Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
I hope this sets a precedent.
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Good for the team. We'll see how badly he wants to play.
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Did any of you know about or ever hear of Gwen Shamblin? HBOMax has a series coming out about her soon. I always find the stories of cult leaders interesting, okay maybe even fascinating. She, her husband and several other people died in a small plane crash this summer; that's when I learned about her. HBO began filming the docuseries before she was killed; after her death, they went back in and covered the tragic event as well. I will be watching when I get HBOMax! Here's their summary about it:
"The Way Down: God, Greed and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin", a new five-part series, follows Shamblin Lara's rise to fame as an influential religious leader who convinced her followers that God had given her "the key to permanent weight control," which she reveals is "a matter of the heart."
"After rising to fame with her Weigh Down Workshop, a Christian-based diet program that preached slenderness as next to godliness, Gwen Shamblin Lara founded the Tennessee-based church. Despite a carefully curated image, Lara and the church soon fielded accusations of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse, and exploitation for their alleged cult-like practices. Encompassing years of investigation and extensive interviews with former members and others personally impacted, The Way Down explores the legacy of Remnant's infamous leader — whose life came to a shocking end after a plane crash in May 2021."
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"Despite a carefully curated image, Lara and the church soon fielded accusations of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse, and exploitation for their alleged cult-like practices."
"Despite" my ass. It's exactly what church leaders do.
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Thanks for the chuckle Wrenn. Oh the Twilight Zone!!!
Hmmmm -maybe we should all carry an air horn in our vehicles for this eventuality.
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Or maybe an old horn like the one in my great grandfather's ancient Chevy truck that went "aaaoooga". It would scare the crap out of us great grandkids riding in the back of the truck. I think he knew it and did it on purpose. He had a wicked sense of humor. Probably what helped him live to 102.
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Wren44: Good one! I love the twilight zone. I always think I will go see Rod Sterlings tomb stone in Ithaca NY ( not that far from us) but haven't yet. I think I saw a picture of it and it was plain.
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Ok Alice, That is too funny!!
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I have discovered that I feel oddly comforted when people say they're praying for my DH. Perhaps it's just feeling supported because they're doing what they feel will help.
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Wren44, prayer can be a comfort even when you send it out to the great unknown.
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I debated whether to post this here or in the feminism thread. Figured this group would be less offended.
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Ha! xD
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Alice - thanks for starting my Sunday with a laugh.
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Haha! Love it, Alice!
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Alice: it took me a second to "get it" and then I really did laugh out loud. Happy Sunday - just another day of the week.
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Took me a second too, but really worth the laugh!!
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Ok, I didn't get it. The first part is from a song or movie, no idea about the 2nd part.
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At first glance the one nun appears to be saying she never traveled along that path before. The second nun interprets her comment using the word 'come' for having an orgasm. A bumpy ride over cobblestones on a bike with your crotch repeatedly hitting the saddle seat may produce some interesting results, lol! Especially for the chaste “sisters of God." Tho I haven't personally had this experience on a bicycle!
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Can't say that I have either and I've ridden 1000's of miles on a bike.
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Spot on Alice!
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The nun meme reminds me that there are many reasons religion is harmful, and one is the way it maligns human sexuality and sensuality. Religion seems especially repulsed by female sensuality. It's treated like one of the greatest sins ever, even worse than murder or incest. Religion seems to be about denying any sexual feelings and it often teaches that those feelings are something to be ashamed of and shamed for. Countless, countless lives are messed up because of religious teachings about sex. So many religions want to sanitize the nether regions claiming they are only to be used for reproduction. Not allowed to enjoy! Shame on you if you do! God don't like that! You gonna burn in hell! All the messages the religions put out there, I don't think many people actually have a normal concept regarding sex. It's tragic. A vast majority seem to focus on repressing female sexuality while males seem to be excused if they fall prey to temptation.
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I just looked at the digital Catholic Catechism - talk about hating one's body and where even sexual thoughts are sinful, no wonder there are so many messed up folks. In that book "homosexual acts are...intrinsically disordered." My deepest sympathies to gay youth who have that seed of self-hatred planted by their church.
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Be afraid. Be very afraid. And fight to get any church's exemption from any law overturned, because these toxic nutters are intertwined with the worst of the far right. They make Jim Jones sound like Norman Rockwell.
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