Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
Well, I did not do my 2nd TCH very well. I was not thirsty AT ALL and so I chose not to drink much. Big mistake. I ended up at my oncologists office dehydrated with lots of vomiting. She stated that I should have come in when I first got sick and she stressed the water etc. I am worried about the 3rd one but I know I must drink no matter how I feel. I drank alot for the 1st treatment and did much better.
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Anyone on this TCH thread wear contacts - gas permable?
I do, and so far have not been able to wear them all day. Was told to use eye drops, which do seem to help. Anyone else have any helpful suggestions?
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Weety, the concern with Herceptin during radiation is that they both may affect the heart. Your oncologist is being careful not wanting to give your Herceptin during radiation. I assume that your tumor was on the left side so your onc is worried about the combined effect of radiation and Herceptin on your heart.
My oncologist and rads onc did allow me to continue Herceptin during radiation. However, I was interested in getting the 3-week higher dose radiation instead of the usual (in the US) 6-week course. My rads onc said he wouldn't do that because he has not found studies on the effect of that in women getting Herceptin. He was concerned that it might be a greater risk to the heart with the higher dose combined with Herceptin.
I had a lumpectomy and the tumor was near the surface of my breast so the radiation wasn't going that deep. The heart risk is somewhat higher with radiation after a mastectomy because they are radiating the chest wall and getting closer to the heart.
It may be that many of us who get Herceptin and rads at the same time are getting it after lumpectomy. I remember that cupcake wasn't given Herceptin during her rads. In Europe, women often get Herceptin for only 18 weeks.
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Christy--- I think my doctor was worried about infection, thats why he didnt want me doing my next Herceptin while I still had drains in... but I don't want to put it off for 2 extra weeks, so I think my drains could come out by Friday and I could still do my treatment next Tuesday, so I will be only one week late. I'm going to have to start Tamoxifen too... that I am not looking forward to... I am not having hot flashes anymore, but I know once I start that, they will come back. This expander surgery was worse than the mastectomy I think. I have a thing called On Q, that pumps numbing meds into my surgery area to help with the pain, and I also take Vicodin. I have 2 drains and this pump thing around my waist, I feel like I'm strapped up with bombs or dynamite or something. I feel better today because I finally got some sleep thanks to a sleeping pill. My chest is completely wrapped up too.
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Wendy...I had the On-Q pain ball with my last surgery too, but only for a week, but I know what you are talking about. It is a pain when trying to shower, or can you shower since you are wrapped up? Again, I am sorry that this surgery didn't go well for you. Try as positive as you can, it will be all worth it in the long run.
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Thanks, Bluedasher for your post. That makes sense about the heart damage and a greater risk when doing rads after a mastectomy. I was worried more about any cancer cells in my body becoming resistant if herceptin was missed/postponed (I was thinking about how that happens with antibiotics and bacteria) but I guess the heart situation is probably the reason from what you have said. I will ask both my onc and radiation onc just make sure they do or do not want me to continue herceptin when I go this Thursday.
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Wow. I am really behind. Welcome to all the newbies. Sorry we are here, but you have found a wonderful thread with some really great people to help you along. My best advice is water, water, water and then go drink some water. Remember to rest and don't feel guilty when you are tired.
A big shout out to my friends that still check in regularly,
Have a great day everyone.
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Lisa have fun today!!
Wendy I hope you start to feel better soon. Sleeping will help for sure. Remind me of this next week
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Ang 7 --When is your next infusion? I hope it goes better that the 2nd. I go tomorrow for my are probably there today? Drink that water...all day and the day after too!! Keep me posted! How's the hair? I have a little minor thinning around my ears, right at the temple. I don't think the caps take care of that area very well. We have the straps. I used an ace bandage the first time instead of the straps, might try that again tomorrow. I have mild tingling in my left hand..numb pinky. I am going to keep fingers and toes iced during taxotere. I also refused the neulasta ---I am taking some chinese herbs that my naturopath said will do the trick with no pain side effects, (not to mention all natural).SO..I am really curious to see that blood workup to see if it worked or not. I HATE the neulasta ...I get miserable with it!!
Good luck to everyone with upcoming treatments!
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bluedasher I had the 3 week rads instead of 6 weeks My rad Onc said I was an ideal candidate I had Herceptin #8 right in the middle of rads i had it in Greeley because I had to go there because I live in a small town. I was very concerned about my heart because my Mom and Grandma both died from heart disease my mom was only 56. I had my echos and everything was fine.I also had a lumpectomy not mastecctomy , I always find it interesting the difference between everyone treatments and Drs . Newbies it can not be said enough DRINK DRINK DRINK and then DRINK!! we know what we are talking about,it is so important if water does not do it try Gatorade,Powerade, Koolaid,Lemonade Anything you can!!! Lisa1964 Thanks for dropping by and saying hello, I miss all you Beauties,Have a wonderful day!!0
geewhiz -
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I will have my 3rd one this Thursday. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I am a bit apprehensive but I will drink and drink and drink. So far the hair is hanging in there...
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stlcardfan sorry your a fan of the cards only kidding I am a Red Sox fan but the 3rd day is when I went to zoombi land I called it and for a few days I felt out of it but the 3rd day was the worst everyone is differnt but as my chemo went on that was the day by 5 and 6th one that I missed work or had to go home early for sure.
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Hi guys. I try to check in, but it is so hard to keep up with all of the new folks. But I do put in my two cents when I think I can help.
I need a signature line that says DRINK WATER!
Have a wonderful evening ladies.
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Hi Ang7, I'm in Herndon, Va not too far from you. Did you know there's a northern Va thread? Women from all over the area. We've been getting together every few months for lunch. There are lots of us!
Maura, I think zombieland describes day 3 and 4 perfectly!
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Yeah, I was always the worst 3-4 days after the chemo as well.
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Congratulations, CCBaby/Christy! I am right behind you.
Hang in there, Wendy. We are sending you thoughts and prayers of healing and comfort.
Ang7, I wasn't very good about drinking water after the first day of chemo either. It was never easy to drink or pee during the work day and at night I just wanted to rest. Once I got home, my family helped out by bringing me something to drink every 2 hours.
It is true that water is the best fluid of choice but let's face it there are a lot of other ways to get fluids besides water. My doctor recommended juice, Popsicles, jello, applesauce, smoothies, and crushed ice. I was really fond of low salt chicken broth. Also, you might want to try drinking with a straw--I can always take in more fluids with a straw than by drinking out of a glass. I know you'll do better next time, but I thought I'd share some of things that helped me.
Update: Last year I celebrated Martin Luther King Day by having a lumpectomy. Today, my husband and I celebrated our one year benchmark for cancer survivorship. Tomorrow, is my 16th of 18 Herceptin infusions. So much to be thankful for. . .God bless us one and all.
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Lisa, good to hear from you. I was wondering why I had not seen you post but you are right a lot of newbies. I hope we can all help them out. I am the same about the water. I got dehydrated a couple of times and that is not fun. I know that the water may not taste great but you can add stuff to it to get it down and that is a good idea about the straw Cloud. I got to where I would get a slush, cherry was my favorite but everyone is different. I got to where I could not drink Boost or Ensure so just change it up a little and don't drink or eat anything you love. You might not like it after chemo.I am hoping everyone is doing better today. Hang in there girls there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
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Hello all,
One side effect for me was that I got stomach problems from TCH. It made the last three TCHs virtually unbearable. I dropped weight rapidly (which is scary as people say that weight loss increases chances for a bad outcome). Surgeon said 40% of women get stomach problems from chemo. I had my gall bladder removed on January 4 and had to stop taking Herceptin weeks beforehand. I just resumed Herceptin this week.
I have to say that gall bladder surgery is absolutely nothing these days. I was home the same day as the surgery and have virtually no scarring. For the first time since TCH #4 (in May of 09) I have been able to eat interesting food (instead of mashed potatoes). I finally feel normal. Just a couple more Herceptins to go and I should be done.
My heart goes out to those who are at the beginning or moving down the TCH path, but I can finally say there is normalcy after TCH.
To all those in California, stay dry!
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Hi Girls! i just finally caught up on here and wanted to say hi to everyone! We are drowing out here in So Cal with the rains! My poor horse is doing the backstroke in her stall.
JAIMIEH-Good luck with surgery!
BLUEDASHER- as always thank you for your knowledge on here, you have taught me so much in your posts!
NEWBIES- hang in there, it is a temporary bump in the road, it feels like crap but it does pass. I made the same mistake of not drinking after #3 and got dehydrated and very sick to my stomach. I was lucky that i caught it fast and didnt need to go to the hospital. But dont beat yourself up, we are human and are not used to having to go througth something like this. It is like nothing I have ever known.
Women I know ask me all the time "how did you do it? you are so strong". I always tell them that anyone can do this, we are all stronger than we think. We just do it.
I wanted to share something sweet my mom told me today: she called me to tell me of an amazing rainbow ( we dont get many of those here in Los Angeles) she was looking at while driving today and that she instantly thought of me and said " I will keep it in my memory just for you. It was beautiful and such a nice message of hope for you. It may seem silly, but I still believe that God speaks to us in these kinds of signs." Aren't mom's the best! It really touched me.
I want to tell all of you ladies That rainbow was for each and every one of us!
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Question for you Ladies:
I had my Herceptin on Saturday and it was administered by a different nurse this time. I get mine each week and it is for 30 min. Normally the drip takes more like 35 - 40 depending on how fast they nurse set the drip. This time it was noticeably fast and took just short of 30 min.
By the last few minuets i got a little light headed and woozy and my heart felt like it was beating faster. The nurse had me wait and rest and checked my vitals several times and my blood pressure and pulse were fine and not any different than before i started the drip!
I kind of freaked me out, i felt kind of weird the rest of the day. A little weak in the knees like how you feel when your blood sugar is low.
I called my usual onc nurse on Monday about it and she told me that i may be developing a slight allergy to the Herceptin and that from here on out they will just give me some Benadryl before my next tx. She had another women develop the same exact symptoms after a while. I have been on Herceptin since June.
Does this sound like anything someone has experienced? For all i know it had nothing to do with my treatment and all in my head!!! wouldn't be my first case of hypochondria!!!
~ Trish
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Hi Ladies,
My name is Brandi, and I just had my first TCH treatment today. I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma on January 8, 2010, so this has been quite the way to kick off the New Year! I am a 31 year old paralegal, and work as a court clerk in the municipal court, processing criminal warrants, citations, subpoenas, discovery, and also work toward educating victims of crime and advocacy groups. I am married to a wonderful man who is a police officer in our local municipality. I just wanted to introduce myself, and let ya'll know that reading your stories and experiences has let me see that there is life after a scary diagnosis, and that this is just a little bump in the road! Thanks again for sharing hope and encouragement! God Bless!
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Welcome Brandi - We are sorry you had to be here but glad to offer all the support and help we can. This is a wonderful group - I don't know if I would have made it through treatment without them. I didn't know if I could get through treatment - I was SO SCARED. But I did it and you will, too! Please be sure to drink LOTS of water (more than you think you need) to stay hydrated after treatment.
Any questions - just post them here and someone (or many someones) will get back to you.
Stay strong - you can do this!
And thanks to you and your husband for his service in keeping us safe. Police officers are unsung heroes (just like nurses!).
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Hi Amy,
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. This has definatley been a rollercoaster ride, but I am ready to fight with everything that I have! I have got too much to do, and a wonderful life to continue living to the absolute fullest. Thank you for your tip regarding hydration - I am a runner, averaging 30-35 miles per week, so I am always drinking water like it is going out of style. I think I did get a little carried away yesterday in preparation for today's treatment - lots of bathroom breaks last night! Thank you again for the kind words regarding my husband's profession - I work very closely with law enforcement of all levels, and sometimes all they would like to hear is a simple "Thank you." God Bless Always, Brandi
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Welcome Brandi, you were diagnosed one month after me. Seems we have a similar diagnosis. Sorry you have to be here. Here is wishing you a side effect free time of treatment
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Thanks Becky -
I will look up the Northern VA thread...
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Thanks Cloud -
I am trying to fill my fridge with all of the above so that I don't have any excuse this Thursday.
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Trish - You got infused TOO fast. all of your symptoms are normal - but NOT to that extreme. All of my Herceptin only infusions took a minimum of one hour. Speak to your doc about slowing down the rate.
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Welcome PoliceWife...sorry we had to meet this way. But you are in good hands here. Don't hesitate to ask any questions.
Trish...How scary! I have never had that reaction to the Herceptin alone. I was allergic to the Taxotere and they had to give me extra benedryl and steroids in my pre-meds. My infusion time for the Herceptin is an hour and a half.
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Trish, I had a reactions the last few Herceptins and they had to slow my drip down to 1 hour or longer and I also had to take benadryl every time. I guess it is not that normal but they told me when it happened they had another women to have the same problem recently so that made me feel better. I seemed to have the weird problems. I stayed awake form Benadryl everyone else slept including my husband who did not get meds because he was there to support me. haha. We would take my laptop and watch movies.
Welcome everyone but so sorry you have to be here because of cancer. I hope all goes well.
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Thanks LISA< GRANDMA AND CHRISTY- yeah I get my H every week and it is supposed to be 30 min, but like i said normally it takes more like 40 min. This time was so much faster. I will be sure to tell them to keep it slow for me this saturday. I am not in a hurry when it comes to my treatment.
5 months to go!
Welcome Brandi, ask as many questions as you need, i found this thread to be so helpful. You can gripe, cry, rant, rejoice as much as you want on here. It is so nice to have people to talk to that totally GET IT!