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  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118
    edited April 2018

    I tried replens and still use it- but I also suffered from some vaginal atrophy-did alot of pelvic floor therapy and try to stay on top of it... I just use replens to keep myself lubricated, but I did not find it enough lubrication for intercourse. I think it is a good place to start- see how you do.

    good luck

  • Georgia1
    Georgia1 Member Posts: 188
    edited April 2018

    Thank you!

  • veeder14
    veeder14 Member Posts: 273
    edited April 2018


    I think I'm going to be in the same situation as you, same % er+. As I understand it, the Tamoxifen blocks the receptors then using the hormone cream wouldn't even work anyways? I wonder if there is a way to test how much hormone from the cream is getting into the body and whether it's going systemic? Today was my first meeting with the MO and she didn't say anything to me about stopping the Estrace. If there's no evidence topical estrogen increases the risk then I wonder if the doctors are going over board with restricting topicals? I'm new to this stuff, only thinking about it since my app't today.

  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79
    edited April 2018

    BTW, another lube that is good is Uber Lube, you can get in at amazon. Highly recommend it. It doesn't stain, isn't messy at all and i've also used is on my inner thighs when wearing a dress with no tights/hose :) I hate it when they rub together in the summer.....

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited April 2018

    Georgia1, I like that your doctor admits to not knowing if estrogen is good or bad. That's right, they don't. Why do testing on something so cheap where making big bucks is not an option. My problem with Replens is that it contains glycerin. That encourages yeast for me. Some people can use it and not have a problem with yeast. I need to have something with an acid once in a while to balance pH.

    The idea of topical estrogen "once in a while" is not going to work. When I was first dx with vaginal atrophy, I used Vagifem for four months before noticing a change. It needs to be used consistently over time to work.

    My new gyn had a few suggestions. Something called Wet Platinum Premium Lube which she says she also uses on her skin. I haven't looked it up yet. I make a distinction between moisturizers and lubricants. I want moisturizers. I'll check it out, though. She also gave me info on RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic capsules. I've heard of these before. I don't usually like oral supplements because my stomach reacts badly to everything. I will check these out, too. I take oral probiotics for my GI system so why not. The info she gave me on RepHresh showed $27.99 for 30 capsules. No price info on the lube.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited April 2018

    Someone in the Ibrance thread just posted this hilariously funny and useful article.

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509
    edited April 2018

    Yes, very funny and useful article

  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79
    edited April 2018

    loved that! I needed a chuckle. and good info.

  • chicopeach57
    chicopeach57 Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2018

    I use the Wet Platinum for lube, not sticky, doesn’t dry up. Too much can make it too slick. Luckily my gyn and MO are on the same page so I use Estrace cream a couple of times a week. I do not know if I could be having sex without pain without it. I was 98% ER+. And I moisturize daily with coconut oil. But I want to continue a fairly active sex life for many more years

  • Kimberbir
    Kimberbir Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2018

    Prince and the gun oil is absolutely hilarious, I have tears streaming down my face from laughing...thanks for sharing!!

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509
    edited April 2018

    Has anyone tried Hyalo Gyn? My MO suggested it when I told her I was somewhat uncomfortable during sex. She said she would prescribe Vagifem as well but I told her I’d like to try other things first so she suggested Hyalo Gyn. It’s a bit pricey at $25 for a 30 day supply, it would definetly be worth it if it works though.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited April 2018

    TWills, - I have been using HyaloGyn for months and find it to be very good. I posted about it a few times (maybe on another board?) , since it was suggested by my onc for the same reasons. It is used every 3 days, and I use coconut oil on the other days.

    My previous onc was ok with my using vagifem, which was also expensive, in addition to being risky for bc patients. After using it for years, I gave up because it wasnt helping much at all. I'm staying with HyaloGyn and coconut oil.

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509
    edited April 2018

    Thanks AnotherNYCGirl:)

  • stephaniebc
    stephaniebc Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2018

    one thing i do not see in this long, great list is a vaginal probiotic. it was prescribed to me by my ob/gyn in france and it has made a huge difference. i highly recommend it.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited April 2018

    What's in the probiotic, Stephanie? What is the product called? OTC or prescription? You could ask the mods to add it to the list at the top.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited April 2018

    Shetland, my MO suggested a vaginal probiotic called RepHresh with

    • Ingredients : L. rhamnosus GR-1, L. reuteri RC-14, Dextrose Anhydrate, Gelatin, Potato Starch, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Titanium Dioxide and contains milk
    I ordered some from Amazon. $20.49 for 30 capsules. Yes, it is oral. I don't understand how something oral works in your vagina but I'm gonna try it.

    I also ordered some suppositories by Femallay (also Amazon). I got the plain flavor but they come in other flavors like peach, strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Hmmmm.

  • stephaniebc
    stephaniebc Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2018

    my probiotic is called gynophilus but it's a french product and it's not available here. according to the manufacturer, it combines probiotics naturally present in the vagina (Lactobacillus casei and rhamnosus) and prebiotics. it comes in gel caps that you insert directly into the vagina.

    a more healthful vaginal ecosystem means more moisture and fewer UTIs.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited April 2018

    Stephanie, that is really interesting and sounds like a great idea.

  • stephaniebc
    stephaniebc Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2018

    i am sorry i am recommending a product that is not available in this country, but i am sure there are equivalents. maybe ask your ob/gyns? here is some research on the vaginal microbiota:

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited April 2018

    Stephanie, it is available through Amazon.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited April 2018

    Amazon is out of stock. eBay has a 2 pack (2 suppositories) for $39.99. Yikes.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited April 2018

    I found another one on eBay for $18.49 but did not investigate the shipping. There are several eBay offers of this product.

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188
    edited April 2018

    I suspect you could use almost any good probiotic as a suppository? Thats what I started doing with buying supplements of coconut oil/vitamin e and using as suppositories. Huge cost savings. I think you could do the same with a probiotic (and if you used it with the vitamin e or coconut oiI would think it would get good coverage? I can't tell from the ingredients that there is anything special about the suppository version.

  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756
    edited April 2018

    I had 3 Mona Lisa treatments and it only helped me so, so. I have been using Prescription Compounded Estradiol Vaginal Suppositories for 14 days in a row, then 3 times a week with Estriol suppositories thereafter. I am also on daily Compounded Bioidentical Progesterone capsules. That seems to work better, although maybe getting the Mona Lisa first might have helped, hard to say.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited April 2018

    Thanks for the information about probiotics, Jaycee and Stephanie. I just had to use an antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis and was wondering if I should use probiotics next. That journal article was very helpful. It says probiotics augment the antibiotic treatment. The bottom line seems to be that restoring lactobacilli, in particular L. Rhamnosus and L reuteri, is important. Both oral and vaginal administration probably work. Also lowering pH is important. My gynecologist told me to use RepHresh after sex. The box for the one I bought says the gel maintains healthy pH, but it is full of parabens which I dont want. I wonder if there is a “home remedy” to use instead. I see that same company sells a RepHresh probiotic supplement that Jaycee mentions. The depletion of lactobacilli and the elevation of pH happens more after menopause and contributes to VB. Gee, do ya think cancer treatment plays a role here? I need to clarify with my gyn and also do some shopping at the health food store.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited April 2018

    The RepHresh gel also has glycerin. Not good. I just started taking the oral. We'll see.

    After four months UTI free and in no pain, I have something causing burning, etc. BV, yeast or UTI? Symptoms pretty much the same for me but this doesn't seem like a UTI. I hate that we are on our own trying to figure out how much of what we should use. I've been using a vaginal moisturizer every night since mid Dec. Too much moisture? Encouraging yeast, BV? I have no idea. And my gyn, who I will call tomorrow and go to soon, will not know either. Back to experimenting. I'm adding two new products to the big moisturizer spreadsheet, Femallay and Hyalogyn. Right now it includes ingredients which I want but makes it cumbersome. Still trying to get it in a form I can post.

  • TWills
    TWills Member Posts: 509
    edited April 2018

    Just started Hyalogyn last week, so far it has been helpful. I would only consider myself mildly uncomfortable before I started using it though. No infections or anything like that just slightly dryer than before BC treatments.

  • stephaniebc
    stephaniebc Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2018

    shetland pony, i am glad the article was helpful. my own data is of course entirely anecdotal, but i've had no infections, urinary, vaginal, or otherwise, since using the probiotic, and it's been much more effective at restoring moisture than hyaluronic acid gels.

  • ABeautifulSunset
    ABeautifulSunset Member Posts: 600
    edited April 2018

    I have also just started using hyalagyn, thanks to the recommendation in this thread. It’s definately helping with moisture already. I also had 4 Mona Lisa treatments. Here is the kicker. After three treatments I was doing great, and on Xeloda. I switched treatments to Afinitor and Faslodex and it starts hurting again. So I go back to my gyn for a touch up treatment, which she rexommmends yearly anyway, but it didn’t help. It actually kept getting worse. So I think its the meds. During the the time on x i did much better in this arena. Now, not so much. Damned anti hormonals.


  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited April 2018

    I'm sorry, Sunset. I agree that the worsening is probably due to the anti-estrogen.

    My onc and my gyn both said the probiotics are fine, so I got some. Gyn also recommends DHEA application; onc says its ok but not sure if it will help.