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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    jackifp- thanks- good luck w/ treatment 2. i found the side effects much easier to deal w/ after tx 1. i knew more what to expect- also i had a headache on tx 1 but have not since. hope you do not have one either!!

    carabear- good luck to you. i did have low white blood cell & neutrophil counts once (i had neulasta but it took a while that cycle to be effective for me). the odd part of it was- i did not feel worse. i only knew when they took the blood. i have been more cautious aboutr large crowds, etc since that time- just wanting to make sure i don't expose myself to anything. since the one time though, i have been fine.

    time is going by fast- 6 more days til TCH 5.. I had herceptin yesterday for my weekly dose. It was fine.

    hope you all have a great day!


  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    chrissyw - first of all, totally jealous that you are in Napa, one of my favorite places on the planet!  Yes, surgery is easier than chemo, and I can speak from a place of authority on that because I have already had 5 surgeries.  Are you taking steroids before, during and after your chemo?  The reason I ask is that I was not on tx#1 and #2, I only had steroid the day of chemo, but I also developed a rash (I thing from antibiotic for a UTI) but they changed me to the longer dose to ward off a rash.  They want me to continue on TCH and not have to switch me because I am allergic to it.

    dragonfly - Mickey Mouse hands - now I am going to laugh when I put my gloves on too!

    jackifp - you are sweet to say that!  We are just getting it done, and there are a lot of ladies on this thread who have been through more than we have.  Every one of us determined to get through this chapter and then on to the next, right?

    carabear - if you do ever have Neulasta be sure to take Claritin an hour before the injection and then for a couple of days after.  I forgot to take it before my third one, took it on the way home, but it did make a difference.  The bone pain I experienced with Claritin was solvable with a warm bath.

    LisaGH - how are your counts holding up?

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Posts: 516
    edited May 2011

    On the issue of blood counts, my hemoglobin dropped again this week but only slightly. I'm hovering around 10 and the MO has discussed possible procrit shots if it keeps trending down. Is this necessary and has anyone else had to do this? I continue to be very fatigued and my muscles burn with any effort. I can't walk up steps anymore because the burning is unbearable and I get short of breath easily if I exert myself. I'm still managing to work but I am exhausted at the end of the day...

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    dragonfly - I am not aware of any of our group that has had Procrit - I know I asked LisaGH about whether or not her onc would prescribe it as her hemoglobin kept dropping and she said he will not.  There is some thought about it being contraindicated in active chemo patients.  What is your hemoglobin now?

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Posts: 516
    edited May 2011
    SpecialK My hemoglobin had dropped to 10 when they checked it on Tuesday which is only a slight drop from last week (10.4) so I'm hoping it will hold on...I really don't want to add anything new at this point since we are so close to the end...I'll argue to avoid it. I know I'm definitely feeling the fatigue all the time at this point where it wasn't so bad during TCH 1-3.
  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    dragonfly - I am with you.  I am at 10.2, I have a cbc tomorrow and I wonder if it has dropped further.  That has been the pattern so far, sometimes it has dropped by a full point, then it does a slight rebound but it has been steadily falling since tx#1.  Most docs won't transfuse until below 8, but it is dependent on your symptoms.  The thing working in your favor is that the drop is gradual as opposed to a sudden drop, is your onc talking Procrit because of your fatigue only?  How much iron-rich stuff and red meat are you eating?

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Posts: 516
    edited May 2011

    SpecialK- No, I actually haven't focused on the fatigue as a SE when talking with the MO or the nurses. I figure that if I'm still able to work then the fatigue is manageable. She's basing it strictly on the number and says her cutoff is anything below 10 so it came up with my labwork this week. Fortunately, I can usually argue pretty easily for what I want with my MO. I've been eating steak, dark leafy greens and eggs, etc during my good week but I'm afraid the 10 bad days at the beginning of every cycle with the GI problems aren't helping because I have to make up a lot of ground...

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Posts: 150
    edited May 2011

    Hi- Dragonfly & Special K my chemo triplet friend! (all TCH same cycle- same week! Smile)

    My Hgb is lower. My MO doesn't give procrit- said it's not FDA approved for early breast cancer. I have to get transfusion if Hgb gets below 7- and sooner if symptoms bad. My low is 8.5 so far! YIKES! I have actually changed diet- and Hgb was up to 9.5 this time- I was pleasantly surprised. I had been on a totally downward trend since starting chemo- and was beginning to think it wouldn't go up. Diet has helped me. (I was told diet would not help hgb- but it has). 

    I agree- though eating for the first 10 days now is hard. Between the GI stuff, and the thrush I get each cycle and the taste changes----thank goodness ONLY 2 MORE TO GO!!!! YEAH!!! 

    Dragonfly- I admire you! I am working but not like you are. I too find my legs burn alot- and my legs ache from the taxotere. I tire easily too. Took a nap when I got home from work today!! Definitely feel the cumulative impact of chemo these days. Scared about round 5 in 6 days. As Scarlet says, I'll worry about that tomorrow..... Smile


  • carabear
    carabear Posts: 9
    edited May 2011

    Thanks everyone for all the advice going in today! I just got home form TCH #1. Feeling ok, tired and feeling like I have a little heartburn. Otherwise good so far. You ladies are my inspiration!!! :)

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited May 2011
    carabear - Drink Drink Drink and then some more!
  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Posts: 516
    edited May 2011
    Carabear So glad you got through TCH #1 today. I had terrible heartburn on my first one. If you notice that it's a much of a problem try over the counter omeprazole during your first week of the cycle. I also had them add pepcid to my infusion and that seemed to take care of it. Can't stress enough the importance of fluids. Make sure you are drinking A LOT right now even if your appetite is not great. You mentioned that you get migraines. I also suffer from terrible migraines (as in 10 per month). The anti-nausea meds can provoke headaches. It also seems that any time I'm not drinking enough fluids during chemo, I get a migraine-just another observation...Hoping that you get minimal SEs!
  • libraylil
    libraylil Posts: 325
    edited May 2011

    Ok Lisa break it down. You only have one more to go that let's you feel good just in time for another infusion. When you have 6 you can only get better. No chemo looming. You are so almost there. I worked also and never felt bad about resting all weekend even. I still napped with the dog in the afternoon during rads. Just think it takes a while to heal from all we have experienced. Libraylil

  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478
    edited May 2011

    I am in the chair tomorrow for #3. Also an onc visit. Had to go for bloodwork today (Humana crap) and they would not draw it from my port. She said if I wanted to have my port accessed it would be another 45 minute wait. That will be the first thing I bring up tomorrow. Then she had the nerve to bitch about the vein in my arm being so scarred. I figure she must have only been a lab tech not a nurse. I have just started there so I don't know much about their procedures.

    Hoping they have a my scan scheduled for next week already. I will be halfway thru the original plan of 6 treatments-but that plan was made before they knew I was Stage IV. I need for all the tumours to have shrunk or we will be looking at changing what I am getting. I have little SEs and they haven't happened til Day 7 on 2 previous tx. Big D but Ok as long as I know the bathroom is close by.

    Hoping you have the same luck Carabear

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    I had a whole post written (and you guys know I am long-winded!) and then the website crashed!  Acckkk!

    dragonfly - It sounds like you are eating all the right things, I know it is hard when you only have half the time to make up for the non-eating! I hope you can get away without having to add the Procrit, especially if it appears to be somewhat controversial.  I know LisaGH and you are both having the large muscle burn - I think I am not getting that because you guys are working.  I just get more opportunity to rest.  I think I would be struggling more if I was at work on my feet all the time.

    LisaGH - Yay for the increase in your hemoglobin.  I have a CBC tomorrow - curious to see what it says.  I was surprised last week because my nose was bleeding like a sieve but my platelets were ok.  My hemoglobin and RBC had dropped though.  Libraylil is right, once we get to five and survive, we get to six, and it is all good from there!  Thanks for that encouragement - so nice coming from someone who has blazed the trail for us!

    carabear - I like your doggy picture - looks a little like ours but he has more white on his face.  Days 3-5 should be when you experience the onset of SE's if they are coming.  Some may linger longer than that like the Big D (or C!) - for me usually until day 9-10, sad to say.  Try to keep something bland-ish in your tummy, little amounts frequently. Drink as much as you can - seriously.  Dehydration will bring on a headache too, dragonfly is so right.  My onc described days 3-5 as "the worst hangover you have ever had" and he was pretty much correct!  Try to rest when you can

    lilylady - I have to say the half-way mark was big for me.  It was the first time I could see the finish line in the distance.  I hope your scan shows progress so you don't have to change horses in the middle of the river.  I will be rooting for you tomorrow!

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Posts: 224
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies--It's day #3 after Chemo #3. There is something about the halfway point. It's now the downhill ahead of me. If I can do 3, I can do 3 more. I feel like my life runs in 3-week segments. All I can focus on is what will happen for the next 3 weeks.

    I've been scheduled for a SYMA scan on Monday. That's what they call the MUGA here. I'm not thrilled because Monday after chemo usually is not a day that I feel like doing anything. But I would like to see the numbers at the next appt. When I went for my first chemo, the nurse said, without enthusiam, that my 68% was "ok". I was a bit shocked because I thought this is where I had some strength--no family history, physically fit, no hypertension, etc. I spoke to the onc this week--a resident--and she was stunned at the nurse's reaction. She said 60% is considered great and 68% is excellent. It made me feel better.

    Isn't it amazing how focused we now are on numbers we never knew about before? I get copies of my blood work and study all those numbers. My sis-in-law came to chemo with me this time and was a bit surprised that I made such an effort to get copies of the reports. It isn't something we naturally feel comfortable doing--at least not in Canada. What the hey! I want them.

    I expect I will go face-down on the couch tomorrow afternoon so I need to do as much as I can today to prepare and get to the gym tomorrow morning. I find the crash easier to take when I feel like I don't have things hanging over me unfinished.

    Here's hoping for a good weekend whereever you are in your cycle. Some sun would raise our spirits, eh?

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    pasmithx2 - you are so right about the half-way point reinforcing that you can do this - wait until you are done with #4, you will actually get excited.  We have to measure this war in individual battles!  It is good that you get all your reports, it helps you track trends - I have a (now very thick!) binder with every report in it, as well as my work related paperwork and also a narrative with dates in case I have to look something up and can't rememeber when it happened or the details. I like information!  I had to laugh at your "eh?" because my Mom grew up in Windsor, so I heard that all my life.  Yesterday was both her birthday and the 6th anniversary of her death (and Cinco de Mayo!), so I needed an eh? right about now! 

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Posts: 475
    edited May 2011

    #5 down and 1 more to go. Had to ask for a different blood tech yesterday. She tried twice to get blood and couldn't. Told her she was done and get someone else, she did. Chemo room was backed up and had to wait another hour for that. Last one out the door yesterday. Oh, before all that happened the Dr found an enlarged lymph node on the MX side and I have to go for US and biopsy...She doesn't think it's anything to worry about since I'm on chemo but is airng on the side of caution. I love her but what a day!!!  But on the bright side the hard part is almost done..YEAH!!!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Posts: 325
    edited May 2011

    Big cheer for lilylady, pas smith and all sisters reaching the magic three. You are so getting near the end of chemo. Keep your mind focused on the chemo killing those Klingons. Libraylil

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    sewingnut - so great you only have one more!  Sounds like you did have quite a day yesterday, sorry about the node - I hope it is nothing, but good that it is being checked.

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Posts: 224
    edited May 2011

    libraylil--Kingons! I like it. I've been telling people that the chemo is just zapping the dust that might be floating around in my system. I had 2cm of clean margins (eventually) and no nodes were involved. So the cancer is gone; there are just some tiny klingons left, but they have to go. There are days that I ask if I really NEED to do this, but I keep reminding myself that I do NOT want to be here ever again. Get'er done!

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Posts: 482
    edited May 2011

    I am 2 years post chemo and I still have problems with my Hemoglobin. That does not mean you will have it but I have taken blood transfusions and Procrit for over 2 years now. It helps but I can not figure out why I can't get my blood up. My onc/hemotologist just tells me it will take time. I also have arthritis so he thinks this part of the problem. Yesterday I was 9.8 on hemoglobin. I was really disappointed. I knew it was low but I thought it would at least be 10. I hope you do better and yes the Procrit helps but very expensive. Just take it at the chemo center so the major medical will pay. They wanted me to inject myself but I could not pay for the med. It would have taken all my drug allowance.


  • carabear
    carabear Posts: 9
    edited May 2011

    Good afternoon Ladies! I am feeling pretty good today. Did not sleep to well last night but I figure thats from the steriods more than anything. Taking Emend so so far no nausea! I still had some heartburn this morning but I did take some Omeprazole (Thanks Dragonfly1) and I feel much better. I am definitely still drinking a ton of water. I feel like I need one of those beer hats that I can just sip on all day! LOL

    SpecialK-That is a pic is of my first baby Dakota. He is a 10yr old Jack Russell terrier. I have another JRT as well that is 11 months old named Tallulah. :) They are so much fun. They are both enjoying that I am home today all curled up next to me. I felt well enought to go to my daughters school today to watch a little of their Field Day which was nice. I usually miss those things because I work FT. Made her day that I came.

    Lilylady-I would have been really upset if anyone treated me that way! WTH? I hope you get it strightened out. Thanks for the good luck, same back at ya! 

    Sorry to hear some of you ladies are having trouble with anemia. I hope they can get that under control. I think I am going to take a little siesta. :) Hope ya'll are having a good day!!

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Posts: 324
    edited May 2011

    Hi Ladies Thank You for the encouragement and cheering on. It's is really hard to see the Forrest because of the trees. Despite the Zofran and Compazine the breakthrough nausea will not go away. Coupled with a bunch of other little lovely SE.. I am trying to hang in there. But I will admit I am terrified of being over medicated and the Long Term SE that go with this. It really bothers me that we are all Being dosed with the same amount of chemo but all of our diseases varied. I know to date it's what best, bit still does no mean it's acceptable.

  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478
    edited May 2011

    YAY!! #3 done and over with, Apparently Friday is a really lite day in the infusion room and there were some really nice ladies there. 1 was having her last treatment-she had a look of pure joy on her face-I wish I could have taken her picture so she could see herself.

    Biggest disappointment is Onc wants to wait 2 weeks before the scan-he says let the drugs do their work-I week isn't long enough. He feels really confident everything is going well. I still tell him I am nervous because I have not been sick. Makes me think it isn't doing what it should. I have never eaten such a clean diet-I think that is a big part of why I DO feel good. Not because I am so pure but my Coke and sweets just taste horrible.

    I am still not needing Neulasta-counts drop 1 week out then bounce back. I have been warned that might change and then I can either be on house arrest or get the shot. Best news for a Stage IV girl is liver stuff on the CBC is remaining stable.

    Hope everybody has a great weekend. I am going to try to use my steroid buzz to get some things done.

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    nmoss - do you have a scrip for Ativan for anti-nausea?  It might be the one that works for you.  Zofran does not work for me at all and gives me a horrible headache, Compazine does work but so does Ativan.  The started putting it in my drip on chemo day because I was being woken up in the middle of the night after tx with dry heaves.  Seems to be doing the trick.

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Posts: 324
    edited May 2011

    Hey, I do take Ativan it works but for a very short period of time. Plus it puts me out. I finally got out today(TX) was Monday. It was tough, nausea and heartburn the entire time. But I am trying to not let this slow me down to much. On another note I lost a chunk of eyebrow and eyelash today. Today was the first day I drank 1/4 cup of water and held it down for more than 2 hrs. I guess that's progress.

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Posts: 51
    edited May 2011

    Congratulations to all that are on the home stretch.  I have my last (of 4) next week.  Is anyone else just getting 4 treatments instead of 6? I am at a major med center and had a 2nd opinion at another med center and both recommended 4.  I am neoadjuvant so maybe that is why??? Will have MRI etc only 5 days after last scheduled TX so will know more then.

     SpecialK - If you ever get back to the Napa Valley let me know and we will have a glass of wine together.  As for the steroids, for TX 1 and 2  I took decadron 1 day before, the day of (larger dose given at time of infusion) and the day after.  For TX 3 I did not take the day before.  The rash still appeared on around Day 10 but was not as severe so who knows.  I still have kind of rosy cheeks all through this.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    Hey ChrissyW - Napa is on my shortlist of trips to take when I am done with treatment.  I have been several times but my DH has not.  We went to Italy in '09 and it looks just like Napa!  The last time I was there I went with my best friend and we did a spa day up in Calistoga - it was awesome, body scrub, mineral bath, facial and massage.  We were done and sipping juice in our fluffy robes, making dinner plans,  and she got a call that her co-director at work was in a horrible car wreck and in the trauma center at UC Davis, so there went all our relaxation!  We jumped in the car and went home pronto - fortunately she was not as badly hurt as first thought, but it was the right thing to do and go check on her and support her family.  We are def having wine together when I get there again!

    nmoss - if it makes you feel any better I don't leave the house either for the first 9 days after tx due to the Big D.  The only place I go is for Neulasta and CBC, and I have been late a couple of times because I couldn't quite get out the door before I had to run back into the bathroom (overshare alert!)  Are they giving you Emend?

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Posts: 324
    edited May 2011

    Hi Special K no Emmend, I have asked.. I think being couped up is adding to the craziness. I like my house but Jeez! Thats funny you mention UCD my sister is the Dean of Students at the Med School at UCD. I miss Murder Burger:)

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited May 2011

    nmoss - Don't ask for Emend - demand it girl!  And get some better pain meds - if they won't give you any I'll Fedex something  to you - ha, wish I could but I think that violates a number of federal laws!!  I love my house too - but seriously, I am tired of it.  Working in my favor is living in a place with good weather, I have been able to sit outside most of the time I have been dealing with all this mess.  The dog and I go out and lay on a chaise by the pool. I feel for the ladies in the north who are just now getting into the warm spring-y type weather.  I lived up there too - in upstate NY you count by winters!  During the last 10 day run-up to the next tx I do run around a bit trying to live normally.  Unfortunately I am now getting to the fatigue part where it is a little harder to do!  I went for a CBC yesterday - my hemoglobin has dropped into the danger zone and if it doesn't come up they want to give me Procrit before tx on Thursday.  Needless to say - I ate a steak last night!  Wow - your sister is the Dean, so awesome!  One of my old roommates from college is now a professor where we went to school - Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.  Last time I was there I went to her office - it was kind of surreal, seems like yesterday we were partying there and taking cabs from bar to bar!  Now she is Dr. P!  I still don't feel like a grown-up and here she is acting like one!