Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?



  • trishyla
    trishyla Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    I'm going through the same issue with my Triple Negative Facebook group. All the "god is good to me" and "praise god for curing me" bullpucky. Um, didn't that same god give you the cancer to begin with? I don't get those people. Obviously logic isn't their strong suit.

    I'm so bloody sick of religion being shoved in my face every day. I wish they'd have their damn rapture and be done with it. What a peaceful place this world would be.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited September 2020

    Alice & Trish - so sorry to hear about the religious invasion of Facebook. One of the reasons I don't participate in that venue. But it's hard to see groups that have/had common interests degenerate into "praise" groups.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970
    edited September 2020

    I'm mighty picky who I friend on FB (relatives I like, real-life friends, and a few good friends of good real-life friends) and most groups I'm in are reflective of very specific interests of mine.

    Trish, I'm sorry you're also going through this. It really sucks.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    Thanks, guys. I hate organized religion. I really truly do.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2020

    Trish,, the thought of a "rapture" and "losing" all those people is excellent! I also feel that they are so many phony Christians out there who wouldn't make the cut, and we would be stuck with them. We'd lose Jimmy Carter, kind people, who really believe in helping others, and keep Jerry Falwell Jr. and those other phony preachers who just want your donations and those other fake "Christians" who have zero interest in helping those less fortunate.

    you know the Republicans have a term RINO,,, Republican in Name Only,,,, for those of their political party who they feel do not toe the party line.

    so I propose CINO,,,, Christians in name only,,,, those who claim to be Christian, but do not follow the word of Jesus about loving your fellow man, giving to charity, and whatever else.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020

    Love it Glennie!!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited September 2020

    Love it glennie! Could we also have CRINO's (Christian Republicans in name only)?

    Trish: my sympathies for being exposed to those looking for the "rapture". I am not a fan of FB and don't even bother with most social media outlets other than here so I avoid those types of interactions.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2020

    CRINO's works too!!

  • trishyla
    trishyla Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    Actually, these days I'd call them CRYNOs. I never seen a bigger bunch of whiners and crybabies than today's Christofacist Republican party. It's become a political party based solely on spite and white grievance. And boy are they vocal about it. Hence the "Karen and Kevin" memes. (Apologies to any normal Karens and Kevins)

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited September 2020

    Agreed about the crybabies. My DSIL unfortunately is named Karen and my DB is named Ken so they are bearing the brunt of this misnomer is their case.

  • everymoment
    everymoment Posts: 6,656
    edited September 2020

    I find the names being used, i.e. CRINOs, christofascists republicans, etc. most appropriate to the hate mongers. I do not believe all republican's fall into that category, however, if they vote for Trump then they are supporting a president who "Historians have noted similarities between Donald Trump and Mussolini since before the 2016 election." In the four years since 2016, the similarities are too obvious for current voters to miss.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970
    edited September 2020

    I call his supporters trumphumpers. It's the only time I use his name. If I have to refer to him/it, I use Pretender-in-Chief, Dolt45, or sHitler.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    I call the fanatical ones Trumplickers. He could spit* on the floor and they'd lick it right up, no questions asked. I've never seen anything quite like it. Talk about a cult.

    *Spit wasn't exactly the word I was planning on, but I decided to be circumspect.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
    edited September 2020

    Alice, love your choice of names for the Pretender-in-Chief and his supporters. A much needed laugh for today. Thanks.

    Trish, I am not sure it would even hit the floor before they ingested it. Worked with a guy who was so busy a**kissing his boss that another worker commented this guy was going to have to have surgery. When I asked what type, he said he was going to have to have his nose extracted from his boss's a**. Nearly peed my pants with that response and it was so true. So here we have hordes lining up to first do the nose insertion and later for removal. I am sure it brings pleasure to the drump.

    The comparison to Mussolini is spot on and we know his outcome. Could we hope for the same here?

  • everymoment
    everymoment Posts: 6,656
    edited September 2020

    Thought I'd throw in a bit of levity to watch for a few seconds to decompress

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020

    Too cute!!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,270
    edited September 2020

    "Hey! I was watching that!"

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,970
    edited September 2020

    I've found myself watching a lot more animal videos lately. It's the best thing for keeping sane thoughts.

  • everymoment
    everymoment Posts: 6,656
    edited September 2020 seems that that coping strategy is widely used.

  • everymoment
    everymoment Posts: 6,656
    edited September 2020

    Yesterday I'm doing my usual evening dog walking except that I've been have terrible hip pain, so just trying to make it home without falling. A neighbor, I barely know, asked how I was and I told her. She said she would pray for me and then went on to say how she prayed over another neighbor from her church. I asked her not to pray for me because I trust science not prayer. Oh well, bottom line, she says that praying helps her. Not about me at all. And so it goes....need to find another cat/dog videoSinging

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited September 2020

    Magiclight, I hope your hip pain is nothing serious. Do you know the cause? I fell in June, landing on my rear, and am still hobbling around.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,270
    edited September 2020

    I hope you're both feeling better soon! Having started in Anastrozole a few months ago, every joint ache makes me worried about SE's. As a Massage Therapist, I have to take good care of my joints, especially thumbs and wrists.

    I have a few religious friends who politely ask about praying for us instead of "Imma pray 4 U!!" At least it shows some sincerity for the target's wishes rather than just tending to their own desires to feel good about doing nothing of value.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,270
    edited September 2020

    atheist kitteh

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2020


  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,270
    edited September 2020

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2020

    The above meme is awesome,,, and so are the cats!

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754
    edited September 2020

    Before I share this meme, where do you all draw the line on funny vs offensive? It’s a drawing, not photo but language and humor aren’t for all.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    Please share, illamae. We've probably seen worse.😏

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754
    edited September 2020

    here goes, lol


  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,270
    edited September 2020

    xD xD xD