Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
Dear Just-Shar, I'm at the other end of the spectrum;had my FINAL TC on Tue and my hair is just soft and very short, but a new texture after all these months. I wanted to encourage you since the isolation sure got to me too, especially after Thanksgiving when I had radiation recall and was on antibiotics for 6 wks. Hang tough! My husband and I made it thru harvest(Sept...) and the holidays with no colds or flu. Truly amazing. Staying well keeps you out of the hospital which is so expensive and just another chance to catch something else! so Hang tough. Carry and use the liq hand cleanser so you can still run errands and eat out occasionally closer to your next treatment. I too avoided people for 11 or 12 days after each treatment. But it was worth it. Its been a snowy, dreary, winter...we'll all breathe a sigh of relief when the weather warms and the sunshines again. May your journey turn into a Good, a Positive. I'm still looking for that myself!!!
On to Ground Hog Day and some celebrating a short month. resting, arby
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How are you all doing with TCH? I had my third of 6 on Monday 1/18. I have been so sick after each one. I have had muscle joint pain, twitching eyes, diarrhea, nausea, etc, etc. People who have done chemo (different types) have told me it was no big deal. I am wondering if its me. I feel terrible for 7-10 days after each one. Is this normal? I feel like I can only get a straight answer from those here who have gone through this.
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TCH is certainly no picnic, however lots of the side effects can be controlled by drugs. I haven't had any nausea thanks to Emend and some other steroid which I take for the 2 days after. Diarrhea has been ok. I had really bad bone pain with the first so my onc prescribed Claratin and Digesic (pain killer). I also had really bad stomach/bowel pain which has been fixed by a prescription for Somac. So the 1st tx I was in bed for a week or more groaning and the 2nd I was (as described by my husband) unrecognisable. The 3rd tx I was sicker sooner but got better sooner - it was a little worse than no 2. I have feet swelling 2 weeks post the last 2 tx's but that's ok. Also I was really really tired after the 3rd.
So, get some drugs to alleviate those pains!!!! If you are not havng Emend - ask for it.
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Shadow....I always felt awful for about 10 days after each treatment. But, I didn't have any nausea, thanks to Emend. Ask your doctor about it, it seems to help everyone.
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MaryEllen, Is it normal? From point of view, yes. Now, what can be done to make you feel better? I agree with Sue and Christy, there are drugs to diminish these side-effects, well, at least the nausea and diarrhea; joint pain my just be something over the counter. In any event, talk to the oncologist.
Frankly, it is hard for me remember how crummy I felt--unless I really focus on the memories--but I can tell you that I never felt very good after chemo number 3 or 4, but I had all the drugs I needed to keep from having nausea and diarrhea.
Oh, the eye twitching: what a wild and annoying sensation! I had it through most of my chemo. Doc told me there was nothing he could do about it. Same with the drippy nose and bloody tissues. Thankfully, I never had nose bleeds.
Take care of yourself, keep asking questions, and let us know how you are doing.
Cheers to us all!
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Hi all,
I have to say that I am another one who never got the port. I was approved for the procedure, but several of the nurses said I had really good veins. That still holds true today almost one year after starting TCH. I have never had any trouble with medical professionals finding veins.
Shadow 2356: You are not alone in feeling terrible after chemo. Chemo #1 was not too bad, but after #3 the effects were severely debilitating. I could not go to work for a full week after each treatment because I was so sickly. I would start to feel the effects of the chemo late on the first day and for several days I was virtually bed and bathroom ridden. I became so anemic that I had to have a postponement of my final treatment. I also lost about 15 pounds from inability to eat. I still have not regained full feeling in the ends of my hands and feet (Neuropathy). In the end I stopped taking pain meds because they were eating into my stomach. I seriously considered not going back for TCH #6, but I am glad I did.
The good news is though that 3 weeks after TCH #6 you suddenly start to feel like a human again, and the world starts to look much brighter.
In the LA area we had two days of beautiful rainbows after the rains - for a person who has survived cancer they seemed to somehow have a special meaning that there really is something special at the end of the rainbow, as a previous poster stated.
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Shadow2356, I had a bad time with chemo but once the TC was finished and I was just on H I felt better. I also lost weight and just now have gained some back after a year from the TC. You are not alone but do ask for meds to control this. If they won't give you meds for diarrhea take Imodium. That is what they gave me but at a higher dose. Just don't go into a chemo being constipated. You are better having diarrhea when you take TCH than the other then when the diarrhea hits take the Imodium until you can control it. It is a balancing act for sure. If you don't feel constipated but just don't have diarrhea take Miralax a couple of days before chemo and after until the diarrhea starts and then stop taking it until you get the diarrhea under control again. I did not take Emend but I had Ativan and another one that helped me. I also took Protonic for heartburn and when that didn't work I took Pepcid but he prescribed it double strength from over the counter. If you can get Emend I understand that is the best. The steroids is hard on the stomach so take care of yourself and it seems it will never end but it will and you will be a lot better after a while. I think we have all have some of your side effects and I know I had all of them but it is like having a baby you forget some of it after it is over. Keep coming here with your problems or your good times. We might can help but by all means call your chemo nurses for problems too. They are there for you or should be. Mine we there 24/7 so I was happy knowing that. Be sure to get that liquid in you so you don't dehydrate. I got that way 2 times and had to have extra iv fluid. check your blood pressure because if you are getting dehydrated you will have really low blood pressure and feel like fainting. So many side effects and many causes for each. You will need to tell nurses everything you are going through because some don't have these problems.
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Isn't it amazing how much medical knowledge we have all gained just going through this? This drug does this and that?! I feel like some sort of medical chemist! ... now if I just take this on this day ... and then take this on the following day...
My side effects haven't been all that bad - diarrhea approx 20minutes after I eat - so that one I can just plan for. UGH! Mostly, its just not feeling like myself and the naps - okay I am seriously getting tired of taking naps all the time! I know that sounds weird. I am the type of person who would rather go to bed early then sleep during the day! Yesterday I ended up taking 2 naps (the first at 11:30 a.m. and then the second at 2:30) pretty much spent the day in bed and then went to bed at 8:30 last night!! Today, seems to be a better day already!
I do have to go see my surgeon, my port arm is pinching in the back, unsure why, talked to my onco doc and he wants me to have it checked out. So off to the surgeon today. Hopefully, its nothing major and she can poke at it in her office and get it readjusted!
So ladies - be sure to hug those loved ones today and drink your water!
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Shadow: I called the the chemo hole. I had txs on Tuesday and on Friday the SEs would start kicking in. I knew I was going to be "in the hole" for at least 10 more days. The third week I'd climb out of the chemo hole and start feeling half way normal (very fatigued though). It is important to stay on top of the SEs. Take those nausea pills on the day before chemo and continue for a week to 10 days. My worst digestive SE was diareah. Sudden and explosive. I took to wearing a Kotex pad just to help prevent messy cleanup. It was depressing to feel a slave to the toilet. After my first TCH, in the middle of SE's I broke the handle on my toilet and was reduced to crapping in the yard. I cried like a baby and felt as if this was the lowest blow. Then I started laughing, I pictured what my yard man was gonna say about me killing the grass!! LOL
You are half way home. Only 3 more trips to the chemo hole. My SE's remained about the same in strength and durration except for the fatigue which got worse. These chemicals are cumulative so by #6 I was totally washed out. All I wanted to do was sleep. It took about 6 weeks to start feeling the energy coming back.
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Thank you all for the helpful hints. They give me Emend Iv during the chemo and then pills for 2 days after. This time I also had a patch that really helped for the nausea. I read about it on here. I asked my chemo office about it. They gave me a sample one and a script for it. I get constipated from the Emend. Then it wears off and the dairrhea starts with a vengence. The imodiom helps a lot with the diarrhea but the cramping stays. The muscle pain, twitching, headaches, mouth pain all remain. I have had some good results fighting side effects.
This may sound weird, but I am at least glad to hear that other people had similar effects. Not that I want anyone else to be sick. But, when people tell me they had chemo and were fine through it all, never missed a day of work etc. I wonder what is wrong with me. I am assuming they had different drugs. I never thought I was particularly wimpy so I was wondering why I am so adversly effected by it.
I can't wait until this is all over. Three down three more to go.
Thanks for the inspiration.
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swampy - The chemo hole sure does put it right. I feel like i am strting to climb out after a week but still not "right" yet. Congratulations on finishing!!! Big accomplishment0
Shadow....You are half-way thru the chemo! Good for you!0
Congrat's to those you are half way done or almost done! I guess I can say that I am 1/4 of the way done with chemo and well... haven't even started counting the herceptin yet. 2 down... too many to count to go.
Have a hair question... My head has been itching and tingling like crazy. I've been getting ready for it to drop, have the wig, the "hallo wig" - goes under your hats, and a variety of hats and scarves. so far nothing... just the itching... I know a few of you have shaved it because of this. now today, it doesn't seem to be itching or tingling as bad. Does this mean that the little hair cells or follicle or whatever have died or dried up and I can expect a big ol' pile of hair when I wake up tomorrow? It just seems wierd that yesterday I was going crazy and now today - the itchiness is pretty minor. Thoughts? The hair on my legs is definitely less not a bad thing there, and I have lost the hair in my nose, which is causing a constant drip! The hair on my arms is also almost nonexistent. So I am guessing that the hair on my hair is ready for its leave of absence.
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Well, never mind my previous question about not losing my hair. My hair unfortunately answered that question for me. Bye bye hair - hello wigs!
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Hi everyone... just checking in to let you know I just got my drains removed from my expander surgery and my first official fill...Have to go in next week too, because I am a bit bruised on one side from the surgery and the doc wants to make sure there is not a problem. Then Thurs and Fri I have my onc visit and blood draw and Herceptin....... Christy, now I am a little further behind you because I had to delay Herceptin by almost 2 weeks due to surgery, so I may be done in April now instead of March... oh well, whats another month after what we have been through, huh.
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Wendy....It is so good to hear from you! Congrats on being drain free!! What a great feeling! How is your pain level after your first fill? I remember it was very tight and a little painful for a couple of days after each fill. Is he going to do a fill every week?
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Hi all,
Have to say after reading the last few pages of how bad the side effects get as the treatments go on has officially freaked me out.
I am currently 15 days past first treatment, #2 coming on Feb 3 and not looking forward to how bad this is going to get. Still have my hair, but tingly scalp has started.
It also seems that everyone seems to have had surgery before starting Chemo. My Dr's are having me due Chemo first to get this nasty thing to #1 stop growing, and #2 hopefully shrink it. Have no clue what route I am going to go, and there is not much there to begin with. But ultimate goal is not to have to do this again!
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stlcardsfan - hi again....dont get to freaked out. I got freaked too but my 2nd treatment was not as bad as my first..of course everyone is different. I did not start losing my hair really really bad until day 19. I too am having chemo first, surgery then radiation.
Hugs to you...we are on the same treatment schedule...except I am one ahead of you. I alsol go on the 3rd for tx #3.
Hugs to you.
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stlcardsfan & allisontom911: also another chemo before surgery. the wait was going to be too long for surgery/recon & recovery and I was anxious to get things moving and kill this cancer. I am also freaked about what may be to come. I told my hubby that the first chemo I had no idea what to expect and now that i have somewhat of an idea i think i may be more anxious esp since I had a reaction to the Taxotere last time so they had to stop it and we are trying it again tomorrow. UGH! Dreading when the 2 chemo meds are actually together in a few weeks. Just keep telling myself to stay in the now and take it one day at a time; doesn't always work but it's worth a try right?
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Hello all you beautiful brave ladies! I just came across this site and sooo.... glad I found it. I've been trying to read all of the posts .... too many to catch up with and lots of good info.
Shadow 2356 My timeline is very similar to yours. I had a physical on August 14, 2009 (my son's birthday) and that's when it all began. I was officially diagnosed when I met with my surgeon on October 1. I will be having my 4th TCH (0ut 0f 6) on Tuesday Feb 2. I, too, have had all he same side effects as you; muscle joint pain, twitching eyes, headaches, mouth sores, nausea, diarrhea and now constipation due to an additional nausea medication given to me. I took a medical leave of absence from work, cause there is now way I would be able to work during Chemo:( My biggest worry is the annoying twitching eyes and muscle joint pain, because all other SE are gone by the 3rd week. During my weekly treatment of Herceptin, I mentioned this to the nurse and she told me to tell my Oncologist on Tuesday about the twitching eyes to make sure I don't get permanent nerve damage. I'll post his response.
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I went back to work this week. I am just in a classroon for the next two weeks but it has been tough. The diarrhea is constant. I am taking imodium but so far no relief. I also have a terrible cough. I had a chest xray a week ago and they said it is just a viral infection. I am surprised I still have so many side effects 10 days after the chemo. I also have numb fingers and toes. I hope this is not permanent.
Good luck to everyone!!
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Cincan: Welcome to the site. You will find people like myself from around the world. It keeps me sane eveyday as I am not working while having treatment and get really bored.
Just had my 4th TCH 2 days ago.
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Thank You Suepen! So how are you feeling after your 4th TCH? After my 3rd TCH, the worst days for me were 3 through 7. I'm dreading the 4th treatment, but at the same time I want to hurry up and get it over with.
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allisontom911: Thanks for the kind words. I seem to keep having what I refer to as "moments" and the tears start - then I catch myself and snap out of it. A little more hair starting to fall out - think Saturday is going to be my shave the head day. It will be day 18, and don't think it will last much longer. Plus with a hairy German Shepard at home - hubby doesn't need anymore hair to vacuum up!
youngmomof3: let us know how #2 goes. Fingers crossed for you that it goes well!!
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Cinpin not TO make fun really I was there a year ago and it all does pass cant promise about the hair loose but the rest does pass. I had to fly back and forth several times to Boston to see my PS and my sister laughed I told her to look for the bald head twitching eye limping women puffy face swollen arm women and running nose I had all those side effect plus more and it does get better slowly after its over and thank god I did Herceptin and radiation and it was like a picnic next to the other side effects all of a sudden slowly you will feel yourself again I actually feel better than before chemo and cancer, I guess it was eating me up and dragging me down but your twitching will go away and I did use clariten for the runny nose it helped too I am telling you it will be better. Now I am one of the unfortunate people who have struggled with the hair but I was blessed for so many years with thick pretty hair so it is hard but I am dealing with it and I refuse to to wear a wig I am afraid it will smother the hair follicles that are trying to come in since August of 2008. I am so happy to be me and to be alive and have my kids but I am single and lonesome and would love to go out on dates but with this head its not going to happen but that is my problems and so are the people who tell me to shut up and be glad I am alive. Please take care of your self I had to work I am a mother of a 19 year old still at home and he was in his last year of school so god willing I was able to work but I think I would of been depressed at home because I was alone if you have a good hubby thats great but I had to pay the bills and god willing I did amazing how strong we can be isn't it maybe that is why most of the breast cancer is women men are not as strong when they are ill and I know that I have 3 sons and a ex husband of 32 years they are all babies with colds in my house. Oh yes and I had the mouth sores if they could invent a chem that just goes to bad cells it would be so great and my nails were great on chemo but now after chemo they are still ugly. I have very few eyebrows no hair anywhere so I am going to yet another derm. Monday to see if I can get help have shampooed with all the best and took the best vitiams and biotin you name it so keep your head up and massage all you can on your head and also drink more water that is in the ocean it will help ...
take care and keep us posted
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My sister was diagonsed within 6 months of me and hers is not bad enough for chemo and jsut a lumpectormy and I am going to have the BRAC test done if my insurance will pay for it while they are drawing blood next week for my check up and if it comes out positive I will have my other breast removed and a new one put on at the same time and also when I recover from that i will have my insdies ovaries etc out dont want to keep anything to attract the cancer back the test results take months is the way I understand and it will be a trip out east but I dont want to do this again and my mother died too young not from cancer her own fault she died but we have no history of cancer from her to go on because she was only 32. Just wanted to vent this that I hate the thoughts of it coming back when they say the c word to you they take something away and we must keep eachother motivated on going and going even bald me thank you ladies for being her wish we didnt have to but at least we have this and they didnt have this probaly 10-15 years ago hmmm
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CinCan: So far No4 same as No3. Not feeling too great so far but have just been out for coffee with a friend, so I'm mobile. Getting the bowels moving will be a challenge.
One thing is that I do not get the sensation of needing to pee, I just feel really really sick and then go and I feel better - it's SO weird.
I think that when they say TCH No4 is the worst really depends on the person. I am usually not too good from day 3 through to 7 or 8 or 9 too. Very tired last time I noticed.
At least we can rest up seeing we don't have to work, we are so lucky.
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CinCan... Hi, We are neighbors,,, I live in Chino. I have been coming to this site for a year and everyone is so great. I was also stage lla. I am nearing the end of treatment, finished TCH last July, and on Herceptin until March or April. Actually just started my reconstruction this month. Almost all of my chemos were the same, stomach aches, nausea, tiredness etc, the only one that got me really good was the 3rd one and I think it was my own fault.. all the other ones I went home, got in bed, rested and ate some soup, like when you are sick,, but this day I went out to my son's swim meet and was out in the sun.... big mistake.... I was sooo sick that night for hours! Never did that again! The rest of them were not any worse than #1 or #2. Everyone is different. So everybody has to do what works for them.
Christy....My pain is getting better every day. The first fill did make me somewhat firm, yes, a little achy. I will get fills every 2 weeks. I have to go back next week for him to check on my one side because there was a bit of bruising from the surgery and drain hole. But its better now.
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Haven't posted here in a while and wanted to let the newcomers know that you should check out this site...France Luxe - It's A Wrap... and contact them for a free scarf...they are wonderful people and they are beautiful scarfs, any one of your choice, for free!! So sorry you have had to enter this journey but know that you will get through this! I finished chemo in mid October and on Herceptin until next July! Fatigue and heartburn/nausea were probably my worst se's with a few odd se's that occasionally showed up! Hang in there, we are all here to help support each other!
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stcardsfan: today went pretty well. No reaction to the Taxotere this time. They gave me extra Benedryl and then the Taxotere very slowly.Unfortunaltely my darn port didn't draw blood again so again I had to have all meds through my arm. My onc ordered a port study to see what is going on. very frustrating. Feeling good right now but am worried about what the days to come will bring. I so loved feeling like my old-self all day yesterday and most of today(minus the time where I was getting chemo). Thx for asking. Hope all is well with you:)