Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
ooooooohhh...Robyn has just given me such a fun idea - but I doubt if I'll remember it for another 10 years when the USA has it's next census - under religion, there is a space for "other" and I cold put Pastafarian. I hope I'm here to fill it out - and remember.
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Gee, i couldn't find us...
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Well, look where you guys turned up! I might not have found you (us), either, if it hadn't been for the discussion about the musical-forums elsewhere on the Boards.
Re: "I'm good with the Spirituality Forum." Oh, please, NOOOO! Sorry, but I happen to feel pretty strongly about that. A mutual-support thread by and for "atheists" should not be moved to a "Spirituality Forum."
That's the whole point, isn't it? I suppose atheists can feel spiritual, or whatever... I guess I do, sometimes. But, I certainly hope atheism doesn't end up being categorized as a form of spiritual behavior. Actually, I suspect most of the participants in the threads on conventional religions also would not want to see an "atheists" thread on a spirituality forum.
I'm okay with being in the "Moving On" or "Moving Beyond" forum. I guess thedudess started this thread in "Just Diagnosed" because she was wondering what other atheists did when they got worried or scared or were feeling mortal. OTOH, maybe it isn't appropriate for this thread to be up there with all the medical discussions in "Just Diagnosed."
Honestly, this has all been too confusing; and I'm too tired to worry about it tonight. Hugs to everybody, especially those who need them!
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Otter, I too prefer the "Moving Beyond" forum as I fear being in the forum with religions might make us a target for proselytisers. (thank you spell check).
Robyn, oh dear, it was 18 months ago so I can't remember, but if you look on the chemo thread starting one or two months before you started, they should be discussing how they are recovering. I hope you are soon past the chemo as rads are a cinch in comparison.
In regard to the Australian census, I found heaps of web sites urging atheists to tick "no religion" so as to get a better idea of the numbers. So many people tick the box according to their cultural religion but then when the government makes decisions they base it on incorrect numbers.
Sheila aka Joy, 4pm Thursday
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Robyn, if you or anyone else here wants some good material for debating creationism or the bible, the new NonStampCollector animation in two parts is hilarious and contains biblical references although you sound like an expert already. The maker spent a year putting this together so he used the best arguments in it.
The first part does hammer the same point home so if at some stage you skip to part two it builds up to a good finish. I have to watch again as I missed a lot from laughing.
Warning 1) Contains some bad language.
Warning 2) Could be harmful to those who take the bible literally. The animation is a literal interpretation of how they probably planned the implementation of the ark animal rescue. Please no one complain you're offended as I've given fair warning.
They are called Noah's Ark (part 1) and (part 2) by NonStampCollector but I won't put the link as they're easy to search for and I don't want to break any rules.
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Joy- I do like to debate absurdity - but at the moment my chemobrain has given me a bad case of verbal dyslexia so I think the JWs may have a shot at making more sense than me this week! Much better at writing than speaking...aaah BC the gift that just keeps on giving!
I know of NonStampCollector so will look that one up on youtube! - Would you (or anyone else here!) be going to the Global Atheist Conference 2012 in Melbourne? I went to the last one in 2010 -wonderful atmosphere, and am sooo excited looking ahead to the speakers they have organised for the next one! (Richard Dawkins has been a secret crush for me since I read 'the selfish gene' as an biology undergrad...sigh! I find his polite intelligence very alluring!) lol Robyn
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I think I'll tick 'Proselytisers!' Sounds good to me
Now all I need is a good plinth on which to practice!
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Robyn, I definitely won't be going, but my eldest son went to one last year in Melbourne with Richard Dawkins in it. I don't know if it was the same conference. He's working in Brissie and seems to fly somewhere regularly.
ETA Mr NonStampCollector was one of the speakers at the conference.
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Sheila, I love the word "plinth" though I've never heard it used in conversation. Kudos!!
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Otter, you are RIGHT, abalones on their way - this is the BEST FORUM for us. I think of our conversations as "spiritual" but the company in that one would have made us tooooo tempting a target
This feels right.
Gotta go find Mr NonStamp Collector. When I lived in England, years ago, I knew Douglas Harding - did anyone ever read his On Having No Head. Rambling discussions in the garden, pots & pots of tea, folks sitting around - I miss those days.
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Hi all, Have only logged in very fleetingly in the last few days, and seem to have missed a lot of goings on...Like Otter and others I don't feel this thread should go under 'Spirituality', (however appealing we might find certain aspects of Buddhism, Sunflowers) which would put us under an umbrella which I don't think fits, regardless of the fact that many of us do not reject spirituality as such..But I think the one thing that does hold us together is the fact that we do NOT believe that there is something out there in the firmament which can affect the progress or otherwise of bc, or anything else for that matter. One of the 'Moving On' headings is probably more appropriate, but how do we make that happen?
Robyn, I've come across you reading about your fasting on the 'Fasting through chemo' thread, which I found very interesting. I'm waiting to have my last chemo fix on 12th August (No 4 of Taxotere, after FECx4), so we are roughly at the same stage..yes, my tiredness has increased with every one, and this time, after a fortnight from my last cycle, my taste buds still haven't come back to normal and I know I'm a lot more tired...only one left...can't wait.
JoyLiesWithin, thanks for directing us to NonStampCollector, great fun, especially the last bit, as you said... Speaking about comics from that part of the world, I'd like to recommend a couple of Kiwi comedians called Flight of the Conchords...look them up on Yuu Tube if you don't already know of my favourite sketches is their BUSINESS TIME. Had me in fits!
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NonStampCollector is fabulous - haven't watched all of it yet, bookmarked to get to later. THANK YOU JLW - really so good.
Maria, I agree with you, Otter, this is a much better place for this thread. I was WRONG to suggest Spirituality - just that the warmth here, feels Spiritual to me too....but YOU ARE RIGHT. Will visit there for the Buddhist thread.
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Where are we??? (just joking)0
Sunflowers, I've seen the "Having No Head" videos made by an associate and I read something a long time ago by Douglas Harding. How exciting to have met him, and to have found this little spot on the forum where we have things in common. I'm feeling at home here lately.
Gone midnight and time for bed.
Good night all.
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You've obviously had too many cocktails to answer such metaphysical questions!!!!
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TMC .. you're cracking me up!
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I've always thought we might fit best in the Support and Community Connections category, but not sure if we post enough to have an entire sub-topic. Also might make us more visible to the folks who want to convince us that we're wrong. (Ugh.) I'm fine with being in Moving Beyond. I never noticed a difference because I've got this thread in my Favorites. <grin>
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Otter: Well, excuse me. I don't really care where we are, I was trying to be helpful to the moderators. And yes, I do feel "spiritual" any time I'm with nature or animals.
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Oops! Where's your sense of humor? My goodness, I'm agnostic. So, that really means I don't know what the hell is going on. I was raised a christian. I still like some gospel music and I don't like organized religion.
I wasn't trying to make fun of you. I don't think you caught the drift of the joke. Sorry.
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I think we may have to use the work "snark" more often
Could be an international misunderstanding too...don't think any it matters really where we are, I too find this a very spiritual thread = speaking of that, where's Flannel????
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I concur with C-Sunflowers on the use of the word "snark" or something else that conveys that someone is not bent out of shape or whatever. . . .it is so very hard in internet communications to convey emotion and feelings so that people don't misunderstand.
I think theres room for discussion on the spiritual issue. I think Maya2 makes a good point--- What name do I put on the feeling I get in an alpine meadow at the top of a mountain surrounded by wildflowers? For some the name for that feeling is spiritual. Does that mean spiritual = religious?
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TooManyCocktails: My issue isn't with you, but with Otter. She quoted me, without attribution, and didn't get the entire quote which was:
"I'm good with the Spirituality Forum or Moving On...where you've got us now. I didn't even realise we'd been moved until I read the posts."
Am I not allowed to ever feel good, whatever I might call it? Can I not be spiritual without being religious? So it seems I can't even be an athetist the right way either, just like I couldn't have BC the right way. With sadness, I'm really moving on.
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OH, Maya, Otter couldn't have meant any words to wound. I think 3Monstmama has it right - it's HARD on an internet communication. I am SURE, SURE, really convinved down to my toes, Otter did not mean anything that would upset anyone.
Please, heal with Loving Light being sent to surround you, and know that whatever you are doing is what is RIGHT for you, and that's where it all does start. No need to ever have a reason for feeling good, and can't imagine any 'right' way to have this @%!$@#@# Disease. Please keep your beautiful dragonfly with it's friends here in a thread by no name, or whatever anyone wants to call it. I feel lit as a HEALING place, and love reading your posts. Please don't "move" too far...
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It is confusing to broadly use terms such as spiritual because it means something supernatural to MOST people, IMO. (We Unitarians use these words and everyone is supposed to realize that it can mean whatever they take it to mean. But then what are words if they lose meaning?) So, I think everyone should be able to speak for themselves using any term, in here, but not make "spiritual" our category. Whatta ya think? Love the open minded, non-threatening dialogue, y'all.
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Maya, I hope you don't leave, but I understand what Otter was trying to say. For those of us who truly don't believe in anything "spiritual," this thread is an oasis from our everyday lives where it seems like religious overtones are everywhere. (I live in the US.)
I enjoy reading about the non-religious ways people find their own personal spirituality and certainly don't have a problem when the discussion here goes in that direction. But I really would have felt creeped out if we'd stayed in the Spirituality category.
I know we've talked before about how religion seems to be such a big part of the American identity, as compared to Europeans. As a middle-aged white lady from the Midwest, I'm presumed to be Christian and it truly shocks people when I "confess" that I'm an atheist.
Personally, I feel like a despised minority at times. And that can lead to knee-jerk over-reactions, which I hope I'm not exhibiting right now in this post.
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Spirituality is an awkward word on an atheist thread because the word is closely linked to a concept or belief in a spirit/soul. The feeling that many describe as spirituality is, in my opinion, the feeling that comes when one leaves ones everyday focus and notices the rest of the universe. The feeling that some call spirituality is really awareness.
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Notself - thank you - what you've written resonates for me, and I feel most aware when I'm n nature, I've never associated the word "spirituality" with religion - but I can see how some might. I really do feel the word awareness describes the experiences - hightened awareness. thanks.
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Notself and Cindy .. thanks for your notes. I like to think of that feeling as the ultimate feeling of peace with myself and my surroundings .. a oneness if you will. Or maybe it's just a feeling of being complete. I guess that can be called a spiritual experience.
Maya .. please don't leave. I really believe we're all saying the same thing .. just describing it with different words.
EDITED: I wish the mods had put us back in the "Just Diagnosed" forum. JMO.
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notself, perfectly said as always, what would we do without you? THANK YOU!!!
K-lo I read your comment about words and meaning and immediately thought of the scene in Alice in Wonderland where Humpty Dumpty tries to convince Alice that words mean what he says they mean as opposed to a standardized meaning.