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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Posts: 649
    edited June 2013

    Oh, I see, thank you for your openness.  I did remember about that concern about your uterine struggles, but I guess I was not seeing it in terms of recurrence and I didn't know about the family history.  I'm so sorry.  I hope the surgery does the job.  Once your ovaries are out, why would you need to stay with Tami?  Because of the small amount of estrogen made elsewhere in the body?  Fingers crossed on the biopsy--so hard waiting.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Posts: 410
    edited June 2013

    Heartnsoul - "I think MO's are trained to look at you like you're crazy when you mention SEs"

    My exact thoughts! I really like my MO compared to the first one....she's much more thorough....but I sometimes feel she's so busy with mor important cases that my SE's are not worth addressing....I'm just a whiner!

    Jo....sorry you'll have to have another sx......but as noted maybe that will improve your overall health and well being. I hope you have a fabulous time in LV!!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    RunFree16 - No need for apologies.  Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with each other on here.  Once I have the surgery, I plan on meeting with my MO again to discuss continuing Tami for the other 2 1/2 years.  We have already discussed the new studies that have come out saying Tami for 10 years.  According to my MO, he is saying 5 years total and that is enough.  Right now, I am just taking it one thing at a time.  Biopsy results and Pap on Thurs.  Then a much deserved vacation in Las Vegas and the home for surgery.  What a way to get 4 weeks off but I am actually looking forward to it.

    Chachamom - I am looking forward to Las Vegas.  One bonus is I get to see my older brother and sister in law.  They are driving over from Upland, CA to spend a few days with us.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Posts: 410
    edited June 2013

    Jo....upland is right next door......maybe I could jump in their trunk! LOL!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    Chachamom - I'm sure they would let you ride in the car with them - LOL!

  • mogirl
    mogirl Posts: 1
    edited June 2013

    Hi, Newfmama, I have had the same side effects you had. I had all the testing to see what was wrong with me but every thing was negative. I have tried all the hormonals, tamox, al ect, All caused extreme pain and stiffness. My problem was the hormonals. The doctors think I may have underlying arthritis that was brought out by the pills. Stopped taking them Sept 2013 and just now feeling better but not back to pre hormonals. Dont know if I will ever try tamoxifen again.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Posts: 649
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for being so mellow, Jo.  I hope you get the right and best answers from the biopsy and great relief from the surgery--and meanwhile I hope you have a great time on your trip!

  • newfmama
    newfmama Posts: 46
    edited June 2013

    Thanks mogirl. I have been thinking it will take longer than 2 months for the SEs to go away. It's just so scary to not be taking Tami...

    My Dr appt today was worthless. She says blood work doesn't indicate there is anything wrong except liver enzymes are high...she doesn't know what to do.

    I'm at a loss to know where to turn.


  • justagirl
    justagirl Posts: 633
    edited June 2013

    newfmama: do you think it's time to try another Dr? This one seems to of given up and isn't truly concerned. My liver enzymes go up up up sky high and then a month later are all normal except for the 2 sky high but they are reduced over 50%....and I'm taking the same meds.

    You do need the Tamoxifen. The look at your liver said it was normal (mine was too but a little enlarged but of no concern). Think about going back on it so you aren't worried about what might be going on in your body without it and pursue your other health concerns with a new Dr.

    I have read that Femara and Tamoxifen can elevate liver enzymes, so we need to be careful to limit our use of Tylenol, aspirin and alcohol as they are all stressful for the liver to process.

    Don't give up!

  • odie16
    odie16 Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2013

    Hello all.

    Wanted to see if anyone else has noticed different side effects since having to switch from the Mylan brand..I know that each brand seems to have its' own SE but.....

    I am on Watson brand now and have less ovary discomfort but seem to have stopped having periods. Funny but after a year and a half on the one brand, I suddenly stopped after switching...I see my onc next month but was just curious if anyone else had noticed any issues or changes.....

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited June 2013

    odie-yes CVS replaced my Mylan with Watson one month and I called my oncologist to have him advise CVS that I was only to Mylan (until it's no longer available).  With the Watson brand i had very bad all-day nausea, bloating and joint and bone pain to the point were I just didn't want to move.  They have a page on here called "Differences in SEs with Tamox from different manufacturers" might want to check it out.

  • BethCon1
    BethCon1 Posts: 77
    edited June 2013

    Interesting.I just checked my bottle, I'm on the Watson stuff.

  • ChiSharona
    ChiSharona Posts: 37
    edited June 2013

    Hi, it's my first time posting on this subject. I started on 20mg of tamoxifene (Watson) back in early April and after 2 months of mutiple awful side effects, I was able to find a pharmacy that carried Mylan generic that was able to fill my third month. I am still experiencing some side effects but they are noticably less severe. Does anyone have an updated status regarding when Mylan will resume generic tamoxifen production or is this still unknown? I checked with the new pharmacy and they now only have 3 Mylan tablets left - dreading the thought of going back to the Watson brand when I run out in a few days, as I am just starting to feel a little bit better.

    Any other generic brand recommendations or suggestions of any kind would be much appreciated - thanks!

    Wishing peace and comfort to all...

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    ChiSharona - My Tamoxifen is TEVA brand.  I have had multiple uterine issues - postmenopausal since 2008.  Other than the uterine stuff, I haven't had any problems.  The uterine stuff will be taken care of next month.  I am scheduled to have a hysterectomy and ovary removal on Jul 13th.

  • smo23915
    smo23915 Posts: 71
    edited June 2013

    I think if we still call or write Mylan it might make a difference.  They told my pharmacist it is not permanetly discontinued just temporary.

    I am going to call again, tomorrow.


  • ChiSharona
    ChiSharona Posts: 37
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Jo, good to know - I will probably try the Teva brand next if I am unable to find the Mylan. So sorry to hear of your uterine issues...were those brought on or worsened by tamoxifen therapy?

    Sharon, if you could post the phone number for Mylan here, I would be happy to call as well and maybe we could get some others here to help our cause...

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited June 2013

    Here is the number and link for everyone.


    I called and email and was told while its a temporary discontinue no has any information on when or if it will go back in to production. The lady on the phone was extremely surprise and different brands also meant different SE's she asked if I could be contacted again about this but so far no one has called back.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited June 2013

    Here's the toll fre number to Mylan also 1-800-RX-MYLAN

  • ChiSharona
    ChiSharona Posts: 37
    edited June 2013

    Thanks mstrouble16, for posting the information - I will definitely contact them and report back here.

    Are you still taking the Mylan or have you been forced to switch? If you have switched, what brand are you now taking and how are the side effects?

  • smo23915
    smo23915 Posts: 71
    edited June 2013

    Thanks mstrouble for posting the info.  I am going to call again tomorrow.  Here is one thing I found out there is an APO brand available in Canada.  The inert ingredients seem to be the same as Mylan.  I am going up to Canada next week to see a doc there to get a script.  The script has to be written by a Canadian doc, and you just need to tell him what you want. ($40 for the consult) I am going to try it, I spoke to my friend who is a pharma and she said APO is a reputable brand and the medication is the same.  SO, I will let you know and I am going to call Mylan again.


  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited June 2013

    Right my local CVS is still able to get the Mylan brand, but well keep y'all updated when I can no longer get and what they replace it with

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    ChiSharona - Yes, my uterine issues were a result of Tamoxifen.  They started 6 months after I started taking it.  Unfortunately, I can't take any of the AIs so I can kinda stuck with this.  After next month there will be no one uterine issues as ALL the plumbing is coming out.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Posts: 516
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone! I'm curious as to how many people are having multiple biopsies as a result of Tamoxifen? I'm 44 and I did not have a period for 2 years and 3 months after chemo. Suddenly, earlier this month I had bleeding for a week. I had a baseline pelvic ultrasound in 12/2012 after 15 months on Tamoxifen that showed thickening of the lining and resulted in a biopsy that was normal.

    The Gyn is concerned that I'm bleeding after such a long time without periods so I had another pelvic U/S earlier this week and was told that there is significantly more thickening and I am scheduled for another biopsy on 7/15. I know the chances of uterine CA are small but I am worried. I assumed that the bleeding was the return of my periods but now I'm concerned that it could be more serious. Has anyone on this thread been diagnosed with uterine CA?

  • chachamom
    chachamom Posts: 410
    edited June 2013

    ChiSharona:  Like Jo, I too am on TEVA brand of Tamoxifen.  I've only been on it since May 2012, though.  After the first six months, and the addition of Biotin and Biosil for my hair & nails (nails are still bad, but not shredding like they were), the SEs have been minimal, mostly just occasional night sweats.  I'm pray no uterine problems come, since I'm REALLY not wanting to switch to the Aromasin option with all the bone and joint issues!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2013

    dragonfly1 - Although I am already post menopausal, I have had multiple uterine issues since starting Tamoxifen. So many of them including vaginal bleeding - not good in my case - that my GYN is insisting on doing a complete hysterectomy on Jul 13th.  I am all for it.  Then I won't have to worry about down there.  PM me is you like and I will share more of my story with you.  I don't want to bore the rest of the ladies here as they have read it so many times.

  • mumofone
    mumofone Posts: 21
    edited June 2013

    Hi, I took my first tamoxifen tonight.... well, actually just a quarter tablet (5mg) because I'm nervous to take the full dose straight off.

    The brand is RelonChem, is anyone familiar with it? I've browsed through this thread but haven't come across it yet.

    Anyway, wish me luck regarding side effects. I'm trying not to worry about what may/may not happen, I've had enough worry this past few months to last me a lifetime, and I'm sure you all understand that! I'll take what comes and hopefully you won't mind me sharing my experience, or asking questions!

    BTW I'm premenopausal at the moment so I'm expecting the tamoxifen to push me further into meno.

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Posts: 320
    edited June 2013

    Hi Mumofone -- I hope your experience with tamoxifen is uneventful. :-)

    My MO explained that tamoxifen doesn't necessarily bring on menopause; it certainly can give side effects of menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, vaginal dryness), but she said most women go through menopause while on tamoxifen because they're at that point in life, not because of the drug.

    I've never heard of your brand of generic -- I see you're in the UK. Perhaps it's unique to your part of the world?

    Good luck to you! :-)

  • mumofone
    mumofone Posts: 21
    edited June 2013

    Thanks gemini4 :). What your MO told you makes sense, and like a lot of women here I'm at 'that' age now (I'm 49). 

    As for RelonChem, I don't seem to be able to find any experiences of it... perhaps someone will come along here.

    Good luck to everyone going through this!

  • ali68
    ali68 Posts: 644
    edited June 2013

    Mumofone, I see your from Cheshire well hello. I'm in Lancashire and have been on Tamoxifen for a year.

    Good luck


  • BethCon1
    BethCon1 Posts: 77
    edited June 2013

    Can tamoxifen make your skin more sensitive? The last week I've noticed the skin on my face feels burnt, it's not sunburn though. It hurts the worst right after I wash it, and I wash my face with the same stuff I always do.