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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • kriskat
    kriskat Member Posts: 116
    edited May 2011

    In chair for round 4-platelets low do they r holding the carbo today-will make it up at the end. Not low enough for a transfusion though, do if anyone has suggestions to raise platelets I would appreciate it!

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,

    Had my MRI,mammo and US yesterday and it seems that my BC has shrunk from about 1.8 cm to 4mm.  This is unofficial as the US technician told me.  Since I had this done only 5 days after my 4th (and last) TCH I am hoping there may be more shrinkage.  Will know more after official results and meeting with BS on Thursday.  At least I know it is working.

    After TCH 4 my SEs were much worse which surprised me, especially the fatigue.  Felt like I could barely walk. Also, terrible heartburn.

     Now I am wondering if I have surgery next will they want to do additional chemo after - onc left this possibility open. 

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Hi all- question for those who have completed TCH. This is round #5 TCH of 6. Day 7 (chemo was last week on Wed). The fatigue and weakness seem greatly increased- did others experience that? I was thinking that two weeks from tomorrow will be my last TCH Round #6 (yes still have herceptin for months- but it's so mild comparatively). I am just finding the energy harder to gain back this time around. I am moving around, trying to make myself go. The muscle burning is there- but FINALLY eased up today- it's been 6 days of bad burning pain w/ the legs/thighs. Numbness has been around the entire taxtotere time- but now my fingers seem numb. (I do ice hands/feet- they look ok- just numb.

    Just wondering if those who have done 6 TCH have felt the last one or two are tougher physically? Any words of wisdom?


  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited May 2011

    LISA - #5 was by far the hardest for me. I had a lot of GI symptoms that were difficult for the first 2 weeks after tx.  I was really nervous for the 6th and final TCH and had my mom come down to spend the week to help me. Turns out it was MUCH EASIER than the 5th one. Who knows why. It certainly helped that I knew it was the last one, but that isn't the only reason.

    So try to focus on the fact that the next one is the LAST one, and that, as you get better, you don't have to gear up to go through it all over again. That makes a huge difference. And you're right - the Herceptin only is a breeze in comparison.

    Congratulations on approaching the finish line.

    Amy - I sent you a PM - did you get it?


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011

    LisaGH I'm sorry to tell you but with each tx the SE get a little more intense and last a little longer. But just think one more left. Just a warning. Everyone gets you all psyched up for "yay last chemo" The party really doesn't start right away because you need to get through the cycle. For me it was the stiffness (got better after 5 weeks) and of course I had the really bad nail lifting on all my nails that continued for a while. Even now my fingernails are still a little tender and my toe nails have yet to really start growing out healthy. You will start to feel your energy improve once the cycle ends.

    But if I did't have shingles (gettng better) I would feel just fine.

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Amy and Lago. Sometimes it just helps to know that what I am feeling is expected.

    My stiffness gets so bad now right after chemo- eases up where I can get around- but never lets go. I agree- everything hangs on longer. The fatigue is the worst.

    Appreciate the words of wisdom. Lago- you are right- I am excited about the last chemo (two wks from tomorrow), but I am thinking- hmmm ok- I am this weak a week AFTER chemo- next one in TWO weeks (feeling that I won't be totally strong)-- and yes I am scared about it. Am trying to plan around it more.

    Appreciate all advice and guidance!!


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011
    Don't be scared Lisa its just more of the same. I never thought the stiffness would go away then all of a sudden on week 5 it started to get better. Everyday it got better. I was stretching too but I will at admit it was hardly at all at the beginning. I could not sit cross legged on the floor. My knees just wouldn't go down. I've been very normal for some time now in that department.
  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited May 2011

    Lago and Amy- That is encouraging...Although it's great to be done with TCH #5 and so close to the end now, I feel like Lisa sometimes i.e. it's been so long since we've felt normal and the fatigue, soreness and bone pain have been building up for so many months now that we've lost all sense of normal and worry about getting it back. It's very good to hear from your perspective that it will start to come back 5 weeks or so after the last TCH. It's all so strange though because I find myself trying to figure out what my "new normal" might be after chemo. For example, with the hot flashes I don't think I'll ever sleep normally again. I miss the past when I could simply sleep through a whole night without interruption. Oh well, I tell myself that I'll come out of this stronger and better somehow for what I've learned...

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011

    dragonfly I started Anastrozole March 1st (last chemo Jan 18th) and I don't remember the last time I had night flash. (never did have day flashes). I had flashes every night at least once if not twice at night between 2am-6am on chemo. After chemo they too started to disappear. I don't think that's the norm but who knows.

    You will be surprised how your new normal isn't as bad as it sounds. I'm still not there yet (#@&* shingles crap still) but I'm getting there. I figure about a year in total but overall if it weren't for the shingles I feel pretty good… and even those are going away.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited May 2011

    Each round of chemo for me was different than the others, I gave up trying to plan.  The fatigue did get worse for me each treatment, my onc had been telling me to rest more and not try to tough it out, he was right.  Give yourself permission to rest, the treatments are hard on your body and you need the rest to heal.  I finished chemo Sept 2010 and I still get tired frequently throughout the day, but it is improving, it's not overpowering like it was.  I started radiation 3 weeks after my last chemo, then had bilateral carpal tunnel surgery a month after I finished radiation, I think all this things slowed the healing process down.  It's great when the chemo is over, just knowing you don't have to have it again is a relief.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited May 2011

    Ladies I can tell you that #4 was THE WORST for me.  I was refusing to go back BUT slowly I felt better and I finished my course.

    SPEAKING OF MY COURSE~ 2 years ago today I was sitting in the infusion room getting my last infusion of TC.  If you would have told me that I would still be here I would say "I hope so" with a lack of confidence but I am still here.  I have shoulder length hair, my joints feel better, I am finally starting to feel like I am recovering from the fatigue and only major SE that still exsist is that my toe nails are still not right.  The great part of it all is I AM STILL HERE.    So today I celebrate my babies birthday who turned 6 today and the last day of TC.  Here's to another 50 + years. 

    For those going thru TCH know that the "chemo hole" will not last forever. 

    Last week I got the pleasure of seeing the oncologist who was filling in for my oncologist when I went in who looked at me and said "YOU WILL finish all of this chemo, you need to".  I gladly told her that I completed it thanks to her and some ladies from here and I appreciated all of the encouragement. 

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Thanks to all! Today is day 8 post TCH#5. I have to say it's finally getting better! My GI tract still feels 'swollen' (and the chemo nurses say- because it is!) but I am coming out of the period of I can't do this one more day feeling.

    It's weird to think 2 weeks today is the TCH6 and last. I am so excited about that. I also hope to have my TE exchange surgery 7/6 if I can get my hemoglobin up enough for PS- he says 10 is the magic number.

    Thanks for the encouragement. It helps so much for those who have been through this. I agree- being alive is the goal. We'll deal with the side effects.

    I have too much more to do in this life to let chemo or stupid breast cancer get me down!

    You all are awesome to help chime in- I so needed it. Thankful to be climbing up out of the hole.

    I'm sure I'll be freaked out by the time it's time for the last round- but I have 14 more good days (I hope) before that happens!

    Have a good day all.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited May 2011

    Lisa~ Believe it or not #6 was the easiest for me.  I slept for 3 days and then I just continued to feel better each day.  It was almost like te cloud finally lifted.

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478
    edited May 2011

    Need help please-too impatient to sort thru this. I need a quick cure for constipation. I don't care if it gut wrenching. Have never been constipated in my life-have had D ever since I started this in Feb

    Have tried Milk o in f Mag, prune juice, prunes, hot baths, walking, tons of water.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited May 2011
    lilylady - X-lax - if no go do call the doc
  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    When I had early rounds of chemo and had tried many meds. My MO told me to take mag citrate. Powerful but it helps. I have had to do this during some chemo- aloxi and emend gives me the big c very tough. I take up to 4 colace a day and miralax but chemo week it doesn't help. I get sick from both- it's some of the worst side effects for me the GI ones.

    You might call your MO office to see if they recommend something like this for you. Hope you feel better.

  • amylynn1108
    amylynn1108 Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2011

    When I had my chemo talk my nurse told me to use Senukot if I experienced this. I have not taken it so I am not sure how well it works.

    I am going in today at 12:00pm for round 3, I am beyond nervous and cry everytime. I wish this would get easier at some point but, I have accepted the fact that I ill cry all the way through 6. I am lucky that I am a patient/employee at my work, I have been there 6 years and am the first employee turn patient, good title to have huh, and I get a private room all to myself so the patients don't see the 31 year old crying the entire time holding her kids stuffed animals they pack for me. This journey is so emotional.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited May 2011
    (((Hugs Amy))))  I wanted stuffies to hold during my chemo.
  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited May 2011

    Amylynn My heart goes out to you...hang in there. I'm on the "good side" of TCH #5 and never thought I'd make it this far through all this misery but somehow it just happens one day at a time and pretty soon you'll be close to your last TCH too! I take a cuddly duck pillow pal with me to every chemo-whatever is comforting. We're all cheering for you!

    Jaimieh Thanks so much for the perspective. It's great to hear that life will be somewhat normal in the future because these months of chemo are long and hard.

    lilylady hope you find relief-constipation is the worst-call the onc if none of the normal remedies work because you may need something stronger...

    LisaGH and SpecialK my chemo triplets, how are you doing now? I'm just beginning to feel a little bit better now that I'm through the worst of the SEs and I'm headed back to work today...hooray for making it through TCH#5 with only one more to go!!! 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011

    lilyladyI had the worst constipation after my 1st tx. End up with Hemorrhoids too. I was already doing a probiotic (stool softener) and eating dried apricots every day. I tried Milk of Magnesia but even that didn't work. I finally tried Metamucil and it worked.

    BUT if you are not using any kind of stool softener you need that too. Ask your MD for a prescription of Colace. BTW the next 5 rounds I started the Metamucil the night I had chemo and stopped once I became regular again. It kept things moving, granted slowly but better than being constipated again.

    Hope you feel better soon. It's an awful feeling.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited May 2011
    Lily - Me too - After the first round I took colace regularly for a few days.  I didn't have a prescription though, just over the counter.  When I got frustrated though I resorted to X-lax.  One or two doses did it for me.
  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475
    edited May 2011


    Maybe you can get an RX from onc for a suppository to get things rolling.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011

    BTW I just came across this info on the Herceptin site. I'm glad I had nuelasta during chemo:

    "Worsening of Low White Blood Cell Counts Due to Chemotherapy

    Worsening of low white blood cell counts to serious and life-threatening levels and associated fever were higher in patients taking Herceptin in combination with chemotherapy when compared with those who received chemotherapy alone. The likelihood that a patient will die from infection was similar among patients who received Herceptin and those who did not."

    source link  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited May 2011
    lago - do you think that means during chemo or after chemo too?
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011

    My impression is during chemo. My white counts were fine after chemo. I know my PS wouldn't have done any expansions after chemo if my white counts weren't normal. He checked.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies - I finally got out of bed.  I have been there since Sunday night.  This is by far the worst period I have had in the more recent tx, I think cumulative SE and doing too much over the weekend took their toll.  Mon, Tues and Wed. I could walk to the bathroom from the bed - but that is all!  My DH was starting to get worried.  Today I actually took the doggy out.  I have lost about 10 lbs since last tx (Thurs.) from the diuretic and feel so much better from that persepctive.

    OMG - crazy weekend - babysitting howling boxer dog belonging to DD's client, son visiting for wedding, massive rainstorm on way to wedding, only sober one at wedding reception, DD pulled out of chair to dance - falls and sprains ankle, leave DS at reception (with my CAR!) drive DH and DD home - both have had several cocktails so can't take DD to doctor yet, put boxer in bed with DD, thunder and lightning storm in middle of night, somebody rings our doorbell a dozen times at 5:00 a.m.- Sun. a.m. take her to doctor - bad sprain & crutches, DS returns (car is OK), steroid crash starts returning from airport, pack DD for trip to Virginia.  Mon - monitor texts from DD as she wheelchairs through various airports on way to see her Navy Seal.  No wonder I am tired!

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    SpecialK- so sorry to hear your troubles! And yes Dragonfly this one was rough on me too. It took an entire week this time to get rid of side effects. Lingering on for me day 9 now are sore tongue/mouth/mouth sores. And the ever present fatigue that never leaves totally.

    The leg burning was awful for a long time- pain even in moving legs for days would make them burn. Weakness over the w/e that was tough. Then the usual big C for me which requires so much medication that the big D comes next then I start getting better.

    I was so happy being at the office today. Did well- then about 6 hours into being there (I had done work and conf calls at home b/f going into work) I felt I had to lie down. I came home feeling pretty awful- and now am finally ok- but tired out.

    SpecialK you had it from all directions this time around! I am tired just reading what all happened to you! Smile

    Amylynn thinking of you. I get so sick and fearful on the TC days. I take an ativan about an hour before I go- it helps me. I have only taken it one other time ever to help sleep on a bad night a few TC cycles ago otherwise. I do find though just doing that helps me keep from getting too bad in the chair. And yes, I have had meltdowns in the chair too. I mean it's horrifying really to think of what is happening to us- I think it's very normal to be upset. Thinking of you. Each one leads us one step closer to being done w/ that part. On my Herceptin days it's a breeze.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited May 2011

    AmyLynn~ ((HUgs))  What hospital are you at ??  I go to GBMC.  Hang in there. 

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    I am new to this thread. I have been thru a/c and taxol and surgery. Since the surgery I found out I was HER2 + were I was neg before and now I have to go thru TCH. So not looking forward to chemo a 2nd time. But it will get rid of the rest of the disease so it is worth it.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited May 2011

    Karebear Welcome! I'm truly sorry that you are facing even more chemo but TCH with Herceptin is remarkable at treating HER2. You've definitely come to the right thread and we will all help you through it...ask lots of questions-this is a wonderful group! By the way, that makes you a "triple positive" so you may want to join us on the triple positive thread as well...