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014


  • navymom
    navymom Posts: 842
    edited May 2014

    Nice post, Jackie.  I am so appreciative of people who take a moment to give thanks to our veterans.  And also our men and women who are currently serving.  My Navyson is leaving the states for eastern Europe next week.  

    Hello to all ILL ladies.  I haven't posted in a very long time but try to read often.

    I am celebrating my 5 year mark tomorrow.  

    Best wishes to all.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    WHO HOOO  Navy Mom, I don't want to wish my life away, but I'd love to be standing I in those 5 year survivor SHOES!   WAY to Go!!!!!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    Navymom that's awesome. 5  years is a big one. Being triple negative I'm sure your MO considers you cured… and my gut says you are.

  • jmg58
    jmg58 Posts: 104
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl, I know you had a PICC line removed...what instructions did they give you?  Mine was pulled on Thursday.  Last night I took off the wrap and sterile gauze as told and put on a huge covering bandaid.  There is no scab, just a big hole there so now I'm completely freaked out ... don't want to take a shower and am afraid of infection.  I'm wondering how you did....did you have a scab there right away; did you apply any ointment (They didn't tell me to...they told me nothing, actually).  Thanks!  Hope you're enjoying/enjoyed the weekend!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    Navymom, I remember the veterans because I am one.  I hope your son stays safe and sound during his time in Europe.  I was not in long, just two yrs. but it was an important part of my life that had great molding qualities attached.  The V.A. did an outstanding job of caring for me when I got my cancer dx.  I had just lost my private health Insurance about three months previously.  Panicked....and knowing something was wrong and that it was likely to be super serious I did not know what to do.  I sought the V.A. out for help and without so much as batting and eye --- they whisked me into expensive tests and later txs, operations, chemo, rads and got me back on track.  My middle name is Grateful now.




  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    jmg58....they told me to leave the bandaid on to shower then change after. I put bacitracin then bandage. It does look odd,.  It never really scabbed over. Good luck...if you don't think it is better in the  It is there job to help you!!!   Since the cath is no longer there, it really is just an opening in the skin. 

  • jmg58
    jmg58 Posts: 104
    edited May 2014

    Thanks for the quick reply!!!  Hope you're having a great weekend! Smile

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    HI ALL!!!

    I got my lake time and I feel pretty much back to normal, other than the heartburn!!!  I am so glad!!!  Also, my hair is starting to hurt, strange. It is windy here tonight. When it was blowing my hair, it stung.   

    I got some sun and boat time.  I almost forgot, at least for a little while, about BC. That was probably the best part of all.  

    We are teaching the girls to water ski...must remember, it is a process!!!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend!!!  


  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    My weekend story (sorry repost for a few) Can you say Hitchcock?

    When my hair started growing back, it was spring (2011). As you know I power walk in the park, zoo and pond. That spring (2011) I kept getting attacked by a small bird. I remember a lady saw the bird in action. She said "how come that happens to you and no one else." I assumed it was the color of my hair and because there was a nest in the tree. I was careful not to walk too close in the spring and I started to wear a baseball cap for a few weeks. We also got the right hair color so not so red now.

    Then it stopped. Haven't been bothered the last 2 years.

    Well this weekend it happened again, 2 days in a row. Same place but a different type of bird (red winged blackbird). This time it's not actually pecking at me. I think it really wants my hair! I see the bird. It's not in the tree. It's actually on a log in the pond. I swear today it was waiting for me. I saw it but thought no way. Not again… but it attacked me.

    I'm sure this is pretty funny to see because I actually have to run away. Yes the bird is actually following me for a bit!

    Then I read this: linky. I believe the pond in the background is the one I walk around too. Will avoid that part of the path. So far no problems in the zoo.

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    When I worked out in Schaumburg, I would walk around a retention pond in a business park at lunch. There were some geese who were very protective of there retention pond.  They would chase you and peck at you if you got into their "territory"!  We would walk to a certain point, then turn around and walk the other way, almost back to where we turned around. It was the craziest thing. 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    The geese don't bother me. I think they know most of the folks who walk around the pond. We don't bother them and the don't bother us.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    We can do anything for one day. 
    So, just for today, let us be unafraid of life, unafraid of death which
    is the shadow of life; unafraid to be happy, to enjoy the beautiful, to believe
    the best. . . . Just for today, let us be agreeable, responsive, cheerful,
    charitable; be our best , dress our best, walk softly, praise people for what
    they do, not criticize them for what they cannot do.  And if we find fault, let us forgive and
    forget it.

    Joseph Fort Newton

  • MimiL55
    MimiL55 Posts: 84
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl...glad you got some some and R&R. The hair hurting is, unfortunately, one of the signs it is getting ready to make its exit...Mine hurt for a while and then I just buzzed it and even then the bristle hurt so I straight razor shaved it-very carefully!

    Lago-sorry but I'm sure it isn't very funny while it is happening, but your bird story is happened to my daughter once while she was on the high school golf team-she couldn't get the bird to leave her alone.  Singing

    Too bad we can't have 3 day weekends all the time, loved the extra day off and the gorgeous days here in central IL.

     A big shout out to all who served and are serving-it takes a special kind of person to dedicate themselves that way. When you see the news from around the world, it makes you remember how fortunate we are here in the USA to have all the freedoms we have and it is because of our service men/women that we have them.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    MimiL55 I know it's a funny story. Laugh away. Ironically today I watched 2 people pass that area and they did  not get attacked. It's just me. I walked on the path behind the tree so I wouldn't get attacked. I'm telling you it wants my hair to make a nest.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl, I'm so glad that you had a good weekend.  You needed some fun and relaxation and there is no better place to relax than on or near water.  Although we have two boats (a pontoon and another for fishing and water sports) we didn't hit the water this past weekend. It is always so busy around here on the lakes on Memorial Day Weekend and we can go about anytime, so we opted to meet good friends for a game of golf!  It is about time that we get them into the water and catch some fresh fish, though!

    Congratulations NavyMom on the 5 years!  What a big milestone for you!  YEA!!!!  It's strange but it seems just like yesterday to me that you joined us on the boards.  I think time goes faster as I get older!  :-)  It was so good to hear from you again!  Please come back more often and check in!  

    I hope that everyone enjoyed your long weekend!  Hugs to all of you.

  • Adey
    Adey Posts: 2,413
    edited May 2014

    Hello and hugs to all.

    Lago!  That story is ver ver funny.

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Posts: 1,423
    edited May 2014

    I was just thinking about you Adey!  So glad to see you here!

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    Saw myRo Nurse and my Ro this a.m.  The whole armpit down to where my t-shirt (wife beater) starts is "open".  So, they ordered me some compounded crème from Dougs Pharmacy in Paxton, IL and they said they will mix it up and it should be delivered to me on Thurs.  But the great news is---she had me go to mirror and look under my boob and there were 2 small white dots and she said that is new skin cells forming... WOOHOO

    And my diet changes since Jan 30 which included eating oatmeal EVERY morning just about, knocked my total Cholesterol from 213 to 171.

    Then I saw Dr. Migas---he was in a great mood and he ordered up my Arimidex and told me to not even think about taking it until I am healed, which he thinks might be another couple of weeks.   He didn't look at it, but wanted to give me some slack.  Said I need to give the Arimidex at least 2 months before we decide to scrap it, unless I can't get up and walk---surely to gosh it ain't that bad is it????

  • Timbuktu
    Timbuktu Posts: 1,423
    edited May 2014

    I thought it was that bad and took too many "vacations" from it.  Then I developed uterine cancer and I would not a miss a dose!  The funny part is, the pain seems to have eased up in time.  

  • jmg58
    jmg58 Posts: 104
    edited May 2014

    Oh, I'm so nervous about going on the Arimidex.  I get my script tomorrow; have to start it mid-June.  I told my doctor I'm terrified; she said it only has adverse affects in 5%.  I don't believe that at all.  She also told me I'd take no days off work with chemo.  Ha!  I worked 1 week out of 12.  Seems no one can take it; and I rarely can take any drug without really strong SE so I am absolutely terrified.  I hate this.  Been very down since chemo ended on 5/15.  Feel like there's no where to go or something.  Gosh, I hope I can tolerate it, since my oncotype score was 40.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2014

    jmg58 My first 2.5 years on the drug wasn't bad at all. Had some stiffness and my hot flashes very minor and that was only if I ate spicy food. Remember if its that bad you can always quit.

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Posts: 158
    edited May 2014

    Guess what...Rt TE is leaking!!!  I thought it was really squishie,.PS confirmed it. He wants to re inflate on Tuesday.  Rt is prophy side, but being a huge pain in the ass!!!  Typically, he doesn't fill during chemo, but on the other hand, doesn't want to lose what we have created by allowing the scar tissue to form.  

    Ok...I am beyond tired of beige food!!!  But, if I eat anything more than that, heartburn rears it's ugly head!!!  I can only imagine the other issue I would have if I ate anything spicy at all...for those in Blo/No...oh, to have some Schooners wings!!!

    Question for those who have had a port...did you ever have neck pain in the area above the port?  Not the port incision area, but the one on your neck. I am thinking I may have over done it this past weekend and it is telling to sit my a55 down and rest...

    Sorry for the rant...having the let down after awesome lake's never pretty.  

    Ritajean...Clinton Lake???  I'm sure it was a nightmare over the weekend. Get out there now and enjoy! is hoping you get some relief from the new cream. From what I have heard, the "mix master" from Doug's has been very helpful in treating these types of issues.   After my Dad's knee replacement he developed cellulitis, unrelated to the knee.  Doug whipped him up some ointment that did the trick, provided much needed relief. 

    Ok...bird story #2...I worked in an office park in Elmhurst.  One if those geese made a nest in the grassy median area in the parking lot. Co-worker parks his brand new car next to the nest. Geese pecked a whole on the bumper cover!!!  They couldn't relocate them, the are protected.  We just had to block the parking spaces near the nest and watch your head when you left. The male sat on the roof of the building and would swipe down periodically if he thought anyone was too close.  

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Posts: 1,455
    edited May 2014

    JMG 58, we will just have to hold each other up.  I am super sensitive to drugs too---and no one believes I am allergic till they give me at least one reaction---then they get it.  You survived Chemo, I've about survivedRads, surely a little pill won't be the cause of our demise....

    Bosum Blues told me -----remember, most people don't have any probs at all, and the ones on the Arimidex Boards are the ones that DO......  There's power in those words....lets cling to it.   And we can always try 3-4

     other ones. (Femera, Aromosin, Tamoxifin, Evista).

    Lake Girl, I can't even think of any beige foods. ......onion rings? Fries? fried chicken? Frozen Coffee from Gloria Jeans ?


  • mdg
    mdg Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2014

    Lakegirl - I took Prilosec when I had HB from chemo.  If you have not tried may help.  Otherwise your doctor can give you an rx for Nexium.  That should work too.  My favorite foods during chemo were:  popcorn, graham crackers and orzo pasta.  I would cook the orzo in chicken broth and then toss it with salt, pepper and parmesan cheese.  The other thing I loved was ice cream because I could actually taste it because it was so sweet. 

    I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.  We did!  Remember last year when I told you we were getting an exchange student??  Well she just graduated Sunday.   Her family came from Italy and have been here all week.  It has been wonderful.  She returns home on June 18th.  I will be sad and devastated when she leaves.  She is like my daughter now.  Also I have to give a big, proud brag...she graduated with a 3.9 this year!  Surprising since English is her second language and she took classes like honors math, physics and chemistry!  We are so proud!

    To all those still in treatment.....I pray for all of you that you may get through this quickly and with few side effects.  This month marked 3 years since I finished chemo.  It seems like yesterday in some ways but in other ways it seems like it never really happened.  Life is good....hold on to that!  You will find a new normal that is GREAT and you will be happy again. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    We were made to enjoy music, to enjoy beautiful sunsets, to enjoy looking at the billows of the sea and to be thrilled with a rose that is bedecked with dew. . . . Human beings are actually created for the transcendent, for the sublime, for the beautiful, for the truthful. . . and all of us are given the task of trying to make this world a little more hospitable to these beautiful things.

    Desmond Tutu


    Edited by Mods, only for formatting.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,387
    edited May 2014

    mdg, how wonderful about your exchange student.  I do now recall your speaking about her.  Job well done, for both of you.

    It is a great time when you know you are pretty  much back to yourself --- yes, the cloud is always there and gets to you at mammo or check-up time.  Otherwise, life does go on as meant.  Living each day fully without un-due concern becomes less troublesome when you get to dis-connect from the stresses of the cancer dx and tmts, and just have normal issues for the most part. 



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