Lets conduct our own study on how we all got breast cancer

We have an excellent cohort of diagnosed people here, let's see if we can find the common denominator among us. We've all learned with this disease, we need to doctor ouselves, why not conduct our own scientific research? It can't be that difficult.
I'll go first.
1. how many of you women, in junior high school, ever had a crush on a boy and practiced writing "Mrs. so and so" all over your notebooks?
Hum, I so did that, but my hubby swears it's the diet sweetener I have been ingesting for years. I will have to tell him he is wrong because we will now have proof that bc started way back in middle school..lol. I personally think it's because we played with plastic dolls made in, wait for it, CHINA...So there you go ladies, my official diagnosis for what causes bc.
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barbie breast cancer
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Gosh, I never even thought of all those Barbies I played with....I can remember sucking on their arms at times. What can I say, I like to suck...
Hmmm, my list is just too long. But one thing stands out, the fog trucks in New Jersey each summer, when we camped at the beach area. By 8 or 9, we all were running through them...Just saw an article talking about exposure to DDT by age 14 was pretty convincing...
But then the barbies started by age, what 5, and that sucking on them, arms, legs, heads, popped one off once and almost died...daah...
Like this thread,
Tender0 -
Well, not only did I write my boyfriend's name all over my notebook (Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Donna Smith, Scott and Donna Smith, etc.,) I also ate AT LEAST five more servings of french fries than a toddler should eat.
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OH...ME TOOO...I think we are on to something here. I was in love with Mickey Whims...wrote it with a little heart over the "I" instead of a dot!
I think that maybe the triple negative connection may be tied to chewing those red plastic wax lips they handed out for halloween when I was a kid. I actualy ate them....I also ate those tiny wax bottles that looked like soda pop bottles full of colored syrup...
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Oh Deb - that reminds me...I used to SWALLOW my gum! I was always worried it my "stick to my insides" (whatever that means) but maybe it caused my BC.
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Too much Deb... I now remember those little tiny wax soda pop bottles, I haven't thought of those in years.
I seem to remember munching on a few of those Halloween red plastic wax lips too. Maybe that's why I am one of the few remaining women who puts on red lipstick (Revlon Red, $6.99 or so, lasts forever), brightens up my skin color, but...doo du, doo du, yikes, evil red dye, on and in my system for years!
Back to the drawing board for more ideas...
Tender0 -
I married that jr. high school sweetheart. It must be that I've only had sex with one partner, or maybe it was the Bonne Belle Bubble Gum lipstick.
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You guys have it all wrong. It was because we burned our bras in the 60's. The fumes ya know.
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Now I'm wondering if it's 'cause I wore one as little as possible. Loved those halter tops back in the day.
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i wonder if climbing out bedroom windows while being grounded can lead to breast cancer. if so, the research on my own bc can end right here.
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either that or perhaps eating elmer's glue in elementary school
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I've heard that bc is caused by being extra nurturing. Apparently in my town, school teachers and school bus drivers have an inordinately high rate of bc. Now I'm not a school teacher or a bus driver, so I'm thinking mine must have been caused by the love that I have for my beloved cat, Trixie.
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Gasp, I know it's all that great smelling nasty tasting chapstick I ate as a child, well after Barbie of course. I still maintain that she has something to do with it, perfect breast, tiny waist and that long beautiful hair, she was jealous of us and had something to do with our bc..see now we have no breast, wider waist and no hair and it's all her fault. Plus she likes pink way to much!! lol
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My Dad made me eat lutefisk every year. I knew that boiled snot was no good even back then. I blame lutefisk.
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It's all starting to make sense....It's the Barbie Conspiracy.
Walking down too many aisles of pink at Target buying Barbies for my daughter did it.
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LOLOL at bugs!!! Our church had a lutefisk dinner every year. the biggest part of the joke is that our pastor is a vegetarian!! We all swear it is so that he doesn't have to eat the hot fish jello! LOLOL I will make sure and let him know he is officially safe from breast cancer...our research proves it!
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LOL@lutefisk. I was raised in Minnesota, too, Bugs.
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mattell should make a barbie using ken's chest & barbie's head and call her breast cancer barbie.
i'm still at work and getting to that slap-happy stage...sorry.
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In my case it was either--
because of all the illicit drugs i did in the 60's,
OR........ all the chemicals, acids, and solvents i inhaled while doing and teaching lithography,
OR.......it was because my mother always told me that "God would punish me for the way i acted."
LOL!!!! funny topic!
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well............ i had a barbie "head" that you could put make-up on and style her hair (kinda freaky actually with her giant barbie lips and all) .......... i left 'her' under my desk lamp one night, shortly after i got her, and melted her and her 'beautiful barbie hair' all to sh!t ........... the fumes were enough to gag a maggot and the tongue lashing i got for being so 'careless' and 'irresponsible' and 'ungrateful' have surely caused my plight today!
damn that mattel .............. they do not know what havoc they reek!
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Well, I did the name thing, ate the wax lips and was too old for Barbie ----BUT---
I went barefoot on hot asphalt streets!! and in summer visits to the farm, barefoot in the chicken yard (eweeeuuu)
I lived in a house with asbestos shingles, had gas floor furnaces, ate food fried in lard, drank unpasturized milk, and I remember my mom having a sign in the window for what size ice bloce she wanted for the ice box!!! (can I really BE that old??)
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I've heard that you can get cancer by being too naughty. I highly believe it's true. Because when I was a teen, I sneaked into my parents bedroom from time to time, checked their drawers and counted how many condoms were left since I last checked.
Or maybe in a science class, I put a tampon in a beaker full of water to see how large it expands.
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It is probably the Tressy doll thing. Remember how you could pull her hair longer? I do believe it's the motion of pulling hair that did and then..those wax lips for the triple neg and finally...when tests were passed out I would first sniff them as they were fresh off that copy machine (chemo brain..what is that called???) It has FOR SURE caused my breast cancer. As a teacher I had to work hours in the teacher's office running papers off...
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Oh and then the re-using of milk cartons for hopscotch!
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uh-oh, i sniffed mimeograph papers too!!!! Yikes.
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Maybe it was the gallons of Aquanet hairspray I used in the 80's?
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TimTam..I am now thinking, as I go over the results of this study thus far, that naughtiness just may be the item. I wonder who was NOT naughty!
*rolling pennies down the long aisle during library class.
*making noise in Hebrew class just to get kicked out.
to name a few...
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"Chatty Cathy" told me I was going to get bc. Yup. I just couldn't get her to tell me when.
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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! You ladies made my day. I'm reading this on my lunch break at work...In another country...and you have me cracking up. So funny thinking about all these things I used to do. Thanks for the smile.