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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • lightphoto
    lightphoto Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2007
    Hello to my fellow cruisers,
    Well its Monday and I finally feel like almost normal. Has My second round on Wednesday. Thursday was good but Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were very tired days. I was able to do somethings but it took me all day. My hair is gone . My scalp hurts and I hate to take a shower because what I have left of my hair still is coming out with each wash and believe me there is not much left up there. That was hard for me to loose my hair but I know that it will grow back. Marsha, Happy belated Birthday. I love your picture of you and your hair. Well friends have a good day.
  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited March 2007

    My southern plant went live on Oracle today. Thank goodness. No real issues. I guess the 16 hour days last week paid off!

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2007
    Leah, our project went live also. While the media wasnt kind, it actually went off very well in the big picture. I gotta hand it to you. There's no way I could do 16 hours. I'm doing 7 in the office, then 2 at home; and I'm beat!
  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited March 2007
    Happy Happy Belated Birthday Marsha!!!

    Sybil; I have not yet told my mother either. I am so afraid that it would literally kill her. We live in the same town, but we are both so busy that we mainly just talk on the phone.

    Carynn; Great news about the shrinking! I also sent DH out without me Sat night. We are corporate sponsors of the annual NWTF banquet, so he took 10 employees/friends. One is a young lady that is like our daughter. She even lives with us during the week since her mom lives about an hour away. WELL...another young girl at the banquet says to her "does MELANIE know about YOU and Ed"? DH said she was livid, told this girl I think she has a bit of "Marsha" in her.

    Sammie Kay; I love the fact that your dh brought you the sweet. What part of Texas are you in?

    Alyson; Welsome! I hope you find all the support you need here!

    LuLu and Karen; I am soooo with you both on the wig thing. I absolutely hate all 4 of mine! I haven't quite got up the nerve to go anywhere but the office with just a scarf on...yet. Today at the onc's office, there was a nurse in the lab and she was headcover free...bald head shining! I told her I really admired her. She and I talked for a bit. She said she had never worn a wig, sometimes a scarf. It made me want to pull my stupid hair off my head. But then the familiar sound...Bok Bok...that's what the chicken says.

    Leah; Let's all make a pact to not let other people's ignorance ruin our cruise. We are headed to a warm sunny destination together and bringing the party with us! We may have to weather a few "rough patches" along the way, but's all part of the journey.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited March 2007
    Melanie, your young lady friend who lives with you during the week sounds absolutely delightful to me. I just hope she had the southern grace to do it with a smile on her face or a laugh in her voice. Soooooooo much more effective! LOL Makes the other person just look silly (or like the b**ch that she is hahaha) Marsha
  • horsegal
    horsegal Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2007
    Tropicmom -

    I'm not sure if I posted this, but I too did have this unexplainable pain in my ribs on the same side as my lumpectomy weeks after surgery. It felt like someone actually punched me a bunch of times in the ribs! It had nothing to do with my lymph node area either.

    When I mentioned to my onc - she thought it may be scar tissue related - type of thing. She said it was not anything to worry about - and I will tell you - it has gone almost completely away now. But, it was very painful - and yes, it also hurt to move - must be something about fluid draining or something. That would be my guess! Hang in there - hopefully it's the same thing and will go away as well.

  • horsegal
    horsegal Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2007
    Happy Birthday Marsha! I do so enjoy all your hilarious posts, as we all do! Too bad we couldn't all go on a REAL cruise when we all get thru this! (REAL cocktails too!)

  • SammieKB
    SammieKB Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2007
    Happy Monday to all my fellow chemo cruisers.
    I worked 8 hours today and felt really well. I go for my dose #4 of Taxol. Wore my wig to work today. I took it off and let the other nurses see me ala naturale. I may end up going to work that way some. They say I look "cute". Reminds me of my pics as a 3 year old with "fuzz". I was late to have hair as a child.
    MelanieW, I live in SouthCentral Texas. About half way between Houston and Corpus Christi.
    I had a melt down on Sunday, a good cry and felt better. I believe that tears cleanse my soul. Welcome to all the new cruisers. I hope you find the warm love and support that I have experienced on this website.
    Hugs to all of you, especially those stepping up to the bar this week. Love you all and thank you for being here for me. It means the world to me to read your wonderful posts.
  • swimmingmom
    swimmingmom Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2007
    I read this somewhere on this site - to those of you who are down to the finals hairs I found the lint roller helpful. My head hurt so bad when I came home I could not wait to rip that wig off. Then I took the lint roller all over my head. Used about 5-6 sheets and all that stubbly hair came off. It was kinda fun in a weird way. Then I did the Eucerin creme as freethought suggested and it feels soooo much better.

    Sammie and Leah you are like super women working all those hours. You are awesome. I feel like a light weight. I made it five hours today and it felt like 50. Sammie crying is a bit therapeutic isn't it?

    Melanie and Sybil. I think one of the hardest things I had to do was tell my father. He took are of my mother when she died of lung cancer, she was a smoker. When he came and took me to my first chemo I think it was a bit too much of a reality check for him even though it is a different scenario.

    Jel and tropicmom I did not have a mastectomy but I wonder if anyone who had a lumpectomy has pain at the incision site still. It feel hard and I wonder if it is also scar tissue like you describe.

    The port is still pink. Still look at it every 30 minutes as if it will suddenly be gone. My sinuses finally feel better. Called the onc today and still up in the air about Wed. I don't know if I can handle another one week delay.

    Thank you to everyone for sharing, it is so helpful not to be alone.
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2007
    It is Tuesday here fellow chemo cruisers
    Have had a great day at school today except for the fact that in front of me is a small birds nest size pile of hair. The rubbish bin has several similar clumps in it. Think I should visit the hairdresser tonight.
    MelanieW - like you I am not sure about my wig but feel that I am will have to wear it whilst teaching. It will be interesting to see the reaction of the students to my wearing it. the problem I have it is still summer and has been very hot recently.
    SammieKay - I have had several meltdowns in the last few weeks - my soul must be well cleansed.
    Well here's to a bald head tonight.
    I really enjoy all the laughter i can hear coming from everyone.
  • wayover20
    wayover20 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2007
    It's 1am tuesday the 6th and I couldn't seem to get to sleep so here I am catching up on posts. Hope everyone is doing ok. As far as that incision scar pain, yep, I also have pain right on it and I believe it's just normal healing stuff going on. I saw my surgeon today for the 8 week follow up and he said everything looked good and gave me a prescription for the breast prosthesis. The American Cancer Society will fit you and give it out no cost, as long as you have a prescription. Surgeon also talked to me about having reconstruction and implant done but I am such a small b-cup I really think I'll pass it up.

    I see my oncologist on 3/8 for blood work and my next witches brew is scheduled for the 15th. And oh yea, scalp now showing since buzzed hair falling out too. Talk about needing a tan up there! Sheeeesh!!
  • lightphoto
    lightphoto Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2007
    Hi Karen,
    I also tired the lint roller as a friend told me about it and it did take off the littles hair that I have left.
    I also have a wig, wore it to church on Sunday and alot of people said they liked it. Its ok but I do not feel like me at all. My daughter bought me some head bands so I wear them the most. I really can not wait to go bald then maybe my head will not hurt. I got to talk to two friends that have gone through cancer in the last year and are done with every thing, they really help me with all of this stuff that we have to deal with. Scott has been such a bleasing. I am hoping to go baack to work on Wednesday. They let me work when I want which makes it nice. I got to go and let the dog out. Have a good day everyone. Hugs to you all.
  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited March 2007

    I knew i was pushing myself. I don't remember the drive to the condo (I live "away from home" druing the week). I paid a price for it, and I don't think I have caught up yet. Not the wisest decision I have made to date!

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited March 2007

    Good morning Fellow Cruisers --

    Help! I feel like a porcupine, with all my quivers about to detach! The stubble is killing me, coming out all over, itchy, a mess. I never thought I'd be looking forward to being totally bald.

    Glad to see everyone coping well with our treatments. I'm amazed and humbled by those that keep working. Congrats on all the successful IT projects, Leah and Marsha!

    I seem to be in the 10% of patients who has "delayed nausea". In my case, the nauseau continues for at least 8 days past treatment. Unlike Marsha, I can afford to lose a little bit of weight --lol! The worst part is not being able to eat with my ds and dh, as the food smells are too much for me ...

    Karen -- At my post-op, my wonderful surgeon made me feel my lumpectomy incision site so that I would know that the hardness was normal. I hope that the port issue heals up ...

    SammieKay -- I have "mini-meltdown", like when watching the video intro to the LGFB class or when talking to my sisters (they both live in Florida). Crying is good for the soul -- it also rinses away all that d@#n stubble!

    Melanie and Sybil -- I haven't told my father yet. He didn't deal well with my mom's pancreatic cancer (basically wasn't supportive) and the family is now somewhat estranged. The hard part now is -- will I ever tell him?

    To all -- I have been venturing out without my wig -- using the skull caps (it's cold!), colorful scarfs (I was always a scarf person), and a derby. I get a few odd lucks, but I ignore them. Once my porcupine quills are gone, I'll try the wig again, but right now my head hurts too much!

    Let's hope for a queasy-free day. I'm usually OK in the morning and get progressively worse.

    More later ...

    -- Hillary
  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited March 2007
    I took some pics this morining for "after" to see the difference after just one dose of chemo. Man I didn't realize I lost so much weight in the face. What a difference the wig makes huh? I got this one free from the Cancer Society and thought it was pretty darn cute even if I have to be a redhead! I took the pic right after the bald head ones. "Before" was taken after I had all my long hair cut short just a few weeks back. I lost most all of my hair yesterday in gobs, didn't even cry but I knew it was coming. Tommorow is rads set up day for me. I'm finally feeling normal again.
  • nynurse
    nynurse Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2007
    Hello Everyone,

    I had my 3rd AC on Thursday. Felt really nauesous throughout the weekend. I am starting to feel better. Now I am thinking of my next treatment and my son's 2nd birthday is that Sunday. I guess we will have to do something small at home. I am keeping you all in my prayers.

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2007
    Jan, great choice... it looks completely natural... and nice. Good color, too.
    I can't barely look at myself right now, let alone take pictures... The shower is my meltdown refuge... It gets me to see in the miror what could be a cat dipped in acid, a KGB agent poisoned with polonium, a Chernobyl victim, a French "collaborator" shaved by partisans after wwII for sleeping with the enemy... or a rescapee from the Gulag... very cheerful imagery indeed... I think I am getting over it, but the last 2 days have been much more depressing than I thought they would be... Stomach still uneasy at times, but walking helps (4 miles yesterday, a little less today). I decided that I won't bother with a wig, light caps covered by my dogs' bandanas work just fine (it's getting hot here...).
    The best to all of you this Tuesday...
  • linnieva
    linnieva Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2007
    Hi fellow cruisers,

    Just got back from A/C #3 and everything went well. The scarier part is the next few days when you don't know what little SE will rear it's ugly head. Of course, I can't imagine a pill I don't have at my disposal these days. My SO and I went for Vietnamese food after it was over and while I still felt well. Yum......

    Good luck to those going the next few days... hope it is smooth sailing.....

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2007
    Linnie, wishing you the most uneventful week possible... keep us posted... my #3 is next tuesday (13th)... in the meantime I am getting a better understanding of what "going bald into rehab" means, having to stay away from the "bar" for a whole week...
    ou take care,
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2007
    So here's everyone with bar reservations this week -
    Mon -
    Tue - Linnie, SammieKay
    Wed - Tropicmom, Karen
    Thu - Carynn, Terry, Piper, Freethought
    Fri -

    Linnie - Hope you feel well and that the nausea will pass soon.

    Sammie - How are you feeling so far?

    Karen & Tropicmom, we'll be thinking of you both tomorrow.
  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited March 2007

    maybe it helps me seeing my hubby with his head shaved thus i can stand to look at myself? I think he's going to keep it that way for him as he's had lots of compliments vs. his long hair. A couple of my cousin's said I should get my hair cut like the red wig as they too think its a very cute style for me.

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2007
    Jan, I really like the hair! It looks great, very natural!

    When I style my hair in the morning, I use a very wide tooth comb. Today I actually had hair in it which is pretty unusual. I think I have about a week left, but the day I get a handful of it is the day it's all coming off. When it does, I'll post some pix of me as both a redhead and a blond.
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2007
    Good morning fello cruisers
    Yesterday was quite dramatic. By the afternoon I had constructed a birdsnest from the hair that was falling every where. Went to the hairdressers where my hair was clipped, not shaven. Chemo scalps are too tender to shave I was told. My wig was fitted, trimmed etc - doesn't look too bad and feels reasonable. I cannot believe that my hair could come out so fast. I have a fine stubble all over, that is except for the bald patches.
    Have the wig on today at school and have had all positive comments so far. Only one student commented by asking if my hair had come out. Will see the reaction of my other classes who also know about the chemo treatment.
    Jan the wig looks great. I must get some more photos taken. Here in New Zealand we get a wig which is paid for by the government. I had a great choice.
    Good luck to those having treatment today.
  • Overthemoon
    Overthemoon Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2007
    My favorite cruisers, Many or most of us seem to be watching the same movie on the ship -- "The Lost Hair," a Drama, no, it's a Comedy, no, it's whatever your perspective is at any particular time, which may change by the day, the hour, the minute. I've laughed and cried at the same time.
    A good hair stylist friend came over yesterday and did what he could with what was left of my hair. My hair was coming out in his hands as he cut it. But I couldn't just have him take it all off until I got my mom out of here, which is tomorrow when my older brother is coming to pick her up. Bless his heart.
    For years my hair has been just beyond my shoulders to halfway to the middle of my back. Now it is chin length and I LIKE IT! (I like it so much better than the shoulder-length wig I got). I wish it would stay this way but it'll be all gone soon. Just as long as it doesn't all fall out before my mom leaves.
    But it's okay because I have bigger things to worry about, for one, Chemo #2 on March 12. I am dreading it. I am feeling so much more normal right now, I can barely stand the idea of feeling the way I did after Chemo #1.
    I came on this cruise to not feel so alone -- and I don't. I read your every word, every one of you, and wish you all the very best. xoxo Sybil
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited March 2007
    Shampoo'd my hair on Sunday (b-day) LOTS coming out by the handfuls then had some stubborn hair that ended up getting matted by the gobs that had come out. Looked like dred locks!


    My friend Laura cutting off the dred lock locks and giving me a (very) shorty.


    My first official outing, lunch at a downtown restaurant, outside seating, the waitress took the picture. Thats my Clint Eastwood hat hanging down my back my friend Laura gave me. [image]image[/image]

    I just decided screw it! And I'm not bragging or anything........but I kinda have a cute head. As soon as the stubble decides to fall on off, I plan to have a self-tanned bald head. I just can't do the wig thingy. I'm not one to spend much time on my appearance and now with needing to wear make-up more often and the like, I just don't have time for all of it. My head is cold at night though. Well guess the hair loss is THE big side effect right now! Hugs to all, Marsha
  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited March 2007
    Jan -- Love the red hair!

    Marsha -- You do have a cute head! For the cold at night, I'd recommend some sleep caps. Also, when the stubble decides to come out -- like porcupine quills -- the sleep caps help to catch it and keep it from going down your back and face!

    Sounds like everyone's bar appointment this week is going well!

    -- Hillary
  • horsegal
    horsegal Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2007
    You guys are soo brave to post pics of yourselves! Hooray for you!

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited March 2007
    Good for you, Marsha... you look cute, like a happy teen...
    As Sybil put it, "The Lost Hair", a (not so funny) comedy... At least we know we'll look good when it grows back and we keep it short (maintenance free...)
    I did like my GI cut, too... I am passed that point, unfortunately... Oh, well, we'll get used to going back to the way we were born: hairless... a new beginning...
    Cheers dear fellow cruisers,
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited March 2007

    Jan, I love the red hair on you! And it looks like you and I both have lost side hair and kept the top for last. The back of my head is SOOO patchy. Do you find yourself constantly pulling on it trying to get it to just fall out already? For all of you who still have the hair, yes, it is VERY traumatic. That first look is hard to describe. But I am now use to seeing the new me in the mirror. The only way we can look at the indignity of this is to say to ourselves it's at least proof that the chemo is doing SOMETHING! Hang is there guys, this too will pass. Sweet dreams gals, Marsha

  • SammieKB
    SammieKB Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2007

    I am with you THeresa. I can't wait to have a painless, hairless head. Hey I wonder if we need sunscreen on the scalp to keep from getting sunburned. LOL. God bless, Sammie Kay