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Lets conduct our own study on how we all got breast cancer



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited December 2009

    my all time favorite that why we got BC? right now they are hiding in the of my favorite scenes is the opening when the scan and do a close up on Julie Andrews and she sings the HIlls are Alive with the Sound of Music....when I was a little girl, I actually was act the old Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe VT (before it burned down) and met a couple of the "children".....sure wish I had gotten an autograph.... I rememver as a little girl wondering how Mary Andres could be int he Sound of Music and Mary Poppins at the same thats the reason I got breast cancer!!!!!  as good as any reason!!!

  • somanywomen
    somanywomen Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2009

    I think it comes from licking the inside of canned!!!!!!...Love that BPA flavor, thanks FDA for giving us all those goodies to make the food last longer........

  • mlrbelle
    mlrbelle Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2009

    I can't believe I haven't seen this yet!  So glad it's made it back LOL!

    I must confess to:

    - Aquanet or Aussie until my bangs almost stood straight up (it was the 80's!).  I also sprayed them then, still wet with hairspray, curled the bangs - connection???  Honestly, my dresser was coated and sticky with the stuff what was I thinking .....

    - Barbie.  Of course!  All those car crashes she had off the top of the outside shed and the premarital sex - she got her revenge in the end.

    - Chewing on pens

    - Cheesy Harlequin novels!  I used to snag my mom's all the time!

    I also have a couple I haven't seen yet - popping those "tar bubbles" that formed on the street when it got REALLY hot out in the summer, who knows what that did to my system!  And Jelly shoes with no socks, I mean come on ...

    OK, now I'm off to finish reading all 41 pages of this while I should be working ...

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    Er Mirbelle, losing your job is a contributor to BC.  Know how many people lost their jobs and then got dx because they no longer had insurance.  Better get back to work, keep your job and read on your own time.

    Somany... - that must be a real accomplilshment - how do you lick the inside of a can?  Care to post a picture of your tongue?  Okay, maybe not - just paint a visual for us.

    Karen, that has to be it.  I promised I would not sit for 4 hours to watch but I just couldn't turn it off.  4 hours in front of the TV - yeah, that will give you BC.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited December 2009

    Maybe it was licking the cream filling of the Oreos before eating the cookie. I mean, didn't our mothers tell us not to do that? They knew what they were talking about!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    Oh Leah, I still do that!  But since I'm giving up the sweets I guess that means no recurrence?

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited December 2009

    I don't know about you ladies, but I think it might have something to do with sniffing things.

    NAH! not glue, things that . . . .  .umm . . . . are in the fridge, at the back, you know? You're not quite sure if they have reached their use by date, so you sniff 'em, to see if you can throw them into a pot to make the contents . . . . interesting.

    Not to mention the clothes in the wash!  Anyone found items in the wash which you are sure you washed yesterday and didn't see the owner wearing today, but there it/they are, back in the linen hamper. 

    Anyone here like me, sniffs the edges to see if they were worn, so they can give the owner a rev for causing more work for the poor old washer woman? ME!

    . . .And what about powdery things?  You know things you buy in bulk or large packets and then measure into smaller ones for everyday use.  Trouble is sometimes I forget what is in the smaller container and have to smell it or, very carefully, taste it to find out what it is.

    These are a few of my favourite things which, it is my belief, may have caused my BC!

    A womans life is no bed of roses ladies, no indeedy!


  • zoegr
    zoegr Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2009

    What about stress? I think i got it because i'm getting stressed so much.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited December 2009

    Hmmm, Sheila, there might be something to what you say. During my second pregnanacy I had a very heightened sense of smell, and I remember the laundry detergent we used smelled WONDERFUL  so every time I did a wash I did a lot of sniffing! After the baby was born, the smell was sort of pleasant but ordinary. And, yes, always opening the containers in the fridge to check if they're still edible or only useful for someone's science project. Maybe we should start to wear surgical masks on our noses only.


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    I think you are on to something.  Don't they just hang on to the leftover ones and give them out the following year.  Who would have thought a candy cane needed a stamp from the surgeon general that holding them over year after year could cause BC?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Did a lot of vacuuming today and thought maybe breathing in the dust mites when we changed the bags?  You never could get them off without some particles, seen and unseen, escaping.  Now it's not better because I still have to empty my 'bagless' vacuum into the trash and so there's even more dust escaping when you tap the canister to get the last of the "sutff" out. 

    Hmmmm, anyone have an efficient way to empty the bagless vacuums?

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2010

    Hmmmmmm . .. . . .. .....Throw away the vacuum  and buy a new one each time?


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2010

    Or maybe, get someone else to do it, you know, tell 'em you might have sucked up their favourite. . . . . . . . . .whatever, send 'em outside with some newspaper and they might even find one of your ear-rings etc,.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited January 2010

    Has anyone mentioned those marshmallow peeps - used to be only yellow, but all sorts of colors now.   And they have white ghosts and other shapes and colors for various holidays.   

    use a fabric softener sheet when emptying bagless vacs - it helps get the last of the dust out while you wipe it out.   I gave away my bagless vac because it caused more dirt than it was worth, for me.    

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    I used to eat those peeps and wondered why, even as I ate them.  They really didn't taste that good.  Maybe they knew I didn't really like them and so they paid me back by giving me BC!

    my bagless is a Dyson - over $500.00 - give it away, nada - it better outlive me!  Thanks for the tip about the fabric softener sheet.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited January 2010

    Well, Patoo, I can see why you won't throw it away. Maybe take Sheila's suggestion one step further and  have someone else do the vacuuming. Tell them you don't want a recurrence and direct them to this thread...


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Wish I could.  Only me and my son who doesn't see dirt and can wallow in garbage 2 feet deep and not think anything of it.  Wonder if I can teach my cat? 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited January 2010

    My goodness, Patoo, if you live with a cat you should know she'd never stoop so low as to do housework. My cat is the Chief Officer In Charrge of Vermin Control around here, but limits her cleaning to herself.

    And as for my son - same vision problems as yours.


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2010

    Leah- my cat is the same way AND hubby and i seem to be the only one who sees the dirt also. It is amazing how dirt blind my two twenty somethings are!!!

    I think the vac bags may be a valid point. While hubby loves to run the vac he never thinks about the bag..and like you i cannot find a way to do it without all that dusty mess...

    Maybe it's the yrs worth of dust on the boxes from the Christmas decorations that we put up and then away....

    I guess i could blame it on the yearly lifesavers storybooks i got every Christmas growing up....


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Houseplants, maybe that's it!  Getting back at me because I forget to water them.  Soil is so dry (like right now) that they throw out fumes to remind me and those fumes have BC cells in them.  Okay, gotta go get some water for them.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited January 2010

    Sorry, Patoo, that can't be it. my dh always takes care of houseplants (and our garden also) since I'd be sure and kill them if I did it.

    Or maybe it's The Revenge Of The Houseplants because I don't take care of them. They feel neglected, want a feminine touch, don't get it and... BOOM! they give me bc.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Been trying to get to housework for 2 days and just afraid.  Got NED from med onc this week and don't want to jeopardize that.  Someone please tell me how you get past the fear that housework caused our BC.  Thanks.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited February 2010

    You can't get past that fear, Patoo, because it DID.

    One look at my house and you'll see why I'm NED.


    P.S. Congratulations on the good onc visit and NED!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited February 2010

    The only sensible alternative is to hire a cleaning service. After all, it's for your health!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2010

    Bikinis. Hands up if you wore a bikini? I was 13 and small for dates and it was just SO embarassing. I should have known it would cause BC. Now im nearer 50 than 40 and lopsided, I sure as heck aint doing that again!

  • 1vamom
    1vamom Member Posts: 82
    edited February 2010

    I wore bikinis when I probably shouldn't have, could that be a factor?  Or maybe Bonne Bell lip gloss, the liquid kind with the roller ball on top, you really could use more of that stuff than necessary.  Apply, lick, reapply.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited February 2010

    yep- that lipgloss was soooo coool!!

    Anybody want to vote for conversation hearts..maybe i ate all the wrong ones (back in the day when i actually liked them) Or maybe some of those icky flavored candies in the heart box, How many of you have picked a hole in the bottom to see if it's a keeper? AWWWW you know you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    No I did not!!  You can't prove it and I ain't gonna let you convince me I did - so there, take that.  But the little hearts for Valentine's day.  they could have done it.  I ate lots of them and now as I remember, they really didn't taste all that good.  But maybe I don't remember that well and should run right out to the store and buy them because Valentine's Day is coming so they must be on the shelves.  I can then tell you whether I liked them or not.  Oh no, can't do that because then I might push myself out of NED to recurence.  Sorry ladies, you have to find out for yourself.  What am I typing here?  Dunno, lost my train of thought.  Time for bed - Nighty night (and I'm not checking for any typos)

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2010

    OK Patoo!! I have no proof so I rest my case LOL!!

    NOW what about Easter peeps...(YUK) that can't be it, and i couldn't eat those yucky eggs they hid for us..but now give me a bag/box of robins eggs and yummmmmm

    BUT you know it could be that green plastic grass from the's like the needles of the Christmas tree it seems to hang around all year!! LOL