Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
Yes, Yes, Yes. The real war is that on science.
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Hello All,
This thread is a little note of sanity, chirping cheerily through the noise. I love all of the contributions! Here's an odd factoid:
🙏 Folded Hands means please or thank you in Japanese culture.
In the USA, our co-opted meaning (on FB, for example), is for it to indicate "Prayers." I'm a language geek, ever on alert for incorrect assumptions about language, so this kind of cracks me up.... I wonder if Japanese people are giggling about this weird takeover of their original emoticon...
My son's partner is Thai, and she does this gesture (palms together against her chest momentarily) as a warm greeting or acknowledgement, not as a prayer sign. In Thailand, this is called a "Wai" greeting gesture.
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In yoga, it is the Indian sign for "Namaste" meaning "I bow to you". It is performed in the heart chakra, but is not a prayer.
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In addition, from what I've read, that emoji was originally meant as a high five, not "prayer hands". They try to co-opt everything. 🤨
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I read once that the christian act of putting hands together for prayer comes from offering one's hands to be bound in submission. But it seems to actually be a near-universal gesture of humility and social connection.
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That was refreshing. I'm usually a first day early voter, but the lines were insane (hopefully that's good news!)
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I can't remember - and I'm too lazy to scroll back for dog knows how many pages - if I've posted this before.
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Worth posting twice, Alice.
Got the creepiest letter in the mail yesterday. It was from the local Jehovah Witnesses. They have a church a couple of blocks from my house. It was a handwritten letter, pushing the "you need to turn to our sky daddy when times are bad" bullshit and it was addressed to me personally.
I don't know how the hell they got my name, but it ticked me off to no end. I was fuming about this stupid letter until my daughter pointed out that it was addressed to me, or current occupant. For some reason that struck me as weird enough to be funny. At least I got a chuckle before shoving it into the shredder.
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That's like being stalked by the world's dumbest creep.
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Yeah. I don't go to their house and tell them how misguided they are and I want them to give me the same courtesy. Won't happen. Most of them are so arrogantly convinced of their righteousness that can't comprehend that many people think they're flaming idiots. I am one of those people.
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We got a letter from the JW also. Handwritten and mostly talking about handling the stresses of Covid 19. It didn't mention God. DH traced the return address to their Kingdom Hall so we know they sent it.
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Weird, isn't it, Wren44? I don't know anyone who belongs to their church, so they had to have bought a neighborhood mailing list. I find all those cults creepy, and would like them to just leave me in peace.
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When they knock on my door, I tell them I’m a witch. Love seeing the look on their faces. Say I’m not interested in what they are selling close door loudly. Then watch them stumble away. So worth it.
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With a church less than three blocks away, they tend to come around a lot. Most of them are older Hispanic ladies. I'm usually polite, but firm in telling them I'm not interested. Usually they just leave, but one time they started walking up my driveway toward our back house, where my daughter lives. I had to be really blunt, and tell tell them to get off my property. Really ticked me off.
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DD says they use her house for training purposes. She has heard the leader say, "you can tell they're Asian by all the shoes outside". So she answers the door and is not Asian. Her husband is and the family is Buddhist.
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That's really funny Wren. Luckily we had a Jehovah's Witness who lives in the neighborhood & is very active in civic club matters. She told all her church members to leave our neighborhood alone. And their local church leader backed her up!!!
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Those are unusually open-minded JWs. You're lucky. Well, except for all the Southern Baptists down there. Not sure which would be harder to put up with.
I'll leave you and everyone else with this giggle for the night.
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👍👍👍😁 Alice.
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(We need a laughter emoji here.)
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Yes we do
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Alice - YUP - all those Baptists. Southern ones at that!!! At least they don't ring doorbells.
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Many years ago there was a southern Baptist church in my town. Had a big dumpster in parking lot to recycle newspapers. Homeless ppl slept in it. Pastor found out, had it removed. Did nothing to help the ppl. Nice guy, right? Gets better. About a year later, he was busted for child pornography. Fine upstanding person. 🤮🤮🤮
The property was sold, church bulldozed, is now a parking lot.
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Good. It's being put to better use as an empty lot.
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Sadly, there are too man people walking the earth today who believe that a person 2000 years ago walked with dinosaurs.
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This isn't as true as it was BSFB (Before Shit For Brains) era.
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Unfortunately, it could be these days, Alice.