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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • Mtnfrog
    Mtnfrog Posts: 16
    edited June 2007 to how I got my enerygy back...I finally had some taste buds in my mouth and started eating sugary things and lots of fruit juice....then I got out of the house and did window shopping at the mall....brightened my spirits. I lost 15 lbs during chemo and they told me to eat eat eat. so I did.
    Those of you who are having bone pain...I found that when it gets bad I try to stretch that area or try to walk around and it finally helps. I find sleeping on my stomach helps too and strretching the area affected.
    Alyson....try wearing a pair of socks and wrapping a warm towel just out of the dryer around your feet. This feels good. my nails have not started to come back..they say it will take a long time as they have to start at the cuticle and grow out...they look very gross.
    my last taxol is next wednesday and I am taking a huge cake for all. I have special cards for some of my favorite nurses.
    I have great sympathy for all of you struggling right now. I thought I would die during the a/c as I had so many side effects and was in the hospital....but now I see light at the end of the tunnel....keep looking for the's dim now but getting brighter.
    my fingers are going all have a good day
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited June 2007
    These little guys were 4 wks old Monday. We dont need any more pets, but we've decided to keep them both.
  • twink
    twink Posts: 550
    edited June 2007 cute Carynn...if I didn't already have a house full I'd be off to the SPCA. 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 teenagers, 2 young men and a house is already bursting at the seams.

    I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well Carynn...hugs.
  • leahrc
    leahrc Posts: 384
    edited June 2007
    SO good to see you back! And your spirits seem terrific!
    Now don't you dare log on to work!
  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    I could not have parted from such cuties, either... this is a lot of assured play and cuddle ahead... enjoy these darlings, they make us feel so good...
    Leah is right... don't you dare... hope the heat is not too hard on you...
    Looking forward to hearing more from you when you feel up to it, same for Twink... how are you doing today, sweet lady?
    Till soon all...
  • twink
    twink Posts: 550
    edited June 2007
    Ahh Catherine...not so good today but much better than yesterday. I floated a question about my pathology and the AND plans out to (Dr. Susan Love) and got a conflicting opinion back. She suggests the AND may not be the right approach...rather that rads to the axilla should suffice. any case, I decided to seek a formal second opinion and have spent most of today making the arrangements to get my slides sent off to Johns Hopkins for a pathology consultation. I think that's under control I'm back to waiting. Thanks for asking Catherine...I'm sure I'll get better with each day... *hugs*

  • SammieKB
    SammieKB Posts: 164
    edited June 2007
    Hi all you sweet ladies,

    Carynn, so glad you are finished. Hope you feel all healed soon. OMG I have your gray and white kitten's twin. Ling is 4 and sitting here with me while I type. I got her from adopt-a-pet. They call that "doll face". I agree they have the cutest face.

    Twink, I hope you are feeling better. Hang in there. We shall overcome.

    Hi Leah and Catherine,
    Hope you are both doing well. Catherine, I too am an animal lover. I have 3 cats in the house and one outside. His name is O.C.(outside cat). He appeared on my roof last summer and stayed. I would love to have him in the house, but he doesn't like my inside cats. I think he is afraid of them.

    Best wishes and love to all. Sammie Kay.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Carynn so glad everything is done and you are home resting. Take it easy. I'm not a cat person, but those sure are cute!

    Twink, what is AND plan? Is this about the micro node?

    Patti, the bone pain was fairly bad for me during Taxol. My really only SE to complain about. I know you are excited to get done. I lost weight also during this whole thing. Starting with the dx, about the same as you. I'm holding at 112 or 113 right now.

    How are you Sammie Kay? Any sailing plans this weekend with that hot hubby of yours? LOL

    Catherine how are you girlfriend? Any new Toby or Rose the squirrel stories for us?

    Leah, you hanging in there girl? I've been thinking about you alot. You have scans this weekend don't you? Talk to you soon, OK?

  • twink
    twink Posts: 550
    edited June 2007
    Yep, Marsha, that's the Axillary Node Dissection...question is whether to do it or not based on the SNB micromets....sigh.

    Wow, you're teensy girl...I mean, I've got 20 pounds on you. I'm hovering around 135; lost 10 since the start of chemo. I'm 5'8" though, so there's not much meat on these bones...any excess is sitting where I DON'T want it but that'll take some working out to relocate the extra. My luck, it'll come off my backside instead of waist...another sigh.

    It does look like rads are in my future FCCers...I'll be joining up with the Crispy Cruisers soon. I'm going to try to arrange an appt with a rad oncologist next week. Hopefully, I'll have some word back from Johns Hopkins on whether or not I should proceed with the AND on July 6th.

    Hugs to everybody. Hope you're feeling better Carynn. Thinking about all of you...have a peaceful weekend.

  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Hello, dear friends... Not much to report here (a month after last chemo, feeling kind of normal except for hair... on strike...)
    Here are a couple of pictures to share the soothing shade of our backyard and the cottage flavor of the front yard which is getting the fence painted (thank you, DH...) Imagine pink climbers over the blue-grey fence... in a couple of years...
    Wishing you all a painfree week-end and more upbeat spirits... Big hugs,


  • twink
    twink Posts: 550
    edited June 2007

    Beautiful Catherine....idyllic. Makes me feel peaceful just looking at the pics. Thanks for sharing.

  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited June 2007
    Good Saturday all!

    Catherine, Twink is right, the pictures are not only beautiful, but calming.

    I appreciate everyone’s kind words, but I’m not sure where the “done” part for me came from. I won’t get the pathology report back until next week which will let us know how we did with the margins and whether or not we have to go back in. I should get the genetic testing back next week, or week after next. Based on what I know, I will be shocked if I test negative. If positive, I’ll schedule the Oophorectomy right away. So, we are waiting to see if I’m done (except for Rads), or I’ll have possibly 3 more surgeries in store. But I certainly appreciate the optimism.

    Feeling pretty good today pain wise; just a bit weak and tired. No need for any pain meds, not even Tylenol. So, sent DH out to a poker tourney and I’m parked in front of HBO.

    Take care all. Talk to you soon!
  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Hi, Twink, that makes 2 of us at the computer today... It is so hot outside, that having translation work to do keeps me in the shade... Not a drink in sight... I learnt my lesson last week...
    We found this modest little house on the Internet 2 years ago, before leaving France... built in 1906, it is a very common floor plan here, except that nobody lives in 2bdroom, one bath places anymore, so they expand them upward and sidewise... we prefer keeping the lawn and the trees for the doggies (and us). We do not need more room for the 2 of us and 2 dogs (cleaning up is a breeze)... our "carbon footprint" (the in-thing these days) is 30-40% of the average... as long as there is enough dirt to play with, I am as happy as a finch...

    Hope you can enjoy your nice place, waiting for answers on all those pending questions. I had 6 SN removed (2 positive) and 5 axillary (all negative). 5 months+ later, I feel more comfortable, less cording in my armpit, and, so far, no sign of lymphadema (I had 5 physical therapy sessions with a therapist specialized in BC patients. They show you what to do to stretch properly. I am not carrying heavy loads anymore -- 30lb-Toby in the stairs, up and down, is a thing of the past...). I won't have rads.
    Well, imagining your house buzzing with your kids and pets in and out... try to rest and enjoy this beautiful day...
  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Hi, Carynn, we were posting at the same time

    Glad you are not in pain. A lot of waiting for you, too, this is the hard part. HBO in AC sounds good... I have another manual to deliver on the 29th and I am not far... so, no movies for me... I received more books from my sister, though, which I can't wait to read (plus all kinds of great chocolate, one 99%... dark... barely edible it is so "unsweet"... but a good shot of magnesium here and there), she also spoiled me rotten with Weleda oils (one for my "hair"...what's that??!!) and one rose oil body lotion... a delight...
    Well, enjoy your movies (it's ok if you nap, nobody's watching...)

    Big hugs to you, too..

  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Posts: 358
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls...anyone out there doing Herceptin alone? When I couldn't have my chemo Thursday, they just gave me a weekly dose of Herceptin. I swear it has made me feel worse than the chemo. Maybe because the premeds were only Tylenol and Benedryl(no Zofran)...I am sick on my stomach and have diarrhea. And I am scheduled to do Herceptin every 3 weeks until February....anyone else to sympathize with me???
    Carynn...I truly hope you are done....and your genetic tests come back "normal" (what is normal, anyway?)
    Twink...sorry you have more decisions to make...can you imagine all this without the resources we have at our fingertips...internet, books scary it must have been 30, 40 or more years ago.

    Well....have had a busy DD is maid of honor for her best friend and hosted the shower today...then DS had a baseball I just ate dinner...what I could eat...

    Just thought I would check in...have my nephew's graduation party tomorrow to go to...

    Love to all,
  • leahrc
    leahrc Posts: 384
    edited June 2007
    MRI tomorrow (Sunday a.m.). Pet/CT on Tuesday afternoon.
    Holding my breath.
  • SammieKB
    SammieKB Posts: 164
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls,
    Carynn, sorry I used the word finished. I think I meant finished with surgery. Hang in there. You have alot to deal with. I hope somewhere along this journey you get some pleasant surprise. We will stand with you and prayer for good news.

    Catherine, your place is beautiful. So peaceful. I love the fence. Also all of the pretty flowers.

    Marsha, Much to my husband's disappointment, no sailing this weekend. It is stormy and raining. We go to Houston tomorrow for a birthday party for DGD, she will be four.
    Then, I work on Tues. and we leave for LasVegas on Wed.
    You are slim dear girl. I am jealous of you and Twink. I won't mention the number for my weight. But as you can see in my pic, I am a little on the chunky side. Upside is my face shows no wrinkles. Chubby face LOL.

    Hi Hillary, hope you are having a great weekend.

    Twink, about the AND, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have it. But of course that is hindsight. I have mild lymphedema. I had one micromet in one SN and 2 in another. The breast surgeon said he knew he would not find positve noded. It was the onc. that ordered the AND.
    Sure enough of the 12 nodes they removed, none were positive. I am in the gray area for rads and I am chosing to pass on rads. What with the lymphedema and reconstruction, I just don't want rads. The onc. from M.D.
    Anderson said he was comfortable with my decision. With my age (67) and being post-menopausal, it changes the picture for me. Also, having lobular bc. My best weapon is actually the hormonal therapy. The chemo was actually overkill. But the were erring on the side of safety.

    I hope everyone is having a peaceful, pain-free, happy weekend. Love to all, Sammie Kay
  • SammieKB
    SammieKB Posts: 164
    edited June 2007
    Dear Leah,
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know it is so stressful waiting for results. Think of us standing with you. Love you, Sammie Kay
  • SammieKB
    SammieKB Posts: 164
    edited June 2007
    Wow Terry, I don't know how you keep up with your social calender while feeling nauseaous. When I am nauseated, I just go to bed and sleep until it goes away.
    Sorry, I don't know much about Herceptin, except there is a lady at my chemo center that was there every week. She had to take 52 doses. Once a week for a year. She didn't have any side effects. Could you have picked up a stomach bug by coincidence.
    Take care and try to get some rest. Love you, Sammie Kay
  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Leah, holding my breath with you and wishing you good surprises.
    Big, big hugs...
  • twink
    twink Posts: 550
    edited June 2007
    Thinking about you...sending some positive energy your way. Let us know how it goes please, although I imagine any results won't be available until next week. I hate the waiting ... let's all do it together... Carynn, Leah, me...(holding hands). Wine anybody? Hmmm...guess it's too early in the day for that.

  • twink
    twink Posts: 550
    edited June 2007

    Thanks Sammie Kay...wish I had a clearcut answer as to what to do next. My left underarm was bothering me last night...where the SNB incision is. I touched the area this morning and there's a painful lump right at the incision line. Gawd...I hope that's related to the surgery and not some node that's suddenly filled up with cancer...there was nothing detectable to the touch two weeks ago! Argh....going back to my coffee and crappy novel ...

  • marshakb
    marshakb Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Good morning everyone

    Carynn, so sorry you are facing so many unknowns. Han in there girlfriend. We all hate surprises!

    Twink, evrey time I see a doc, any doc, I say "Is that suppose to look like that?" My mast scar is changing all the time it seems, especially with the rads. Extra skin/tissue bunched up looking. EVERY doc has said yes that is how it is suppose to look. BUT I understand the seeing cancer every time we turn around.

    Catherine thanks so much for the photo of your cottage! It suits you to a T.

    Sammie Kay, ditto for me on the gray zone thingy. With lobular I feel like the chemo was probably a waste of time, but don't know that for positive so........ Gray zone for the Rads. Hormonal is my best weapon but man the tamoxifen is giving me scorching flashes. Notice I did not say HOT. I mean this feels like I am on fire. Got up last night and went outside to cool off. then of course all sweaty and got chilled. Wonder if this will level off? Still haven't had a period since 2 weeks before starting chemo in Feb. How about everyone else that was pre menapausal?

    Terry, you are quite the socialite! And on a queasy stomach no less. Take care of yourself!

    Leah, holding your hand this morning while you have the MRI. I'll call you this afternoon to see how you are doing.

    Hugs all around....... Marsha
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Posts: 474
    edited June 2007
    Leah – Holding your hand today too. Heck, if you run out of hands, I’ll hold your purse! Just so ya get good news! Maybe since they are doing this on a Sunday, it won’t take so long for the results. On my MRI, I had it on a Thursday and it was ready the following Tuesday. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed, and of course, you’re in my thoughts and prayers.

    SammyKay – Goodness! Don’t apologize! I hope I didn’t sound bitchy! It’s been one of those weeks, if you know what I mean. You could be right, I will either be done, or just beginning! Info should start trickling in by Tuesday.

    Terry – How are you doing today? Hope you are feeling much better.

    Catherine – are you still pluggin’ away at your manual? Hope you are done and will start to regale us again soon with what’s for dinner at the most adorable cottage.

    Twink – I’m on vacation so heck, I’ll take some of that wine! I’m so sick of being sick, that sound I hear just might be Chuys calling for at least one, maybe two margaritas. BTW, I felt a lot of changes under my arm after the SNB and they were all just part of the healing process. When do you see the surgeon again?

    Marsha- Thanks for the kind words. Hope you are doing well. Hey, don’t you owe us some pix from the gala?

    Any Soprano’s fans? DH and I are going thru withdrawls! (and before you ask, I thought the ending was brilliant). Anyway, we never got into Deadwood when it was on before, but we’re renting them now. A few years ago we took a road trip that included South Dakota. I thought it was beautiful and would like to go back. Might have to spend the day in Deadwood.

    Well as usual, its raceday Sunday, but a little less usual, my boy is starting 2nd. Can’t wait to fix the race day snacks and settle in. I’d sure like to take a quick dip in the pool, it’s supposed to be 110 today. But alas, the surgeon said to wait 4 days. Grr…
  • leahrc
    leahrc Posts: 384
    edited June 2007
    The MRI went fine. Lots of patient involvement in this one, unlike the breast MRI where you just laid there. Had to keep holding my breath, letting it out, etc. I think the contrast IV didn't go well on a really empty stomach, and I felt I was going to lose it at one point. Lasted about 1/2 hour.
    One interesting thing that I had never seen before was a special light that they laid on my arm when the tech was freaking over my veins (he said he didn't access ports). It lights up the area and shows the veins as nice dark things to attack. He got it in one shot! Very nifty.

    I don't know if surgeon will call with these results separately from the PET/CT scan, so let's just say we are all holding our breath till late Thursday/early Friday of next week, I assume!

    Thanks for all your energy. I appreciate the company. It is certainly a "lonely" process without your support.

  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Well, Leah, get something nice to ease your stomach and enjoy the rest of the day... we will be all thinking of you and Carynn and Twink as you wait for results and/or answers... anybody else I am forgetting here, forgive me... you are all included in my affectionate thoughts...

    Yes, Carynn, still in my manual (due on the 29th)... but I don't have early starts: got up at 7 to go water what needs it most in the yard (I am experimenting with seedlings... coming out pretty good, sunflowers, cosmos, holyhock... ways to go before blooms, though...), set the various sprinklers in place for the lawn freshly mowed... visited with the roses (2 white climbers planted last year with a lovely fragrance of flower soap and the look of gardenias... cut a little bouquet for the day...), then bkfst, my walk with Toby... a few phone calls in France... almost lunch time, did not write a line... oh... and did I mention the time I spend here??!! On the "Time to circle the wagons" thread, somebody wrote: who needs a job? It takes board-time away from us... indeed...
    I've got to go, though...
    You all have a nice Sunday, wherever you are...
  • leahrc
    leahrc Posts: 384
    edited June 2007
    Last week seemed to be a tough one for a lot of us. I hope this one helps resolve some of the problems, or at least give us the information we need to put us on a path. Or just makes the rage, disapointment, or resignation a little easier to bear.

    Now that treatments are less exciting, and our situations are what I call "dramatically mundane", I see the level of interest on the part and family members to have dropped. I used to get 20 calls a week from friends... now it is down to the vital 3 friends who will be there until the end, I am sure. So this board, and my fellow cruisers, become more important to me every day. YOU GET IT- all of it- and what you don't immediately resonate with, you know you will probably be there at some point. And that makes you kind and caring, as well as curious and practical about what to do! I so appreciate it. We have to stay together as best we can. This is the safest place I know to tell you what's really going on inside my head and my heart. It's starting to feel a little lonelier without you all.
    Knowing I will need you this week, whatever the news is, I am so glad you are here. Thanks for being there.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Oh Leah, I couldn't agree more! Part of it for me is not wanting to burden friends and family with my thoughts and fears. And yes, I said fears. Will that ever let up? Maybe, but if I didn't have you guys who understand a scary thought that just appears, like right in the middle of a fun party, or nice lunch or while watching a movie it would be hard and lonely as Leah says.

    Carynn, please let us know as your resutls start pouring in. I'm praying for clean margins for you, no more surgery and just get your ass over to the rads thread! Why do you feel the genetic testing will be positive? Do you have family history? My onc nurse did say just the fact that I had BC before 50 was a factor in determining if I should have the brca done.

    Catherine, finish that dang project and come back here and cook for us!

    OK back to the grill today........ hugs all around! Marsha
  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Yes, Leah, you are so right (and you write so well)... Even though I feel that, so far, I am on the easier side of things (even with a torso which tells me everytime I see it that something drastic happened), I need to come check with you all everyday, first thing in the morning and then many times as I am on my computer...

    Marsha, bear with me, sweetie, it's hot... I feel only like eating salads...

    I've got to take Toby for his walk... 8h15 and already too hot....

    Till later... the best of Monday to you all,
    Hogs and quiches,
  • leahrc
    leahrc Posts: 384
    edited June 2007
    ratatouille, gazpacho,- I can start you thinking... and salivating!