Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
thisiknow...and anyone else interested in supporting religious beliefs. There are, at this writing, 192,631 postings from people offering 'prayers' whether solicited or not. I'm not sure that is very respectful of people who post who may neither want or believe in your prayers. People who do not believe in prayers only have 2 threads and one of them is hidden. Please respect this space knowing that there are 192,631 other postings where your positions are loud and clear, but ours are not. Please don't bully us here into debating the hooey (thanks santabarb…for that word) you ascribe to.
Note: The thread 'a place for progressive atheists' is hidden.
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To be clear, hooey is the magic part. I think Jesus was a real person, and a wise/ evolved man, who did good things and encouraged good practices. Of course, he was a Jewish rabbi (hence a believer in Jewish 'magical' beliefs) with a big heart for the downtrodden.
The magic he is credited with (resurrection, water into wine, etc), and the divine parentage/virgin birth parts, however, are made-up hooey. As is the existence of God. Those are the trappings of the story. Many of us can see the message of loving one another is spiritually advanced and beautiful, without these magical trappings. Many of us can see that goodness it its own reward, and don't need a heavenly bribe or a hell threat to practice goodness.
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How does one join said progressive atheist thread? It seems like a place I would like to visit. Maybe even take up residence there.😁
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Here is the link. Just add it to your favorites. Thanks for mentioning it. I will post there as well.
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Thanks, ananda.8. I'll check it out.
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Thanks Ananda, I did not know how to add that link to my message.
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ananda8 ... Person A didn't speak the truth. So much for 'logical fallacy.'
santabarbarian ... "atheism is wrong, stupid"... said not by me but you. My expressed view is on Christianity, not atheism (unbelief in God). And as I've said before, your choice to be an unbeliever is yours alone. I respect that.
I'll find a place to start a thread where discussion between Christians and non-Christians can happen.
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Please do that.
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The idea that Mary was a "virgin" is silly if you know much about traditional Jewish culture. Like any proper Jewish couple, Mary and Joseph would have had a ketubah, a marriage contract. A major part of the ketubah describes the husband's duties to care for his wife - specifically clothing, food, and sex. That's right, Jewish men are contractually obligated to please their wives in bed. If the man cannot uphold his end of the deal, she can divorce him and claim a sum of money also stipulated in the ketubah.
So if Mary was a good Jewish girl, as so many texts proclaim, she was well "tended" by her husband.
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I think it's time for a loud chorus of "Don't go away mad, just go away."
I come here to hang out with like-minded atheists/nontheists/agnostics, not to have some pious proselytizing poop smeared across our safe place.
Thisiknow, time for you to go. Bye-bye.
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thisiknow - I don't doubt that there are people who will welcome that discussion with you and I genuinely wish you well starting that thread. It's definitely a more appropriate place for it than here. Like others on this thread, my atheism has been a carefully considered and ultimately freeing and uplifting choice, and I need a space where I don't have people who haven't (yet?) confronted the reality of life without imaginary rulers trying to tell me why my science-based worldview is inferior to their magic-based one.
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Alice 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
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wanderweg: Love the pic/saying.
And that's the thing. Christianity tends to focus on death: Death of their savior. Life after death. They wear necklaces with an image of a dying or dead Jesus on the cross, with nails in his hands and feet, which I find so creepily disturbing. Glorification of Death. (Eternal) Life really only begins after death when (IF they were "Good" Believers) they fly up into Heaven and hang out with flying angels and chubby-cheeked cherubs.
As an atheist, I focus on Life, the here and now. And how I live my life, as difficult as it is, and what can I do to find joy every day and how can I make a positive contribution. I try to be a decent person based on my understanding of the WHY and WHAT of our collective existence. I view it as a CHOICE to leave the world a tiny bit better. I own my "s**t" vs looking to a deity or religious dogma to absolve me of my transgressions or for answers on what should I do. I don't believe in Free Rides or Free Lunches. I never say "the Devil made me do it." For Christians that want to pray for me, I say you pray to make yourself feel better, not me. A foot rub would do far more to make me feel better than some prayer to a giant White man wearing a long white robe sitting on a throne in a land called Heaven high in the sky. Yes! a foot rub!
I believe we all have to find our reasons for staying alive. Some folks need something outside themselves, like religion and a deity, to answer Life's Big Questions. Some of us, like me, view life far more pragmatically, and with just as much reverence as a religious person. While I am not much of a fan of O'Hair, I like the following quote:
"An atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. (S)He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated." Madalyn Murray O'Hair
To my Sisters on this strange Journey, we aren't alone. We have each other to lift us up. Thank you all for being here
to ease my way.0 -
Send dollars, not prayers. Just think of how much money could go to research, family support, subsidized treatments, etc. if everyone of the 192,631 people who offered prayers to others with BC gave about $10 to one of those causes. Now imagine if every person outside of this site who said that donated money instead.
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"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." (John 15:18)
In light of the responses I got to my post and the verse above, I believe for the good of all, I will refrain from starting a new thread.
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thisikn...If you want to be helpful, please send money to rather than sending atheists on this thread scripture sayings.
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Are you a little slow, thisiknow? Perhaps don't understand the English language? You have been told by numerous posters in no uncertain terms that your BS is not wanted, needed or welcome here. Which part of go the eff away are you not understanding, you sanctimonious prig? Who the h@!$ do you think you are?
Stop posting on our thread.
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thisiknow, Like most sanctimonious Christians who ignore Matthew 6, your ego could fill an auditorium. Of course, now that you have made a nuisance of yourself and been rejected, you will now claim to be persecuted.
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What Alice said earlier. Don't go away mad, JUST GO AWAY.
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We can't hate Jesus, because we don't believe that "he" existed.
If you do start a "Believers vs. Non" discussion thread, you won't be hated either. You'll just be very lonely and bored, since no one will be bothered going there to debate anything. We've already had any discussion that you might offer, and we know our minds.
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thisiknow - Wowza. I thought we were done with that silliness here. Start another thread or don't, it makes no difference to any of the atheists here. But please STOP proselytizing. It's unwelcome and obnoxious. There are plenty of religious threads - go to any of them. Just keep your shit to yourself on this thread.
Anyway... I so agree - money would be infinitely more helpful than prayers. Money towards research could save lives. And for friends/family who want to offer prayers, how about a ride to chemo, a casserole, help with housework or anything that would actually do some good.
On a local BC site (on facebook) one poster talked about her surgery, rads, and chemo and then getting a clear MRI. She ended with "Prayer works!!!" Seriously? Your fucking treatment worked. How about thanking the doctors involved in your care instead?
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Looks like I missed all the 'fun'.
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Ooh, my pet peeve, people who claim prayers got them through adversity. Grrr.
One for the proselytizers:
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I am going to work in the phrase "I will fart in your general direction" in every conversation I have from now on.