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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited February 2008

    Um.. Mel, try pasting the URL into the field then tabbing through the remaining fields... if that doesn't work... I'm pondering the next step.  I've had problems too and am trying to recall how I worked through the issues.

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited February 2008

    does this help?

    How do I add an image to my message?

    To add an image to a Conversation or a Comment, click the image icon in the Comment/Conversation toolbar. A popup will appear where you can enter the image's URL, description, and dimensions. Click "Insert" to add the image.

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited February 2008

    Good morning everyone! How many more days til the big trip?? :)

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

    Thanks Twink and Leah.  I think I have tried all that you mentioned, but obviously I am missing a step.  Usually I can figure these things out on my own.  Maybe I was just tired of fooling with it.  I will try again when I go back to the office since I don't keep pics on this computer.  I was trying to post pics of my hair for Sammie to show her how that once it finally gets to the length she has, it takes off pretty quickly.  I did get them posted on TimTams board with my updated nip pics.  I really think her board is such a good recon support board.  I rarely go there, but try to pop in now and then.

    Carynn;    How many days?  13! still have time to get your plane ticket!

  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited February 2008

    Hi all.  Yep... 14 sleeps Carynn. 

    I just returned from my first real haircut.  I measure the realness by the price.  This one cost me $50 so it better be real even though it doesn't look much different than it did yesterday.  It's snowing here and I think I'm going to spend the day in my comfy chair by the fireplace. I'm feeling quite uninspired.  Hope you all have a relaxing weekend.


  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited February 2008

    Well, let me climb up out of my slump and visit with my BCB(breast cancer buds) lol.

    Wow a lot going on with everyone.  Melanie, I am so glad your family members are safe and sound. That was such a horrible storm that hit last week.  So sad for the families who lost loved ones.

    I am so sorry I won't be joining you all in FL.  I hope to make the next get together.  I know you will have a fabulous time.  Twink, Lead, Marsha(the great) I will miss all of you very much.  Have fun for me.

    Terry, congratulations on your weight loss and joining Weight Watchers.  I am a lifetime member, however I am very much over my goal weight.  I understand about worrying about things that you don't understand.  I do the same thing.  I am on arimidex and have some early morning stiffness, but it subsides with movement.

    Marsha, I am sure you continue to "knock them dead" with your performances.  Nice write up in the paper.  That's our Marsha, interacting with the audiences.

    Catherine, I am with you on the hair.  Mine is curly, but I look like Richard Simmons or Gene Wilder.  Get the picture. LOL.  I just don't like to look at myself with little old lady curls.  I do have an appt. to get it colored next Sat.  Maybe that will help.  While it is 1 and 1/2 inches long, when it curls up it looks much shorter.  I hope your husband is doing well.  Have you had your D & C yet?  Hope you are doing well.  Let us know.

    Pat, I had to laugh at your comment about your hair and losing 50lbs.  That was so funny.  I am thankful for the hair I have, but I choose to cover it with a wig at the time.

    Alyson, how is it being back at work?  Are you getting used to it?  I still find myself very tired after each work day.  Just getting up early wears me out.  I am sure the wedding was lovely.  Also sure you are glad to be done with all the planning.

    Caryn, so glad you got you tickets back for the races,  knowing how much you enjoy that.  Sounds like you and DH have a very busy social life.  That is good.  I love your hair.  It looks really good.  I haven't ever seen the 16th hole celebration, but sounds like it would liven up a golf tournament.  I read the email too late to tune it and witness it. I am a true sports fan too.  I love football most, but baseball is a close second.  Basketball is good during playoffs.  They play so many games during the regular season it gets redundent.  I do try to keep up with my granddaughter's alma mater, University of North Carolina, they are ranked very high and have some super players headed for the NBA.

    Hillary,  a very belated Happy Birthday.  I am so happy all your scans and things were negative for BC.  Yeeaaahhh!!!!

    Hi Phylis,  hope you are doing great!

    Jan, hope DH is making a good recovery and doesn't face anymore surgery.

    Speaking of surgery, I am a little disappointed in my recon.  One breast is much bigger than the other.  And the nipple on one is much too long and funny looking.  I haven't been back to see PS in a month.  I have an appt. this coming Tues.  I said something after the first unveiling about the smaller, saggy boob and his answer was that all women over 50 have to wear a push-up bra and it would look fine with a bra.  But I thinking after all the surgery and suffering with the expanders he ought to put in a  bigger implant on the side that looks like the air was let out of the implant.  We will have to talk.  He keeps telling me it takes months to a year to get the final picture.  Any comments from anyone?

    Twink,  have you heard from you blood work yet?  Hey, I have heard some really bad things about Chantix.  Can't remember exactly what other than someone had hallucinations on it.  Also, some of the ambulance chaser lawyers have had adds on television for people who have taken it to call them.  I bet anything that that is what caused your abnormality.  Did you say as your hair grows the curls have relaxed some?  Did you have curly hair before?  I want mine to straighten out.  I think  it would be longer if it wasn't so curly.

    Welcome to all the newbies, Cookie, Kissta, Rose, Kanga,ajb,Caren and anyone else I have missed.  Hugs and blessings to all.

    I too drove myself too and from chemo and the Neulasta shots and the Procrit shots. But definitely have some help at home with children.  I only have cats here at home and they take care of themselves, unlike the children who need close monitoring.

    Well, I am to the end of my litany, LOL.  Love to all.  Hugs all round.

    Sammie Kay

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited February 2008

    Hi girls.  Sorry I have been away so long.  Like you Sammie Kaye, I need to climb out of a slump. 

    Still waiting on onc's office to schedule the BRCA test.  I still need to schedule the reduction too.  Onc wants me to wait for the genetic test to see if I want to have mastectomies instead.   I don't even want to think about that.   Or maybe I need ovaries out.  Uugghh...I thought I was almost done.  

    Well, the icing on the cake is that I need a gallbladder ultrasound (on the 27th)   I have been having gallbladder attacks...what next! proud of you!  The review is great and I am sure you are better than they say!

    I had my first haircut in a year on Thursday...decided to keep it short for a while.   Now it looks straighter except for little curls around my ears, forehead and back of my neck.  I never know just how to style it.

    Melanie....I am so glad no one was hurt during the tornado.  How frightening.  Just hug that little grandbaby close.  

    Catherine, hope no problems with the D&C.   Had one of those once.  Not a big operation.   You will feel better in about a day, I am sure...let the doggies snuggle with you.

    Jan, hope your DH is doing well. 

    Well, it is a real blizzard here.   Blowing like crazy.  Schools are already on a 2 hour delay for morning.  It is only about 4 degrees.  Of course, my 2 have a dentist appt at 8am, so they are not happy about not being able to take advantage of sleeping in...oh well.  

    Still waiting on oldest DD to get home from work.  Our rural road is solid ice, so I won't rest until she is home.

    My sister is IMing me, so I will stop talking.

    To all the Feb 08 girls.....good luck.  Rest, drink water, and hang in there!

    Love you all,

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

     FrancinesBdayJuly2007-249.jpg image by melanieewr

     July 3rd

    DSC02196.jpg picture by melanieewr

     1st Part f August

    DSC03052.jpg image by melanieewr


    DSC03051.jpg picture by melanieewr


    Sammie;  You finished chemo about 2 months after I did.  My hair was about 1 1/2" in October, so I bet yours will start growing quickly anytime now!

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2008

    Melanie -- What amazing curls ... I'm so jealous! You and Twilah will have to take pictures so that we can compare the curls!!

    OK folks, I see my oncologist tomorrow for my quarterly checkup. Does anyone have any good questions that I should ask?

    Thanks and hugs,


  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

    DisneyOct2007-149.jpg picture by melanieewr

    This is my Birthday Party in October

    Scotts40thBDay-116.jpg picture by melanieewr

    DH and I Dec 1st...Not a big change in hair from 6 weeks previous...about 1/2" growth.

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

    Told you all....the longer it gets, the curlier. 

    Hillary;  I figured your curls look just like mine.  It looks so thick and curly in your avatar!  I have scans and a visit with my onc next week, so I am guessing you are having a little apprehension like me.  I feel like it's my one shot to get in my questions for awhile.  I know that I will be asking mine again about a hyst.  I think I am ready.  I will of course want a breakdown of all my bloodwork.  This time I also want him to go over my scans more indepth...past and previous.  Really think about those questions tonight.  And...write them down!  I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Terry;  All these decisions.  Mostly, I hope I am making the right ones.  Trust your instincts.  They are usually right.  We're all in this together!

    I think Twink got her curls cut off!  I bet she looks tres' chic

    Marsha;  How are you holding up girl?  I worry about you with such a hectic schedule.  My "mothering" instinct is coming out.  DH's doc said she had been taking EmergenC (sp?) and that it was amazing how it made her first.  She said after taking it awhile, that "high" wore off.

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited February 2008

    Melanie, what beautiful curls.  I have curls but they are much shorter and not as thick and shiny as yours.  I am hoping getting mine colored on Sat. will give it a boost.  It is o.k.  to get it colored isn't it?  Thanks for the pictures.  Gives me hope of things to come. LOL. Yours is so so beautiful!!!

    Terry, good luck at your checkup.  You too Melanie.  I go on Valentine's Day for my checkup with the onc.  I don't know what he will do.  Blood work for sure, but I don't know about any scans etc.

    I have been feeling very weak all weekend.  I don't feel real bad, but have slept alot and my legs feel week.  Hope it isn't anything serious.  I need to check my blood pressure.  I am on a low dose blood pressure med and periodically it gets too low.  Then I quit taking it and my doc will get a 150/90 and freak out on me and put me back on medication. One time it got down to 80/40.  That time I was seeing stars when I stood up too fast.  Terry your hair looks beautiful too.  I love it.

    Gosh Terry, the weather is horrible up your way.  I have been blaming the deary weather on my feeling down in the dumps.  You really have reason to feel that way.  Hope it clears for you soon.

    And I pray for "no more tornadoes" in your area Melanie.

    Hi and hugs to all you girls.  Hope everyone is happy and well.

    Love to all, Sammie Kay

  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited February 2008

    Melanie, I love the pics.. you are so darned cute... gawd!  You're correct, I did have my curls clipped ... underneath it all there are waves but the tight curls seem to be gone now.  I think I miss them.

    Sammie Kay, I don't think it's unusual to be less than pleased with the recon results and revisions are normal.  I'm after one too... consult in April to talk about the nips and tucks (so to speak).  Don't get discouraged, it takes some perseverance to get things to the point where you're satisfied.  I hope all your aches and pains are gone and you're feeling good.

    Terry,  sheesh... gallbladder now?  I had mine out just after my last fact it was the weening event and I don't think we ever recovered.  That's another story, but she's now 16 and unhappy at the propect of moving to Dallas.  I had laparoscopic (too lazy to look up the correct spelling) surgery and it really wasn't a problem.  Just sayin' .... in case it comes to surgery for you. 

    So.. no test results yet (argh).  I'm going to check voicemail next.  I'm in Dallas for the week and a little overwhelmed with all the people business that needs to be taken care of.  There's not enough of me to go around these days.

    Hugs and love to all.


  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited February 2008
    So, Hillary, the MRI was good?  As for the onc... not sure what more you could ask for besides a regular PET / CT.  The other thing I was thinking about asking about was that protein Ksomething67? I figured you'd know more about this than I do but I wondered if I'd been tested for that.  Not sure what I'd do with the results at thist stage...
  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2008

    Twink --Still haven't heard about the MRI ... I'll hear today, I guess. I'm not sure that I qualify for a regular PET/CT scan given my nodes were clear. The Ki67 test is something they do at original diagnosis ... it indicates how fast the tumor is growing. Not all docs rely on it (mine doesn't), as there are alternatives for staging that allow them to know whether the tumor was grade 1 (unlikely for a triple neg) or grade 3 (which we both had).

    Terry -- I seemed to have missed the post about your gallbladder ... I hope you're doing OK.

    Melanie -- I never had the tight curl stage ... just the bushy waves. And where exactly was your birthday party?



    P.S. Marsha -- how are you holding out with all your performances????

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2008

    OK, back from the doctor with my MRI results. The mass that was seen three months ago is still there. According to the report: "stable enhancing mass-like legion at the three o'clock position, which is probably benign. However, given that this is a persistent finding and has a mass-like appearance, a directed ultrasound may be helpful for further evaluation. If a mass is identfied on ultrasound, an ultrasound-guided biopsy may be considered. If no discrete mass is seen, then a 6 month follow-up MIR is recommended."

    So, I'm scheduled for the ultrasound for next Wednesday (2/20).



  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

     Twink;  I sent you a pm.  Thanks for the compliment, but I would trade my cute for you glamour anyday.

    Hillary;  My birthday was at Disney in the Great Movie Ride after the park closed.  It was truly a once in a lifetime event.  There were over 800 pics taken so it was hard to narrow it down to a few just to give an idea of all that took place.

    MelanieBDay10-17-07MistysPics-009.jpg picture by melanieewr


    MelanieBDay10-17-07MistysPics-094.jpg picture by melanieewr

    Gangster Scene with "Tiny"

    MelanieBDay10-17-07MistysPics-130.jpg picture by melanieewr

    Appetizers in the Gangster Scene

    MelanieBDay10-17-07MistysPics-793.jpg picture by melanieewr

    My friend (amazing talent) singing to me

    MelanieBDay10-17-07MistysPics-263.jpg picture by melanieewr

    Dinner in the Western Scene with "Ma"

    MelanieBDay10-17-07MistysPics-400.jpg picture by melanieewr

    I was teaching them how we sing Happy Birthday!

    MelanieBDay10-17-07MistysPics-598.jpg picture by melanieewr

    Dessert in the Wizard of Oz Scene

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

    Hillary;  It really does sound like it is "nothing" there any such thing in our lives these days?  It is certainly prudent to run every test to make sure.  I am having similar issues with scans that we are following.  Always thinking of you...

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

    Sammie;  I forgot to answer your question about the coloring.  I think it is certainly ok to color your hair.  I think most of us have already.  I use "Sexy Hair...Hard Up" or blue glue as I like to call it, to manage my hair.  Works great!  I would suggest going with a really dark color.  Chocolate!   We tried 2 colors that we thought would be dark enough...but weren't.  My hair is growing slower than it ever has, but I sure am happy to have it.  I did lose a few lower lashes this week.  Strange. 

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2008

    Melanie --

    I'm so sorry that you're going through this too, but I'm glad to have someone to fret with -- is that selfish of me? Can you elaborate on your scan issues?

    As a triple negative, I'm so aware of the fact that the highest risk for recurrence is within the first three years.



  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited February 2008

    Hillary;  I have scans again next Tues.  The last set of course was a comparison to the first.  I don't have it in front of me, but I think I can remember most of the details.  It showed a 2.2cm "something" on my liver.  Said it was a stable hemangioma.  A "glassy" area on my lungs.  I have never smoked.  They were not concerned.  A cyst on my ovary.  Increased activity in the first set of pics CT.  Ran another set that showed nothing.  The thing is that they just say "your scans are clean" and then I look at them and there are all these areas they are watching.  It's an apprehensive time when these tests starting rolling around.  I will definitely let you know about the next set.  Keep us informed on yours please.  Let me know if there is anything else you want me to specifically look at on my report. Do you ask for the actual report? 

    Again, we have to be prudent.  I don't think it's selfish one bit after what we have been through.   

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited February 2008

    Hey... didn't realize how big a followup week this is. I have my Pet/CT this Thursday (14th).  It is a 6 month followup of the liver RFA, but it is substituting for all followup at this point. Will do the CA27/29 and regular blood work this week or next, whenever I can get over there.

    I am not worrying about anything, cuz what's the point? I will know by noon on Friday, so that will be soon enough. 

    Please let me know if there is anything I should be especially concerned about- I, too, am following the triple neg threat pretty carefully.

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2008

    Leah --

    The only thing that I need to worry about (besides the scans, of course) are the usual things now that I've hit 50 and have had chemo. Cardioprotection -- i.e. worrying about lipids/cholesterol. Osteoporosis (need to take 800 IU Vit D and 1200 mg Calcium -- got a big lecture from my NPN about that.

    Colonoscopy (ugh!). Regular Pap smears. Thyroid levels (specific for me, to see if chemo wacked it even more than it was before).



  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited February 2008


    At my annual physical, my thyroid was all out of whack. They suspect radiation. Had to change my meds for that. Other than that, all the other normal suspects came back good. But I will look into vitamins based on what you said...


  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited February 2008

    Hi everyone! Sure have missed you all. It's so good to see new activity on the board!

    Twink - Every weekend I say this is the weekend I'm going to get a haircut, then put it off again. Maybe this weekend........ ;)

    SammieKay - How are you doing these days? Feeling better? Be careful what you wish for, my curls are gone already! It's surprising as they were out of control one minute, gone the next!

    Hi Terry! Are you feeling any better? Did the weather calm down? Hope you survived the blizzard ok. Sending you big hugs and prayers for good/clean scans. Did you hear anymore about your gallbladder? (((Terry)))

    Melanie - I just love the pictures! Your party looks like it was fabulous! I am so happy to hear that your family came thru the tornados ok. Sending up prayers and good wishes for your scans too.

    Hillary - Yup, prayers for good scans for you too!

    Leah - Yup, yours too! Are you still at your same job, or have you moved on yet?

    Catherine - How are you doing friend? Did you finish that manual yet?

    It been crazy here. Work hasn't calmed down yet; in fact I think it might be a bit worse; but I'm getting thru it. I had my regular appointment with my Rheumatologist and he diagnosed me with a third autoimmune disease, Sjogren's Syndrome. Hopefully three's a charm and they wont find anymore! Last week DH had an appointment with our PCP and he thought that DH might have had a minor heart attack. We saw the cardiologist yesterday. The cardiologist doesn't think he had a heart attack and the EKG doesn't show any heart damage. However, he does suspect some vascular disease. So, poor DH will spend 5 hours tomorrow getting a battery of tests. I really feel for him as I remember all too well what it was like spending 5+ hours at the Dr's. (Ironic huh, having your heart checked on Valentines Day!)

    Well, I am just pooped, so closing for now. Hugs to everyone, and if I missed anyone, it sure wasn't intentional.

    Talk to you all soon!

  • ampaine
    ampaine Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2008

    I go for my first oncologist appointment on the 15th . Lumpectomy on Jan 4th . Physicaly healed , emotionally hanging in as well as I can . Good luck with your treatment !

  • jalamamomma
    jalamamomma Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2008

    hi.1st chemo was 2/5. 2nd one 2/26.tougher than i thought.i thought i could "overcome" side effects but got to deal w/ them.

    have you explored avastin clinical trial? i'm in CA and it's thru a UCLA study

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2008


    search on avastin as a key word and you'll see the posts available.  I am (was?) in a clinical study with avastine on top of 4AC/4abraxane (for early stage bc).  I had 18 avastine txs, from Feb. 07 through Dec. 07... very easy to tolerate, and, so far my blood pressure is not noticeably higher and my heart muscle seems to have taken it all ok (ejection fraction remained between 70-75%).  Avastine gives you a bleeding nose, on and off, but no pain... the drawback is that it does not promote healing and I had problems with my port on and off, eventually got it out and finished the 10 avastine txs left through a vein.  We'll know whether that was all worth it or not if I am still around in 10 years with no recurrence of bc...Smile    Good luck to you... clinical studies are useful...

    Hi everybody... I read, but do not post from lack of time.  I am in thought with those of you going through all the checkups. Terry, Hillary, Leah, SammieKay, Carynn... big hugs to you all.  Sorry to read you have more stuff to worry about, Carynn... love the humour about your DH having his heart checked on Valentine's day... wishing you both the best. 

    I did not go through the D&C procedure yet (too many people to choose from to do it).  The onc does not seem to think the reports are that alarming (although the word carcinoma has been thrown in there by the imaging dr. as a possibility, apart from hyperplasia from Tamoxifen or a polyp... charming...).  I need to get that done to be sure it's b9... I'll call this week; tomorrow, heart ultra sound again, the last one I think for the study.  I feel great, got an exercise bike... nice for snowy/icy days...

    I, too, was imagining all of us sipping good wines all together in the kitchen while preparing meals and chatting... a little bit like Leah's Tuscany vacation...  with a door open onto the porch facing the sea... I sure hope we will arrange something again... In the meantime, I will be thinking of you the Florida girls... Twink, you sound like you need the upcoming break... Marsha... how are you doing? Alyson, how is school?  Is the summer nice?  We are expecting another 6 inches of fresh powder tomorrow morning... brr

    Melanie, you look so adorable... your pics are very nice. You DH has warm eyes... you look terrific.  You sound like you have tons of energy... traveling around and all...

    Jan, I did not read much on Gina's forums (except the Cutting Edge thread which is so interesting).  I hope you and DH are OK.

    Wishing you all sweet dreams and a gentle week, with no catastrophic weather anywhere... take care,

     Big hugs to all and my best to the newbies,


  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited February 2008

    I'm caught up.  I read all the posts and I only want to say that I'm thinking about each and every one of you.  I do not have any results back from my tests last week.  I thought about following up several times today, but became distracted, and forgot (story of my work-life lately).  I'll keep you posted.  Hugs.
