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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • hockeymomfl
    hockeymomfl Posts: 73
    edited February 2007
    Hi Carynn,
    I agree with Linnie. If they slow down the Cytoxin it should help with the headaches. I got a burning sensation in my nose when they gave it to me and when they slowed it down, that fixed the problem.
    By the way I am also an IT geek. Managed an operations, database and systems admin group for a multinational for quite sometime. Now do IT project management. Needed to get away from the 24 x 7 oncall, as we supported world dependent systems.
    Wonder does IT stress have anything to do with BC???:)LOL

    Have a wonderful night ladies.
    Keep on sailing:)
  • marshakb
    marshakb Posts: 796
    edited February 2007
    I Carynn, the catahoula leopard dog owner is me. Actually I have a boy and girl from the same litter. They are half catahoula and half Lab. My boy, Max, is white/cream and looks and acts (dumb as dirt) just like a Lab. Pale green eyes, he is a looker. The girl, Roxie, looks and acts like the catahoula (SO smart sometimes it scares us LOL) She is chocolate color with white stripes on her face, legs and bellow. Light amber eyes. Kinda exotic and prissy. Very unusual looking pair I must say. They will be 4 this spring, we got them at 7 weeks. Spoiled rotten doesn't even begin to describe since we don't have kids.

    Chemo #2 for me next Wednesday. Glad to hear from those with that under their belts. How about the hair, how is everyone doing there? I feel like I am in the "zone" just waiting, kinda freaked......

    Hugs all around, Marsha
  • Maryjoe26
    Maryjoe26 Posts: 2
    edited February 2007
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Mary. Starting this year, my mom was diagnosed with BC in stage 1. She had a masectomy last month and started the Chemo last week.
    I´m totally worried about what´s going to happen to her with, and after the treatments.
    Could you please give me any information you may have about the treatments?
    I´ll appreciate your reponse.
  • horsegal
    horsegal Posts: 72
    edited February 2007
    Marsha -
    I also have a dog named Max - how funny! He is a 180 lb. rottweiller. Biggest baby ever!!!

    I go for my #2 tx next Tuesday - and yesterday (day 17) and I ended up buzzing off my hair. It was falling out like crazy and I just figured it was time. This was not easy, but today I did have my wig on and went to the mall and out to dinner with my family - and no one was staring at me like the freak I thought I was! So, good news!

    Hang in there!! Jen
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited February 2007
    Hi guys..thanks for the tips on slowing it down. I will mention it next time. Still no bone pain, but still a headache that I cant kick. Sigh..Strange that it didnt start until an hour or so after I got home. The nurse did ask me a few times while there if I was getting a headache, and it was a no..hmm...I sure hope it's gone by tomorrow. I was hoping not to need any sleep aids, but like others have mentioned, the steroids do seem to be keeping me awake. All in all, not the worst symtoms, but annoying.

    Marsha, too funny about the catahoulas:) Mines name is Jake, got her at 6 months, she's (yes, Jake's a girl) almost 7 now. She is everything I've ever read about the breed and then some! She was the only one in the litter that didnt look like the typical catahoula. More like a hound, with the spots on her legs.

    Sweet dreams all:)
  • lynne45
    lynne45 Posts: 5
    edited February 2007
    It sounds like we are in similar situations. First chemo went well, although they put me on steroids the day before, during and after which really made me hyperactive. At least I cleaned out most of my closets! I gave myself the Nuelasta shots without much side effects--I've been doing accupuncture, and I think this helps with joint/bone pain issues. I took the anti-nausea pills (zofran) but didn't need them and think they caused me some problems down the road. I hope not to have to take them next time. My only real complaint is constant thirst and mouth sores, which I hear should go away soon. I'm waiting now to see when my hair starts going--probably just in time for a party on March 3!

    I hope your second treatment went well. I am optomistic about the side effects of this treatment as well as its survival/disease-free survival statistics. It was hard to do this knowing that the oncotype might one day show it wasn't necessary, but I feel good knowing that I'm doing everything I can at this point in time. I don't want to ever look back over my shoulder on this one.

    The toughest part is for my girls--the chemo seems to scare them more than the surgery did. I'm doing so well that I would think they would be reassured, but I think they have heard too many stories at this point.

    It's good to know you're one ahead of me! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited February 2007
    Hi Mary - You will be able to find tons of info here. Since everyone responds a little different, I would just kind of nose thru the threads, starting with the "just diagnosed" and kind of poke around from there. Check out the Treatments section of the website as well - really good info there.

    Best of luck to you and your mom. It's totally natural to feel this anxiety, it does get easier as treatments progress and one begins to feel more in control.

    Take care, pop in anytime for a question, and let us know how your Mom's doing:)
  • ErinsGram
    ErinsGram Posts: 150
    edited February 2007
    Morning' All. Just popping in for a quick read and post. Thanks for all the updates. Have my 2nd tx Monday. Still have all my hair. Last night I did a very nice 'pruning' of the eyebrows, getting ready for the new headwear. Heading to Florida early next Saturday for bike week. Back the following Friday so I can do the time change Sunday morning.

    Carynn - I installed a Z9 in September. Planned to do my Z/OS 1.7 upgrade next month but I suspect it won't happen. I'm doing 2 software upgrades Sunday afternoon, just trying to stay on top of things. I do all my work from home - sure is nice considering we're in for another storm tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully it won't put my trip to the hospital for chemo in jeopardy. btw - my health care provider is also my employer. We're the largest rural health care system in the nation and have frequently been presented the 'Most Wired' award.

    Gotta run - teaching a software class this morning.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.
  • lightphoto
    lightphoto Posts: 60
    edited February 2007
    Hi Marsha,
    I still have my hair also but my scalp has been really sore. Yesterday I went to see my hair dresser, she had a couple of hats for me and I told her about my scalp hurting and she said I am going to loose my hair. Ouch I am not ready but I know that it will grow back. I had it cut short and I am only loosing a few strands here and there but every day I get up I praise God for my hair. I have my next round also on Wednesday. I will be thinking of you. I have a port so that will help because I hate needles. I still can not believe on what you had to go through with the nurses. I would of screamed to. Have a good day and keep strong.
    God bless.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Posts: 796
    edited February 2007
    Mary, sounds like they caught your moms BC early since she is stage 1. THAT is great news. I too had a single mastectomy, stage 2 and my surgeon (Dr. Dreamy haha) said he got all the cancer and the chemo was just a preventative measure. So that is the way to look at it. Most of us here have had minimal side effects after chemo #1. Has your mom had any other tests done after the surgery like PET scans etc? The most relieved I've felt was after a clear PET scan showing no other "areas" of concern. Come back here often, ask anything, or just pop in if you need a giggle or to vent.

    180 lb Rottweiler?????? WOW that one could eat you out of house and home. LOL Bet people don't just pop in on you unannounced!

    Gonna be away from the puter this weekend. five of us broads having a slumber party today/tonight. Thought if I was gonna lose the hair it would be now so we were gonna name my head. So far hair still on my head instead of my pillow so not shaving yet! Have lost a few "down there". Took a washcloth and SCRUBBED the leg/underarm hair but it seems to be hanging on for dear life. HAHAHA

    Have a great weekend everyone! Love to all, Marsha
  • marshakb
    marshakb Posts: 796
    edited February 2007

    Theresa, well we can hold virtual hands on Wednesday. I have aa port also, the Power Port that can do blood draws too. The wrist draw they did was for blood counts and was told they only use the port for blood draws when they are also doing infusions. My blood draw was done by a phlebotomist not an infusion nurse. They are the only ones allowed to draw from it apparently. Have a blessed weekend. Marsha

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited February 2007
    Hi Catherine! I just saw your post from yesterday! Headache still there, may try the Advil today. Did the cold wash cloth yesterday and it really helped as long as it was there. Also took a long aroma therapy bath which helped, but the darn thing keeps coming back...

    As for work, I'm an IT Manager for an Airline, so I'm usually in the office around 6:00 am to be available for our east coast operations. I dont currently have any active projects in Europe, but we do fly there, so one never knows;) I work with our Linux/Unix, Windows and Mainframe hardware teams. So as new systems are proposed, we provide architecture, pricing, etc. So I can always find something to do no matter what the time of day;)

    I'm with you on the faries, if you see one today, send her my way;)

    Hugs! Carynn
  • hockeymomfl
    hockeymomfl Posts: 73
    edited February 2007
    Hi Lynne45,
    My 2nd tx did not go too well and I am currently off treatment until Monday when I meet with the Onc to decide what next.
    She said it is unusual for someone to have a reaction the 2nd time. It turns out I am only the second person they have seen this happen to. She said I must metabolize the meds differently.
    Will keep you posted of next step.
    Best of luck.
  • southtx
    southtx Posts: 17
    edited February 2007
    Hey fellow Cruisers, 17 days post first tx a/c. My hair hurts!!! Scalp is very tender, and hair all over the place.
    Next treatment is March 1, hopefully. I've had a reoccuring cellulitis in my breast, but I'd rather get the chemo over with, so I hope it's a go.
    Some of you guys, especially you with small kids, have a really hard row to hoe. My kids are 23, and 26 and in college. They're eager be the "mom", maybe too much of the time. It seems they boss me around a lot lately!!!
    Hugs to everyone,
  • lindaDK
    lindaDK Posts: 6
    edited February 2007
    Hi Feb gals, I haven't posted in awhile, been having a time with Onc's and their different opinions. 1st one said 4 x taxtore/cytoxin; 2nd said 6 x taxtore/carboplatin + herceptin. 3rd said he took my case to his board and got mixed opinions between the 2 different cocktails and got different opinions also, and the best choice for me is to go with my gut feeling. He said if I was pisitive nodes etc..there would be no question on how to treat me. I was mortified, this is not like I'm trying to decide if I need stiches or not cause I sliced my big toe!! The issue seems to be the HER2, IHC said 2+, FISH came back 2.13 which could still be considered borderline? I went back to my 1st Onc and decided to start me on the 4 X T/C and have the FISH test redone, if comes back I am actually Her + , he will then add herceptin. Anyone else have such a time with their HER2? Everywhere I read people are either overly amplified like a 3+ or negative, I can find no one that is borderline.

    Anyway I had my bilateral 1/26; a port will be put in on 3/1 and start chemo on 3/8, then on to rads, one margin was considered positive, the little burger was sitting to close to my chest wall to get adequate clear margin. I start chemo just within 6 weeks of my surgery. I hope I haven't waited to long to start my treatment.

    What a mess and I've only just begun!!
  • linnieva
    linnieva Posts: 80
    edited February 2007
    Hi Linda,
    I have the same problem with HER2 test; came back 2.3 but the way the pathologist stated his findings, he seemed to considered it negative. Even my onc didn't understand it. So, we decided to go forward with the dense dose for now and add herceptin possibly at the end. I think she's going to ask for a re-test also. Can't be simple, can it?

    How are you feeling after your bilateral?

  • lindaDK
    lindaDK Posts: 6
    edited February 2007
    Hi Linnie, I know, what you mean about it can't be simple.

    I'm feeling great after my surgery. I've had no problems with it at all. In and out of the hosp in a day, driving the next week. I have expanders, did that before I realized I will need rads also, so I might loose my right side we'll see. They are a bit odd getting use to though, they're heavy feeling, you definitely know something is on your chest. I hope the final implants will be more comfortable.

  • MAJ01
    MAJ01 Posts: 14
    edited February 2007
    Hi Everyone,

    Been away for a few days and have hours worth of reading.

    Marsha - I love your stories. Can you post pics of your catahoulas..they sound like a hoot.

    Has anyone had a "Reach to Recovery" Visitor? They are a trained volunteer from AMC. Anyways a nice lady who has been a 22 year survivor came out to visit. She brought a stack of information/gifts including pamphlets on Exercises recommended to prevent Lymphedema.

    Terry, my second AC treatment is also on Thursday.
    I'll be holding your hand!! My hair is also falling out all over the place and scalp is so sensitive that I couldn' wear a wig right now if I wanted too. I hope this passes.

    Quite a few of us in IT. I've been working Global Support for Oracle over 8 years now..I also wonder if IT stress is the culprit.

    Have a great night Virtual Friends
  • horsegal
    horsegal Posts: 72
    edited February 2007
    Catherine -
    I just have to tell you that I admire the way you are handling all of this! You definitely keep us all going! I too have been shoveling snow - much to my dh dismay, but I have to keep reminding him that I am NOT an invalid! I read everyone's side effects and actually feel quite guilty, as I don't have many. I do have an 11 yr old daughter, but she is so independent and takes care of herself pretty much. She has been so wonderful thru this so far - always wanting to help out when she can and giving me pointers now on my wig and hat wearing! Too cute!

    I go for my 2nd tx on Tuesday, so not sure if side effects will increase or not - I'm hoping NOT! I really don't have much fatigue either - been sooo busy working on getting house ready to put on market tho and I am more tired than usual. I am a person that rarely just sits - always doing something. But, I still am riding my horse, and cleaning out his stall - so I don't feel so bad!!

    I hope you keep up the good days and I look forward to hearing all that you are doing!

  • horsegal
    horsegal Posts: 72
    edited February 2007
    Carynn -

    I too had the awful headache for days after my first tx - I used to get migraines, the past several years I think I've switched to cluster headaches - so I'm used to having them unfortunately. For the past few years, I have found that Extra Strength Bayer Plus (plus for stomach upset) works the best. I have also used Excedrin Migraine, but they do upset my stomach. I asked my onc about using either Bayer or Excedrin if I do get one my "headaches" during this tx time - and she told me it was fine to use either. So, I did try Tylenol for my headache right after my 1st tx, and when that didn't work = I did use the Bayer and it worked! Had to take it a few times, but at least it kept the headache at bay = you should probably call your onc and ask before you take it - but it did work for me!

    Good Luck! Jen
  • horsegal
    horsegal Posts: 72
    edited February 2007
    Melody -

    I too had a CALL from a Reach to Recovery volunteer. They just phone you here apparently! She was a 35 yr survivor!! Made me feel better for sure! She was dx about the same time as Shirley Temple Black and Betty Ford she told me! WOW! She was also very nice -

    Funny how everyone seems to have a sore scalp with the hair loss - I have not had a sore scalp at all, but my hair also was just falling out! I was shedding worse than our dog! So, I just got frustrated and buzzed it off! But that was Thursday, and my scalp isn't sore - have been wearing my wig and hats since. I'm just sick already of having to have something on my head all the time!! And to think I've just begun - UGH! LOL

    Marsha -
    Hope you had a great weekend with your friends! YES, I have a big dog! He greats everyone, of course, with the normal I need to smell your parts greeting, and it does scare most half to death!! But he is the biggest baby - most loving dog I have owned (and I have owned a lot!) I will try and post a pic of him if I can!


    Hugs, Jen
  • wayover20
    wayover20 Posts: 191
    edited February 2007
    Greetings everyone! I spent all day Saturday working in my yard cleaning up the flowerbeds and watering. It was a gorgeous day full of sunshine. My hair loss is progressing in that when the breeze would blow and move my hair, it would hurt. And I am shedding like my cat right now. My hairdresser said she would buzz me but she's closed tomorrow (Sunday) so I may just go buy some clippers and do it myself.

    2nd chemo is 3/1 and I'm ready to get it going although that horrible headache I got with the first one....I had my oncologist give my a prescription for darvocet and I have it ready.

    Has anyone noticed bluish discolorations on your fingernails??? I noticed it on my thumbs only, at the bottom portion.

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Posts: 191
    edited February 2007
    Ok so I got the pic in!! And this is with my shortest ever hairdo. Next comes the clippers here very soon.

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Posts: 382
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning!

    I'm also having my second treatment on Tuesday -- they'll be a lot of holding of virtual hands!

    I haven't posted recently, but have been avidly reading. I haven't gotten the headache, but did have mild nausea at least through day 9. The compazine was making me dizzy, so I'm switching to Zofran for cycle 2. My counts were very low at one week (day 8), so I had to go back on Friday (day 11) and they were perfectly normal! This is a good thing, as I have to deal with 22 snotty-nosed six year olds today for my son's b-day party!

    I also haven't seen any major hair loss or had any scalp tingling yet. My hair is very thick and I shed a lot normally. Doesn't seem to be accelerated. Dare I hope? Nah, just a pipe dream LOL!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

    -- Hillary
  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Posts: 382
    edited February 2007

    There have been do many horror stories about blood draws that I wanted to post my experiences, along with some tips that might help. I go to a big comprehensive cancer center that has a whole floor just for breast cancer. There are two phlebotomists dedicated to this floor. This way they got to know us and our veins. Here's what they do:

    1. When possible, do a finger stab. If all you're doing is a WBC, you can get enough blood. It's a bit more painful, but spares the veins.

    2. Always warm the area. They use the Infant heel warmers and put it on the lower arm and hands (for vein draws) or just the fingers (for finger sticks). In fact, before my chemo, the nurse soaks my whole arm in warm water. This supposedly makes it easier to see the veins.

    3. Always use a butterfly needle.

    4. Go slowly.

    I hope that you folks can use these tips to "educate" the bozos that seem to have been poking you!

    -- Hillary
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning everyone!

    First, thanks Jen:) It's better today (just below the surface) but it has been constant. Its sooo frustrating because honestly other than this, I would be fine! I NEVER get headaches so it's hard to be so zapped by one. I have friends and relatives who have migrain issues, but I've never been troubled by them. I cowboy'd up and went to dinner with friends Saturday night and was really happy that I did, even tho it made me a total couch potato yesterday. I am planning on going back to work tomorrow, so I sure hope it clears up today!

    You go Pat! It was 70 degrees here yesterday, and I dont think I even stuck my head outside. I cant wait until I can get back in my hot tub. We live at the base of a Mountain Preserve in town and the view from the spa is so pretty. So, even if I'm not up to doing the work that you, Jen, and Catherine are pulling off, I cant wait to sit outside and veg out and enjoy. BTW, no nail discoloration yet for me, but I did notice little tiny head rushes today. You know, like when you take cold medicine or something. Could scalp tingling actually be starting on day 4? It's ok if it is, I didnt get to tell you all tho that I got 2 wigs from ACS on Friday and I really like them. So much so, that I was going to use the insurance and get a really nice one and now I'm not so sure! I'm a natural blond, I got one red (almost maroon, and one kind of 2 tone blond). Also got a cute hat, scarves and headcovers. I think I'm good.

    Hey Marsha, we miss you! We want the details of the slumber party since we were all there virtually.

    I hope everyone has a great day today, smooth sailing!

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Posts: 382
    edited February 2007

    Carynn --

    I can't believe you're not going out in 70 degree weather? I only wish! Our cold spell coincided with the start of my chemo, so I've been stuck inside most of the time. We're even going to get snow today!

    I'm hoping for an early spring!

    -- Hillary
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited February 2007
    Hillary, I know, I know! I will venture out at some point today, headache be damned!
  • horsegal
    horsegal Posts: 72
    edited February 2007
    I also go to a breast cancer center. The entire building is for breast cancer only patients, which is great on one hand, but sad on another - just knowing that ALL the women I see there are in my same boat in some stage! YUK!

    I do not have a port - they prefer not to use them unless absolutely necessary, due to more problems with infections with the ports. I get one stick - they place the needle with two mini ports - then they draw the blood, then use that for the IV. First thing they do before they stick me is put a hot water bottle on my arm - it opens the veins so they can see it better! I use the hot water bottle even when the cytoxin is going in - they say it helps! They even gave me my own personal water bottle!

    Hopefully my #2 tx goes as well as #1 on Tuesday!

  • wayover20
    wayover20 Posts: 191
    edited February 2007
    It's amazing how opinions differ from dr. to dr. Both my surgeon and my oncologist (at different visits) said I would need a port right off the bat. They didn't look to see what kind of arm veins I had or anything, just said it matter of fact. And my surgeon said speaking of my chemo nurses "and they better take care of this port, make sure they clean it properly and always wear gloves".
    I'm thankful I have it so it spares my only arm left for needlesticks if needed.

    Carynn...your "yard" sounds wonderful!! My home is a very modest wood frame in a neighborhood struggling to keep the positive element in while fighting off the bad. I live in the home that was built for us back in 1956. Both my parents have passed on and my brothers and sisters (5 of us) have their own homes and familys. My daughter (22yrs) and I live here with our 2 cats, 1 Daschund, and a finch and we are very happy!
    Well, last night and worse this morning, my hair is falling like crazy and it hurts when I try to comb it. So I'm off to buy some clippers and get someone to take it off. Have a good day ladies.