Bottle o Tamoxifen
I just found an alarming piece of info about Celebrex and its interaction with tamox, while I was looking up which allergy meds I might safely take.
It said that long term use of Celebrex should be avoided while on tamox. Great! I have been taking both for well over a year! Have I been wasting my time and all these SEs! I have to call my MO since I'm sure she knows I take Celebrex for my could she have missed this? Have any of you been aware of it?
Here's the entry site for all the interactions of other drugs with tamox... -
Lacey - I have used for over 2 years and it is a great source of information. Although I am not taking Celebrex, I was aware of the drug interaction with Tamox. Get a call into your MO first thing in the morning. Please let us know what your MO says.
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Hi Ladies - a question for you. I've been taking Tamoxifen for about a year. I tolerate it pretty well. My main SE is a discharge, that varies in flow. Some days its very little, some time its heavy. Today was a heavy day, so I wore a tampon. Up till now I've only used panty liners. When I removed the tampon, I noticed pink dots all over the tampon, tinges of blood, but in speckles. I've noticed a tinge of blood in the discharge a few other times. I've had a sonogram of my uterus. The lining is not super thick, its a bit elevated, but Dr said nothing to be concerned about.
Have any of you experienced tinges of blood while taking Tamoxifen? I haven't had a period since chemo December 2011. Thank you!
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LeesaAnn, I just so happened to be talking with my GP the other day about side effects from Tamoxifen and one is uterine cancer. She said I could have an ultrasound of the lining of my uterus every year, and if it's thicker than normal, test further, but she said she had quite a few patients on Tamoxifen and they didn't have U/S.
The GP said though, if I noticed any spotting of blood to let her know right away.
So all I can say is go see your GP or oncologist - which ever you can get into the soonest.
I also have started having some clear vaginal discharge almost daily since I've been on Tamoxifen (4 months) and before that Femara, but not enough to need even panty liners.
What I don't know is if the blood indicates your periods are just tyring to come back. I don't know if chemo stopped periods would they resume again. Still, you need to talk with one of your doctors. Soon!
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LeesaAnn - Everyone taking Tamoxifen should have an annual transvaginal ultrasound. I do know this from experience. I had one the first year on Tammi and I ended up needing a biopsy (hysteroscopy) and a D&C. Uterus was pretty thick. Last year another US and needed another biopsy, D&C and gyn removed a 3 cm polyp. This year, I'm not messing around. It is gonna be a hysterectomy!!! I have been menopausal since 2008. As far as spotting - nothing in that department BUT like justagirl said - see your GP or MO right away. It could be your periods are trying to start again, it could be something else. Do it for your won peace of mind.
0 - the Tamox and Celebrex MO is not concerned. Said the studies/literature do not reflect what was written in, and when I reread it this is a very confusing entry that starts to talk celebrex, then slips into talking about SSRIs and not Cox2 inhibitors (e.g., celebrex)at all. At any rate, my MO researched this as fully as she could and confirmed it with her colleagues. No one takes their arthritic patients off nsaids or cox2 inhibitors. So until we learn differently I will keep taking it.
Had yearly mammo today....was fine. Yay!
Then to the dermatologist for my yearly check up. One problem has been a slight rash developing on my neck (when I get up in the AM....especially after any sweats at night) and some reddening skin around my eyes due to some extremely itchy allergies.
She indicated that my sudden foray into significant allergies this spring is also connected to the tamoxifen. Who knew how protective our estrogen had been! Anyway, I will resort to trying zyrtec to get through the heavy pollen season. MO said that this has been a rather common complaint of her patients on hormone treatment. Just the gift that keeps on giving!
I have an appt with MO in two weeks, and she wonders if we might want to look at changing to a trial of something other than Tamox.......since the mental fog is still an issue, along sleep issues. My strength and fitness program has definitely helped with my circulation so the orthopedic pain is not as bad as a few months ago. I worry what an AI might do to that... tempted to stick with "the devil that I know". We'll see.....
Hope you are all feeling SE free this evening....:)0 -
Just wanted to tell you thanks. I read all the posts here (sometimes chime in) and read your last one about transvaginal ultra sound.
I had my annual gyno appointment today and just as we were ending the visit I mentioned it. The Dr. agreed anyone on tamoxifen should have one. So thank you.0 -
Hey girls...thought it was about time I checked in and sent some hugs everyone's way. Many of us are fast approaching our three year anniversary on this thread...still get nerved up as mammogram day approaches. I will be flying in to Halifax the morning of and flying out the next day...figured I will go do something while I am waiting for the results rather than sitting around feeling nervous. Anyone in Philadelphia mid-July?
Being completely out of the country has been an incredible healer on all kinds of levels and to be around people who don't know my experience is refreshing and interesting. I think it is because it is not 'real' for them. They didn't expeience any of it vicariously through is just a point of interest when they hear I am a survivor. That is SO interesting! Hard to explain. I feel alive, am exploring new things as often as they are presented to me and I am grateful to be alive. What a gift cancer has been on some weird level.
Living in the Middle East is a true experience. I love my students and find them incredibly warm and giving. The collegeand city are big enough to have lots of things going on and a bunch of different people to do them with. My only concern living here in Qatar, besides the drivingand potential for fatal car accidents, is that I do not know where the food is coming from....if it is pumped full of hormones or pesticides or not. Organic produce can be found but it is incredibly expensive and lasts a very short time because of how long it took to get here. The produce from Lebanon and Jordan are said to be pesticide free so I try to buy from those producers. Still avoiding soy products, which is unfortunate as there are a lof ot tofu products here.
I still get twinges and phantom pains from the scar tissue, usually when I am tense. I have to remind myself that I have come a long way in three years and that even though I can no longer take tamoxifen, I am doing all I can to keep cancer at bay.
Anyhow girls,I may not be here in the forum often these days but I read all of the posts as they come through my email account...and I send love and toss pillows on a daily basis.
xo Sandee
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Hey Sandee! Good to see our world traveler! Are you coming back for good this summer?
Yep, I just passed 3 years, mammogram time is always nerve-wracking. I also get twinges of pain in my breasts that unnerve me, but what can you do? I just ignore them until my regular doctor's appointment, otherwise I would be there every week!
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Hi Sandee - So good to hear from you. I know what you mean about buying produce in a foreign country. I spent 15 months in Turkey and often wondered the same thing. Guess it didn't harm me - I have been back in the good old USA since 1989.
My three year anniversary is coming up at the end of Aug. Had my mammo in Mar. Was not bothered by it. What pissed me off was it took a week to get the results. I have my 6 month MO appt on June 10th and I am going to ask my doctor why it took so long. We shouldn't be put through that.
Hope everyone is having a good Memorial Day Weekend.
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Today is 3 years since DX for me. Six month mamo in June and MO appt. July 1. I still have some scar tissue in my breast from radiation and have occasional pains but not too bad. I guess I'll always be concerned but I sure am not as fearfull as I was 3 years ago right now.
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Sandee, glad you are doing well
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GmaFoley, I had no nodes, grade 1, but also stage 1b and my oncotype was higher than yours (15). I just wanted to share that my MO, after reviewing my path and oncotype reports, said my recurrence risk was somewhere between 6-9% and that Tamoxifen would maybe give me about a 4% reduction in risk for recurrence. He also said exercising 4-5x per week 45 minutes would reduce my risk about that same amount (4%). This MO came highly recommended and is also board certified in internal medicine and hematology and has been in practice for many years. Very different from first MO I saw who was very young, totally ignored my very real fears of SE and told me Tamoxifen would reduce my risk by 50% (never elaborating that it was 50% of my personal risk, I.e., 6-9%). Huge difference between 50% and 4% so I am sharing this for women who may be told the same thing without realizing that 50% tag line is a misrepresentation if it is not followed by the words "of your risk level". In other words, if your risk of recurrence is 10% then the odds Tamoxifen may help you is 5%. Cancer math will give you your odds of recurrence with or without treatment. Be well ladies. I will be sure to get my 45 minutes today as it s a beautiful day.
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Chabba - Congrats on 3 years cancer
free. Doing the happy dance.
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Congrats to all you ladies who are celebrating your cancerfreeversaries.
Mepic, thanks for sharing that.. I was told 50%. I am for sure going to bring this up... it does make a big difference.
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Sometimes the 50% is also used to describe the reduction in risk of a contralateral occurrence in those of us who did not do bmx as well as distant recurrrence risk (which is personal). But that 50% is also 50 % of the risk of a new primary. So yes, those stats courses did in school are useful for something ... like understanding some of this crap or stuff you hear from studies. Saw a study online promoting something for cancer ... 50% benefit in those who took it .. turned out in fine print that it was from 0.9 % to 0.5% ... could as easily have been chance. I think tamox and now AIs are often recommended, especially if you are you are young, as it is the best they have. Oh and remember recurrence score is always based on 5 years of hormonal therapy. But still a difficult and personal choice as any treatment ... so it does pay to ask lots of questions. A good dr. should always want you to understand completely.
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Just wanted to clarify that the oncotype dx recurrence rate given does always assume that the person will do 5 years of hormonal therapy but the 6-9% recurrence risk my oncologist gave me after reviewing my pathology and oncotype reports was knowing I was refusing Tamoxifen and thereafter is when he discussed that for me personally Tamoxifen would maybe reduce my risk by only 4%
The huge difference between the first onco and second onco I saw was that the second one took the time to analyze everything for me specifically, with the particulars of my pathology report, and then gave me honest odds about my risks. I had complained about this previously, the fact that with oncotypedx someone with positive nodes and a much larger tumor and no bmx could end up also with same oncotypedx score and that the oncotype dx score was supposed to be used ALONG with a person's pathology report, not replace it. thankfully that is exactly what my second onco took the time to do. The first onco was lazy and had put almost no effort in seeing me as an individual with very real fears of SE. And when she gave me the line about 50% without clarifying it I was done with her. I am so glad I chose to go with another MO who came highly recommended.0 -
heartnsoul, Chabba, Jo....3 years.....repeat after me...THREE YEARS!!! Wooowowowoo!!! Seriously...two years ago when we all joined this thread, did you imagine that a. you would get through your first and second cancerversaries, let alone approache or swing through your third...b. you would still be connected to these fabulous women here and/or c. that you would be thriving and learning and growing?! Fantastic!
I have missed you ladies and owe you all a heartfelt whAck from a pillow! (feather of course)
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I was very frightened when I got the diagnosis. My surgeon did a lot to reassure me. By the time I had my surgery and started radiation I had gotten my stubborn up. My determination usually manages to trump any fear that creeps in.
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Sandee - We all sure miss you too. When I first joined BCO 2 years ago, I never thought I would wake up not thinking about cancer. I am grateful for everyday I do wake up healthy and full of energy. I am also grateful for all the wonderful ladies I have met on this journey. And since you started it. WHACKKKKKKKK!!!
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chabba- I think that getting your stubborn on is the key to success here...for all of you new to this thread, you CAN do it..really...step by step...24 hours at a time with as much laughter to combat the fear in CAN do it.
I started with a lymphodema massage therapist about 6 months after radiation to combat the stiffness in the scar area and my shoulder. It really tightened up after surgery..I think starting even sooner would have bruoght me relief faster. This past winter (so two years to the month for when I ended rads), the pain/tightness finally went away. do everything you can to relieve the stiffness. it makes a big difference.
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You ladies are truly inspiring!
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Hello fellow survivors! Today is 1 year that I am on tamoxifen. I took femara for about 10 months first after I was put into menopause with lupron injections. Because of such terrible joint/bone pain & the fact that I wanted to try estrogen cream my MO agreed to put me on tamoxifen. I take mine in the evening & have relatively few side effects. I do get hot flashes & I am having trouble loosing weight but all in all it is doable! Just wanted to share my experience.
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tenaj - Glad to hear you are doing better on Tamox. I tried Femara, lasted one week. Way too nauseated to continue. I was already post menopausal for several years before diagnosis. I take mine in the morning and also have very few side effects. Some mild hot flashes and some joint pain. Both I can live with. Only 2 years and 7 months from today to go.
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Jo, healthy wishes coming your way. I'm counting down also!
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I was so close to stopping Tamoxifen last week, these side effects suck! I have gained 30 pounds in the 6 months I've been on it, but my diet is spot-on and my activity level is high. I should be LOSING weight! Then there's the insomnia, the nightmares, the occasional blurry vision and dizziness. Hate it! Grrr.
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Hi all,
well after two easy years of tamoxifen, as I approach the end of year 3, its decided to change the rules and kick my butt. Hot flashes like mad multiple times a day, cognitive/memory stuff (forgetting what I'm saying when I'm saying it, misplacing words, etc), and lots of joint pain---can't make a fist when I wake up in the morning, feet/ankles have me walking like I'm 90 when I first wake up. My sleep isn't disrupted but I am pretty exhausted. We will not talk about the weight 'cos it makes me sad... okay lets talk about it: I weigh more than I have ever weighed in my life and I HATE IT.
sigh. I have an appointment with a rheumatoid specialist latter this week because that does run in the family but I suspect its the stupidtamoxifen.
I will take any and all suggestions--I have tried spliting the dosage and that no longer makes a difference.
Given my three kids, the only thing I won't do is stop.
thanks ladies.
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Is there anyone here who got migraines before taking Tamoxifen and they have worsened since?
That's what I am dealing with. I think the hot flashes which are more like hot floods I get so damp make all my blood vessels go wacky and it sure makes my heart accelerate.
The only joints that hurt are my hips, but my fingers don't bend so well now either and I have trouble opening jars so have to use a rubber gripper and I drop things that I would of never dropped before starting Tamoxifen.
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3monst, so sorry to learn of your change/increase of SEs.
I also have the cognitive issues, which is sooooo frustrating. The loss of thoughts in the middle of a sentence is so embarrassing. On a positive note, the joint pains (even in my hands) have really abated since I started working with a trainer and do stretching, weights and aerobic exercise daily. That has also been very helpful for weight management. Sleep still an issue, and MO (who I see tomorrow) suggested I give an AI a try and if I don't get more relief, can return to Tamox.
I am actually VERY nervous about changing anything with my fragile apple cart, given that I have gotten my joint pain under control. Has anyone else changed to an AI with success? I'm thinking I might want to stick with the devil I know.0