Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
True on so many levels
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Divine, it's SO tempting to toss that out into a Christian group to seem them sputter and shriek.
This is (was 😢) my favorite modern writer. As an atheist, he wrote brilliantly about faith and religion.
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and so the christmas tradition continues
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Alice, that is so funny!
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That is really funny. Thanks for sharing.
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AliceB , u make me laugh!
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Alice, now my imagination is working overtime!
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Ooh, love that mask!
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True, true, true, and why it is my country and not your church.
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So many choices!
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Snazzy brooms!
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I'll take a purple, please.
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Haha! That Margaret is a smart woman!
I started line dance class for seniors a couple months ago, mostly women and a scattering of men. The instructor, who is an energetic 80 years old, lost her husband of 60 years this summer, and she's made several references on how she's dealing with it through God's help. This week she asked the class to hold hands in a circle for prayer. I was the only one who declined to join, just stood against a wall. The instructor asked one of the men to lead “the prayer". Everyone bows their heads and he gives it the good old, “Dear Father God, we just come to you humbly asking for your blessing,……", goes on for two minutes, amen.
Yesterday I learned from very reliable sources that the the man who led the prayer is having an affair with one of the women who is in the line dance class!!! They are both married to other people! The man's own wife comes to the class!!! I live in a small town, so this kind of stuff never stays a secret.
So therein is the hypocrisy, one of the reasons I can no longer be Christian, choose to not be. This man is pulling the wool over an 80 year old woman (and some of the rest of us), acting all friggin' holy while holding hands with his wife and others but he's screwing another woman who's also in the same circle! And I've talked to her, not knowing, and thought she was nice! I am shaking my head and rolling my eyes as I write this. But these wolves in sheep's clothing are rampant in all religions.
Also, we are all vaccinated, but wtf? Holding hands in a circle to pray? The instructor's husband died of Covid. Why are these senior citizens not more cautious?
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Great one Magiclight! We were watching an old George Carlin show last night and he did a skit on not believing in god and how crazy it is the people believe in an "invisible" man up in the sky.
DivineMrsM, Not surprised by that at all! My FIL was another like that.
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To latent Pagans out there -- Blessed Samhain.
Divine: Good for you in not taking part. I would have held hands out of politeness while my brain would be saying "Yeah yeah..whatever" The affair and hypocrisy is like something out of a bad movie. The fact it was done in the middle of a pandemic with seniors ----- beyond words.
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The other part of the story is this guy tries hitting on me and goes out of his way to try to instruct and critique me on line dancing. Some in the class have been at it for years, he’s one of them, so he wants to mansplain it to me. Even before learning of his affair, I resented his singling me out. I’m just there to have fun. I did my best to ignore him but did not want to be overly rude because sometimes that backfires and the whole group might think I was generally a rude person. But when a couple women from the group told me they did not care for him and why, I said, “Oh, wow! I feel so empowered to know how you feel!” I will not have a problem being cold to him now. Next time he walks across the room to ask me which steps I’m having a problem with, I should just reply: “The steps that brought you over here to mansplain to me!”
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Elderberry, I love that witch picture. I get so tired of seeing witches portrayed as green and warty with hooked noses, or as scantily-clad voluptuous pinups. Ever since I found out I had three generations of ancestors tried for witchcraft in New England, I've been obsessed about finding normal depictions. Not that I think any of them were actual witches, but I still hate the two extreme stereotypes.
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Divine, can you oh-so-accidentally stomp on his foot? Oopsie. I've been a fan of "accidents" ever since a young woman in our Air Force dorm fifty years ago solved a problem we'd all reluctantly coped with for ages. The vacuum cleaner was a monstrous, unwieldy, uncooperative beast that we all hated. Little dainty southern Ginger took it into the stairwell, lifted it above her head, hurled it down the stairs, then softly said, "Oh my, the little fucker slipped."