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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited March 2009

    Hello everyone!

    Sorry for not getting back here sooner, and it looks like I am not the only one who has been MIA. First, I have to admit that Twilah's passing hit me very hard (though I am sure not as hard as those of you who were privileged to know her). I lost two other friends within three days as well, both to cancer. That was a BAD week.

    And then all of a sudden real estate got even crazier than usual. Have spent the last two weeks hiring and training more agents. Then I had one of my agents in for colon cancer surgery (thankfully she was not more than stage 2 and won't have to go through what we did!) and we are still waiting on the results of a biopsy from another agent for ovaries. (She wanted to know if having cancer was a team requirement.)

    But how nice to come back to lots of lovely news!! Clear scans, garden variety illnesses and old age complaints. :)  It's all good, girls. Definitely gives you a new perspective on not bi***ing about that part of life.

    It is supposed to be 80 here on Monday and I have some golf planned for the weekend if you want to come on out, Melanie! I also need to get down to the plant store and order some spring color, not to mention get some new cushions made for the lawn furniture. Other than that I am not going to do anything else this weekend but enjoy the sun and the fresh air. Backyard, a good book and a spring breeze. Heaven. Hope you all have a relaxing, happy weekend and feel well.

  • michele54
    michele54 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2009

    I'm coming to all of you February heros.  You've started this journey and can hopefully help us newbies.  I am doing a dd Tx4 followed by AC/4.  My first trearment is on Monday and my nerves are shot even with Xanax.  I can't seem to get rid of the knot in my stomach either.  I know it's the anticipation but I'm ready to lose what little mind I have left lol.

    I read as many posts as I could on here about Taxol and that shot from hell they give you the next day.  And I've read the how to survive chemo and have my bag 90% packed.  But I think I am on post overload - I can't remember much of anything I read.  Can someone who started this already - especially anyone who has done dose dense Taxol give me any hints that worked for them?  I have my Claratin but when is the best time to take it?  I also know to drink lots and lots of water.  But any suggestions on how to stay on top of the side effects?  I am really trying to still work through this as much as I can.  My bosses are understanding but..............

    Also - I have to take the 5 steroid pills the night before and the morning of treatment.  Is there any certain time to take them Sunday night - how early can I take them?  I doubt I will sleep much anyway but roid energy is going to make it worse.  And finally a general question.  Why sugarless candy and gum and not regular?  Does the sugar do something?

    Thanks and a big hug,


  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2009

    Hello Michele!  I'll try to answer what I can but just make sure you are joining your March chemo group because they are going thru it just like you and together you'll get through it. 

    I believe the usual course is to do the AC (adriamycin, cytoxan) first then Taxol at least that's what most of us did, not the Taxol first, but I may be wrong.  The taxol was no problem for me at all compared to the adriamycin that gave me strong flu like symptoms, but it was tolerable. I never got sick to the point of vomiting since my dr. gave me meds to keep at home and take at the first sign of any nausea. As a matter of fact, I had Emend that I was to take AS SOON as I woke up to prevent any onset of nausea. So I'm sure they will instruct you on all this if not....ASK!

    I've read of people taking claritin before treatment but it was never mentioned to me and I did fine without it so I would ask your dr. or chemo nurse if this is something they recommend. Don't see how it could hurt.

    As far as the steriod pills, I didn't take any....the steroid was given as an infusion with a group of other meds they call "premeds".  In this IV bag was the decadron (steriods), kytril (for nausea), tagament (protect stomach) and protonix (also to protect stomach).  What you'll most likely get as well is a dose of benadryl.  Now besides acting as a preventer of adverse side effects of all the meds you'll be given, the benadryl  is your "go to sleep now med" because unless you are one of those who react the opposite of what is intended, it will relax you hopefully to the point where you can take a good nap during all of this, at least is did for me.

    Regarding the steroid energy, I didn't have it while on the A/C for some reason. But once I finished that and went on to the taxol, my kitchen was sparkling clean for 48 hours!

    Yes, take water with you and drink drink, drink before, during and after.

    Can't help about the candy or gum, never heard of it.

    Your best friend will/should be your chemo nurse since if she's worth her salt will tell you everything that's she's going to do, explain what your getting and how it may affect you and answer any and all of your questions to YOUR satisfaction.  Above all, be your own advocate!  Don't just sit in a chair and let them do whatever and then walk off, if you want to know something ASK after all it's your life, your body they're messing with.

    Good luck, I'm sure you will do great!


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited March 2009


    We are from Feb. 2007 and therefore some of the details that you need to know might have changed or we might have forgotten. So I echo Wayover 20's advise to join a group that is currently starting treatment, and you can do it all together.

    That being said, I will tell you this:  your first time will not be the same as the second time, and you will have to make a lot of this up on the fly based on how you feel. Everyone is sooooo different, that it is impossible to predict. You are doing the right thing to prepare yourself, but you can't assume you will need the Claritin, that the neulasta shot has side effects, etc. because that might not necessarily be true. I was one of the lucky ones who refused all pre-meds and didn't do any of the steriods- ever. But that was based on previous interactions with sterioid during my pregnancy,etc. and I just didn't want to chance it. But I never had a moment's nausea, nor did I have the aches and pains that some had with neulasta. So in some respects, you have to wait and see. The calmer you are, the more in tune you can be with what your body is telling you, and you can find plenty of advice at that point.

    There are some things that are a given:  you need to stay ahead of any of the anti-nauseau drugs, you will get constipated badly from the chemo if you don't manage it. Other than that, you will find your experience will be fairly unique to you. Come here (or to the March chemo group) if anything happens that you feel you aren't prepared for, but you will just have to just go with the flow for most of this.

    I worked all thru chemo and radiation, (I am in IT), and found that to be very good for me. You may feel otherwise, but if you have to work, know that it is doable. GO easy on yourself, learn to laugh, and be ok with some days being at 80% instead of 100%, and you will be fine.

    Our thoughts are with you, and you shoudl be feeling all the hugs about now... 

  • michele54
    michele54 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2009

    Thanks for the info.  I am more freaked out about chemo than I was when I heard I had bc.  I was never a pill taker and this is really hard for me.  I did join the March group and they are wonderful but I think I needed to hear from the "old timers" that we can get through this.

    Hugs to all of you,


  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited March 2009

    Michele54, I second what Pat and Leah have said.

    I had a different regimen than most in this group.  I did get my Taxol first, however it was not DD.  I received 12 doses, one each week.  I will say I had very little reaction to Taxol.  I worked all through it.  I did take off on the day I received the Taxol and was back at work the next day.  I did lose my hair after 2 weeks of Taxol.  I was told it was possible, but not everyone did.  I was losing handfuls at a time, so a friend shave my head.   Maybe I jumped the gun and it would have just been thin, but eventually with the FAC  I would have lost it anyway.  I was not given steroids with the Taxol, but did received it with the FAC.  I did have some sleepless nights.  I took off from work 8 days when I was on the FAC.  It took the "wind out of my sail".  I just went with the flow and took care of myself.  I would turn the corner on day 7 and back to work on day 8.  I was then good until the next dose, which was about 2 more weeks.  It isn't fun, but doable.  My only advice is take care of yourself.  Good luck.  I wish the best for you. Stay in close communication with your March group.  Hugs to you, Sammie Kay

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited March 2009

    Hi all,

    Just checking in with an update.  I do not have staph infection.  That was a relief, but then he said it was an autoimmune thing. Yikes!  He did biopsy it and I will hear something next week.  He took a large junk of it and put a suture in it.  I quit putting the ointment on it and it seems to be drying up.  The red spots from the bandaid were looking very angry until I quit the ointment.  Then I remembered my allergy to Neosporin and thought maybe that ointment was causing the problem.  Lord, since BC I have developed allergies I never had before, like bandaids, ointments, opsite.  I also have motion sickness now.  Seasickness and carsickness. grrrrrrr!  I never  had either before chemo.

    I am feeling better.  Finally stopped coughing.  What a rough respiratory infection.

    I am still real tired.  I will see the onc in 10 days and he will be drawing blood.  I also had liver function tests done yesterday. I am on a statin and that is about the 4th one I have tried.  I do o.k. for about a year or so and then my LFTs become abnormal.  We are going to try Crestor if the tests were back to normal.  Maybe I should try to correct my cholesterol with diet and exercise.  Hey that's a novel idea.  LOL.   Honestly if it's not my back it is something else that makes me feel too tired to exercise.  My diet is pretty healthy except for my relapses into sugar heaven.  I am so addicted to sweets.  Any ideas for breaking that addiction?

    O.K., enough about me.  So good to hear from you Pat. So glad you are staying in touch.  Is it this Monday that you have some scans?  I am so anxious to get out in my yard.  This cold spell isn't helping.  Guess it is just as cold in SA.  I am glad you were able to get out in your yard.  It is good for the soul, don't you agree?  Hang in there girl, you are in my thoughts and prayers.  I didn't realize you were a fellow Lob Girl.  So is Marsha.   

    Leah, so glad you are feeling better.  Yeah, those antibiotics rock!  How is your work going?  Are you still enjoying it?  With the economy doing so poorly, I may be working until, who knows when.  I used to say 70, but that will be Sept. and I do believe I will continue on.  My husband's business is very slow right now. 

    Melanie, I am so glad you get to go on these lovely vacations.  What a blessing.  I know you are very aware of that and very thankful.  You are such a beautiful spirit.  I am so glad I didn't have staph.  I know it is such a pain.  I probably am a carrier.  Most nurses in the hospital setting are. The Dermatologist did do a nasal swab for that.  They couldn't culture the lesion because I had the ointment on it.  but he said it wasn't staph.

    Caryn,  are you feeling better.  Hope the RA is under control again.  That must be really painful.  Do take care of yourself.

    Catherine, don't work too hard.  Have you had some Spring weather in Denver?  I know you are anxious as I am, to get out in the garden and get some flowers blooming.

    Alyson,  How are you?  Thank you so much for the lovely cards.  The piggie card is adorable.  How we miss our Twink.  She would have loved that one. I guess you are getting ready for Fall as we prepare for Spring.  How is Miss Bea?

    Has anyone heard from Marsha?  Missing her posts.  Love you Marsha.  Hope you are doing well.

    Terry, so glad you got an all clear from the scans.  What a relief.  My sister just had an abnormal mammogram and had to see a surgeon and have a biopsy.  Thankfully she was spared a bc diagnosis.  Hers was negative for bc. Thank God.  I just didn't want my "little sister" to have to go down the road I have traveled.

    Vegas, so great to hear from  you.  I understand your feelings.  I too felt very low at Twink's passing.  I know we all do.  I feel like she would want us all to continue to support each other. I know she is right here in spirit, cheering us on.  What a darling she was.  She leaves a big hole on this board. 

    I hope I haven't missed anyone.  I know we haven't heard from Phyl lately.  Does anyone hear from Hillary?

    Well, I have rambled on enough.  Hope you are all having a relaxing weekend.  Sports here, college basketball and PGA Golf.  Tiger's back!  LOL

    Hugs and love to all, Sammie Kay

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited March 2009

    Evening, everyone!

    Great weekend... went on a small roadtrip this morning to a sugar house... making maple syrup is a huge piece of the western MA economy, and a lot of them in MA have breakfasts with the new syrup.... It is a tradition to go, and we had a ball! We were at the place at 7 a.m. and got to help build a fire and get the breakfast going. It was great.

    The other thing to boast about it my daughter's graduation in 6 weeks. She will get her BS in Biochemistry. Even though the job market seems to have ground to a giant halt, I am very proud of her!  Here is her grad pic:

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2009

    Leah.  What a beautiful picture. You must be very proud of her. I hope she finds a job soon, it is difficult for the young ones here as well.

    Sammie Kay. Have seen quite a bit of Miss Bea. She was here yesterday for a while and we looked after her fo a couple of hours while her mother went to church. Erin sings in the Cathedral choir. They came in again today and had her for about an hour which I really enjoyed especially when she cuddles up to you.

    Imust finish as DH wants the computer. I am going to get myself a laptop as it is the evenings when I like to work.

    Big hugs


  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited March 2009

    Leah...your daughter is just beautiful!   I know you are very proud.   I hope she lands a job soon!   Is she willing to go to where the work is?    My DD#1 hasn't found anything yet...she is still working at Applebees  with mega student loans to worry about.  We try to help when we can, but with 4 of them, it is hard.  Best of Luck to her!

    It is pouring rain and cold here.   But I did manage to get out on Saturday and prune the clematis and roses.  It was about 48 degrees, but that is warm around here right now.   Also cleaned out all the dead sticks and vegetation from the flower beds from last fall.   Lots of daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and crocus peeking up through the mulch.  

    Hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!   (I am 1/4 great-Grandmother came over from Ireland in the 1860s!)   So I have to celebrate a wee bit!

    Love you all

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2009

    Vegas;  I have to tell you that I was pretty worried about the golf/lyphedema connection...especially as much ground as I plowed up at first Embarassed.  My arm was a bit stiff for a few days.  Does it concern you?  Any ways that you are protecting yourself while still enjoying the sport?

    Leah;  What a lovely picture!  She will find a job.  I know it's tough, but determination pays off.  We have talked about how our children don't seem to have the same "drive" as we do, but it will all work out. 

    Sammie;  Glad it's not staph...but crap...or blah as our Twilah would have said.   All the other issues certainly don't make life any easier.  I guess I never thought of nurses as mostly being carriers of staph.  My dd has been told that she is a carrier.  Every little bump means antibiotics.

    Terry;  I am also of Irish decent.  My maternal grandmother was Irish and my maternal grandfather's grandmother was full blood cherokee.  Their 10 children were quite a mix of looks with blonde blue eyed's and delicate features...and those that were black haired, dark skinned and sharp features.

    So glad to see that some of us are enjoying our gardening!  I mainly do potted flowers...lots of them.

    Well, I am fighting a nasty allergy attack.  Luckily it held off until I returned from Savannah.  I went in yesterday and got the "magic" shot of steroids and antibiotics which normall makes me feel great in a couple of hours.  This time I felt awful all night and was afraid it was the flu.  But, I feel better today.  Savannah was nice, but turned chilly quickly.  I did get to take Natalie to the beach one day.  We went to The Crab Shack to eat and I have to share this about the meal.  Natalie is very opinionated little person...about everything.  I had ordered mussels as her meal.  She would much rather eat this than a kids meal.  The waitress was rather amused and surprised that I was ordering this for a 3 year old.  As her meal arrived, I said "Natalie, your mussels are here".   She says..."I don't like mussels"...then turns and sees the huge steaming mound of shells and says..."ooooo....I do like them!"  Of course, she ate most of them.  I took her on a carriage ride of the city.  They were having their annual Tara Feis and that was enjoyable.  She is such a little thing, but holds her own and actually does obstacle courses and climbing much better than most kids a couple of years older.  We had a great contemporary condo right downtown in the middle of everything...very convenient.  I so enjoyed my time with her as always.  She slept with me every night.  I think her mom was fine with that Wink  I imagine she likes to sleep with me because I indulge her with make believe stories. 

    I think I will head home now.  I only worked a half day and I am already wearing down.  We had planned on celebrating St. Paddy's with friends, but DH is in NW Arkansas and I certainly don't feel like being a green party animal tonight.  I hope one of us enjoys some green beer tonight!

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited March 2009

    I didn't have green beer, but I did make shamrock shaped green cookies!  

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009

    Big hugs to all... terribly busy, here... won't have any green stuff either...

    Savahna... we were there in 1997... I remember the colors, mostly... dark green and sienna (reminding Italian colors)... what a visit you had... this litlle Natalie must be in heaven with you, Melanie!

    SammieKay, hope all your miseries will go away... boy, you have more than your share.

    Just wanted to wave at everybody... Leah, I'll meet with your friends on Friday, for a French bkfst... :-)

    No rain, no snow... when you hear about stormy weather, it's in the mountains, not in Denver... dry like a bone, but delightfully mild, and sunny... we have to water trees and shrubbery, or else...

    ((((((Pat)))))))), ((((((((((Marsha)))))))) (missing you, sweetie), and (((((((((((((all of you out there)))))))))))),


  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited March 2009

    Sammie, have you gotten the results of your tests yet? I am so happy it is not a staph infection, but hopefully it is not an auto immune thing either. Are you feeling any better?

    Leah, your daughter is beautiful and you must be so proud! I agree with Terry - It really is so hard for our kids in the job market right now. I was listening to the radio to a young man who just graduated college, and he was saying that he thinks he would have been better off just getting a job right away and saving up his money as the degree hadn't helped him get anything better.

    Melanie, I do worry about the lymphedema thing and try to wear my sleeve - unless it is too hot outside. I am going to try to find a long sports bra for the summer that does not bind in one spot under the arm so much as the regular bras do, and allows a better lymphatic flow. I also try to do some of the exercises and massages I learned at the lymphedema clinic on a semi regular basis. So far so good, and if I do get that achy full feeling I just give it a break until it feels okay again.

    No green beer here either. Though we did have mimosas that morning in celebration.

    We are up in Utah again this weekend. Both my boys drove down from Wyoming - had not gotten to see them since Thanksgiving! True spring skiing and it is actually too warm when those chemo flashes come on. Does anyone else still get them?

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2009

    Hi everybody! Boy have I missed you!

    Vegas - Did you golf on Monday? I hear ya on the hurray for garden variety illnesses. :)

    Hi Michele54! I hope that we gave you some good info. Sending you a hug - you can do it and you'll be surprised by how fast it goes. BTW - the Nuelasta shot does sting, but truthfully, I've had worse. Also, when they take it out of the fridge, if your Nurse lets it sit for about 5 minutes to take the chill off, it stings less. Sending you a big hug (((Michele)))

    Pat - How are YOU? It's good to see you! Hope you're feeling well. Did you have your scans yet?
    SammieKay - Sooo glad to hear it's not Staff. Man, I don't know what's up but we sure are hearing a lot about Mursa and Staff lately. I'm sure the wrong one to ask how to get away from sweets - I'm planning on assuming the position, watching Survivor, and I'm pretty sure that there's a dish of ice cream involved. ;)

    Leah - So glad you are feeling better. You're road trip sounds like a blast! What a beautiful daughter you have. Do tell her congrats on her graduation from all of her "aunties." ;)

    Alyson - Whats new? Well, spring is here and it's 90 in Phoenix - it must finally be cooling off for you!

    Terry - Sounds like you've been gardening too. I'm sure I bored all of you already with my planting. I call it the "farm" since DH & I planted so much for just the two of us. My friends and co-workers are excited tho! BTW - my great grandmother also came from Ireland, and around the same time as yours. :)

    Melanie - Almost time for Texas! Are you going to the race? I'm so looking forward to the long weekend in April here. Loved your story about little Natalie. Was she compelled to keep any of those shells?? :)

    Catherine - How are the little guys? Still enjoying your walks? Have you been back to the French bakery? It sounded heavenly!

    Miss you Miss Marsha! Hope you are doing well. Check in when you can, but til then, catch a hug from me.

    Well I'm calling it a nite. Have a good one all. See you this weekend!

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2009

    Hi ladies, glad to hear everyone's doing great!  Commando I hope your RA is undercontrol again. I decided to retire my piggy pic, a bittersweet reminder of our Twilah (rest in peace).

    I did the scans and will know results on the 25th...cross your fingers!  The oxygen is still an issue for me although I did go 2 entire days without using it at all and thought I was home free. But on the 3rd day I started coughing like crazy and that evening I couldn't lie down without putting it on. When I take it off my oxygen reading gets low and I start coughing, hard to breathe. Go figure. 


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited March 2009

    Hello, All...

     Pat, more than fingers are crossed for good news on the 25th. I think there are a bunch of us getting scanned/results this week coming. Me included. So update up as soon as possible. I admit I do not understand what is driving your lung deficiency, so you might have to educate us when you get the new results...

    I missed Twilah this week, for no known reason. I wanted to text her so badly. I can't erase her name from my phone, my email address book, my Skype list. It would be so ... final. Not ready yet, I guess.

    For all of you enjoying great weather, you get a big "raspberry".  We hit a whopping 38 today. Sunny and it was warm in the sun, but still 38.  They are predicting 50 for the end of the week, so I will hang on til then.


  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited March 2009

    Pat, fingers legs and toes crossed for great results from your scans. Sucks that you had to go back on the oxygen, but you had two days in between and hopefully that is just the start of many more?!!!!

    Leah, good luck to you as well on the results of your scans, and sending you some of our lovely warm weather. It is supposed to be 79 and sunny tomorrow. :)  I love it!

    How's the RA Caryn? I am sure "thank goodness for garden variety illnesses" is not the first thought you have when you have an attack, but we can hope that it is under control now???

    Catherine, what - no new recipes to tease us with and make us gain cyber pounds?

    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. I came to Utah to spend time with the boys and now I am babysitting the dog. How did that happen?!!  :)  Some things never change.

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2009

    Carynn;  Of course I will be in Texas...and you are certainly welcomed to join us!  We should have a rather small crowd as some of our friends will be involved in a charity golf tournament.  We are usually involved in it also, but they changed the date...race wins.

    Pat;  I am hoping for good news on those scans!

    Leah;  Fingers crossed for you also.

    Vegas;  Our children really never grow up these days.  They are much different than we were.  Once out of the home...meant independence.  These days...not so much.  Catherine will have our mouths watering soon I bet!

    Marsha;  You know we are thinking of you.  I know you check in here and read and I understand that you are in a different place.  I just want you to know that we care.

    Have to run now.  I am meeting with sub contractors today and trying to get everything finished up with the new office building.  It's nothing real fancy...being a truck shop and offices, but it will sure give us elbow room that we badly need.

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2009
    Hi all!

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Saw the Onc today, all clear for 3 months. We will be doing a bone density scan just prior to my next visit in June. All in all, it was a good day!

    Pat - Thinking of you and sending up prayers, vibes, and crossing fingers and toes for good results. Don't push it too much with the oxygen. Take care of you!

    Leah - Did you have your scans yet? See above, you are included in my thoughts, prayers and body crossings! Wishing you great news!

    Vegas - Thanks for checking on me! Unfortunately, no the RA still isn't quite where it needs to be. Being off my meds for so long took a bit of a toll, but I'm definitely getting there!

    Melanie - So good to see you! Some day I will surprise you and actually make it to TX for a race! Sounds like you've been busy. Let us know when you get to move to the new "digs!"

    Catherine - Are you hiding?? Miss you!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2009

    Hope everyone is doing fine. Had a few days away staying with a cousin . Great time, arrived backed yesterday in time to look after Queen Bea for the afternoon. She was really good. today was a bit special. As DD1 said tonight I was having a birthday halfway between 40 and 80. We went to dinner at a restaurant where she sings, this was after going to a special service at the Cathedral for 'Lady's Day" where DD2 sang.So it was a great day especially as I had a lovely long chat to DS who is in the Channel Islands.

    Was able to forget for awhile that various tests will be coming up again in the near future. Must get away to bed as I am now very tiresd and the champagne has gone to my head.

    Big hugs to all.


  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited March 2009

    A very happy happy in between 40th and 80th birthday to you, Alyson!!  :)

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited March 2009

    Hi all,

    I am home from traveling for 5 days.  Went to MD Anderson for part of the study I am in and then to DD2 for grandson's birthday.  Then Fri. I took the 3 grandchildren to a movie and to Pet's Smart and Kohl's(they were thrilled, LOL.)  Gave my daughter a break as she was called in to work at 3 a.m. Fri. morning.  They had a transformer blow up and then the hospital's back-up generator blew up too.  She and 2 others worked until 4 p.m. to get the computer system back up and running.  She is in the IT department of a hospital.

    On Sat. we(DD2 and three grandchildren) went to a place called Mountasia that had go-carts and miniature golf and lots of games.  We had fun.

    On Monday, I went to see the 3rd opinion on my revision of the reconstruction.  This plastic surgeon seems really knowledgeable about using Alloderm for reconstruction.  This is real important to me.  He also told me I wasn't "picky" " unrealistic" and he never mentioned I must have a lat/flap to achieve the "youthful looking breasts" I am wanting (never said that, just would like them to be the same size).  Which are things that have been said to me by my PS that did the surgery and another local PS that I went to for a second opinion.  This young man went to Vanderbilt for his residency in PS.  I am beginning to realize that the first 2 PS were reluctant about Alloderm because they don't know how to use it.  The latest PS says it will be a difficult surgery for him, a real challenge.  He says it will take 5 hours. He is going to take the implants out and redo with new implants(different shape, he says I have the wrong implants for reconstruction).  He says he can make me look much better, not perfect but much improved.  I would settle for having the girls the same size.   That would be a switch.  Also, be happy to have the left implant out of my armpit.  It is driving me crazy and causing the lymphedema on that side to be worse.  I am very happy with him and encouraged by his opinion that I need things fixed.  The second  hadopinion PS told me the right one was acceptable.  Funny, now I am told I have a severe incapsulation on that side. Hmmm. Makes me wonder about the second PS.  I will probably have the surgery in May sometime.  Will keep you all posted.

    Diann I visited your website for your realty company.  I like your logo.  I know you have Alloderm and are very pleased with your recon.  I can't afford to go to New York or New Orleans.  I am hoping this young man got some super training at Vanderbilt.  It is a very prestigous medical school.  I am assuming he got some good training using Alloderm.  He says he is the largest user of Alloderm in the Austin area.  He ask me how I found him.  I told him and then he ask how I knew if he was any good. LOL.  I told him I didn't, but was figuring during this appointment I would form an opinion of his knowledge.  I did and I feel like he knows what to do to correct the mess I have now.  I will probably have questions concerning you recon if you don't mind.  I will PM you.

    I go in tomorrow to see the onc.  He does blood test for markers only. 

    I am keeping everything crossed for Pat and Leah's tests. 

    Leah, your daughter is beautiful.  I know you are proud of her accomplishments.

    Carynn, sorry your RA has reared its ugly head.  Hope you get a break soon.

    Sounds like you have been having some nice travels Alyson.  Nice retirement huh?  Free time is great isn't it?  Happy Birthday, birthday girl.Smile

    Pat, hope your scans gave you good news.  I didn't realize you had lobular also.  I hope your breathing is improved.  The weather is not conducive to that.  There are so many allergens in the air right now.  Let us know as soon as possible.

    Marsha, just waving my magic wand for you.  Only the best from you "Fairy God Mother".  Love you bunches.  Think of you very, very often.

    Hey Terry and Catherine.  Still real busy I guess.  Hope to see you back here soon.  Hope all is well with you.

    Melanie, bet you enjoyed the Texas Races.  Was that last weekend or is it coming up?  Will you be seeing Twilah's family while in Texas?  Hope this note finds you well and enjoying life as you always do.

    I will see the Dermatologist tomorrow.  I will get the biopsy results to see what it is I have going on.  Hope it isn't anything too unusual.  Will let everyone know.  It is healing at this time.

     Well my friends, I better get to bed.  I have to see the Derm. at 9:15 and the Onc. at 11:15.

    Hugs and warm thoughts to all.  Love you all,  Sammie Kay

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited March 2009

    Morning, all.

    It has been extremely cold here the last few days (high of 30 during the day) and I am at the height of my project- user acceptance testing. It has been interesting, but at least I have their attention now! They have been the worst to engage, since it is a small company and everyone is always busy. But I have had them for two days, and things work ok, but they are sort of training at the same time, and that always looks chaotic!

    Brain scan past Monday is all clear- i mean, there is a brain there, and it is clear! I have the CD of the CT, and it is pretty fascinating to look at your brain!

    PET/CT is today... going to head into Boston shortly. Also, the PT appt. with the person to teach me the lymphatic massage, so that should be interesting.

    I am DELIGHTED to see such happy reports from the various docs! Keep up the good work! Sammie Kay, so glad you found a PS that gets it. You deserve to look wonderful.

    Carynn, how's IT land?

    Catherine is on a deadline from hell, so we won't be hearing from her until next week, I think!

    Love you all. Will post what I know tomorrow.

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2009

    Hi everybody... Leah is right, I had a lot of work, but I delivered... so the pressure is off...  just a small thing for tomorrow (and if it is for tomorrow, why do it today??)...

    It is SNOWING!!! this morning... expecting up to 16" in Denver per se... firts real storm of the winter.  We enjoyed so many days in the high 60's - mid 70's!!! we had to pay for it... today and tomorrow are retribution days... but we need the moisture so much, nobody will complain... just hope it does not totalize the lilac buds (many more this year) and the peach tree blossoms...

    So glad to read your good news. Leah, isn't it comforting to know there is a brain in there? The CD is spooky, I think (I have one from 2006). Keeping my fingers crossed for the other scans. Stay warm... and be ready to get the crap going through CO right now... Beautiful pictures of your daughter, I sure wish her to find her "niche" in her field.

    Alyson, happy birthday!!  Just printed jpg files my sister sent me with lovely sweater, cardigan, peruvian hats and socks for babies... I will probably start a jacquard sweater today... perfect occupation with the heavy snow falling outside... 

    Carynn, Diann, Jan, Marsha, Melanie, Pat, SammieKay, Terry... big hugs to all...

    With all the work I had, not much cooking has been going on -- thank you, Whole Foods -- The best mouth watering experience we had lately was thanks to Leah's good friends visiting their grand-kids in Denver who came over for breakfast last Friday: this was the perfect opportunity to OD on the French baker goodies...)Have to walk those pounds off... sitting at the computer is certainly not the way to do it...

    I will be back soon... you all enjoy your day... Marsha, sweetie, hope the physical therapy is not too hard for your leg and that you can enjoy your beautiful Florida weather.  Pat, go easy with the gardening... You and Terry make me determined to try veggies this year and tons of basil... after the storm...

    Love to all,


  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2009

    Hello Home Team!!  Glad to say ct of chest/abd/pelvis came out good with more shrinkage of chest mass noted. They say "INTERVAL decrease in size since previous exam". I asked my dr. why don't they give measurements so I know what they're talking about?  I know they can do it since the very first ct that caught the mass, the radiologist wrote 7x5cm. Now every scan since they just say "interval" decrease....what's that??  She didn't have an answer.  Anyway, bone scan was normal and the skin mets are 99.9% gone except for 1 that is "subcentimeter in size".  So after given the options of stopping chemo altogether (onc. didn't prefer this one), doing avastin only every 2 weeks, or avastin every 2 weeks and adding abraxane 1 time/month. I chose the latter and I'll do this until serial scans continue good and nothing new shows up.   I'd go back to work if this lung issue would clear up. It's being very stubborn!

    Leah congrats on having a clear brain and your daughter is beautiful!

    I feel for you and Primel weatherwise as it's currently 75 degrees and a we just finished having a nice rainfall so the plants will be very happy.

    Alyson, Vegas, Commando, SammieKay and everyone else, thank you for your support during this time!  Things are definitly looking up!

    Love, pat

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2009

    Pat;  I am soooo very excited for you and thanks for sharing the wonderful news!  Work can wait...take care of yourself.

    Leah;  Hoooray!   We all knew you were "brainy"

    Here's my Pooh quote for you on this subject..."People who don't Think  probably don't have Brains...rather, they have grey fluff that has blown into their heads by mistake"

    Catherine;  I heard you had a really lovely visit with Leah's nice.  While in Savannah, I found this just opened little French bistro that was wonderful.  I over indulged.  The best fresh fruit tarts, homemade marshmallows, meringue cookies, madeleines...I tried them all...some more than once!  The bistro was called Papillote...if any of you are ever there. 

    Sammie;  I am glad you are going forward with getting your reconstruction redone.  I also used the same PS that Vegas did and I am still pleased with my results.  It sounds like you may have finally found a PS that cares.  I know it's a pain to think about more procedures as I am contemplating some of that myself right now.  I can't even muster up enough desire to get my nipple tats done right now.  Let me know if you have any questions.

    Carynn;  Good to know you got the quarterly "all clear".  I just had the bone density thing done.  I am normal, although towards the bottom of the normal scale in a couple of areas.  I wish that I would have had one done several years ago for comparison. 

    Alyson;  Those "tiny bubbles" can sure get to you...such a happy, fuzzy feeling.  Sounds like you had lots of fun.  Is your DD a professional singer?

    I have to go to the construction site now.  We just closed the paperwork on another business last week and we now have construction going here and about 3 hours from here.  DH has been covering that area, while I have been running everything here.  He came home last night, then left again this morning.  He asks very sincerely..."am I stressing you out too much".  There was a time when I would have just said "I'm okay".  This time, I said "Yes".  I will be glad when we get through with all of this construction.  I want to slow down for a bit. 

    Thinking of everyone...

  • SammieKay
    SammieKay Member Posts: 247
    edited March 2009

    HALLELUJAH!!!!!!  Pat and Leah.  I am so excited and thankful for both of your great news.

    I must go to bed.  Love all of you.  Will check in on the weekend.  I work tomorrow.

    Oh, the lab report on that spot on my abdomen turned out to be a run of the mill ulcer.  Can't imagine why an ulcer formed there.  I was negative for being a carrier of MRSA.  Thank goodness.  Nite all, Sammie Kay

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2009

    Great to get good news from everyone on the scans etc.

    It is Friday night here and some neighbours are having a party with Pacific Island drummers- it is rather noisy. I don't want to complain as it might be a little loud here tomorrow night. Not sure how many are actually coming to the party. I am really celebrating this birthday. I decided there was plenty to celebrate and lots of people who helped me get to this birthday.

    Melanie, those tiny bubbles certainly went to my head and yes my daughter DD1 is a professional opera singer. She sings opera type songs at the restaurant- this is her 'jam' money. I went to hear her sing in a concert in Christchurch last weekend. That was quite different, called The Armed Man, it was oratorio - four soloists, choir and orchestra. One couldn't say it was enjoyable but is was brilliant.

    DD2 also sings, she is in the cathedral choir. She has been in other choirs as well. On Wednesday she sang the Magnificat and some other bits in the service. Bea slept through out until the organ began the processional at the end with a very loud chord.

    Must get to bed. Have a great weekend.


  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited March 2009

    Evening, all...

     I got the best PET/CT report ever!!! Ready??? 

    "no focal sites of abnormal uptake to suggest new or recurrent disease"

     WOW!  I will give that a "10", and I can dance to it also...

    When I stop float around, I will write more!