Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
jkcrml: Since bilateral surgery (September 21 '09) I have had two seromas along the incision line. The first on the right (non cancer side) in November and now another, in January, on the left. They have been very painful, but keeping them drained is important. I also wear a compression bandage which provides support and helps keep the pockets compressed so fluid doesn't build up in them again.
I started with an elastic "ace" type compression bandage, but it was difficult for me to manage alone and hard for me to wrap by myself. I have switched to an elastic one with velcro closure that is about 6 inches wide. It doesn't roll up and get bulky along the bottom edge. The fabric it is made from does not ravel and I cut it down shorter so that It only wraps once with about 4 or 5 inches of overlap for the closure when stretched at a comfortable tightness. I put it on over an old soft teeshirt to help keep it clean. You can also add extra "padding" next to the skin with a Kotex pad or something similar. It wasn't cheap ($35), but well worth it. You'll probably need to go to a medical supply store to find one. Neither my local Walgreens or CVS carried them. Insurance may cover the cost if you get your doctor to write a prescription as a "surgical dressing".
Hope this helps.
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Hi guys. Just jumping in fast! I will be back tomorrow with more.
Thanks for the comments on the picture! We ALL looked great 15 years ago!!!! Gotta love George! He is the man!
Love y'all all!
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enjoylife- I think we are all stronger than we know. If I did not have my newborn, I would probably lay around feeling sorry for myself. I have to get up and care for him. I have a wonderful husband who helps me out more than I could of even asked for. I have friends too. I just went back to work from my maternity leave. My son is the one who basically found my lump so I am forever grateful to him. He is a fertility baby, and obviously God had a reason for him to be here. I was pregnant with twins and lost one early in the pregnancy. So my son was put here for the purpose of saving my life. Who knows when I would of found the lump.
Sorry for rambling...I can get chatty sometimes.
suepen - my chemo nurses do take a blood sample from my port before each chemo. When I go for my weekly CBC checks they just prick my finger. I have not had any blood taken from my arm since the port was put in.
Thanks for listening girls! Have a great weekend
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Thank you. I was so much on the fence because it seemed that some people I had talked to had not had that option discussed with them so it helps to see that people have had various experiences and are still definite about the port.
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kamitell: Glad you've seen the light.
Allison: One of the girls on the November TCH thread has the blood taken form her arm in spite of having a port - that's why I asked. Why not use it if it's there.
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Where I go they do not take your blood for testing from the port. I am not sure why if you are going to get a treatment but I still go every 3 weeks for test and I can understand not having chemo lab doing it since it would cost more. also when I had my heart checked they did it in the arm but the blood transfusions were all into the port. the chemo nurses always set it up though because they don't let anyone else access the port. My port is kind of turned because I lost weight and even though I gained 5 lb back it has not straightened up. It does not hurt or anything just when I get bumped there. Not bad then but I remember it is there. someone said they outlined their bra so that the surgeon knew where to put the port and I can't remember who it was but it is good idea if you wear the same kind all the time. I don't but even though It crosses my port at times it does not hurt or bother me. It does itch from time to time but not a bad problem. My skin in this winter weather causes me more problems than the port area. As for the tiny scar I have more slices in other places so I am not too worried about that.
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Hi All-
I on 1/12, I too started on TCH, wondering if any of you have had the awful, itching and tingling on your head or hair. It is absolutely driving me crazy. My onco nurse said that it is my hair talking to me and letting me know that it is getting ready to leave. She said that it will start to fall out 2 weeks from my first treatment. At this point I am ready to shave it off if it will relieve the itching! I have already lost the hair on my arms and mostly on my legs, barely have to shave now! Losing the hair in my nose has caused a constant runny nose! I have been handling the chemo pretty well, not a lot of side effects, except my wbc dropped so low, they are guessing that I am now neutropenic and must avoid people and germs - great my next blood test isn't until 1/26 so I am stuck in the house until then. I'm in MN and the weather is pretty crappy so I can't even get out for a walk right now! Have you ladies had the shot to boost your wbc? Is it awful?
I've noticed that many of you have talked about a metallix taste in your mouth. Lemon in the water really helps unless you have canker sores - ouch! I had canker sores this time, but I think its b/c I had dental work done the day before I started chemo. Needed a crown and a filling before I started. Will the fun ever end?!
Well ladies glad to have found you! It truly helps to not go through this alone!
Just- Sher
mom of 2, boy8 girl 5 and loving hubby of 11 yrs today 1/23!!
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Just-Sher - welcome to our group. Sorry you have to be here. I use True Lemon in my water and doesnt seem to hurt my mouth sores as bad. I did not have mouth sores as bad this time as I did with my 1st tx. I do get the neulasta shot to boost my wbc and have had no problems with my numbers. I take claritin starting the day before the shot and take it for 5 days total and the bone pain is not as bad.
I have my CBC taken each week. I am in Nebraska so I understand about the weather.
Good luck with everything.
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Sher~ that is your hairs sign that it's getting ready to come out. Drove me insane so I shaved it and then it felt 10x better.
News from me:::
AND THEN THERE WAS ONE!!!!! One Herceptin to go as my oncologist makes you go over 1 year..... Not a big deal when I look at the big picture.
Leaving for NOLA tomorrow afternoon.
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jkcrml: I've had that problem since my mastectomy 8 months ago. I had mine drained last week and it has already filled again with fluid. I'm also having some pain on that side still. I'm starting to wonder if I should get a drain put back's driving me a little crazy.0
Get a PORT...I am 37 diag in sept and am on tch goig in for my 4th infusion onn wed...I was afraid of getting the port, but i had to becaus i have poor veins, best thing i did! remember you will be gtting herceptin for a year so the infusions cont after the chemo. It really does make life just a bit easier with the port.good uck!
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Yay Jaimieh! It must be a great feeling to be coming to the end!
This has probably been discussed on this thread many times before, but since there are 220 pages, I'm going to throw it out again and hope some of you will answer. Who is on a CoQ10 supplementation? What amount did your docs recommend? Also, what about vitamin D3? Does the supplementaion depend on your individual numbers? Or is there a standard recommendation for after breast cancer?
Also, one more question, did anyone get mild dizziness when they were on herceptin alone? I used to just think it was the chemo. Now I'm not convinced since I am still getting it 6weeks PFC and have just the herceptin to blame now.
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Hi Sistahs!!!
I am sorry I have been MIA. I have been reading on my Iphone but you can not post on it. I just had one seeming controversial thing to add. I did not get a port! I have never regretted it. I never had discomfort or infection or flushing or anything related to it. I made sure that I was hydrated so that my veins were easy to find. I had my year of Herceptin finish last month. Im just saying..... You have an option and what is right for one is not right for another. I choose not to deal with a foreign object in my body;. Best of luck to all and Im for what each individual wants. Hand in there! Everyone is going to be OK!!!!!!!
In solidarity
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jckrml and leapfrog... A compression bandage (after drainage) should help. Think of the seroma as two layers of bread (tissue) and a slice of tomato (the fluid)...remove the tomato then press the bread down (with the compression bandage). Now there is no place for the fluid to accumulate. It has to find other "healthy" tissue to infuse and get drained normally through the healthy channels. The bread will eventually stick together on its own.
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Bold I agree completely with your individual choice statement
Seroma's YUCK!! I had my share and they are the reason that I lost my implants. I would not stop making them. After my implants where removed I still had issues with them until I finally wrapped myself as tight as I could stand in an ace bandage for weeks. Yes, that is not a typo I left myself wrapped almost 23 hours a day and finally weaned myself off the bandages. It was horrible but they finally stopped.
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Swampy: Thanks for the info. I'm going to try it.
I wanted to get implants, but I'm wondering if I'm going to have this same problem (seromas) with the implants. I really don't want to have a surgery that's any more involved than that.
I'm only on the herceptin now and I have noticed that I have episodes of dizziness. I've been trying to exercise more but after 30 minutes of walking I get really dizzy. I don't know if it's just because I am still recovering from chemo (which ended in OCT) or if it's the herceptin.
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I had a port and never regreted it I had no trouble with the port. I also had a exander and my doctor was 14 hundred miles away and when I had my implaint in it was wonderful I thought the expander was uncomfortable but she had to fill my with allot of water so it would last for months as I had to fly back and forth now the inplant is kinda wrinkle but she said that will get better in time cant wait to wear a pushup and show some cleavage at 58 we might be getting old but we are not dead..ha
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Bless your heart with 2 little ones glad you have a good husband. Its a isilating diease at time but by spring you should be on the road to recovery. I had to shave my head it hurt before I did and that night I slept sooooo gooodd but unfortunaly I am one of the ladies who was blessed with thick hair before chemo and hardly any after a year and half so I am now going to another doctor they dont have hair doctors but derm in case anyone has this problem we have a group on the other thread. I am isoliated still but working hard at going forward and that is what you should do you will be fine and shave the head you will feel better but cold ha good luck and get a good wig dont save money on that because it needs to fit you correctly..
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Gramma23: I guess I'm lucky then. The chemo nurse takes the sample from the port and there is a pathology place in the same building who rush it through and send the results back up. This usually happens while they are giving the prep drugs through the port. The results are pretty quick, then they start the treatment if the blood results are ok.
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Sher..I remember my head was sore. especially to the touch, right after my first chemo treatment. It started falling out gradually and then most of it came out 16 days after. So, I bought a wig and shaved it with a #4 guard.
Jamie...Congratulations! Only one left, woo hoo!! Good luck on your trip tomorrow! You will be glad that you went there!!
Weety...I had severe dizziness when I was on chemo, and have been a little dizzy while on just Herceptin, but I was always dizzy even before my cancer because of clogged ear pressure. So, I don't know which is causing it now.
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And Just-Sher...I had the Neulasta shot after every chemo because of my wbc being very low also, and no the shot itself isn't bad, but it can cause bone aches because your bone marrow is working extra hard to produce more wbc. If you take a Claritin, that helps a lot with the aches.0
I see some of you taking supplements like the CQ10 and Vitamin D3 my oncologist doesnt want me taking any supplements except a normal vitamin. What do you guys take? Does your oncologist ok it?
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Thank you Swampy! I was not sure what was going on and that's the worst feeling! I will try the compresses. The lump was drained on Thursday but I can tell it is coming back.
I have said it may times I know I could not have made it through this without this group!
I am counting down on the herceptin only 6 more to go!!!
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Just-Sher: I too had that metalic taste after each TCH. Dr. said to drink two quarts of water each day. I usually love water but it didn't taste good no matter what it did to flavor it. Finally I just used a straw and put it toward the back of my mouth so I didn't taste much of anything, it worked!
I was given Neupogen/filgrastim to self inject at home, one per day for seven days of each cycle. It worked well and I did not have any bone pain. The RX came in prefilled syringes.
My last TCH was Dec. 1. I am doing 21 radiation treatments now and Herceptin every three weeks until Aug. My hair has begun to grow but it is sooooo white/gray I will keep using my wigs until it is long enough to color!
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Hi all,
10 days post first TCH - and had my first nosebleed yesterday.
Also had a cough - Chemo cough? and slight nasal congestion on days 6 and 7. Have continued to pound water and other liquids as everyone keeps recommending. Cotton mouth has finally gone away. Didn't really have any problems with the first Neulasta shot. Made it thru a week of work also, although by mid-afternoon each day I had had enough. So far boss has been very understanding.
Actually feel pretty good today. Taking the good days when I can get them. Have noticed my hair is getting dry, and based on what I have been reading above, it seems it is just about ready to go.
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stlcardsfan - I have not had an actual nose bleed but every time I blow my nose it is bloody and when I blot my nose it is bloody.
I do get congested also and yes the cotton mouth. I have to say I usually have 5-6 days where I am not great but ther others are very doable. Just very tired.
For my hair, it started shedding really bad on day 16..I only washed it every 2-3 days and that helped keep it around a little longer. By day 19 it was coming out in clumps and on day 21 I shaved it.
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Kami - I had a Port (child's size). All but once has my blood was drawn through my vein. The center is sequenced for venipuncture, doctor, then chemo. One day the front was backed up so the chemo nurse drew blood from my port, but I didn't like the feel of it, so I never did it again.
Weety - My oncologist okay'd 1000 iu of Vit D daily. Later, he added a prescription of 50,000 iu weekly, but I have osteopenia. I take 100mg of CoQ10 daily. It seems like many doctors do not allow any supplements.
Sher - Like Juli, I was given Neupogen to self-inject. I had both the prefilled syringes and syringes I had to fill myself. The prefilled are much easier but the empty syringe needle was a little smaller. I started my shots the second day after chemo and continued for 5 days. I had blood work weekly so every week the doc decided if and how much more I needed. The first time I took the shot I had a really bad back ache, then I remember what the gals here said about Claritin. I took the pill and felt much better. I took Claritin the entire time I was on Neupogen.
Your post said your next blood-work is the 26th. Sher, if at anytime between now and then you feel really bad, please contact your oncologist. If you search this site for neutropenia or neutropenic will find posts from ladies that ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics because their white blood count went too low.
Many of us have issues with white counts. Others have issues with red counts and require transfusions. Some battle both low red and white counts. I am not trying to scare you or others, but you must become your best health-care advocate and speak up when you feel bad.
Here's wishing us all the best!
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Sher, Cloud is right about contacting you onc when you feel something is not right. You are the one who knows best something is going on with your body. don't let the WBC or RBC get too low. I had Neulasta every time after TCH except 2nd time they tried the Neupogen but it is not as strong and I needed more so we just did the shot the day after chemo. I am also one who has low RBC. I was not allowed to take vit or any supplements but each onc is different. I am still not supposed to take them because of a possible false positive on blood counts he said. I did take some recently but it did nothing so maybe I didn't take them long enough but the iron in the multi vit makes me so constipated I just could not take them. When I took my steroid it brought my blood count up a little but can't take that very often. Take care and listen to your body.
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Actually feeling okay - tired by the afternoon and VERY ISOLATED! Tired of being in the house and away from people!! Hopefully, I will get the okay to be out and about after my labs on Tuesday 1/26.
Have any of you had a slightly sore arm from the port? My port was placed in my arm on 1/7 and started TCH on 1/12. Its sore kindof in the area that we call "lunch lady" arms, you know the fleshy part, that tends to wiggle when you wave! Haven't had any problems until yesterday, it has a slight pulling in it when I move it certain ways. I plan on calling my chemo nurse later today (nice because she also happens to be a family friend!). No swelling or redness, no fever, no signs of infection. Just a slight pulling when I reach for things.
Oh, I should mention that I had a bilat mast on 12/2 with recon. Things seem to be going okay with that. I will be having my second fill 1/29. Hopefully, wbc will be back up by then and I can get the fill!
Thanks again ladies- Oh, I plan on asking my chemo nurse today about the shots to up my wbc. Maybe I'll be taking claritan monday to get ready for a shot on Tuesday.
Still waiting for my hair to have at least one chunk fall out before I make the call to my stylist to get it shaved!! It is truly driving me crazy right now - It itches and tingles!! OUCH!
Sorry for the whining today - just needed to vent a little!
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Oh yes, blood in the nose. I had that all through chemo, but not a nosebleed just some blood came out when I blew my nose and I always had dried blood in my nose. I had it during rads too. I haven't had any problems since then with it.