Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
One of the most disturbing thing about Christians is how the quote one line of Leviticus and ignore all of the others. Christians eat rare and medium rare steak. Bad. “‘Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it."
Christians wear mix blend clothing. Bad. “‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material."
I could go on but ...
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I want to own a Canadian! Nobody shovels snow better! Ba ha ha, that letter KILLS me!
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KB870, you made my morning LOL. With the bible it's all about cherry picking the bits you want to follow and the rest is "taken out of context".
With all the fuss about homosexuality, how come adultery made the "top ten", but homosexuality didn't rate a mention.
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Even though I don't live where it snows, I really would like a Canadian. I'm learning Spanish now, I wonder if I should learn French to get a Canadian?
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No one should go into winter without a good Canadian on hand. Their usefulness cannot be overestimated.
Cive, it is not necessary to speak French, but a few lines will help you communicate with the wild Canadian more effectively. Like:
"How's it going, eh?"
"Beauty touque you got there Buddy."
"Make mine a double double."
These are basic Canadian terms and anyone hoping to own a Canadian ought to know these. (sorry KB870, look what you started. Stereotypes!)
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I think the hardest thing for me as a “doubter”was the way I felt if not referencing a faith in God as people followed my journey. Others expected me to ask for prayers and pray myself.
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Eventually when you find out that you haven't been stuck down in fire and brimstone for doubting, you become more convinced. Even becoming a hedonist like runor.
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Hi All,
Thought I would join the discussion. Cive pointed me to this thread - perhaps to defend myself in the ownership issue as one of the few Canadians on this site. I'm not particularly worried however as I live on the "wet" coast. I have never consumed a double double (in my opinion, Tim Horton's coffee is vile), we don't do snow here (seriously - on the rare occasion when it snows in Victoria you need to stay OFF the roads for your own safety regardless of how well you drive) and my touque wearing depends very much on which chemo regime I am on... happy to say the hair is coming back. Clearly I am only part Canadian...
I love the letter however and there are a few Canadians that we may be willing to consider selling. Our last prime minister comes to mind.
I will have to spend more time reviewing the comments. I too am a little uncomfortable with the religious tone of some of the posts. I support people in their beliefs but have never been particularly spiritual myself.
Happy Friday everyone!
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It is still unbelievable to me that in the 21st century, those of us who don't believe in some imaginary omnipresence have to explain ourselves. I do wonder how many people really believe though or if it's just what you say. Oh yes, I'm a christian (or whatever religion), and I will pray for you. Seriously, how many people actually do pray for you, it's forgotten 2 seconds after it is said.
I see it as empty words, they get to feel better about themselves without actually having to do anything. I prefer to say, can I drive you somewhere, I will come and do your laundry or cook you a meal. No praying involved, but a lot more helpful.
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"We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces." – Carl Sagan
I love Carl Sagan.
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The average person might not understand physics, but Sagan and the Science Channel have helped the average person understand astrophysics. NOVA helps the average person understand biology, ecology, and engineering. The real problem is the average elementary school teacher doesn't have the time or support to teach experimental science in grade school. They have enough trouble getting the time and support to teach reading and math.
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Well, as I was being wheeled into the surgical room for my surgery, looking at all the trays of steel instruments, the people who were going about their procedural prep as I was on that table like a fish on a cutting board, I did not hand myself over into the care of god. It was the eyes of my surgeon that I looked into. The woman who was about to put a knife to my body. I admit I did offer up some words to whatever entity might be out there in that void, but I prayed FOR MY SURGEON, not for myself. I prayed that the faith I was placing in her was well placed. I prayed the same thing as I looked up at the anesthetist who lowered a mask to my face and pushed drugs into my vein. My faith and survival had been given over to a roomful of people. It was for them that I prayed. And maybe even to them. I can't say for certain.
Do I believe in a God? If I do I don't believe it will heal me. I don't believe there is anything special about me that entitles me to healing and not every other one of you here. And if god was going to heal me, why not all of us? Cause its not part of its 'plan'? What kind of horse shit is that? God has a plan and some of us die and some of us live? That is not a plan. That is a mental illness. I don't think I can be party to a god who is clearly deranged.
I admit it would be easer to step into the darkness of death if I was convinced there were angels and rewards on the other side. I know why people choose to believe that. It is a whole lot easier to stomach than to think that one day, poof, gone, like a light turned out. Here one minute, forever snuffed out the next. That scares the SHIT out of me. Terrifying! So if I could change terror for a happy picture of heaven, wouldn't that be great. Only ... I can't. I can't say that it won't happen and no one can say that it will. I just don't know. I get tired of thinking about it.
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The poof that I'm not anymore doesn't really scare me, I've been around for awhile and I'd say probably that old Judy Collins song "Both Sides Now" would sum up my philosophy on life. The only thing that I might miss is that I won't know the end of the story.
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It's nice that this thread is coming up for it's 10th anniversary. I fessed up to my atheism years ago here, but on reading many later posts I'm impressed by the variety of rationales for being an atheist. I also like the many memes and often consider how lucky we are to have so many reasons for our belief or, should I say,lack there of.
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I'm sure the Jesus soap is available at Archie McPhee's in Seattle - along with the devil ducky to float in the bath tub.
We just spent a long weekend in Okla. for my 60th high school reunion. Very VERY Christian. Grace before all meals including restaurants and cook outs. I'm happy to be back in unchurched Seattle. If we want a religious experience, we go hiking.
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I wonder if I would be strung up for not saying grace in a restaurant? I find that really obnoxious.
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I have never, ever heard anybody say grace in a restaurant. Where on earth does this happen?
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Somewhere in Oklahoma it seems.
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North Carolina, too.
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The Bible Belt! I hear it in Texas too but not very often in a restaurant setting. In some people's home and holiday work gatherings for sure.
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Traveltext, it certainly happens everywhere in Texas. And Kansas.
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wherever 2or more of them are gathered.
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And Utah & Idaho & Arizona & Nevada and yes, Texas.
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Whoa, perhaps we could say all 50 states to save posts. Freya, perhaps you could arrive after grace.
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No - I haven't encountered prayers in restaurants in California, Oregon, Washington or most of the East coast. Edited to say (tongue in cheek) - thank heavens.