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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • tampachick
    tampachick Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2007
    I need to know what your doc charges or charged for Adriamycin per unit. I am going out of network so they are charging me $792 (9 units) and Cigna only allows $225!
    I want to appeal but need ballpark figures of what your insurance co is submitting. Please check out your Explanation of Benefits if you are in network and let me know?
    Thanks all!
  • tropicmom
    tropicmom Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2007
    Hi all. I'm checking in. Had the first cocktail today. I'm doing herceptin and navelbine. Everything went well. The infusion nurses are b&*%es, didn't like them at all. and they didn't like my sense of humor. my last nurse was ok, talkative and giving lots of information. I'm feeling ok, but a little "chilly" and some tiny bit of nausea. I'm not really supposed to have s/e from this cocktail, so I'm thnking this is just post stress from waiting to finally getting this started. I'll take the compazine and go night night and wake up and be fine for work tomorrow!
    Good night ladies, take care.
  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited February 2007
    Tampacheck -- No help here -- I'm doing everything in network and all out-patient drugs are free.

    Tropicmom-- good to hear back from you.

    I'll update tomorrow afternoon after we here from the Thursday bar crowd!

    Sleep well all ...

    -- Hillary
  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited February 2007

    Hi all, just checking in and getting ready for #2 tomorrow. For some reason this week was alot more fatigue than last week. No nausea or anything else, just feel like NO energy at all. Anyway, tomorrows the day so I'll check in as soon as I can. Thanks, Pat

  • hockeymomfl
    hockeymomfl Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies,
    Marsha you are certainly a character:) It sounds like you made that man's year!
    Jen and Angel best of luck on your next voyage.
    Thanks to all for the well wishes.
    G.I. Jel
  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2007
    Marsha; Hillarious!!! Laughter truly is the best medicine. We have also had a bit of fun with the rubber TA TA's...

    Phyl; I do believe you are right. I am not on the Manifest. hmmmm...maybe I am a stowaway...

    To everyone with the constipation issues, I am using Wal Mart's Equate brand vegetable laxative. It is working very well for me...very gentle. I am taking 2 about every 3 days, but I may go to 1 every night.

    I had an MRI yesterday of my right shoulder. Onc says we better just check it out. Terrible headache yesterday, so I just came home and slept. Much better today.

    DH came home to check on me and brought a huge arrangement of tropical flowers! My friend Lauren from Hawaii sent them. What a great way to start my day!

    Hillary; I bet you look FAB in your bowler hat. I am trying to figure out a way to go without the wig. I hate the way it feels, but I am sure we will all get used to it.

  • swimmingmom
    swimmingmom Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2007

    Went to the dr again today. My port is worse. Changed antibiotics. They think it might be resistant to antibiotics-from work. I feel like when I was diagnosed-pretty scared. Karen

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2007
    Name/User Name Loc Chemo Start

    1 Karen swimmingmom Ohio 2/15
    2 Hillary narberthmom Southeastern PA ACX4 (every 2wks), TX4 (every 2wks)
    3 Marsha marshakb Florida DD Chemo 2/7
    4 Melody maj01 Texas 2/5 port 2/9 Chemo 4xAC
    5 Phyllis erinsgram Central PA 2/12 4xAC (2 weeks) 4 xP 2 Weeks
    6 Cynthia cynthis1962 California 2/16 - surgery and port
    7 Linnie was Linda #1 linnieva Virginia 2/6 Chemo 4xAC (2 weeks) 4xT
    8 Pat wayover20 Texas Chemo 2/8 big birthday on 2/11 and need for hugs!
    9 Catherine cahterineh Colorado Chemo 2/13
    10 Leah leahrc Massachusetts BX on 1/29 Chemo on 2/1 Our first + thoughts for March Surgery
    11 Linda lindasuzy Seattle 1/29 surgery Chemo late Feb
    12 Kim nynurse NY Start 2/1 (first of the group)
    13 Mary reggio113 South Jersey Port 2/5 Chemo 2/14 Happy Valentines!
    14 Jen horsegal Ohio Chemo 2/6 - 4xAC (3 weeks)
    15 laronson laronson Surgery the week of Feb 5th
    16 LuLu (Linda #3) piper Port 2/12 - Chemo 2/22
    17 SammieKay Port 2/5 Chemo 2/13 12 wks taxol - Then FAC
    18 Terry talbrig13 Altoona, PA MUGA 2/7 Chemo 2/9
    19 Sheryl49 Sheryl49 Chemo 2/7 4xAC (3 weeks)
    20 Nancy Nancy053 Chemo 2/8 4xAC (2 wks) 3xT (2 wks)
    21 Joey85 Boston, MA Chemo 2/9 4xAC (2 wks) - 12 Wks Taxol 12Yr Heceptin
    22 Sharon Misspell Chemo 2/19 or 2/22
    23 KimberlyC KimberlyC Ventura County Chemo 2/20 ACIV dose dense x4 - Taxol x4
    24 Julie for Mom (jch) jch Chemo 2/6 AC
    25 Tracy madoline Texas Chemo 2/8 ACx4
    26 Scott and Theresa lightphoto
    27 Carynn comandobarbie Arizona DD Chemo 2/22 AC + T
    28 Lynn maclean
    29 Steph TampaChick
    30 FreeThought 2/13, Chemo 2/14
    31 ronnee07 MN Start 2/27
    32 Tonimad9
    33 Sallyann
    34 Tropicmom
    35 Lorilat Eastern Ontario Chemo 2/23
    36 Alyson Chemo 2/22
    37 Playwriter Texas
    38 WendyPetru Champaing IL. Chemo Start 2/28
    39 Sybil 4Sybil 2/15
    40 BelindaL Austraila Chemo Start 2/23
    41 MelanieW
    Honorary Feb Cruisers
    1 LindaDK
    2 Taurie
    3 Cindie
    4 GI Jel
    5 Angel
    6 Jan
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2007
    Ok girls, I think I've updated the list. Plz let me know if I've made any errors. Honorary FCC's and those who have disembarked, we hope you'll check in and let us know how you're doing!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited March 2007
    Steph sorry you are having trouble with the out of network thing. I don't have insurance so have no clue what they pay.

    Tropicmom, some of these health care workers are unbelievable! And then us, trying to have a sense of humor to get us through, the least they could do is give a little smile. Maybe you should have said in a real sweet voice "I'm so sorry you are having a bad day, it must be awful walking around with that hair up your ass". At least you would have got a laugh for yourself!

    Tracy, Melodie Pat and Leah, how did it go today? hope you sailed through.

    Melanie, what a lovely surprise your friend sent. What would we do without those girlfriends? After all they probably know us better than our own family does (warts and all) What is wrong with your shoulder?

    GI Jel, Jan and Angel so sorry to see you embark, check in all let us know how things are going.

    Karen honey, bless your heart. Is it infected? Hope they can get you back to the bar by next week. You are back to the land of the unknown and we all know how that feels. Big hug to you (((((((((((KAREN))))))))))))))

    How is everyone else feeling this week after your cocktail? I had mine yesterday and noticed I was tired today which I wasn't last time. I guess it just builds up in there. Even felt queasy. Went to the accupuncture and that helped. When I washed my hair this morning it just came out in stands down my back. It is thin and still shedding but my hubby said it is still thicker than alot of peoples (I had very thick hair) We sat outside and he brushed the tangles out and lots more and I just sat there and cried. Everybody says the same thing "It'll grow back" Well duh...I know that!!! That is not the point! Oh well, better take a xanax and go brush my hair again LOL Love and sweet dreams to my fabulous friends, Marsha

    Carynn, thanks for the listings honey, you are anal aren't you?? HAHAHA
  • linnieva
    linnieva Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2007
    Hi everyone,

    Help! Is anyone besides me having issues with being really hyper? I actually felt better during the first week after my two chemos than I have the second week. About five days after chemo (Saturday) the sleeping issue kicks in and here we are the next Thursday and I feel like I'm totally wacked out on caffeine. I want to be lethargic at this point. When I talked to the onc nurse on Tuesday she says it's the decadron but I haven't taken it for a week. It wouldn't be so bad but I feel like my heart is racing and that worries me. I thought my new friend, xanax, would help but it hasn't. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks!

    Hope everyone is doing well who cruised this week. I'm so sorry Karen that you're having problems with your port. You really need to catch a break. It's not fair.

    Carynn and Hillary - thanks for keeping everything updated!

    Marsha, you are such a crack up. Sorry about the hair; I'm right there with you sister. Mine is like yours, so thick that even though I've lost half of it, the only place I've lost it all is right at the center part. It'll probably go after next Tuesday's 3rd treatment, though.

  • swimmingmom
    swimmingmom Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2007

    OK to make everything stink, now my hair is falling out!! Getting it shaved tomorrow. Yep, the port is infected-scared as hell because it is red as hell. I hope the new antibiotic works. karen

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2007
    Who me? Anal? Oh wait, while I adjust my glass to the center of my coaster!

    Karen, I'm so sorry to hear your having a bad run these past couple of days. Sending good thoughts your way for quick healing from both the port and the hair! (I still have hair, but it's always been baby fine. Always been able to make it look great with lots of product. Not now!)

    Ok. Is it me or would anyone else like just a couple hour break from the 3 day walk commercials!

    Linnie - too bad we cant trade SE's for a day. I have 0 energy and now seem to get a slight headache daily. I certainly wouldnt wish the headaches on ya, but I'd like some energy for a day. All my SE's have been managable, but with the next treatment just days away I guess this might be the "new normal" for me for a while. Glad to be on DD tho, it will go quickly!

    Tropic Mom - sorry to hear about the nurses. I'm with Marsha, but I absoultely would have said something nasty but with a big smile.

    Well, getting ready to go watch Survivor. So glad they already did the gross eating thing...not sure I could handle it 2x!

    Good night all!
  • MAJ01
    MAJ01 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2007
    Hello FCC,

    I'm just checking in. Not feeling well after 2nd round today. So I'll catch up with everyone in a day or two.

    Take care..hope everyone is sailing through

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2007
    Good night to you all, wonderful ladies. Day 3 after second AC (on Tuesday), I felt the worst today so far: my stomach was very bubbly, the whole plumbing reminded me of a Gromit animation movie... I had a shorter walk this morning (because of icy patches that don't make walking much fun), and took it very easy this afternoon, and just had my Ativan, ready to go night-night... I wonder whether the Emend is already not as efficient as it was the first time around. I do not take Kytril during the day on Emend days, but may have to try it tomorrow if I feel that queazy again. On the hair front, I am exactly in the norm, from what I read here: sore scalp, half of my very short hair stayed in the shower this morning, was surprised to still have hair on my head... so uncomfortable, I am now hoping it will go fast. Decided to go walking with musk rat fur on my head: I kept for 30 years a nice musk-rat fur shapka-ushanka, a Russian fur hat with ear flaps bought in Leningrad when I was teaching French there. It got a bit tight over the years (totally unused during my 11 Houston years ), but with almost no hair left, it fitted just great, comfy and warm and soft... and we had another 6 inches of snow yesterday, the air was crisp, that was perfect...
    Well I wish you all to steadily improve to enjoy the time left before the next round... 11 full days to make the most of... Special thoughts for those with complications and work issues, all this is so stressful.
    Big hugs to all,
  • horsegal
    horsegal Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2007
    Hi all -

    So sorry for all of you that are having issues with SE! I am Day 4 from #2 - and feel great! I spent yesterday at home, lying on the couch most of the day - probably overdid a bit on Day 2, but it was totally worth it!

    I have had NO nausea or queaziness, NO headaches, and NO heartburn this time!! Things I did different this tx - started taking Prilosec OTC every day since tx #1, had them slow down the drip, made them give me the entire bag of the saline, and drank two cups of beef broth along with water during infusion (have no idea if that helped actually, but will definitely do it next time, just in case!)

    Take the senekot every night for the first few days after tx, and my ambien at night. Not having any issues with those things either this time!

    So far this time, GOOD! My mom here - can't beleive it's going this well! Hopefully next time is just as good.

    Hugs to all! Jen
  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited March 2007
    Good morning cruisers!
    Marsha....I love you! My father-in-law caught a "boob" while fishing in the ocean on vacation...we sure had fun with that.
    SwimmingMom...I am having port issues too. I went Wednesday to get my stitches out. The nurse really had to pull on them and it bled a little. I had a little fluid in the pocket, but they said it would go away. Well, I got up Thursday and my whole chest and shoulders hurt and there was even more fluid. So I called the surgeons office and the nurse said to come right in, maybe it needed drained. So I go in and the surgeon says "well we need to make sure it is not leaking. If it is leaking it needs to be taken out" So I am in shock. He sends me the the hospital to get a dye test done. Of course, they cannot access the port...there is too much fluid. The radiologist and the IV team nurse both say"why didn't he drain this?" And it hurt when they stuck me there. All this thick clear fluid came out. The IV team nurse said he would not do the infusion of dye because he would be pushing the fluid into my system. The port was rolling around in the fluid. So they called the doctor and he said...I'll come up and do it myself. The Radiologist also told me that it is unlikely it is leaking, since the fluid was not bloody and they used it for chemo last week. When the doctor got there the Radiologist talked to him for a long time and he came out and talked to me and didn't try to inject me again. I am so upset with the surgeon's office. Now I have to take an antibiotic and go see him again today. And of course he is in his nonlocal office today, so I have to drive an hour one way.
    I think they call this thing a "seroma"....Does anyone know why they couldn't just drain the fluid off?
    So, other than having a sore, tight chest and shoulders, I am fine, after my meltdown yesterday.
    Oh well...another bump in the road I guess....
    Love to all, glad everyone is doing okay with some minor SEs.
  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2007
    Terry, thinking of you and hoping that this new bump on the road will be soon forgotten, same for Karen... Big hugs to you both.
  • southtx
    southtx Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2007
    Hey Fellow Cruisers,
    Had #2 A/C yesterday!!! Yea, half way done!! Minimal headache, had them give Zofran extremely slowly, seemed to do the trick. Feel a little dizzy, taking otc Meclizine for that and seems to help. Also had them give most of the iv normal saline in case I couldn't tolerate fluieds at home. Felt queezy yesterday afternoon, imbibed in Ms. Xanax and slept through that.
    Much better experience so far. I expect to feel intermittantly fatigued in a couple of days, combined with the insomnia due to prednisone. But so far, so good. Day 2 and food still tastes ok, not so last time.
    I'm so sorry for you FCC's with port problems, they had some difficulty getting blood draw yesterday from mine, and I was prepared to freak out, but they finally got it, and infusion went without problem.
    I'm still on antibiotic, clindamycin, for another week or so for another infection in my breast (tram flap repair immed. after mastectomy). I insisted on it since it treats MRSA, a very common(these days) nosocomial (caught in the hospital) infection. You might ask your dr's about that particular infection.
    I work in an er and see MRSA infections all day every day.
    Lots of times they drain a seroma, I had large one in my breast, but they never drained it and it finally opened up and drained itself. Not sure about a seroma in port site.
    Sending big hugs to both of you, cause it's a big bummer.
    Hope all my fellow "bar flies" from yesterday are doing well. I'm keeping the faith that I'll continue to do well, cause I've got to get back to work next week...YUCK!!!
  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2007
    Well I got thru #2 yesterday and it would have been uneventful except that right off the bat they had trouble drawing blood from the port. She even took out the needle and tried in another area and then had me raise my arm, put my chin to my chest, turn my head to the side trying everything to get it to give blood. She finally got the minimal amount needed just for 1 test. The the infusions ran really slow as well.

    Just like last time, within 4 hours the headace and nausea hit and my stomach also was "bubbly", even though I kept up with the compazine, kytril and (darvocet for headache). About 9:30pm I felt much better and had a good nights sleep. So I'll have to say this was many ways better that #1 except for the port worry.

    Regarding work and chemo, check out my post: "chemo and do you do it??" It's on the getting thru chemo general board.
  • freethought
    freethought Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2007
    Hi Gals---

    I haven't checked in for awhile...have tried to stay busy and needed a mental break from all of this. Started losing hair on Wed., exactly 2 weeks after my first chemo. I really thought I was going to be the strong Amazon woman, but I really lost it and just bawled. Then today (Fri) in the shower, I had to clean the hair catcher 4 times just so the water would drain. My hair too is very thick, so I'm probably the only one who notices it's thinnner, but I'm going to try and get up the guts to get it buzzed this weekend. I don't want anyone nicknaming me "Patches"!

    Maisy, thanks for the imagery! I'm still working on trying to find a healing one for me, but this is a great start!

    Marsha---you are way too funny! And I'm glad that I'm not the only one that was thinking about "tanning" my bare head. My only concern is the chemicals? Anyone have any feelings on that?

    Just realized I'm running late for an appointment...good luck all....more later!
  • hockeymomfl
    hockeymomfl Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies,
    My departure was short lived and I am back sadder than before.
    Before taking tamoxifen I decided with my OBgyn to get a pelvic unltrasound to have a baseline to work from.
    Well I went today and a couple of hours later got a call from the OBGYN that I have multiple cysts on my right ovary and my left one is enlarged. The bad part is that the cysts on the right do not look clear like cysts should.
    So they have to come out asap and if while I am under they are not clear, then I will get a hysterectomy (sp).
    I was hoping that I could just get on with life and here I go again. I am so scared it is going to turn out to be more.
    I really need all prayers and support at this time if you could. I just don't need another C.
    Thanks so much.
    G.I. Jel.
  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2007
    Oh my goodness GI Jel!! Here's a hug for you and I will add you to my prayers for strength to handle all that's upcoming for you. Please stay in touch.
  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited March 2007
    God Bless You Jel...we will call hold your hand and send good thoughts your way.
    I went to the surgeons today and he drained 20cc of fluid from my port site. My chest feels much better. Have another followup next Wed. Thursday is my next chemo.
    My hair is starting to go now....every time I brush it or run my fingers through it, a half dozen strands come out. So I guess that is the next milestone (if you can call it that)
    Again...prayers to Jel,
  • lightphoto
    lightphoto Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2007
    Theresa is doing very well this time around. With a little adjustment with the use of Ambien CR in relation to her Anexsia, nighttime sleep has been far. She has already slept more in the last two nights than she did in four nights after the first tx. No aches or nausea, just a little tire occasionally. Nothing a nap doesn't take care of. The hair is all but gone. Hats and wigs are now the standard headdress. Theresa is doing well with that.
    Catherine, I love the fur idea. It is sooo cozy, especially here in our winter climes.
  • swimmingmom
    swimmingmom Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2007
    GI Jel you have huge hugs {{{{{{{{{{Jel}}}}}}}} coming your way. Let us know and think positive.

    Terry-this port thing is so frustrating. I think mine looks better today but then maybe I am just wishful thinking. They changed my antibiotic just in case it was MRSA since I work in the ICU.

    Tracy and Theresa/Scott- you give me hope that when I do FINALLY get round two it may go better than round one did.

    My hair dresser shaved my head today. Could not stand the hair falling out. Thank god she is a hoot because we laughed the whole way through. She has the first chair in a busy salon and pretty soon I noticed that NO ONE was looking at me. They would look down or to the other side as they walked by. Finally I said loud enough for everyone to hear. "I just love that Brittany Spears and could not wait to have a hair cut like her." No one flinched. So the rest of the time we tried to come up with witty remarks anytime someone walked by. It was actually fun to laugh at the whole thing. Put the wig on and thank god it is a good one because we have 50 mph winds and I would have hated to chase it down in the parking lot.

    I feel a little better about the delay today-it is what it is and hope the antibiotics work.
    Hoping all of you are doing well
  • hockeymomfl
    hockeymomfl Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2007
    Hi Pat, Terry, Karen,
    Thank you so much. I appreciate the support more than you know.
    Will keep you posted.
    Tery I am glad you got some relief.
    The hair thing is tough. Even though we know it will happen, we all keep out hope that we are the ones that will not loose their hair.
    Stay strong and keep on sailing......
    G.I. Jel
  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited March 2007
    G.I.Jel -- You know that we are all here for you. Many, many cyber hugs. Let us know when your biopsy is that we can hold your virtual hands ....

    -- Hillary
  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2007
    Well, day 4 (since Tuesday, I am not sure how to count days, inclusive or exclusive of the chemo day) has been decent without taking anything (for some reason I am a bit reluctant to try the Kytril). My stomach calmed down and I was just a bit sleepy this afternoon. I never had headaches, but Neulasta certainly reminded me it was doing its work... every bone ached (completely tolerable, though), much more than the first time around. I hope to regain some energy this week-end to do some translation work and enjoy the outdoors... Still have hair, but I am seriously considering vacuuming it, it's so annoying...
    I am sending very special hugs to G.I. Jel, and the trouble "port" ladies... Kisses to all, get plenty of rest...
    Amitiés, CatherineH
  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited March 2007
    Hello All ...

    Sorry I didn't post an update yesterday as promised, but was having a rough time with SE. I didn't realize that the zofran needs to be taken prophylatically, unlike the compazine, which I took as needed (although it made me dizzy). Now that I'm loaded up on zofran and ativan, I'm doing better. Actually took a walk into town in my wig to pick up a prescription and buy some bread and chocolate.

    Leah and Kim -- how did it go yesterday?
    Maisy -- how was your first treatment?

    It seems as if we are all going through the hair thing about now. I probably buzzed it sooner than I needed to, but it was falling out by the handful.

    I have to admit that I look absolutely horrible with a stubbly head! Also, the steroids are making my face puffy -- not a pretty site. I've bought a bunch of these slumber caps that I wear around the house when no one's around and throw a scarf on top of them when my ds and dh come home. I'm a scarf person, so I have lots of them and I've tried to get caps that match many of my scarfs. The wig is harder -- I'm never quite sure whether it is on right. On Monday, I do a LGFB class, so maybe I can get some more tips.

    So far eyebrows, eyelashes, arm, underarm and leg hair are all staying, but I do lose hair as I wipe. Hope I don't clog the toilet!

    My mood does vary with my SE, and as I'm feeling less quesy now, I'm definitely more positive. Reading these posts also helps maintain my gumption to see this through.

    Lots of love,