Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
Thanks so much for posting this! Always great to start the day with a laugh.
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Love it!!
For years here in Australia there have been various bills put up to allow euthanasia. Suddenly every damned politician is a "Christian", and it is against their beliefs. What the hell happened to separation of church and state. In last years census 30% of the population said they had no religion. So frustrating.
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Freya, the really crappy thing here in California is they DID pass the death with dignity assisted suicide law a couple years ago, BUT they charge you $5,000 JUST TO GET THE PILLS!!!
I for one do not have 5K laying around to off myself. Even Med insurance here will charge you.
They get ya coming and going, no matter what.
It sucks. I just don't want to go without some say in the matter.
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I'm so glad someone has already started this thread. I know how much people rely on their religions during difficult times, but I'm watching hurricane coverage on TV and the sight of people praising God for sending the rescuers their way makes me want to scream. For openers, why did God send this storm? And don't you thing the rescuers and the organizations behind them deserve some thanks, too? End of athiest rant.
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I agree! I'm living it (safe and dry though) with vigorous eye rolls. "I'm just blessed" lol, really?!
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Organised religion is like organised crime, it preys on peoples weakness, generates huge profits for its operators and is almost impossible to eradicate. Mike Hermann
We would probably have the cure for cancer by now if all the money donated to church's was given to medical research instead. I prefer to believe in science than religious crap that has killed more people than anything else in the worlds history.
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Exactly and great quote! I have a very good friend who was raised on religion and goes to church every Sunday. When I told him about my diagnosis he admitted that even though he is s believer, he still thinks god is an asshole sometimes. I just laughed and appreciate that he can admit that to himself.
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Mae, it does my head in that it is the 21st century and we still have groups of people wanting to kill each other over who's imaginary deity is the real one.
When will people realise that Jesus, if you believe, was not caucasion and/or blue eyed, he was from the middle east, and how the hell did he find men called Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in that part of the world.
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I was just thinking about all of this earlier today. I pass 2 churches on my morning walk, and one of them has someone sitting out front every day with their stacks of propaganda. They never approach me, though. Maybe it's the bright purple hair. Or the dirty looks I throw their way. Whatever. I'm just glad they leave me alone.
My rant has to do with people I know who insist on praying for me, or over me, or whatever the hell it is they do. I don't mind that part so much; my thought is if it makes you feel better, then go for it. Just don't try to give credit to your imaginary sky fairy for the results my doctors and I worked so hard for. That pisses me off to no end. I'm looking at you, MIL and FIL.
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Trishyla, it is absolutely he purple hair, tattoo's have the same effect. They are (most, not all) an incredibly judgmental group from what I've seen first hand. I rarely see anyone practice what they preach unfortunately.
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Trishyla, I get you on the "praying for you" thing. I usually just say thank you if anyone says it to me. I presume they mean well.
It's when you think about it more, that it seems like a cop out. They get to feel good about themselves, without actually having to do anything helpful. I prayed for you, my job here is done.
In context of Houston, it's akin living in a house that is not flooding, and instead of inviting your neighbours in, who are flooded, you just call out the window, I'm praying for you!
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Freya - LOL for sure!!!
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You're right about the judgemental part, illamae. Though I have to admit, one of the sweetest, kindest, most non-judgemental people I've ever known is extremely religious. But that's because she is a "christian" in the truest sense of the word. Never wears her religion on her sleeve. She's also politically progressive and unlike most christians I've known, she would be the one taking every neighbor she could squeeze in if there was an emergency. She was our neighbor for about 18 years until we moved a few miles away. She still loves to joke about how much she misses her pagan neighbors.. The funny thing is her name is Inamae. Every time I see your name, illamae, my brain substitutes Inamae. So I'm kind of predisposed to like you, even though we've never spoken before.
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Trish, "predisposed to like me", lol, I like it.
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Interesting discussions going on here. I figure for those that believe, perhaps their deity exists. But for them not me, I can live with that.
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I love the mega church that had to be shamed into opening it's doors. Contrasted with the furniture store owner who opened his stores and brought mattresses from his warehouses and invited everyone in who needed a place. One of those is doing something Jesus would approve of.
Perhaps I'll dye my hair purple. At my age they would probably think it was alzheimers tho and not hip.
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Yes - that was my favorite "shame" moment. What a phony.
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Go for the purple hair, wrenn. I turned 59 yesterday, and I've had more compliments on my periwinkle/purple hair than I ever did on my normal hair. And most them came from cute guys in their twenties and thirties. Instead of being embarrassed by my short crappy chemo hair, I was having fun with my short, crappy, purple chemo hair.
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Yeeeessssss Wrenn😍😍😍.
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Yes, Wren, go purple!!
I was really glad to see Joel Osteen's church shamed into opening its doors to help people out. It was about time!!
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saw an article about that Osteen jerk. Basically called him and his ilk hipoChristians.
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Basically called him and his ilk hipoChristians.
I would agree. He makes my skin crawl. He's just a snake oil salesman.
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They all are, Freya. He's just better at it than most.
Maybe it's just me, but if someone tells me they're a born again or evangelical christian, I run, not walk, in the opposite direction. Their fervor creeps me out.
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HipoChristians,,, I like that!!
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Lol Freya!
Also, I typed "Amen", can I have that stack of cash now, please.
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