Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?
Terry, happy birthday!!!.. 50's are good, too... !! Does not feel different from 30 something, just a bit more achy around the joints... I started cleaning the flower beds yesterday (just to see where the peonies were at, etc., but not taking too much of the leaf cover -- too early for here), and boy do I know it this morning... sore allover... need to do it more... before another storm hits.
Thinking of you all, wishing you nice spring weather to bask in the promise of beautiful things to come (except for Alyson, heading to wintertime... but you'll knit more!).
((((((((((((Marsha))))))))))))), wishing you good results for tomorrow (maybe you'll drop us a note... I think of you a lot and hope so much your life is comfortable and your gang of friends is around as much as ever to cheer you up and support you both).
(((((((((((Pat))))))))))), is your breathing easier? I know from my DH's kids (DIL in particular) that yards are doing well and tomatoes growing like crazy (blooming)... we can't even think of planting before mid-May here... such a short season, it's frustrating at times... enjoy your garden without exhausting yourself.
Have fun, Carynn. Melanie, glad to know you were not in harm's way... do you have an underground escape place in case of tornadoe warning? Enjoy your GD.
Leah, Vegas, Hillary, Terry, Phyl, Alyson, Jan... have a good, good week... very calm here on the job front after crazy weeks (feast or famine is the name of the game in translation), and I am glad to catchup with house work, etc... Love to all. C.
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Can't let this slip so far down.
Anyway I am about to get out and plant a few things in my garden. I have daffodils and other bulbs I must get in. It seems funny planting them when they are flowering in your part of the world.
Marsha praying about the scan ((((Marsha))))
Thinking of you all
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Good evening, all.
Well, this is is... we "go live" on the system this weekend. Have to go in tomorrow, and then we shoudl be all set. It is exciting to be DONE.
I will only be working part time in May, and I was looking forward to doing so many things, but two of the weekends will be taken up with DD's graduation and a small party the weekend before with a few friends of hers. That's all that we are doing this time round...
Wow, not sure where the last 4 months have flown to, but here we are. Before we know it, 2009 will have flown by. And I am not sure that I am doing things that make me happy. It will depress me if I get to the end of the year and all I did was work...Ugh...
A belated happy birthday to Terry. And my thoughts are with Marsha as she waits for tests... Love to you all-Carynn, Melanie, Catherine, Vegas, Hilary and all those lurking out there! Happy weekend!
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Leah, you took the words right out of my mouth! We spent all that time and energy to get well and back to "normal" and perhaps it is now time to readjust that thinking to what makes us truly happy. Pondering.....................
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Hi all!
We are back, and back to the grind. Race week is always so much fun and goes by so fast. November seems sooo far away (til next time).
Been very very busy with work and me! DH & I have been working out for the last 3 weeks. It's makes for a short nite as far as realaxing goes, and certainly cuts into my computer time; but it's worth it. Three days a week I also work out in the morning before work. Trust me, I dont plan on getting quite that carried away on a regular basis, but I do want to keep that pace until the scale moves.
Thinking of you all and sending lots of HAPPY hugs! Talk to you soon!
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Just popped by to say that I have been thinking about Marsha. I think she is seeing her doctors on the 24th. Do hope all goes well. Please let us know Marsha. Don't stay away because you don't want to worry us, we worry when we haven't heard. you are such a generous caring person. ((((MARSHA)))))))
Big hugs to all.
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Good morning all!
Have a fabulous weekend... we are going to have two days of 80's weather before we go back to 50's, so I plan on enjoying it!
Marsha, thinking of you. Love you girl. As my friend always says, The data is only the data....
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I understand why you folk call this season which I am in Fall. My front garden is covcered in yellow leaves, it looks so pretty.
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I don't know if any of you remember me but I started this post as swimmingmom back in Feb 2007. I stayed up with the posts for a long time but then let it drop off I guess. I recently had a bit of a scare with a biopsy that came out benign but made me go back and re-visit my journey. I wondered if this group was still communicating. Without the group on this website sharing information and confirming the "normality" of what I was going through I never could have made it through. This is where I really got my questions answered. I monitored closely those who were a few weeks ahead of me for what was going on with them. I went back a few pages and see that Twink passed. How sad. I wonder about Marsha and Catherine. I always loved Catherine's beautiful explanations of gardens and what was for dinner. Leah it was good to see your smiling picture again. I know I will miss someone but good to see all of you posting. Due to my recent visit back to the surgeon I had the opportunity to look back and see if I was living my life given the second chance I have been given and feel I could still use some re-direction. Still need to slow down. Life is good, still have a job!! Kids are good, my dtr moved out into her own apt and my son made it into a division one college for swimming and did rather well. I wish all of you much health and more happiness. K
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Karen, so good that you have called by to check on those who have continued this post. Catherine is still giving us wonderful meals and letting us know how her garden is as well as showing us her latest knitting project.
Marsha, how are things, we are all wondering how things are with you.
It has been a blustery autumn day but I did get some winter vegetables planted and must get my daffodils in tomorrow.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
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Of course, we certainly do remember the "swimmingmom". You were the one who braved all those swim meets when you were so sick from chemo. Bless your heart. That seems so long ago, yet only yesterday. Sorry about your scare. This cruise has had many celebrations and loses. We celebrate Twilah's life and mourn her loss. Glad your bx was benign. It is very stressful awaiting results. But as Leah's friend said, "data is just that, data". Welcome back, Karen isn't it?
I have been a lurker lately. I seem to be, either working my head off(getting yard back in shape after winter) or sleeping to recover from getting up at 5:30 am to go to work. I came home yesterday and fell asleep in my chair at 6:30 pm and awoke at 10:30 pm, back to sleep at 1:00 am and up at 5:30 am. So it goes..
Wondering how Marsha is doing? And Pat? You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I understand what Karen was saying about the feeling of having a second chance and wondering if I am using it wisely? How does one really know for sure. I am a believer that things we consider mundane and routine, are sometimes very important in the big picture. We have a quote on the wall at the hospital. I am going to adopt it as my quote: "Every journey has its end, but in the end it is the journey that counts". Amen. And what a journey life is.
I don't save lives these days, don't run codes, don't bag people who cannot breathe, etc. But, I bring coffee and comfort to family members who wait for a loved one in surgery. I can visit an elderly woman who has had to go to a nursing home to stay while on chemo for lymphoma, hoping she can return to her home to continue to live independently as before chemo. It is the journey indeed. Everyone of us touches someone everyday in ways we may not even know and that is each of our journeys. Journey on Chemo Cruisers. LOL. O.K. off my soapbox now. I have been "preachy" lately. I just love life so much and see everyone of you as so very, very special.
Enjoy the beautiful Fall Alyson. Isn't it a beautiful season. We are really heating up here in So.Texas.
Brrrrr! Catherine. Hope that was Winter's last blast for you and yours. Wow!
Caryn, I have been trying to pry off some weight. Alyson inspired me to return to Weight Watchers. I am a little discouraged. I gained 0.2 lbs. this week. I walked 3 miles 3 times last week. I guess I ate too many of my points in Skinny Cows and WW treats. LOL. That sweet tooth is my nemesis. I will keep trying. Keep up the good work, Caryn and all of you who are trying to decrease your mass.
I have visited with 4 different plastic surgeons and have 4 different stories about my revision of my reconstruction. I am thoroughly confused. Diann, I will try to call you this weekend. I really want to stay in Victoria because I know the anesthesiologists and nurses here. After my scary experience in Houston for my lumpectomy in 2006, I just am not comfortable being with anesthesiologists and surgeons I don't know. Enough about that. I will let ya'll know what I decide to do.
Well, I have rambled long enough. Thinking of all of you, Leah, Terry, Phyl, Catherine, Marsha, Pat, Caryn, Alyson, MelanieW, Karen, Hillary, Diann. Has anyone heard from LuckyMel?
Hope I didn't forget anyone. Please forgive if I did. Love and hugs to all, Sammie Kay
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Hi, Karen!!! How not to remember you... you started this thread!!!
So glad to read your news... you may have more time for yourself now, with your children growing up for good... Enjoy!!
Life has been gentle here...apart from the aches and pains due to Aromasin, I cannot complain... my life did not change much, before and after are the same for us, but certainly with a renewed certitude that life is now... As Alyson writes, between translations, knitting for babies, cooking healthy (I have a few pounds to shed, though, especially since I discovere Lindt white coconut chocolate), gardening -- will have 2 big raised planters soon for starting veggies and herbs... I can't wait to go play in there -- walks with the dogs... music, books... days fly by quick. My DH has more difficulty walking but according to the latest neurologist he saw, it may not be Parkinson at all in the end and he may be able to walk another 10 years, even with a cane this is better than being in a wheel chair. He keeps very busy intellectually teaching, and this helps a lots. Waiting for quite a few visits this summer and planning a week in Palo Alto to do radiotherapy software testing (the French part) where I would be going with a German colleague... This is a project for which they cannot change horses in the middle of the river, so I have to go. This will remind me of my Houston years where, as an interpreter, I was moving around a lot. As you will have noticed, we do not write that much here but we are sticking around for one another, and when we have mostly good news to share, it is even better.
Hi, SammieKaye... I like your long note, could not agree more with your remarks... I wished you would not get so tired, though... I saw the temperatures down there... stay in the shade and don't get swine flue!!!
We had a crazy weather for the last 2-3 weeks alternating rapidly between heavy snow and summer temperatures. I just a few days grass turned green everywhere... I am slowly cleaning the leaves which protects plants... we are expecting showers for the next 3 days... we need it... then I'll prune the roses... by mid-May we should be in the clear to go get annuals and make lovely splashes of colours in planters and flower beds.
Leah, Melanie, Marsha, Pat, Hillary, Diann, Phyl, Alyson, Terry, Caryn, Jan, LuckyMel... sending hugs to all. Enjoy your week-end...
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I have been trying to upload a picture from my picture file and it doesn't appear. I went to my profile and said edit. Then where it says new picture, I clicked there and opened my picture files and that picture number was in the blank. But it doesn't take. HELP! Anyone who is not techno challenged like me. Hugs, SK
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Hi all! What's new and exciting?
Alyson - Ok, I have a stupid question. You don't call it "Fall?" Autum?
Leah - How is the grad party prep coming? Good for you being part time this month. All my recent long weekend did for me was make me want a real vacation! WAAAHHH! Thinking of you and sending hugs and congrats to your DD.
KAREN!! It's so great to see you! I think of you all the time, like everyone said, every time we see the top of a page. We've sure missed you. I'm so glad that the biopsy came back ok and that you are doing well.
SammieKay - I'm sometimes just lurking too. As I've mentioned, we're working out every night, and 2 or 3 times a week, I get in two workouts. By the time we get home, do a little in the garden and get a bite to eat, I'm ready to assume the position, watch tv for a bit, then off to bed. BTW, I just love that quote. Amen, indeed! Oh, and PPS, anyone who hasn't eaten a few too many Skinny Cows, just doesn't know what they are missing. Why I believe it's time for one now! Oh, and PPPS - there is a size limit on how big a photo can be when posting here. I would venture a guess that your are doing everything correct, but the picture that you want use is probably over the size limit. You can try reducing its slightly and see if that works.
Catherine - That's really good news about your DH hopefully being able to walk longer! I'm sure he was happy to hear that. Keep us posted. Oh my, coconut chocolate! Yes, it's definitely snack time!
Hi and hugs to Marsha, Terry, Phyl, Pat Melanie, Hillary (we miss you!), Diann, & anyone I may have missed. Love you guys!
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Not a stupid question but yes we call the season 'autumn'.
My question is what are skinny cows?
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Skinny Cows are ice cream treats that are well known in the dieting arenas such as Weight Watchers. They are low fat, low sugar and taste surprisingly good. Here is their website:
The ice cream sandwiches were the original treat... now they have branched out into all kinds of stuff!
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Hi all,
Hope it was a lovely weekend for all. We have had some much needed rain. It was nice today.
Still procrastinating about the spreading of new bark in the beds. I was dragging home all kinds of new cushions for some old patio furniture. So found a table and 4 chairs for a little more than the cushions, paint and labor to upgrade the old. It was a no-brainer for me. Out with the old and in with the new. Hee, hee.
Not much news hear. I am on hold about the recon. I did get a letter from my insurance saying they do find it medically necessary.
The weigh in at WW last week showed a 3 pound weight loss for me. That was encouraging after the previous week's disappointment. Remember, 0.2 pound gain. I continue to count points. Need to do more walking. Wed. at work, I walked 8500 steps. A bit over 3 miles. Isn't that wild? Fri. I walked 9200 steps. I have my pedometer from WW.
Isn't it great to have only silly things to talk about.
Hope you are enjoying your daughter's graduation celebration, Leah. What a wonderful thing for you and your daughter, graduation.
Alyson, are you still doing Weight Watchers? You inspired me to try again.
Caryn, I remember having to reduce the size of my pic before. I will have to try to figure out how to do that again. I am so proud of you for working out. Does it help your RA?
I am off to bed. Here come hugs all round. Take care and God bless each and everyone of you.
Love, Sammie Kay
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Just stopped by to see how everyone is and low and beholdno one has been here since last Monday. I hope everyone is fine and just busy. Love you all, Sammie Kay0
SammieKay, what a cute picture...
Wishing all the moms out there a lovely week-end...
I've been very busy between work and gardening... life is definitely back into the old groove here... which feels good!!
Thinking of you all everyday, though and sending big hugs around... Pat, Marsha, send us a little sign that you are faring ok...
Love to all
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I agree, its such a great picture SammieKay.Yes I am still doing WW - have had a patch were my weight has stayed much the same but I have been really trying this week so hopefully will be on the down again.
Its Mother's Day here as well this weekend. We are going out to DH's mothers place for lunch. She is 86 this year and other than getting a little forgetful is doing quite well. We are taking Bea out as a surprise.
Planted my daffodils yesterday and have some more things to plant later. The weather has turned quite cold very suddenly which is a bit of a shock. We had last weekend away in Queenstown which was great. The kids gave us a mystery weekend away for our 60th birthdays this year and luckily we got the place we wanted. It is a sky resort but of course there was no snow just on the tops however snow has fallen this week.
Catherine I have knitted a hat for Bea and just about finished a little cardigan for her. Feel much more like knitting now as it gets colder. We have even had a fire the last couple of nights.
Must get ready for Church or we will be late. Leah I wish we could get Skinny Cows here.
Big hugs to all. Have a great day.
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Happy Mother's Day! and Grandmothers! Aunts! Special Friends! I am happy my mom is still alive for me to celebrate her!
Yesterday was part I in the graduation festivities. The party is officially done. Next week, graduation! It was pouring when we woke up, so the "outside" plans were redone. However, by noon, the sun was tryig to come out, so we moved every thing again. I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. I truly did not think I would be here to see her when I found out I was stage IV back in Jan. 07, so you can imagine my delight to be here and in remission. It is really joyous in that sense!
Did I tell you I am thinking of having lasik? Now, your first thought might be that I am crazy, but I really want it. I have worn glasses for 44 years, (with some contacts years in between), but I am ready to be free of them. I am a candidate for "monovision"- where they correct one eye for distance and one eye for near. Only I want distance and middle, since I work on a computer for 12 hours/day. I would still be able to read, but if I were to take up fine needlework or something like that, I would need glasses to help magnify a bit.
So they try to mimic the whole thing with contacts, which I have been wearing for a week. They got the far and middle vision just fine. Close up things like a plate of food is a tad blurry, but not enough to complain about. Reading is fine. So I think I may just go for it. I did worry about my "return on the investment" as a Stage IV, but i don't care anymore. I also buy green bananas,,, and that new car I was afraid to buy now has 26,000 miles on it. So, this may be my birthday present to myself. I am 55 on June 5! feels rather momentous!!!! I thought I would be retiring at 55, but now that the portfolio is about 1/2 of what it was, I guess I will just keep going!
How are you all doing out there?
Much love.
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Forgot to say Hello! from Hilary. She and I spoke recently. She reads all our updates, but is afraid to get on because she can't confine herself to just our thread. She just doesn't want to go there.
But she is around, and is happy. Her classes (both as student and teacher) are going well. She has had some non-cancer related health issues with extreme reflux, etc. and is in the throes of getting those dealt with. We had a long discussion about stress... (sigh).
Love from her!
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Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
Leah, sounds like life is good for you. What a blessing. Another milestone, your daughter's graduation. The lasik surgery is great. I have several friends and family members who have had it and they are very happy with it.
I have a follow-up for my cataract surgery today. I have a reading lense and a distance lense, but I have amblioplia in my left eye, so I cannot read without glasses. I can see to drive without glasses, but everytime I need to read something I have to grab for the specs. A little dissappointing as I could read without glasses before my surgery. I also developed secondary cataracts(they say 90% of patients do) and will have a YAG laser procedure to remove those. It is a short, simple procedure done in the office and always successful. Just zap it. LOL
Thank you so much Leah for sending greetings from Hillary. Hi Hillary! I think of you often. So glad you are doing well. I have reflux. Take Nexium. Of course now my insurance doesn't want to pay for it anymore. They want me to buy OTC Prilosec. My doc will write a letter of medical necessity if the Prilosec doesn't do the job. I do not have indigestion or heartburn. Just regurgitation. Yuk.
Alyson, can't believe it is time for fire in the fireplace. The heat has moved in bigtime here in TX. I am kicking myself for not finishing the shrub bed rebarking and changes I needed to make. Now is is absolutely too hot. Enjoy the family time in around the fireplace. I love that.
Pat and Marsha think of you everyday and wondering how you are. Hugs and prayers for your health.
Catherine are you about through with the big jobs you had? Are you out it the yard these days? Are your flowers growing yet?
I better get busy, so I can get something done before the eye appt.
Love and hugs to all, Sammie Kay
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Hi everyone! Sorry I've not been posting very much but not because of anything bad. As a matter of fact I'm doing really well, not using oxygen in past 2 weeks at all and today I felt so good I painted my large kitchen and redecorated all by myself. Now that is what I call progress since even 1 month ago I couldn't exert at all without trouble breathing. yes I'm still doing avastin every 2 weeks and abraxane once monthly but June is scan time then we'll go from there and possibly stop chemo altogether. I have about 1 inch of hair but eyebrows and lashes next to nothing.
My employer had to by policy, terminate me since I hadnt' been able to return to work so I've been maneuvering through the 3rd party cobra payor jungle and making sure life insurance remains intact and all of that stuff. I've learned alot.
Like Sammie Kay says it IS HOT here in Tx.....they say it's running 10-15 degrees higher than it should be for this time, and we desperately need rain. I've done all the planting I'm going to do for this year and just have to keep watering to keep things alive. The daylillies are so pretty right now and the Lilly of the Nile is blossoming like crazy. I have both the purple as well as the white ones.
Glad to hear everyone is doing well! Take care!
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Pat, thank you so much for the update... so glad to read your good news... stay in the shade and enjoy the sight of your hard work in your garden... don't overdo it, ok? We just had two big raised planters built and paved around nicely, for our 27th anniversary tomorrow... I will plant everything for ratatouille this week (tomatoes, eggplants, zucchinis, green peppers...) and plenty of herbs... not to mention leeks for the Fall (4 times more expensive here than in France...)... I am sore, a bit worried about my arm getting a bit puffy, but happy to get to play in dirt for a while (good stuff, too... real compost)... this means a lot of watering ahead... but I love watering first thing in the morning and "visit" with plants...
Take care, and come back soon to say hi... hope the insurance situation will be ok... what a system!!
SammieKaye, wil have to skype so you show me how to do the lymphatic drainage massage: from wrist to shoulder or the other way around...?
Love to all,
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Pat, so great to hear from you. So glad you are feeling better. Crossing everything that your scans will show improvement. Will you qualify for SSI now that you aren't working? I sure hope so. You shouldn't have to pay for COBRA. Seems like you should qualify for early Medicare.
Catherine, how about Sat. morning for the Skype get together and the instructions for lymph drainage? Let me know. Your new planting area sounds great. Hmmmm fresh herbs and veggies. I would love to have some of those elevated planting beds. Soooo Nice.
Better get into bed as it is close to midnight and I get up at 5:30 am.
Hugs and warm thoughts to all.
Love, Sammie Kay
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Just a really quick hello! I am in Watercolor Fl with grandkids, dd, ddinlaw, and friends...12 total. Having such a good time...except for the time in in ER last night with Natalie. It was just nursemaid arm, but quite an ordeal. If anyone ever needs urgent care while in Destin, I highly recommend Sacred Heart hospital. They were just I have ever seen. I will try to catch up later with the posts as I am very behind. I thought the construction projects would be behind me by now...still a couple of more weeks to go.
Thinking of you all....
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Sammie; I just noticed your pic! I am seeing a lot of my features in your face...
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Could you be my long lost daughter? LOL... Love u, Sammie Kay
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I forgot when I mentioned using Skype today, that my laptop is very sick. Mike is trying to fix it. I am using his computer now and it doesn't have Skype. I found a website that gives some instructions for lymph drainage. Also, I could send you the instructions that the Physical Therapist wrote down for me. They are pretty straightforward. Love you, Sammie Kay