New Want To Play A Word Game
I think the gators in these PARKS will eat anything. That cheeseburger looked so good it made me hungry.
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Good thing I brought a SPARE cheeseburger. You never know when you may need one :-) You can help yourself.
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I enjoyed the cheeseburger. Thanks. I topped it with anchovy PASTE and am now really thirsty. Might you have some cold drinks?
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Looks like there is a Tiki Bar just a few hundred STEPS down the beach. I'm always up for a tropical drink!
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Now that was a great pina colata! When I set my straw down a few ant looking PESTS arrived for their share.
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I'm sure they love all these tropical fruits. I've heard that the smell of clove STOPS them.
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Not sure if it's the basil, garlic or pine nuts, but I heard ants don't like PESTO either.
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I've also heard that if you STEEP some tea and put it in a saucer that will repel those little buggers.
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How do you suppose American Indians kept those little pests out of their homes when they only had a TEPEE to live in?
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I think I would PETER out just from all the work trying to keep pests out.
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Are we still on the cruise ship? I think just heard the captain say our next stop is CRETE!! I've always wanted to go to Greece.
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Blue skies, white buildings, blue seas. Off to Greece we sail and their will be a lovely welcoming lunch to GREET us on arrival.
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I'm just ordering off the appetizer menu. Let's see, I think I'll have some olives, local cheese and some snails for protein. This restaurant is GREAT!
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I had them GRATE the feta cheese over some warm olives and that was so yummy.
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I don't know if this restaurant is RATED, but I would give it 5 stars!
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After such fine dining I DREAD going back to my own cooking!
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I'm not READY to go home either. Let's go find another adventure. Maybe those cute guys at the bar want to go with us?
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Let's head off to Britain, the exchange rate is great now and we can by YARDS of fine plaid fabrics.
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I've always wanted to visit Britain and explore their legendary forests, perhaps to encounter a DRYAD.
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Cool! Let's go for a walk through the woods.
It's kind of foggy in here. I'm not sure if this is relaxing me or creeping me out. I kind of DREAD what we might run in to. Even if it is a Dryad.
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It's OK, we have good shoes and a compass, water and BREAD. Let's see what's up the forest path.
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I just heard that a beautiful dryad was seen on that forest path and she had a lovely, long BRAID. Not a bit scary, so let's go..
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My BRAIN says "no" but my heart says "yes". So, I'm going with you up this forest path and see what we can find. I hope to see a waterfall on our trek.
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Oh, look! There's a BRUIN! I hope he is a friendly one.
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Oh my it is just a little BAIRN and her lovely accent is difficult for me to understand. I expect there must be others wondering about this place.
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Did you hear that sound? It sounds like a TRAIN whistle in the distance. Maybe we can find tracks to lead us out of here.
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Yes that is a train whistle and our new little friends will give us a proper INTRO to the conductor so we can get on the train without paying. Oh where will we go?
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I'm just hoping that our train has a lounge car. After all this hiking, I'm ready for a gin and TONIC.
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Zogo you are right on POINT with the gin and tonic idea. It is my favorite summer beverage.
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Mmmm, my favorite gin is Bombay Sapphire. My daughter (21) likes one called Boodles. And my husband just likes PINTS of beer.