Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
Have we taken a poll of our past Allies to see if this isn't true now? Many we met in Europe expressed sympathy that we lived in US under our present authoritarian.
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I like that one, Miriandra. It's so true.
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That's when I think of a good friend of mine. She told me years ago that we should all have three "Get out of jail, get out of hell free" cards issued to us. If someone tried that circular non-logic on me, I'd have to break their nose and use up one of my cards.
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Can I be you when I grow up, AliceBastable? I love the way you see the world. (Though I'm not planning on growing up any time soon.)
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Grow up? What's that? 😈
My username is a fictional character in books written in the early 20th century. Although her family was proper and conventional, Alice and her siblings had a wonderful series of adventures, and she would get into fist fights if necessary. I'm not sure what having a scrappy 10-year-old literary heroine says about me. 🤔
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Well, from someone who always loved "Pippilotta Delicatessa Mackerelmint Longstocking, daughter of Captain Ephraim Longstocking, formerly a Captain of the Sea, but now a Cannibal King", * I can certainly understand admiring a ten year old literary character. But that's just me.😁
*Written completely from memory - probably contains errors
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We definitely seem to be an Asshole Nation lately - so many people have been emboldened by Trum to go around loaded for bear. I had a woman In Lowe’s flip out on my when I asked her politely to keep a safe distance since she wasn’t masked. Fucking lunatics.
I just read the book “I Fired God” by a woman who escaped for the Independant Fundamentalist Baptist cult ( you know, Westboro Baptist Church and the 19 and counting Duggars). I knew they justified a lot of abuse on God’s name, but I didn’t know the extent of it.0 -
In a normal world, Westboro Baptist and similar churches would be treated as hate groups by the government and everyone else.
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As well they should be. Have you seen the new "Patriot" churches? They're dedicated to getting Trump reelected. They have to be taxed as political organizations .
Another thing for Biden's administration to deal with. The rise of political, hate based churches.
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Somehow I missed the WPO story about Patriot Churches. Thanks for the reminder, yet another What the Fork! I took the what the fork line from a Netflix show The Good Place about going either to the Good Place or the Bad Place after death. Tongue in cheek with a twist.
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This shows how dangerous attending church can be!
Old Stratford Cemetery, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
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Today is election day and 2/3 of the poll sites are in churches. Intimidation?? According to the Freedom from Religion site "polling places located in churches should be free from religious imagery." What church, church auditorium, or church school does not have religious imagery? With many alternative sites for polling why do churches need to be involved on election day? Intimidation??
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When we first moved here, schools were used as voting places. Traffic was horrible. People complained. Then with the shooting and perverts, it stopped. Can’t use government buildings. Not much left to handle crowds and parking. Besides, I think they get paid. Anything for $$$
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How the turns table. xD
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yes! Cakes, breads, candy! I'm here for all those holy confections
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Wrenn 👍
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I heartily endorse baked goods and candy oriented holidays.
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Wren, good one, I’m rememing it for sure.
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churches are all a bunch of BS. All they care about is money. I will be pro choice forever. It’s nobody else’s business what a woman wants to be with her body. And I can honestly say I have never killed a baby. All religion care about is power power power and greed greed greed. Bunch of bullshit
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My thoughts as well, springdaisy.
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I have a few friends who do the NaNoWriMo challenge. I once proposed a writing prompt for them.
First, imagine an anti-abortion, anti-birth control, anti-social welfare, tough-on-crime, pro-death penalty society. With no reproductive services, birth rates will rise especially among low-income populations. Once the baby is born, if no social welfare programs are in place, a lower-income mother or family is on their own for very limited resources. Driven by financial desperation, many families in this situation will turn to crime to cover their most basic needs, and self-destructive lifestyles to dull the pain. They get caught, sent to jail, and possibly executed.
Now assume the classic judeo-christian idea of Heaven and Hell vying for souls like currency. Which side is more likely to benefit from a system that brings lots of excess souls into the world; thrusts these new souls into an environment where they have few protections from sins of vice, and will be highly vulnerable to sins of temptation; then, when the soul is deeply steeped in sin, separates the soul from society and culls it before it can repent and find redemption? Which side, Heaven or Hell, is more likely to back politicians and other leaders who support these policies?
Now look at our current socio-political structure. Having fun yet?
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It means you are very special to have that and live in Missouri. Right now we are kind of feeling as though the patriarchy, racist are using the same pressure cooker. Glad you are doing well.
I'm good for the holidays that have lights, a little booze, no religion, and a seat near the restroom.
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Other examples of Catholics acting like the country is their church and my taxes have to support their beliefs.
The ACLU and our affiliate argued in support of Philadelphia, which is being sued by Catholic Social Services (CSS) – a taxpayer-funded foster care agency that will not accept same-sex couples. A ruling for CSS could impact the more than 400,000 children in our nation's foster care system and allow other taxpayer-funded agencies to discriminate as well.
This one is just for Catholics and all the people they come in contact with .. Bishop Brennan said the use of embryonic stem cells at any stage of a vaccine's development means Catholics cannot avail themselves of its scientific results.
What??? Maybe my catholic family will lie and say they got the vaccine!!
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It seems to me that religious congregations would rather worship at an altar than actually care about each other or anyone outside the churches as is evident by their request to hold services during a pandemic.
This was reported today "In the main, unsigned opinion, the majority ruled in favor of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America that argued that the restrictions violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment because the regulations treated the houses of worship more harshly than comparable secular facilities."
Justice Sotomayor took a different stand: Sotomayor pointed out the false comparisons at the heart of the religious institutions' arguments which compared brief shopping trips to attending indoor religious services, a mistake she said was repeated by Justice Neil Gorsuch's concurrence to the court's per curium order.
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Is the Catholic Church racist? Yes! Why? The catholic church named the first American cardinal in 1875 and it took 145 years to name a non-white cardinal. Is there any more explanation necessary?