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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    Hi everybody.  I totally agree with the comments on changing priorities and work. I started my BC journey in August last year.  I took some time off of work here and there for surgeries.  Work was "understanding" (in their minds, not mine), each time I returned.  But each time I came back, I found I hated being there more and more.  I took an LOA starting January this year when I found out I had to do chemo, and I've been out ever since (I get disability checks from insurance).  What I've noticed is don't miss work AT ALL.  It's actually less stressful doing chemo than it was doing an average day at the office.  Man, does that speak loads to me.  I've decided to make some changes for me-- probably will not return to that job b/c I want something less stressful where I can have more time with my family.  Plus our OM was a "witch" and I don't need, nor want, to deal with her anymore.  Yes, I know there's one of her in every job situation... but I just can choose for now to not deal with her.  BC has shown me new priorities (ME, for once... and my family, not work), and that in every situation you have a choice.  I'm making some new ones that will make me happy.  I doubt I will ever be the same person I was "before BC", b/c I won't let certain things bother me and I won't let myself get stepped on like I used to.

    So, I have one more week to go before my last treatment!  Excited to be done, but not to be doing this again one more time.  I dread my "bad day" which will be the day before Easter.  I am trying to plan and shop for everything beforehand so there is little notice of me being down for the kids. Usually we go to my in-laws, this year it's all going to be here so I don't have to move... but we're trying to do everything the same as usual here.  The kids will be fine I think as long as they can hunt for eggs somewhere!

    For the newbies here, I found round 1 to be the easiest.  After that I have noticed a few things:  each round brought the same, but also new SEs.  For instance, I know that day 3-5 will be my worst each time with fatigue and bone aches.  But they each got progressively worse with each round.  My aches first were just my neck and ribs, after this last round it was my entire back half of my body from head to ankle, plus my knees were really bad.  My fatigue starts a little earlier and lasts a little longer each time, not awful, but just more.  After round one I thought I noticed some eye twitching, but it went away after like a day or two-- well now I have it all the time and it's progressed to both eyes, and some muscles in my chest.  I had no nausea after round one at all, a little after round two, and some more after #3-- still no vomiting though, thank God!  I did learn my lesson with constipation however, and have had no trouble at all with that SE now that I know what to do (start miralax the night of chemo and continue for 4 nights).  I have kept up the same oral care regimen the whole time-- no mouth sores, but I get a sore tongue sometimes, and this past round I had sore gums which haven't resolved yet.  I have to be careful brushing or my gums bleed.  If anyone has specific questions about SEs, let me know.  I've amassed quite a list of what's happened and what's been working or not working so far.  Maybe round 4 will be my smoothest after all I've learned-- nothing like getting it right on the last one!  But I guess what I'm trying to say is some things will be better, some the same, and some worse-- and everybody's different, too, this is just my experience so far. 

    Have a good week!  I'll be lurking.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning:  And good riddance to chemo!!!!!  Yes, PA and Wendy - we made it!  My most wonderful chemo nurses threw a "graduation" party for me on Friday - dimmed the lights in the chemo room, lit candles and sang and danced.  What angels they have been - I brought a gift bag for each of them -2 CNs, and my clinical nurse.  Just had to let them know how much they meant to me.  And they made sure they called the hospital where I get my Neulasta shot the next day to let the nurses there also know it's my LAST one and some cheering was in order.

    I have not slept since Thursday night......Sat nite is my worst - that is my steriod flush which starts around 8pm and the eyes start closing but that doesn't mean sleep.  I take a sleeping pill but it does no good.  Chills started in around midnight and kept up until 5am - now I'm just cold - not "teeth chattering" chilled but just cold to the bone despite the fleece I have on.  I had my first teeny tiny BM this morning and I have to light a candle when that happens otherwise I'm looking for the camel who must have died a week ago in my bathroom......gosh I can't wait to be in charge of my waste mangement system again.  And I can't wait to stop feeling like a science project - each tx has brought a few different s/e's....whoopee.

    For all the runny-nosed/sneezers/sinus headaches sufferers.  I asked my CN and she said it's the Cytoxan......she said it's like giving you a "sinus infection".  And the way to minimize effects is to slow down the drip. 

    40something:  I cannot believe the rudeness of the pharmacist and I think I'd take the time to report her to the manager.  That's BS - especially when she can see that you're a cancer patient.  I don't know if you're using the Prevention mouthwash (available at Walgreens) but it has prevented me from contracting Thrush after my first go round with it.

    GuitarGal:  I doubt they'd make you take the hat off if you had a baseball hat on and they could see that you were bald...or if they wanted to peek, I would think the TSA would be gracious enough to take you behind closed doors.  Personally I am not having a hard time with baldness at all.  I swim bald and have found a baseball cap much more comfortable than wigs or fleece hats that cover my whole head.  Unless I'm going out for a dressier evening, I am wearing baseball caps.  I don't notice anyone staring but what I do notice is that I am treated with a little deference and that's not a bad thing.  More people are being much more courteous....hey I may stay bald!

    Wendy:  I hope your mom is being gracious to you this weekend - I'll bet deep down she really does admire your courage even tho she'll tell you that you're nuts to do this to yourself.

    BD:  I am doing the Claritin/Tylenol regiment for bone pain but I think today I have the "lead in the legs from the Taxotere" and that isn't doing anything for that.  I did note that the chemo did stop the lower back pain that I developed after tx #3.

    JT:  I'd like also to read the article on the long term s/e's of T/C.  I do know that certain tx's have the possibility of doing some real damage but that's the risk we have to take and isn't it a shame that we are not further along in a treatment program for cancer that will NOT damage your heart, lungs and possibly set you up for another type of cancer?  IMO the drug companies are making too much money and that's the bottom line.

    Thanks Goldilocks for sharing the beautiful story

    I'm going to lay down again and see if I can even catch a 10-minute kingdom for a nap!!!!

    ((hugs to all)) Trina

  • C-Babe
    C-Babe Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2008


    Thanks so much for the rundown on SE's. Funny, I have also noticed some eye-twitching after my second treatment! And I have also found consistent and early use of Miralax makes a huge difference.

    Enjoy your Sunday.....


  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2008

    oh good - also glad to hear about the eye twitching & knowing it's not just me. Because of it (or in addition to it?), I'm also having a hard time reading anything. Sometimes - gasp - even the computer screen.

    40something - sure the onc can say don't fly - it's not her life on hold for 3 months. I did call mine and ask her if it was ok, and got one of her usual "why not" looks over the phone. Even though I couldn't afford it, the one thing I did do was to treat myself to a first class ticket this time. Figured if I'm feeling sick and feeling sorry for myself, I should at least be treated well.

    Kathy - love that cancer is less stressful than going to work. It would be for me too, but everyone is still in pity mode & now being really nice to me. Gotta take advantage of this for as long as I can.

    About being bald - I don't have a problem being bald except for the fact that my head is cold all the time - I have to keep those head socks on even when I'm sleeping. That and the fact that I seem to resist being bald except for a few patches. I have enough bald spots to not want to grow my hair back, but enough stubble to drive me crazy. I'm probably one of the few women who wake up each morning *wanting* my hair to have fallen out over night!

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008

    I have the twitching eye too--in my right eye, very annoying, I also can't stand the cold head--  a lot of people said it would be better to not have the hot weather & wig thing with chemo so I guess there is no good time for chemo in my book

  • beegirl
    beegirl Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2008

    Finally catching up with what everyone's been writing. Congrats to all of you who've had your final treatments, and good luck with your next steps!

    I'm on day 18 after my first treatment. Started having some hair come out on day 15 so haven't' washed it since. Wore my wig last night to the movies and today to church. It feels too tight with some of my hair still there, so I went to a hair cuttery to get it much shorter, and the stylist just didn't understand and cut it too "nice." My family reacted when I got home and my daughter called them to explain, so I went back with my DH who explained to a different stylist how to shave it to 1 inch or so. I wore my wig home but am now just going bare. I'm hoping I'll be able to manage the wig all day tomorrow at work. It hurts above my forehead so I may try some vitamin E oil there tonight.

    I've been shocked to see my insurance claims for the tx and the Neulasta--over $7,000 for each, though the office accepts about half of that (and I pay $20 each time)! Are the neupogen shots cheaper? I hope you all have good insurance to cover this!

    Goldilocks - for the leg cramps you might try a glass of tonic water; someone in a support group says that really helps her.

    KathyL - sorry to hear about the progressively worse se's; I'm hoping that's not the case for everyone.

    trumpet84 - I'm glad you like the Walter Reed bc center, but do wish you could do the radiation closer to home.

    Awhile back someone mentioned the epidemic of bc. My diagnosis reminded a good friend that she was due for a follow-up mammogram. Lo and behold she has DCIS and will have surgery this week. She at least won't need chemo. So now we're in a support group together! In addition, the wife of the admin in my office had bc surgery 2 weeks ago. Before all this the only one I knew well is a good friend from church who was diagnosed 3 years ago and has been a real mentor for me.

    I have #2 on Wed.--moved it up a day so that I stop the steroids and anti-nausea on Sat. and will hopefully have the lowest days on the weekend. This time I will only take the laxative/stool softener for 2 nights in the hope that I can stabilize the waste management (love that description!).

    Wishing all of you manageable se's this week! 

  • jt1945
    jt1945 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2008

    Hi everyone.  Lots of great conversations!  It is sure a comfort.  I am day 5 of TC #1.  Hasn't been too bad so far; I just felt wrung out and like I was in a fog.  I just kept sleeping and sleeping.  Today I came back to life some and did some sewing and went for 8 hours without a nap!  When does the neulasta pain start?  I notice that my scalp is pretty sensitive now, even though I think it is awhile before hair loss should begin. 

    Those of you that are have acid reflux issues - if you are taking prilosec it can take almost 2 weeks for it to build up to full effect.  I take a drug called protonix that is a px strength and it does wonders.  I had such bad acid reflux in 2006 I ended up having an angiogram because they thought I was having a heart attack.  Fortunatuly I was clean, but what a horrible feeling that was.  I never want to go thru that again.

    This daylight savings time today was a little odd, didn't you think.  Seems like forever before it got dark.  It was a gorgeous springlike day and I sat out in the sun (covered up) for a couple of hours.  Did a lot for the psyche. 

    Have a nice evening everyone and on to next week.


  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    Beegirl:  I do chemo on Weds. also.  I find that Saturday is my hardest day, but by Monday I'm pretty good.  A little tired, but functional.  Don't be alarmed by my description above... I'm sure others have had it differently, that's just my experience.  I chat with a group (Jan. 2008) some of whom are done with chemo now, and most have reported that there are some SEs that get worse, others better.  A lot though say that #3 or #4 was their best.  I'm hoping #4 is my best!

    JT:  I'm not a good source for the neulasta pain question.  I can't tell if my aches are just the taxotere, or if the neulasta is contributing (I had the aches before I got neulasta, they just seemed to get a little worse with the neulasta).  I have bone aches from day 3-5 or 6.  The worst day being day 4.  I take Motrin as needed and Claritin daily from day 2-5, which seems to help.

  • chj127
    chj127 Member Posts: 146
    edited March 2008

    jt1945 - I got Neulasta after tx #2 & tx #3 and so far have not had the aches and pains that others have reported.  I keep waiting...  I am achey, but not overly so, and so I don't know if that's the TC or what.  Just tired and sluggish, and I'm thankful for just that!!  So maybe you won't get it, either.

    I'm day #6 of tx #3 (of 6) and starting to feel semi-human.  After hibernating all weekend, I will probably venture out today and go to work tomorrow. 

    Funny, beegirl, 40something, and guitargrl, and C-Babe - I've had some of that eye-twitching too!!  Weird.  It's just annoying, and if that's the worst thing, well, it isn't all that bad!

    A friend brought dinner Sunday, a huge tray of homemade mac 'n cheese.  How wonderful!!!  OK, not so healthy, but it tastes sooooooo good!!

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • loopyloulee
    loopyloulee Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2008

    Hi all!  Boy it is tough catching up on all the posts.  Congrats Pa, Wendy and Trina!!!  I hope you start to feel better soon.  I found that it took about 1 month after the last tx for me to start feeling like me again!

    Wendy I was iniatially told I was triple negative, but I had tubular carcinoma, which didn't really compute, since it is rare and very treatable!  Then when I was all finished with Chemo the Onc said since I was weakly positive I might benefit from Tamoxifen (sp?).  They advised chemo since I was triple neg, said it was the best thing to do for triple neg.  I wanted to scream and smack him silly!

    I have thought about it long and hard and have decided against the tamoxifen, as the advantage it would give me was not that great.

    Have a great day all!!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited March 2008

    Morning, Looks like I'll be waiting for the eye twitching eh? Sounds good next to some of these other se.

    40something-Hope your chest tightness eased up. Let us know. Amazing what all happens when the good bacteria goes on the downslide.All in all, day five is probably the best today except.....constipation. I just know I'm going to explode! Yuk!

    Have a great day and make it the best you can,


  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008

    Joyce- glad to hear you made it thu #1! 

    kathyL- I look forward to your posts as I am one step behind you in all of this, our se effects have been similar as well

    CHJ-  so glad to hear you are not suffering from the dreaded days of bone pain

    loopyloulee- that is very upsetting to hear about the 3X- Good to hear you were able to decide on the Tomoxifin, it is hard to make those decisions about what to do -- I wonder if I should consider hystyrectamy insted  anyone ask their onc that question?

    I am sooo happy my DH came home with a new laptop for me on Sunday, as we have had a dinosaur computer for a long time, and gosh the screen is so clear and the speed is lightning--less eye twitching without the squinting to see the screen ha ha

    Artsee-  --yes--- the chest has gotten much better, hard part my I can not know if the meds my onc gave me for Thrush helped or if it was the prilosac for indigestion, either way I'm feeling a lot better I feel it a little but wow what a difference it's not in my throat anymore, at first I thought it might be my lungs as they found that 5mm nodule in my lungs on my PET scan onc did not see a connection --- I will continue to take the prilosac regardless if it was the indigestion who knows

    I'm anxious tx 3 tomorrow, not looking forward to it all over--

    My neulasta shot was just delivered, it was suppose to come on Saturday and was delayed from the snow storm in the south, not so sure I'm glad it arrived.

    I hope everyone is having the best Monday they can have!


  • goldilocks
    goldilocks Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2008

    I know this sounds weird, but sure am glad that I am not the only one with the eye twitches. I think that sometimes things are hurting that are se and don't really mention them due to other pains.

    I will be doing my 2nd round this Friday. I go for blood work/dr visit Thursday. It's my B-day so plan on having a nice dinner out with friends. Guess it may be my last real flavorful meal. Everyday it seems like a lose a bit more of my tastebuds.I feel kinda stiff and but figure that is a se. It is more in my rib area today. Nothing real major, just dull.

    New site to checkout. It was confirmed to me that the site is real.

    Breast Cancer Hospitalization Bill - Important legislation for all women.

    This is the link:

    I signed the petition. You need not give more than your name and zip code.

    Have a good day all!

  • Dansmom
    Dansmom Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2008

    I'm starting T&C in April.  It's very helpful reading how you all are doing.  Is anyone on anti-depressants?  I am having a hard time - not quite a month since the mammogram that ID'd this.

    Hang in there, Women! 

  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2008

    goldilocks: not at all weird that you are glad other people are having the same strange s.e.s - how else do you know if it's "normal" s.e. vs. something you need to bother the doctor about. And have a happy birthday dinner (I know with chemo brain, I'd never remember on Thursday)

    artsee: just think about what the eye twitching will do for your art work - you may have to go abstract.

    40 something: there's something that goes really well with a new laptop - a bed desk. I haven't been using it in bed, but the one I got also works as an armchair desk. This way you can set it up where you are most comfortable.

    Dansmom: I'm on antidepressants, but it has nothing to do with the bc - I was on them already. Talk to your doctor (any of them) and tell them how you are feeling. For people who are not normally depressed, they can definitely help. Though they aren't new to me, I think it's helped me get through all this - I can't imagine how I'd feel without them. Well I can imagine but don't want to go there anymore.

    Wendy: I am also triple neg. There is lots of good info out there both here (scroll down on the topics list) and at

    Tomorrow I get on a plane for the first time since treatment began. I will be calm. I won't get upset. It will all be fine just fine ...


  • sharons
    sharons Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2008

    Hi all - Welcome to the new people...this site is great.  Tomorrow is 2 weeks since my 1st TC.  So here is my latest....I started feeling "normal" again last wed....had a good weekend...had to work yesterday our softball season started, and had to do AD duties...then my husband went to a conf, so went to dinner with friends, and watched the Virginia game.  Go to get into bed and feel this funny pain in my left knee...wake up this morning and can hardly walk...for you new ladies...I run (ok sometimes now walk) to handle my stress from all this...and running is my anti depressant!  So I hobble around getting ready for work...and in the shower, my hair starts coming out...I lost it....can't run, hair coming out, husband gone....I get out of the shower bawling and God bless the cat and dog who are trying to make me feel better.  Then I get ready to leave and think, heck I can't drive my sports car b/c of the clutch...have to take my husbands dirty truck..Luckily I have an athletic trainer on staff...he came up to my office every hour and put ice on my knee for 20 min...he think i tweaked my medial collateral ligament.  So it is feeling better now...going to put the pea bag on it for 20 min then go to bed...we will do the ice thing again tomorrow....So I had to take a prescription anti-inflammatory for my that going to mess up my RBC.?...get checked tomorrow afternoon....Hope we all have a better day tomorrow.....


  • sharons
    sharons Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2008

    Susan - I had to get on a plane and still had in my I was all worried about dumping it out right before I went through security...didn't want them taking it like they do water bottles....they never asked anything about it.......the things we worry about

  • 40somethingMom
    40somethingMom Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2008

    SharonS- sorry to hear about your kness and all of this affecting your running, I know how you feel I played tennis 3-4 days a week before BC, I have only been able to hit against the wall at my gym since, I went ahead and joined my summer USTA team I'm hopeful I will get it back --I keep saying to myself this will come to an end and we can get our lives back in order

    Susan- abstract art--too funny, have a good trip, I look forward to your comments when you return- I wish you a safe trip 

    I need to get some sleep and of course the steroids are keeping me so wired benedryl not kicking in yet --think I'm talking to myself now, looks like everyone went to bed hours ago-I'll watch Connan O'Brian and try to get sleepy--tx 3 in the morning

  • lotodgs
    lotodgs Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2008

    40somethingmom, good luck today on tx3 on Tuesday,I have been doing good since my 1st treamtent 1 week ago,i am only working my 8 hours at work daily and come home and rest on sofa for the rest of the day. Priorties do change and our health is now #1. have a good day

    Sharon s, do hope today will be a better one for you. I have gotten all my hair buzzed waiting for it to fall out, tried the wig and scarves over the weekend, and were just to hot for me, but will continue today with a kerchief, those animals are great, my two pups are my lifesaver. Hang in here

  • anna47
    anna47 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2008

    Just had my first tx of T/C yesterday. 3 to go! Haven't had any nausea yet. But I am feeling achey in my lowback and legs - almost like menstrual cramps. Had some pressure in my head, not quite a headache but close. I get migraines under normal circumstances so I was a bit concerned about that. I also had some indigestion, so I took a pepcid which helped.  I feel about the same this morning. Reading all of your comments, I think I'll take something this morning for "waste" managment.  Getting my neulasta shot this morning. Onc nurse suggested taking Aleve 30 minutes before. I have heard about the Claritin, but didn't try it this time. If Aleve doesn't do the trick, I'll be trying Claritin on the next round. If the taxotere is causing aches, I sure don't need more from the Neulasta.

    I plan on returning to work today, took yesterday off.  Hoping to be able to deal with all of this and work.

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    Goldilocks (and others with the eye twitching):  I asked my onc about the eye thing b/c mine seems to be constant now on the left side.  He said it is a SE, but not a neuropathy.  He described it as the muscles are hyper-sensitive/reacting to the chemo. He also assured me it will go away when I'm all done.  I hope so, b/c it's annoying and I feel like I look weird too!  Hope you have a good b-day this week and Friday goes smoothly for you.

    Dansmom:  I'm not on any antidepressant, but I do see a therapist as needed (about once a month right now).  She's a 20 year BC survivor herself and is great to talk to.  I've found that every step of this BC journey from dx to surgery to chemo for me has had new challenges and worries.  I wasn't going to go to anyone b/c I didn't think I needed it-I kinda went once to make everyone happy-and I found it be very cathartic and helpful.  I've been going to her ever since.  I think it will be most useful when I'm all done with everything.  I've heard the hardest part where most people need something (talk, meds, whatever!) and can get depressed is afterwards when we're all supposed to "get on with our lives and be normal again", so I figure she'll be most helpful then.

    SharonS:  Sorry to hear you had a bad day-when it rains, it pours, huh?  I don't think anti-inflammatories will do anything to your RBCs (I'm a nurse, and I'm 99% sure).  AFs can mess up your bleeding/clotting times and shouldn't be given if your platelet count is low.  Mine have been fine the whole time so far (3 rounds of chemo done) despite low WBCs and RBCs.  I've taken Advil without any trouble.

    40something mom:  Good luck today.  I'm up next week...

    Anna:  Congrats on getting one round down!  I've found that my worst day is day 4 (day 1 is chemo day), so you should be good to work for a day or 2 after chemo. My aches start on day 3 in the afternoon/evening.  This seems to be the case for a lot of people-good until about day 3-4 and lasts until about day 5-7.  I'm fortunate to not have to work right now-I really don't think I could for those few days, but that's just me and my job type (I'm an NP in a very busy office; no sitting ever).  Just listen to your body and rest when you need to.  Hopefully your work environment is flexible in that if you start to feel bad you can go home and rest.  Everyone is different, but I don't know anyone who has had no bad days.

    Well, I'm having a busy week--lots of appointments and things to do.  But feeling good and pretty normal, as this is my week before chemo again.  I'm so dreading next week and going through all the SEs again, but at least it is my last round... I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Just hoping to maybe make it through without anymore taxotere reactions--I've had enough of that!  I'll check in again later.  Have a good day!

  • goldilocks
    goldilocks Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2008

    Great, will have people thinking that I am making a pass at them every time my eye twitches. Maybe that's not so bad, here's this bald woman trying to flirt...I may be married, but not not blind. Tongue out Might as well make the best of it.

    It's crazy. Sometimes I can taste food and it's great. Other times it's like eating cardboard. Then when I can taste I just seem to be eating bunches. Don't want to put on weight so I am doing my best to try and eat good stuff. Not really working. Ok, so a banana split could count as good, right? Bananas=potassium, ice cream=dairy(calcium), nuts=carbs, then a tall glass of water for fluids. I figure might as well enjoy the moment when possible.

    anna47: Take each day as a new day.  Hopefully your se won't be bad. The Claritin can still help one day out. I didn't use it right away, but it still helped me when I was taking the neupogen shots. I am not able to take the nulasta; way too much bone pain for me. Since this is my second time with bc, we opted on the neupogen. I reacted better.

    KathyL: Thanks for the b-day wishes. I am already a bit apprehensive about the next round. Standing strong, just wish it was over. It is to make me better, I know.

    40somethingMOM: I right behind you. Good luck.

  • guitarGrl
    guitarGrl Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2008

    ok guys got through airport security without anyone giving me a second look. It was so non-eventful, I'm embarrassed that I ever worried about it. Though to be sure, I wore a head sock so they could tell it was not possible to hide anything underneath. (there's free wireless at our airport now - that's why I can send this)

    It's a good thing I got to keep the hat on because I cut myself shaving this morning. After all the years of shaving my pits & my legs and never getting a nick, I now have a nice red gash at the back of my head.

    goldilocks - to me almost everything tastes like cardboard except some flavors, so I've been abusing food with those flavors. Since yogurt & orange are two of the tastes I have, I've been having smoothies for lunch. Filling and tasty, though certainly not calorie-free!


  • lotodgs
    lotodgs Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2008
    dansmom, I have been on an anit-depressant for awhile and I think it is a good idea, if you have anxiety feelings about the chem, etc, it will help you to relax some, your dr can advice which type would be a good match for you. Good luck
  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited March 2008

    Guitargirl - thanks for the info on triple negative website.

    Day 5 today and will go back to work tomorrow.  Yesterday was bad - stayed in the bed and slept all day.  Today worked from home and am feeling better - achy but better.

    Hope all are well and getting better by the day.



  • jt1945
    jt1945 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2008

    Day 7 of TC #1.  Well, my Neulasta pain kicked in last night.  Felt like my lower back was collapsing.  I started out treating it conservatively with a tylenol PM but it became obvious that that wasn't going to work and the PM part was no where in there either so I went for the viccodin.   That worked wonderful.  Slept long and sound.  The pains have eased off a lot today, but I am walking and moving very slow.  Just before the pain started my 'waste management' system started working again.  Thank god; I can't imagine having to deal with both pains.  I think I am getting rash on my neck this afternoon.

    I just want to say again how much I appreciate this message board.  Because I was prepared with all the goodies you all have suggested and read about your various experiences this has not yet been too bad an experience.  The mouthwash, the saline nose spray, the stool softener, etc. have been life savers.   I don't ordinarily use any of those kinds of products and wouldn't have thought to have them around.  Thank you, thank you.   This message board should be required reading for all new chemo patients!

  • KathyL
    KathyL Member Posts: 109
    edited March 2008

    JT:  Yeah, I never used any of that stuff before either.  I barely took Tylenol.  Now my bathroom looks like a mini-pharmacy for a geriatric patient!  But as I say now... better living through chemistry.  Hope tonight's a better night for you with the pains.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited March 2008

    My son came over last night for a haircut and he looked at the kitchen counter and cracked up. He says"mom, you've become a druggie".

    Guitar..I could never for the life of me achive sucess with "abstract" paintings. NOW, I'm looking forward to the twitches, to see how my brush can go crazy!!

    SharonS..sorry about the bummer of a day. I walk every day and if that happened to my knee that would put me over the edge.

    Do you guys know what it feels like in the mouth when you eat a NOT so ripe banana? That's how mine is today?Yuk! Went to work and had a lot of achey twitches inside my body. They jumped all over the place. Chemo agravating the muscles I guess.

    Oh, does anyone have their blood pressure done on their leg?

    Can't use either arm cuz they are out of comission at the moment.

    Pressure is very high on the legs and the nurses said it's always higher on the leg. Anyone have any comments ?


  • Dean15
    Dean15 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2008

    Well Monday will be tx three of four of T/C. When my hair started to fall out, my head was very sensitive also. My dh made a funny comment about using a lent roller to get all the loose hair that had not come out yet. So I tried it and it worked. Weird the things I try nowadays. New se, started retaining water in my ankles and hands. Onco, said it was se of Taxotere.


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524
    edited March 2008

    Good Morning:  I finally am able to get back to work after that last tx on Friday.  It was a doozy and I was glad to read that I wasn't the only one who seemed to be down longer than normal.

    Body aches were very bad and my legs this time were the worst - both felt like they had toothaches.  I know it's the Taxotere, I can feel them becoming leaden-like as it is dripping in.

    I am now back in charge of the waste mangement system (WMS) and it's great - no more cramping (ugh).

    I do feel, however, that I'm full up to appetite, which is unusual for me - I've eaten well thru the entire time even tho the styrofoam taste accompanied the 3rd tx and is back again. 

    I know everyone is saying to me how happy I should be now that I'm done with chemo but they don't understand that just because it was my final tx doesn't mean that I'm now back to normal - it's going to take a long time for me to feel "good" again and now I'm looking at 33 tx's of radiation and then 5 years or more of AI's which come with their own set of s/e's.  Sorry, just down today.

    Enjoy the day ((hugs)) Trina